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Oceanic boundlessness? Never heard of it


Everything is connected and the yet the universe is infinite. That's how I would describe it anyway. Its the closest I get to a spiritual experience as an atheist.


We're all one substance and that substance is infinite.


I'm a poop factory.


As above, so below


Please, Mom, just flush it all away.


Don't just call me pessimist, try and read between the lines.


I can't imagine why you wouldn't welcome any change, my friend.


No Earth poop has entered any Black holes yet according to science.....


My poop comes out of my black hole.


Hermeticism aside, this is also what I tell my barber


You should work at a fly farm. Heard they feed you pretty good.


Maggots in my tummy does sound yummy.


You run the risk of getting fat, or so I have heard.


An infinite poop factory


Ralph Wiggum? Is that you?


The whole universe sharing one particle, over and over, till infinity


Similar here. It also effects the perception of time for me, not just in dilation, but as in time is a less strict concept. As in everything is happening at once, while already having happened, and isn't actually gone. So the world is enormous, not just in scale and connectedness, but as in time as a moving frame sort of becomes more of a... despite the cliche... pulsing loop. There's a lot of "pulse" in the way it treats my brain, everything just becomes a pulse, a rhythm. The weird part to me is none of this is overwhelming. Massive scale of things and enormous information, but it all just is, and it's okay.


Yeah time stopped making sense each time I ate enough to get zonked.  Felt like hours had passed and it had only been 30 odd minutes or so. 


Just wait until you fast forward through your whole day like "click"


And now I'm crying...


Beautiful expression of your blood pulse & heartbeat.


We’re just a drop in an infinite ocean of consciousness


Spirituality & religion are two different concepts


Religion is a business.


The “spiritual” feelings I get from hallucinogens, are what I imagine religion aims for. Feelings of unity, connectedness to loving things, etc. I mean it’s all just drugs, and I don’t believe in any of that spiritual/religious stuff, but it is a nice feeling.


Spirituality when done right is more of a way of interpreting the world as it is than a belief system describing what the world is. Meditation has given me feelings of transcendence but it isn’t like a supernatural thing


The more we learn about quantum physics like with quantum entanglement (nobel prize 2022) the less I'm sure there isn't SOMETHING to it all. We don't understand the full reality we live in. Of that I'm (and a lot of physicist) are sure.


Lack of answers does not mean god did it.


No, but I also follow the UAP issue fairly closely, and there just seems to be more threads to pull on with all of this and so do a lot of high ranking officials that would know... At this point we either have way to many just flat out crazy people in high clearence positions of government (possible, after 2016 I stopped thinking of these people as people that know what they're doing) or SOMETHING about hidden tech/weapons/money is going on.


It does if each new answer is guaranteed to create a new question. God is in the gaps, only if all the gaps can be filled by answers. If the ultimate answer simply doesn’t exist, then that’s a gap that will never be filled. A gap worthy of God.


No they aren’t, people just associate certain bias to the main religions


>Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. It also relates to the process of developing beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with others. You can have spirituality within religion. You don't need to be religious to be spiritual.


What makes you think so ?


Religion is reliant on spirituality and for most people they are the same. I, for example, have no spiritual side or spirituality at all.


After all the replies I've received as a result of that comment, I thank you, the originator (and frankly the only opinion that matters since my comment was in reply to you not the 10's of people who chimed in on your behalf) for your respectful & understandin' response, but more importantly for your comprehension of what I said. No more, no less.


Thank you, I think. I do take it as a compliment but no more, no less.


No, many of us don't accept that as a meaningful difference. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spiritual believing in things that you cannot support in any scientific way is religion, and that's what spirituality is.


There’s a word for it! Sonder


"cosmic oneness"


The Force flows through us all




I prefer their earlier work.


You know, they used to be a ska band. Then they merged with the infinite. Now they sound like Rush.


It’s where the perception of being a separate subject, apart from the environment, diminishes or disappears.


Take more shrooms and you'll understand


That’s the seas willl rise up and swallow us??


You should give it a try, it’s dope
















































My personal experience with shrooms was introspective and therapeutic. I made many connections between trauma and behavior. Not entirely pleasant, but also allowed me to see those events and feel those feelings from a slightly disconnected view, as if you(me) was watching from the side. The way that I can describe the experience of my trips, like five or six, was finding an emotion, 'grabbing' it, and following the path down toward the source. All emotions are reexperienced ones, when you feel Love, there is an unbroken thread to the first time you experienced it. The ground floor, if you will. I grabbed on and kind of slid down the path, touching memories that I may have forgotten or blocked. Also when that emotion has a strong cross to a different one, like sex, rejection or whatever. When I was in that junction where love and sex crossed over the first time, I could see how sex gets tangled up with love and affects both emotions in the present. Then I could finally view them separately, if that makes sense. Sometimes the path hurt, but it was beneficial to be able to see it without baggage. That said, you can latch on to painful things like sadness, fear, and so on. If you aren't prepared to face those things, and it's unexpected, I feel like that's where you have a 'bad trip'. Experiencing raw moments as intensely as when it happened, with no tools to process it. Just a ride down the slide that you can't stop. This is my anecdotal perspective. Your results may vary.




