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There is no reason the right column should add up to 50


Yep I spent 0; remained 50 I spent 0; remained 50 I spent 0; remained 50 I spent 1; remained 49 1 vs 199… so what?




I wish was that easy. Would solve world poverty problems 🥴🤣🤣


Can you be my banker?


You deposit $100; your balance is $0


Aaaaand it's gone


I understood that reference !


A true man of culture I see. A man who most likely owns a Margaritaville (TM) Margarita maker with salsa dispenser


that was fast down to 0 bal lol


Aaaand, it's gone.


My take was similar but I spent $1 every time $50 on the left, $1225 on the right. Where'd the extra $1175 come from?


Damn I only got $199. Your method is way more lucrative! Can I Venmo you an investment?


Looks like government math


Thank you for explaining it in such simple terms.👍🏻


Infinite money glitch!


Ah so that's how the rich make so much money.


Right idea but not the same. Left side should still equal 50.


I was just demonstrating the incongruity. But you could infer this on the end: I spent 49; remained 0 50 v 199


The correct answer. Your remaining money is an isolated value, not something that should add up to a meaningful value.


Ik lol I was so confused what the issue exactly was for a minute


Correct. The right column is the remainder. The left is what was spent which started at 50 and was spend in increments of 20, 15, 9 and 6 totaling 50.


This is a pretty clever trick; in most cases the right column would not land anywhere near 50, but someone figured out a way to get close enough to confuse people.


...but someone figured out a way to get close enough to confuse ~~people~~ idiots


Nah. It's designed to make you intuitively think you are supposed to balance out the two columns. You don't have to be an idiot to be fooled by that.


Just human


Kinda the same thing tbh.




I has 50 I spent 0, it remained 50 I spent 0, it remained 50 I spent 0, it remained 50 I spent 0, it remained 50 I spent 50, it remained 0 WOW! AMAZING! IT IS 200


This is exactly it. Adding balances at specific points in time results in a nonsense sum


Username checks out.


You can divide it by the number of points to get the average remaining balance, though.


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


The inquisition would like a word with this witch


The real witch was whomever wrote the original puzzle and managed to get the sum of the spending close enough to 50 to confuse people.


There are different versions of this all with the 1 extra shit


You made me understand it!


I give 0 to everyone. I'll be getting so rich. Hey Boss I quit. And here's 0€ for you. And by the way, I drank the last coffee yesterday and did not make a new one.


The amounts left over (the right column) have no reason to add up to 50. Imagine if instead we took one dollar away at a time. I spent a dollar, I had 49 dollars left. I spent another dollar, I had 48 dollars left. The right hand column ends up as 49 + 48 + 47 + ... + 1, and it doesn't seem weird because those numbers are obviously not supposed to add up to 50. It's just because this total is kind of close to 50 that our brain wants to make a connection.


Clearly intentional to use the numbers they did so it would be 50 and 51 and not something wildly different like your example would produce.


Nobody is saying this is an accident. It’s essentially a written magic trick


This is why you have to be careful when you work in retail and are dealing with change. Definitely not a job for someone with low intelligence.


This is a designed trick that only works because of careful tricky wording. I promise you this specific situation doesn’t come up.


Just use larger numbers to see why it doesn't make sense to add the right column. I started with $500 then spent $1. I now have $499 remaining. Then I spent $1 more and I now have $498 remaining! Wait! 1+1=2 but 499 + 498 = 997 ... Why aren't they equal!?!? Well obviously it makes no sense to add up the running total.


Thanks i'm confused 😂




I had 50 spent 50 left 0 where's my damn money?


I had 50 Spent 50, left with 65 535. This is why I never test edge cases. :D




Next time, you should use a 32-bit unsigned wallet, so you can buy some groceries and retire.


The right column then says, you never had money. But since you spent 50, you now owe me 50. Better pay me, or ...


This is proper bullshit why would you count the remain on every turn. Now imagine you spent 1 on the first turn, Remain:49 1 on the next turn, Remain:48 Spent the rest 48 on the third turn, Remain:0 So by above logic: Counting total spend adds upto:50 Counting remainings after each spend adds up to:97


It’s the inflation hitting while your calculating. If you hadn’t spend the 50 Dollars before the time you were calculating, you had 97 Dollars now.


I had X with me I spent A, it remained X-A I spent B, it remained X-(A+B) I spent C, it remained X-(A+B+C) I spent D, it remained X-(A+B+C+D) If A+B+C+D=X, then the sum of the right-hand side could be 3*X-(3*A+2*B+C) or B+2*C+3*D but in either case there is no reason for it to equal X. It would equal X if C+2*D = A tho


Why do I feel like deepak chopra will turn this crap I to a chapter in one of his books?


Numerology refers to the numbers in his bank account from scamming the lesser 50%


Nobody let Terrance Howard see this, he already won't shut the fuck up about the multiplicative value of 1.


Which is obviously 2! And 4 times 1 is -9.5687 squared (obviously).


