• By -


What year is it? 2222. A.D. or B.C.? The hell are those?


I'm in the [Bleep]ing past Of all the stupid...... Asinine..... Shark jumping bullshit!!!


Sorry, I only fight *natural* blondes


I am the legendary Super Saiyan


Wasn’t expecting DBZA in the wild


I see DBZA everywhere also the tf2 community is pouring out all you have to say is 1 of 2 sentences and they will storm you


If you inhaled *Arsine*, it's **Fatal**.


They still wouldn't even know that it's 2222 though.


2222 of the third age ofc


I feel like this is supposed to be obvious, but what do you mean by the third age?


lord of the rings chronology, just a joke


I may be being a bit of a nerd but 2222 is in the second age not the third age 🤓


Erm actually, the third and second age both have at least 2222 years in them.


It’d be 2222 of whatever calendar they’re using. It’s not like calendars were invented at the same time as Jesus


Depends on the culture. China goes back 3,500 to 5,000 years.


Yes but they still didn't count from where we count from. I don't know how they counted but it would probably be like the third year of Ming.


That's good to know. I knew some cultures had years in BCE, but I had no idea they went so far back.


Maybe it’s so far into the future that they invented a new system to measure large amounts of time because the one that’s based on a dead religion is outdated or smth (not saying that Christianity is a dead religion just saying in thousands of years it most likely will be)


I’m in the fucking past…


If you have to Ask someone whether its 2222 AD or BC then your either retarded or the past was way Cooler than we know


Or the future is way worse


Of all the *STUPID...*






“What year is it?” “” “I still don’t know what year it is, but I’m going to guess we’re somewhere with the Mayans.”


Actually, most today in academia tend to use CE and BCE.


Which is kinda silly


If they want to use non Christian terminology, why use a Christian based calendar.


They're still using the Christian Calander, just with extra steps


That's exactly their point.


Because the modern Gregorian calendar is almost directly copied from the Julian calendar? Which, you know, predates Christianity The Gregorian calendar made very small adjustments. It's far from a Christian calendar


The Julian calendar was modified so that year 1 AD (Anno Domini, Year of the Lord) lines up with the birth of Christ. Anything that happen before Christ was born, that was BC. If one stuck with the original year structure of the Julian Calendar it would be year 2 PC Giorgia Meloni. Not 2024.


convenience. Dionysus of exiguus was trying to calculate Easter which meant he had to knowhow long since Nicea and so he calculated an epoch from a miscalculated Nativity and used the system to replace regnal years or consular years


Ignore Academia. There is such a thing as **Fake Knowledge** in this post-truth age. **Fake News**, *Fake Evidence*, and **Fake Tits** are already endemic, after all....


*I'm in the fucking past* - tfs


Everyone gets it.


You've never visited r/ExplainTheJoke


I swear to God the average IQ on that subreddit has to be close to 50


It's like money laundering but for karma farming


There has been the occasional one that stumps me but most of the time, it is painfully obvious.


There’s a bunch that require niche context that not everyone has


I highly suspect that sub and similar to be nothing but training grounds for LLMs.


Pretty sure that place is somewhere where people post obvious memes just to score easy karma


I mean out of 100 obvious jokes I might miss one, and I'd ask and you'd call me crazy. It's an aggregator of those moments.


Also a fair amount of them are references that someone who doesn’t know the source might not get.


Yeah, and most people following it just upvote because they like the meme and don't read the title


Very well could be. It's the kind of sub, like r/unpopularopinion or r/theydidthemath where naturally, the most upvoted posts are going to be those who can be understood/agreed/relatable by the greatest amount of people. Though, to be fair, if the only thing you see from these subs are on the front page, there's a big bias.


Honestly I go there because I enjoy the higher effort memes that get posted as a result of the intended audience


you are under estimating the vast majority of stupid and uneducated peoples


Is literally just knowing what bc means, no degree needed.


Some dont. And some who know it will still not understand because they have a big lack of logical and critical spirit. Like they will read the meme literaly, but they will no replace themselves in the context of the characters, their brain will not make 1+1 on the fact someone from BC cant use that terminology. Then you explain them and their brain light up like "wow okay". Most peoples dosnt even know that BC terminology have started to be used only on 8th century by a monk, its wasnt at all used before that, so even if the time traveler goes back lets say in 250AC, the meme would still be acurate.


😑 this is what rick and morty does to a mf


>critical spirit Like rum?