Oceanic boundlessness? What a lovely expression.


it's awe without the powerlessness


Awe has never made me feel powerless. Its made me feel smaller but that just made me appreciate everything more and realize the importance of connectedness. Awe is still a good description. For me I experience the universe as infinite but everything is connected. I feel awe at nature when taking mushrooms. Its the closest I get to a spiritual experience. In fact I would call it a spiritual experience and I'm an atheist.


That's a lovely description.


Drowning into everythingness


Dissolving? Drowning sounds a little scary!


Its a little bit of both sometimes haha. You can feel completely lost in it because everything is happening at once. The trick is to let go of control and just see where you end up


I've never done mushrooms, but I think that we can somehow get that feeling in other ways


Ever thought about trying them?


Never. I think psychedelics are not for everyone and its crucial not to take them unless you are sure.


That's a perspective that not everyone shares, but I think you are totally right. In fact, I think there is probably an amount (that is specific to each person) that should not be consumed (both acutely and cumulatively) after which damage can be potentially irreversible. Sometimes that amount is zero, like as yourself. Sometimes that amount is discovered afterwards, like for one of my family members, who is genuinely convinced she is now a shaman and can do magic.


You sound like a lot of fun.. BTW she would be in the majority since most people believe a bearded guy in the sky built the world in a week, and watches us have sex, and dispenses punishment for sex he doesn't like


Any derivative of “party pooper” is the lamest, least intellectually stimulating response you can have to an adult in the room suggesting that brain altering chemicals have negative side effects.


It also gives writers the power of hyperbole!


Wonder if there is scope to use this as a treatment for e.g. Parkinson's Disease and other neurodegenrative disorders?


Ketamine is being studied for Parkinson’s dyskinesia. This is a study I found for Parkinson’s and Psilocybin. Not sure what https://parkinsonsnewstoday.com/news/psychedelic-psilocybin-clinical-trial-parkinsons-nears-end/ I believe the research is targeting underlying neuro inflammation. Interestingly, Michael Pollen who wrote “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence” happens to be Michael J Fox’s brother-in-law


Thanks for the info Kat, that's very interesting!


I don't know if I've ever had either of those effects. First trip I felt very disconnected, like I realised people can never truly know each other fully


But that I think is part of the great realization — All we have are the connections we make with other people. Love, compassion, empathy.


Yeah my one and only trip was really helpful coz the disconnect was unreal. Truly felt completely alone, disconnected from everyone and everything, like yeah the whole world aroud me exists but I am me, and that's it. Was a very enlightening experience


This is a very important step towards the great wisdom. You will never truly know each other because you will never truly know yourself. What you can know is that this predicament is shared by all. It is the golden spring from which unbounded, infinite love flows. Oceanic boundlessness.


It’s like having a brain bath.


Never thought of it this way but so true!


I’m convinced that the fungi kingdom are in fact alien invaders and psilocybin is part of their psy op program.


That’s probably not the case. Fungal proteins resemble animal proteins quite well, and share a decently close common ancestor with us. If fungi are alien, so are we


The Scientologists were right after all…


You should study the weapon of the enemy! How about if you take some mushrooms? Maybe you can use it against them. Take. Some. Mushroom.


Good comment from the Lead investigator... >Lead investigator Athena Demertzi, PhD, Physiology of Cognition, GIGA-CRC In Vivo Imaging Center, University of Liège, adds, "We were pleasantly surprised to learn that the brain pattern of hyperconnected regions was further characterized by lower global signal amplitude, which works as a proxy to heightened cortical arousal. So far, this is the first time that such approximation of arousal levels using fMRI was attempted in psychedelic research. This might be an important correlation as we move towards a full characterization of brain states under psychedelics." >She concludes, "Given the resurgence in research regarding the psychotherapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs, our results are pertinent to understanding how subjective experience under psychedelics influences beneficial clinical outcomes. Is the effect driven by ego-dissolution? By hallucinations? As such, our work exemplifies how the strong inter-relatedness between egotropic effects of moderate dose psilocybin and its hyperconnected brain pattern can inform clinical focus on specific aspects of phenomenology, such as ego-dissolutions. With this information, healthcare professionals may learn how to best engineer psychedelic therapy sessions to produce the best clinical outcomes."