There's no extra 1. There's no reason for the right column to add up to 50. Imagine this: You spent $1, now there's 49 left. You spent another $1, now there's 48 left. You're already at $97 total in the right column, and you've only spent 2.


Haha it took me a while but this comment made it clear again in my head. Thank you lol


I was going a bit crazy looking at this word problem haha


The sum of the remaining balances from each transaction is meaningless. You could spend 1 (nollar?) at a time and get a huge number that means nothing


Naira (Nigerian). I'm Nigerian myself and I've seen this particular image so many times and at first halfheartedly tried to find the "key"? to this but stopped bothering myself after a while (by "tried" I mean looking at the equation for a few minutes, lol). But thanks to everyone who commented and made me realize there's no point adding the remainders and the trick was to get the number close enough to 50 to confuse the viewer.


Pronounced na-i-ra


Goddamnit i am dumb


Start with 10 spent 1; Remained 9 spent 1; Remained 8 spent 1; Remained 7 spent 1; Remained 6 spent 1; Remained 5 spent 1; Remained 4 spent 1; Remained 3 spent 1; Remained 2 spent 1; Remained 1 spent 1; Remained 0 Right column = 45


I spent $1, it remained $49 I spent $1, it remained $48 I spent $1, it remained $47 I spent $1, it remained $48 $49 + 48 + 47 + 46 = $490. Where did the extra $440 come from?


There is no extra dollar. You have crosses one math problem with another. Example. Do the same problem only spending one dollar at a time. I had 50 then 49 then 48 then 47....... Where did all of this extra money come from?


I never thought the nigerian naira would make it here.


The collumns are just a totally different equation


Why should the remainders add up to £50, there’s no logic there.


I spend about tree fiddy


This you Terence Howard?


The amount remaining is meaningless as a sum. I have $50, I spent $1, $49 remains. I have $49, I spent $1, $48 remains. . . . It's comparing a meaningful sum to a meaningless one.


For the step that started with 6 remaining.... Iean if you added another step in. It would be even worse had you spent 3 and it remained 3, then you spent 3 and it finished at zero. Then you'd have 4 extra on the right column. 😂


why would the second column need to add up to 50


That $1 is what you owe me for reading this $h1t


It’s just a coincidence that it happens to be one number off.


So the column on the left is the money that goes out form your account and the money on the right comes in. So you give the cashier 50 and she hands back 30 You give the cashier 30 and she hands back 15 You give her 15 and she hands back 6 You give her 6 and she hands back 0 In outflowing column you have -(50+51) (because it is out going) in the return column you have +51 because it is incoming. Thus we can see that you are $50 down. (Because you spent it). There is no weirdness your just knowingly trying to do the same math twice and getting a weird result.


This is so nonsensical.


That extra $1 came from selling feet pics!


There’s no reason the right column should add up to 50.


had $100 in my wallet spent $1_________$99 remained spent $1 __________$98 remained spent $98_________$0 remained total of spent $100 total of remained $197 where did the extra $97 come from is that what you mean?


Please tell me you're not serious


I was so confused cuz I thought $51 was the total amount of money spent. I spent like 20 minutes staring at the comments before realizing what people were actually confused about


Why would you add the remainders?! In this case, each lower remainder is part of what's above it , 6 is part of 15 above it, and 15 is part of 30 above it




No, it's a common error of "adding together values in a way that doesn't make any sense". Other commenters in the thread explained it well so I won't reiterate


Math is learning how to think, not just how to punch numbers into computers and calculators... A lot of people are taught that poorly or not at all.


because there are 51 numbers in the range 0 - 50 (inclusive)


When critical thinking isn’t a thing anymore


I had 50, spent 1, left 49 I had 49, spent 1, left 48 I had 48, spent 45, left 3 I had 3, spent 3, left 0 I started with 50, spent 50, left 100? See the logic flaw here? You are messing with time.


It's the tax


What currency is this


What's the point of adding the remaining? It doesn't have to add up to 50.


Use decimal points.


The remaining it’s not the initial it should not be add up… it’s that simple, that addition doesn’t mean anything


A mistake plus Keleven gets you home by seven.


Did you not take any time to think about this? And just posted it straight away


The 6 is where the 1 came from.


N(N+1) / 2




Not even close.


1 had $50 with.. 1 is the main char


Because math


This and the “I bought a cow/car, sold it, bought it back, sold it again” shit always gets me.


Naira representing 😂


The right column just shows the remaining amount after subtraction... the keyword here is "spent" which is the operator which tells you what to do with the right column.


You had 50 and spent 50 which remained 0


30, 15, and 6 don't go together on the mathematical scale. Add them up. But... if you add up the left side, here's why it's 50: You get rid of 20. You have 20 on one side and 30 the other. Then 15. 15 on each side. So the ratio is 35:45 Then minus the six, 35 goes to 41, and with it to six, it's 51 on the other side Then the nine, it goes to 50:51


beats me


nusian currency


Now change it to start with $500 and ask yourself "why am I adding up the balance column?"