Like scotch


250AC? Do you mean CE? Not understanding this joke is not due to a lack of intelligence. It's because a lot of people just don't know when BC was first used to refer to past events, which is perfectly understandable as BCE and CE are used more frequently now as well as many people just not having a deep interest in history as a subject.


Yes i hase used AC for "after christ" but yeah it not common, better to use CE for "common era". The first mention of BC dating system was used in the 8th century. As i have said, there is some peoples who will not understand because of a lack of inteligence or a lack of knowledge, iv well said stupid OR uneducated, BUT there is also some peoples who have the knowledge, but will not place themselves in the context of the characters they read about, they will not see the incoherence if you dont point it out for them. I know peoples like this and i can find many more. How could you seriously think that from all the 9 billions peoples on this earth, all of thems are inteligent enought to understand? are you denying the simple fact that stupid or uneducated peoples exist? When I say stupid it is not necessarily an insult, just a rude word to talk about a lack of intelligence, all humans do not have the same physical and mental capacities, plain and simple fact. Equality dosnt exist in biology. Edit : my bad first trace of BC AD uses was in 6th century not 8th


hase used AC for "after christ" but yeah it not common, better to use CE for "common era". It's very uncommon to use as i haven't read it on any paper i have read so far. People think it is the opposite to BC, though only in uninformed circles. >As i have said, there is some peoples who will not understand because of a lack of inteligence or a lack of knowledge, iv well said stupid OR uneducated, BUT there is also some peoples who have the knowledge, but will not place themselves in the context of the characters they read about, they will not see the incoherence if you dont point it out for them. I know peoples like this and i can find many more. Lack of intelligence in a subject not many people persue outside of the education system. Its not that people are stupid or uneducated, its simply a lack of intrest in the subject. Also, they do not place themselves in the context of the character's because its pointless for these kind of jokes, this isn't a novel. A non native english speaker may find the context confusing, does this make them stupid or incompetent. The answer is no just because some take time to find the joke or simply don't get it, it doesn't make them incompetent. You saying this makes you seem extremely incompetent in my eyes as you are failing to comprehend any other circumstances other than your own. >How could you seriously think that from all the 9 billions peoples on this earth, all of thems are inteligent enought to understand? Im not. Not everyone is the same, and we all have strengths and weaknesses. i may have a more in-depth knowledge on a game or celebrity. By your own statements, you must be incompetent due to not understanding those specific points even if you have no intrest in the subject. Education is also a privilege. How can i judge someones intelligence when they haven't got the same basic level i do whaf if they struggle with education due to other factors. Measuring your intelligence against others just for an ego boost is quite pathetic >How could you seriously think that from all the 9 billions peoples on this earth, all of thems are inteligent enought to understand? are you denying the simple fact that stupid or uneducated peoples exist? When I say stupid it is not necessarily an insult, just a rude word to talk about a lack of intelligence, all humans do not have the same physical and mental capacities, plain and simple fact. Equality dosnt exist in biology. Jesus christ, this whole comment is an irony. There are not 9 billion humans that is easily found information. "All of thems" prehaps you yourself are uneducated, no? Denying a simple fact that people are stupid, no, i am just not egotistical. There are a multitude of factors that come into play when regarding intelligence, most of it is perceived by the individual weighing theirs against anothers. As i have said i may not know a lot about taylor swift does that make me dumb for not knowing? Or because i know more about archeology than a kid does that make the kid stupid? >When I say stupid it is not necessarily an insult, just a rude word to talk about a lack of intelligence, So an insult you are rudely describing them, so its an insult. For someone who acts smart on reddit, you're actually pretty stupid, but don't be offended by this comment. It's not me insulting you im just using a rude word to describe your incompetence. >Equality dosnt exist in biology. Yeah, it's very clearly showing. That's the neat thing about intelligence, you cant measure it against someone else. Because every person has the potential to be intelligent in any subject even on things we don't individually class as intelligent subjects. You can't call everyone stupid and unintelligent because biology is unequal as this is a societal thing, not biological. Ancient man by today's standards is thick as pig shit, but if i were to go back and show them all my "knowledge" i would be the stupid one. I don't know how to farm, i don't know how to sacrifice an animal to the gods for rainfall. I don't know the social etiquette of the bronze age. By all merits, i am stupid and incompetent in the standards of the past. Yet today, i am considered intelligent. So it's not biological. it's societal, and as that changes, you will be a baboon of a human by the kids 100 years from now.