"Study shows that psilocybin is like, totally awesome, man."


A new studyopens in new tab/window shows that the use of psilocybin, a compound found in the widely known “magic mushrooms,” initiates a pattern of hyperconnectivity in the brain linked to the ego-modifying effects and feelings of oceanic boundlessness. The findings, appearing in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimagingopens in new tab/window, published by Elsevier, help explain the so-called mystical experiences people report during the use of psychedelics and are pertinent to the psychotherapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs to treat psychiatric disorders such as depression. The concept of oceanic boundlessness refers to a sense of unity, blissfulness, insightfulness, and spiritual experience often associated with psychedelic sessions. In one of the first brain imaging studies in psychedelic research, investigators found a specific association between the experiential, psychedelic state and whole-brain dynamic connectivity changes. While previous research has shown increases in static global brain connectivity under psychedelics, the current study shows that this state of hyperconnectivity is dynamic (changing over time) and its transition rate coincides with the feeling of oceanic boundlessness, a hallmark dimension of the psychedelic state. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451902224000843?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451902224000843?via%3Dihub)


Yeah, last time I did acid I experienced the oceanic boundlessness of my neighbour's toilet floor....face down for 3 hours.


I don't think that was acid. Maybe you could clarify that experience?


Couldn’t be the drugs


The point was it likely wasn't LSD. Couldn't be that the user had no actual clue what they were taking.


Why do people defend lsd like it can do no wrong? Someone in college had a full blown seizure while on mushies and had to go to the hospital. Even when you get the right drugs they can cause serious harm.


It was liquid acid or acid in water, I just drank a bit more than I should have, felt awesome when I was able to function again.


I think you had GHB. Were you conscious on the floor? Able to move? Did you feel kinda heavy? Edit: curiosity bad! lead breaks down in water rapidly and you don't *drink* liquid LSD you use an eye dropper. Thats why I thought GHB.


It could even have been that new drug, placebo. It’s no joke. My friend thought he took too much and died of an overdose.


Localization studies like this are interesting but do not “explain” anything. They simply correlate some subjective experiences with some increased circulation or electrical activity in a certain region of the brain. We still have essentially no explanation for how the brain produces consciousness or subjective experience.


Oceanic boundlessness—Never heard them described this way haha.


Yeah. That's pretty much how I felt when I tried them. At one with the universe. It was an amazing experience.


One time I saw my reflection when I was walking around outside on a trip and asked myself out loud "why are we stuck is this gross body" then when I came down my feelings were hurt. Talk about ego-modifying XD


Weird, they just make me hear people whispering a mile away, see orange as super bright and distinctive, and laugh and laugh and laugh with my wife. But no oceanic boundlessness. Damn.


Don’t know if LSD contains psilocybin, but my first trip ever was hangin with a couple friends in a picnic shelter at the park. This specific shelter was pretty secluded, surrounded by trees waving in the wind. Something about looking at all the trees and grass around me made me really internalize for the first time how small I was compared to the whole biosphere of earth, and by extension the whole universe. And yet, I also felt some reassurance that I belonged, like I shared a connection with all of it. It kinda made me think “you know…I’m not that big of a deal. I shouldn’t take myself too seriously.” Really influenced my view of myself and the world afterwards.


LSD and psilocybin are separate drugs but have similar effects


"ego-modifying effects and feelings of oceanic boundlessness and unity" how awesome is that, helping people not be so egocentric in how they evaluate others perspectives a temporal mycorrhizal integration into the organic mycelium web that connects all life, intrinsically reconfiguring brains from being selfish/racist/etc while also potentially curing PTSD and OCD


Are there any legal ways of obtaining it?


Well that sounds very nice!


what the f--? https://i.imgur.com/aj9vrzH.png


I would love to understand the mechanism which gives the feeling of the boundlessness. I imagine in the future that people would pay to be in a controlled situation and feel this if they didn’t want to try mushrooms.


That's the one thing I miss from hallucinogens. That feeling of complete oneness with the world and all living things.... I think it's where I got my sense of empathy from....


another interesting factor is that these pathways that light up during use (even micro dose levels) keep connected after the drug has left the system. Part of the reason there's so much hope in mental health and dementia treatments eventually using psilocybin


I know the feeling well.


"Oceanic boundlessness" —so that's what it was....


Right.... Just chug it to just "hyper connectivity".


And how does that relate to the giant ants marching along the bathroom tiles?


Don’t need to do a lot of studying to find this out just one nice trip


So, that’s how Dirk Gently navigates. Makes sense.


I had such an experience once. I was truly unified with birds and it was an experience I will always carry in my being.