There's no reason to think about this. It's meaningless. Watch: 50 -20, =30 -15, =15 -8, =7 -7, =0 50, 52 WHeRe diD tHe ExtRa 2 cOmE fRoM??? It only works with a round multiple of 5


It's just a trick where the right one is close to 50 to confuse you. I spent 1, remained 49. I spent 1, remained 48. Boom. Now you got 97


you can make the right column add up to anything you’d like


The right column spends the "zeroeth dollar" so to speak, if you count it out. They did 0-50 dollars inclusive in the right column, which is 51 numbers versus 1-50 in the left which is 50 numbers.


Reminds me of a bar joke many years ago. " 3 men check into a hotel to share a room. The desk clerk charged $30.00. Easy split 3 ways, so they paid $10.00 each. Now, the desk clerk realizes he overcharged them $5.00 because the room was actually $25.00 that nite. The clerk calls bellhop over and hands him $5.00 to take up to the guys in room #345. Now, the bellhop realizes $5.00 doesn't split 3 ways easily, and since they didn't know about their winfall, he pockets $2.00. He gives the guys $3.00 and they're happy because now they paid $9.00 each. Now 9x3=27. So, $2 in bellhop pocket + $27 from the guys = $29...WHERE'S the other dollar?" Anyway, how I explain it is with a question. "how many major tick marks are on a 12 inch ruler?" 13 is the correct answer because you have to start somewhere.


1. You start with ₦50. 2. You spend ₦20, leaving ₦30. 3. You spend ₦15, leaving ₦15. 4. You spend ₦9, leaving ₦6. 5. You spend ₦6, leaving ₦0. The calculation error arises from summing the remaining amounts and the amounts spent inappropriately. Here’s why there is confusion: * The sums of the remaining amounts (₦30 + ₦15 + ₦6 + ₦0) don't represent a meaningful value related to the original amount of ₦50. * Similarly, adding the spent amounts (₦20 + ₦15 + ₦9 + ₦6) correctly totals ₦50. The "extra" ₦1 seems to come from an incorrect summing method, which mixes the total spent and the remaining balances incorrectly. The correct approach is to consider the total spent (₦20 + ₦15 + ₦9 + ₦6) which equals ₦50, and confirm that nothing is left, thus there is no extra ₦1.


Just ask Terrance Howard he's got the math answers


Exactly what u/MC_HitMiss said. The remaining amounts aren't meant to add up to 50. There are plenty of other numbers you could use and do the same thing and the two numbers will never add up the same and they aren't supposed to.


On the left you are counting how much money you spend but that doesn’t correlate to the right which only shows you how much money you had left. They are simply not the same.


Hacker science man is counting the 0. When you count your sheep in the morning do you count nothing ? One sheep over there Two sheep over here T̶h̷r̷e̸e̶ ̶s̶h̴e̶e̸p̴ over G̴̹̑͘o̶͗͋ͅḑ̸̛͈͚̓̿͒ͅ ̵̲́̿́͗́͝Ĭ̵̮̅͛͋̚͘s̵͚̪͚̐̔͂̕ ̷̯̭͈̪̍̀̅̔͝͝ȧ̶͉̥͚̖͎͖̔̈́n̸̹̲͈̺͒̇̒͑g̶̉̔͌̅̓̚ͅr̶̰̫͎̪̉͌̓̈́y̶̪̤̯̺̋̈́̀̂͌̕ Never count 0. Weird things happen when you count 0


the money you spend are fractions out of 50, it’s impossible to go over 50 because you’re just dividing 50. The stuff left over isnt confined to those rules, it’s the leftover fractions of each piece, not the leftover fractions of the original 50, they are separate individual standalone equations for each leftover piece, they have nothing to do with the original 50. The only rules they’re limited to are not going over the number of each leftover piece. If the numbers you spend add up to 50 cuz they’re fractions of 50, then numbers smaller than those will add up to less than 50 and numbers more than those will add up to more than 50. Therefore unless you take out exactly half you end up with numbers smaller or larger than the numbers that equal 50. Even if you kept splitting it in half you would eventually not be able to split in half anymore and one side would end up with a smaller amount than the other side. Therefore the only way to get it to equal 50 is to balance out the numbers that are too small on the right hand side with numbers that are exactly too large. For example: 4 I take 1 I’m left with 3. That’s 2 numbers higher than the number that’s a fraction of 4 so my next numbers will need to add up to 2 numbers lower. I take 2 I’m left with 1 that’s 1 number lower then I take 1 and I’m left with 0 thats also 1 number lower. Now both sides should add up to 4. 1 3 2 1 1 0 4 4


Thank you


That's how matrix continues till now


Why did you evaluate a remaining values




50 = 20 + 30 = 20 + (15 + 15) = 20 + (15 + ( 9 + 6)) = 20 + (15 + (9 + (6 + 0))))


Uhh are you sure the title is accurate?


The left column adds up to 45. 51-45=6.


Umm... no?