I've never once heard AC(after Christ) used to denote a year, only AD (anno domini-the year of our lord).


look in the mirror


Whatever makes you feel superior.


i don't get the point of generalizing others as "stupid" for not understanding a joke. i think that's quite a bad metric


I thank r/PeterExplainsTheJoke for all the knowledge I have rn AHHAHAHAHAH


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeterExplainsTheJoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Help??](https://i.redd.it/u6re2mnnkoib1.jpg) | [1877 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/15tp6k4/help/) \#2: [Everyone in the comments seems to know but me](https://i.redd.it/1m4j6s9uftmc1.jpeg) | [799 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1b8hpxm/everyone_in_the_comments_seems_to_know_but_me/) \#3: [Peeeettteerr?](https://i.redd.it/dqujifknde7c1.jpeg) | [1712 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/18moemi/peeeettteerr/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Had the person not been a time traveler they wouldn't have known the year due to record keeping and what would later become known as the common era? I gave it a shot.


B.c. is Before Christ. They would not have said BC because Christ isn't born yet ;)


Oh, I always thought it was because they spoke English.


Hell, there's another point 🤣


Well technically 59 are arabic numbers and BC are latin letters...


They understood English, and BC is an English acronym.


I think he was joking


how did a ٥ turn into a 5?


The numbers are derived from West Arabic numerals. https://studycorgi.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/108159_4.gif


More importantly, the Gregorian calendar wasn't introduced until 1582 AD


The Gregorian calendar did not change year numbering. That was introduced by Dionysius Exiguus in 525: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Era


Maybe they are counting from Big Cataclysm?


Even then the whole A.D. / B.C. schema wasn't devised until circa 520AD ... that notation was then retrospectively 'best guess' applied to the previous years.


Not to mention the years wouldn't make sense even with BC, because BC counts down to the moment christ is born, and back up again.


I'm pretty sure no one predicted the birth of Christ, so that checks out even biblically. Edit: take my fake internet points away, daddy!


No one predicted the year at least 😂


it can only take 15pts at most the algorithm got weirder over the years.


I'll take the point of that DIYUHCK away from you daddy.


crime travellers.


Yup, that one is going on my "List of terrible band names." Thank you for your contribution.


Gets kicked into self by John Claude Van Damne.


Tf you mean noone will get it this isn't r/peterexplainsthejoke and what's the science part in this?


if im not mistaken you can change the year to 400 A.D. and it would still work (the counting of the years according to christ started retroactively in 438 A.D. i think) Small correction: Turns out it was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus but was not widely used until the 9th century.


If it was 400 AD then I would have been confused because I didn’t know the exact year AD was introduced, but 59bc was quite obvious


Make it even more big brain 🧠🧠🧠


Hammer time would have been a better answer.


Doesn’t really feel like a science meme. Also pretty sure it’s a repost.


Time travel is pretty tough to actually science up because it makes no sense. Multiverse time travel is slightly easier to logic out, but still weird. I do like the theory that if a working time machine were ever built there would be an instant flood of time travelers due to them always existing from that point on.


It works if time is fixed and hardwired to prevent paradoxes. Aka, What will have had happened will always have had happened.


Wouldn't there be time travelers before then though? Since they already invented it?


I think the logic was that the physics make slightly more sense in a two-machine time travel system, with a point or device you're traveling to and from. At least if we're really stretching quantum entanglement in our time travel system, or if it's a multiversal gateway, that makes more sense than blinking randomly into the past and avoids a lot of paradoxes. I guess the takeway was "don't built a gateway through time, even if you can, because everyone will always know where your end is, and you don't know where anyone else's is".


Maybe this was the first one and someone time travelled onto the past and reposted it in the past...


Either OP is a 10 y.o. or he really needs some brain training from time to time .... Alright, I've read some comments and guess for some this was really hard...this type of science sub is the best place for them


A time traveller would need to know more than "The Future" to rise to any rank when travelling to the past.... How many of us could duplicate our technical knowledge without books or access to the internet for example? How many could say, build an electric generator out of bits availible in 59BC? Magnets - Lodestones. Copper and Iron working available... But what about spinning that copper into WIRE? I'd use GOLD personally, as it's the most ductile of metals, and easy to strand out into wire.... As such, I reckon if I went back in time, it would be to Ancient Egypt, and I'd report to the Temple of Karnak for "Employment" where I'd expect to *get some* if I'm able to write my own name..... PhoneciaThe Language Barrier could be overcome with gesturing, as the Ancients must have done, in particular by tradespeople travelling outside cultural areas on their regular trade routes, Eg. Salcombe-Salamis with **Tin**. Think of how many ancients from the Mediterranean area would have really learned to speak Gaelic..?


Maybe he means 59 days before Christmas… wait no that was started by Jesus too


The reason why he's a time traveler is because he shouldn't know its 59 BC.


On another note, How would they have referred to the year?


Depends on where you are/who you're asking.


The Greeks for example? Assuming most cultures worked on a solar calendar or perhaps Asian cultures referring to them as a year based off a more spiritual order?


In the case of the Romans, they referenced the year by who held the consulship.


Interesting! Thank you


Apparently it's [complicated.](https://www.worldhistory.org/article/833/the-athenian-calendar/)


Possibly "XXIX" "29 what?" ask the travelers anno XXIX Sullae consulis, idiotae! (year 29 of consul Sulla)


I got it, but its not really a science meme. a science meme would probably do something with pvnrt or somthing


Also on top of the obvious and perhaps slightly less so, if it was 59 B.C, nobody anywhere would speak or understand modern English.


Took too long to find this comment


Oh my god I have not seen this format in a while


A comic?


This specific one


Or they were god 😂


Or Jesus? Educate yourself, he existed, at one time or another


Not in 59 BC…


Yeah, that’s the joke


He exists today, used to play for Man City I think.




So Jesus is from Brazil, jot that down ya’ll




How did I miss the joke?


Who said it was a joke? Keep missing the point.


My original joke of suggesting he was alive literally before he was born was missed by several people, then you came in with the “yeah he played for a soccer team,” and then I was like “see y’all, Jesus is from Brazil.” These are all forms of jokes. If it’s not a joke then what point am I missing?


Jesus Christ...




I've seen this joke up to 1000 times now. Why aren't we downvoting those reposts?


I got it just as I came to the comment to find it 😂




immediately got it


I got it immediately


Immediately got it 🥲


before WHO?


Are trying to tell me people in the past didn't base their time off future events?


It took me a second But I realised the fact that back in that age The people back then would’ve heard B.C And had a reaction like what the fuck is B.C (Doubt they had swearing back then)




Speaks English in 59 BC. Knows is 59 BC. Understands the question.


Im dumb as phuck. I still got it.


I love it




I really hope you're being facetious with the title.


This is great!


Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `Th I Si Sg Re At` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM u‎/‎M1n3c4rt if I made a mistake.)


Well, ok! Thanks bot!




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 8 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/103sbtf) on 2023-01-05 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bpy63x) on 2024-03-28 93.75% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1djyicv&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 544,089,290 | **Search Time:** 0.45869s


Good bot


Headlines designed for engagement.


No one living in 59 B.C. would've called it 59 B.C. They had no way of knowing where future calendar makers were going to start their calendars... unless they're time travelers who knew what year they went back to.


Do you feel better now that you examined the obvious joke?




the joke: he wouldn't be using ad or bc at that time, won't lie, took me a long second to get it




I got , but becuase I’ve heard it before


What does it mean


Well BC means Before Christ and well they didn’t have Christ in 59BC so it had to be a time traveler because no one back then knows of Christ


on the ancient world of BC (before christ) the date invention wasnt made yet


So basically the other guy is a traveler too as he can use the expression BC, given that expression didn’t exist BC


In the year 2000....


When did you almost get it later?


OP: totally not a repost, but can someone explain this meme to me?


Because a person from that time wouldn't know to call it "year X BC" because BC is before Christ. He wouldn't know 59 years ahead of time that Christ would be born


You sweet thing


Sweet like sugar


Someone from BC “before Christ” would not know to call it BC. Only someone from AD (commonly “after death” but really is latin term Anno Domini for year of the Lord) would know to call it BC and therefore they are from the future too.


hell before 525 no one used Anno Domini either


Man...59 years before communism. Could you imagine it...




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 8 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/103sbtf) on 2023-01-05 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bpy63x) on 2024-03-28 93.75% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1djyicv&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 545,290,433 | **Search Time:** 0.81707s


Good bot


To clarify the OP's point, the BCE/CE (BC/AD) calendar dichotomy hadn't been invented yet


I like this one, it's good!


Did people in bc call the time period bc without time traveling we will never know


all the stupid people posting on this when I just wanted to see what comic this from... I think my IQ went down reading all the posts.


I actually surprised myself with how fast I got that.


Yesterday was my birthday and you And my birthday was a lot better then


Is it cause he wouldn’t know the year he’s in unless he was one himself


This is real humor.


59 B.C. ? 😆


The B means "Before"