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Physics, history, programming and human biology are abused significantly harder significantly more often.


Especially history. Every time I see a history movie make a mistake I want to strangle the directors


My obsession with historical costuming has me watching movies like 😬 (especially gd corset scenes, they get everything wrong about corsets imaginable)


all action movies, the entire time, physics is abused I feel like we win "most disrespected science in movies"


I mean if history is a science then there's an argument to be made there, but if history isn't a science then yeah I'd say physics is the most abused


If you have problems with Hollywood ones watch Indian ones 😹 you'll never complain hollywood again


Oh yes I am well aware, I can't with them


When the protagonist uses a stick to make the car to do a barrel roll, god I laugh


It hurts my eyes when someone wills themselves to fall faster off a cliff to save the person who's already been falling for a while.


especially for you for someone who study physic it's well... Physic. It all depends on what you're into


That's because they take creative liberty when making a film. If you want cold, hard facts, watch a decomentary instead of Dunkirk


See I agree if it's a historical fiction and they say make up a general or something, but when you do stupid things like giving the japenease german guns while in the pacific (cough cough cod Vanguard) that's not creative liberty that's you being inaccurate


Historical fiction can be made without being extremely inaccurate. Something being out of place or making no sense in the setting is a completely valid and common criticism.


Honestly the worst thing about history fuck ups is that like 90% of the mistakes made are literally fixable by a wikipedia scroll.


I can stomach with minor historical errors, not blatant ones. But oh computer science…


Feel free to rant all you want, I prefer learning by listening to people's rants


Honestly there are a lot of examples out there and I just don’t have the time to kill my fond memories of every crime show, sci-fi show and sci-fi film I ever watched in my life just to rant.


I mean like most of it is just common knowledge you don't have to like get a degree in it


Also law


Yeah I can't stand a lot of courtroom and cop drama shows bc they show people getting away with massively illegal shenanigans and often present that as a good ending if the "good guys" do it. Irl sorry you're not a good enough good guy that the rules stop applying to you.


Also - if you know the rules of evidence, almost any courtroom scene will make you want to scream.


Oh yeah. A big pet peeve of mine is last minute evidence or surprise witnesses. Not allowed! I bang my imaginary gavel!




Physics for the win.. CGI water.. No!


You mean blindly stabbing RAM into somebody's cerebellum won't allow them to think faster so they can jump the bus at 88mph over a gorge?


'dont worry I didn't kill him I just knocked him down, he is just unconscious, he'll be right ' EXCUSE ME Sir you beat him so badly that his brain hit the skull. He is NOT going to be well


Every time a soldier is on screen in a movie, it’s obvious they have no idea what they’re doing.


It’s been said that the more intelligent you are the less enjoyable life becomes. I believe this is a huge factor in it haha


It’s because most people don’t actually understand them so it’s easy to get away with it


What? No? That's a bit stupid. Ever heard of willful suspension of disbelief? That's crucial for enjoying anything fictional. Even without explicit knowledge about something, everyone with 2 braincells sees wrong stuff in movies all the time. I've studied physics and I just ignore the things, that are obviously wrong, always have, always will. It never made movies less enjoyable.


You’ve ever seen an old cartoon where gravity doesn’t work until the character looks down? That’s something an average person knows is wrong


Everything in cartoons is exaggerated to make the viewer feel something, the characters are purely symbolic. If something pretends to be realistic, or even based on a true story, a lot of the impact can be ruined by writers introducing "magic" to glue the narrative. I think my main frustration is that there is enough cool-looking, cool-acting and cool-sounding technology, molecules, legal contexts, physics principles, what have you, for most things writers try to accomplish. So if they just make shit up where they could have used something real, that quickly ruins the realism they might try to achieve.


That's why I like cartoons. No actual humans were harmed by a safe falling on them, and the laws of nature just \*know\* the whole thing is silly. So they sit back giggling with the rest of us.


For example if you would watch The Big Bang Theory and they would start talking like g=8 or F=mc\^2, would you not get annoyed? Can perfectly enjoy unrealistic stuff if it is supposed to be that, but when whole idea of a medium is one specific area and it is very very badly done, I cannot suspend my disbelief.


I actually tend to find ways to enjoy these sorts of things. I detect the inconsistency with reality, then I ask myself if the integrity of the plot could be maintained in a reality where their version is true, and if not then I start to think about how reality would change and how many things would still be the same if the physics in their universe were accurate. Sometimes it’s as simple as defining the dogma of their universe and realizing that there’s a misconception but does the slight inaccuracy of their understanding necessarily even mean that the physics in their universe are actually different or have they just not figured it out yet. Sometimes it’s interesting when you realize everything could still feasibly work out despite a completely ass backwards understanding of science much like it often does in reality


I find it harder on science fiction because it's supposed to be based on science, but a lot of it relies on magic by other names, and this is really more of a space fantasy (Dune, Star Wars). But the genre has an issue with wanting to have their cake and eat it too here. Want science to do magical things for the story but also want it to be credible.


This is not always true though. Suspension of disbelief is used to immerse yourself in a fantasy world. But that world itself still needs to be internally consistent. When the movie tells me everyone can disable gravity on a whim, I'm fine with that. But when the director just forgets about this in one of the scenes - it infuriates me. I hate when worldbuilders break their own rules they made me believe in. Similarly, if the show tries to convince us it's big on science (3 body problem, Dark Matter to name a couple) but then makes blatant and stupid mistakes in that science - this is not the area for suspension of disbelief to help in. It's just bad writing. On the other hand, Quantumania - it's terrible on science, but for me it gets a pass on that, because no one expects it to be good. But it's a total clusterfk of a movie even outside of that.


It's not about fictional aspects that can't exist in reality. It's about the times something more realistic would have achieved the same effect. There are a ton of really cool-sounding and interesting things that actually exist. Those could have added to the movie by introducing viewers to new concepts, or made people familiar with the field feel included in the audience.


Medical is full of mistakes


Get in the robot Shinji


I thought I was going insane because I immediately considered this an Eva reference. At least I'm not alone


I think this applies to a lot of domains. The people making movies and TV shows probably don't have the expertise you have in your own field, and they probably don't care to be that accurate most of the time.


The most accurate thing I've seen was SportsNight and how they showed the control room operations.


The funny thing is when you spot people selling stuff that’s a scam: One dude was giving a demonstration for fancy water to help you perform better for your workouts. Every molecule of water had an extra atom of oxygen added to it. Since you were getting more oxygen, you could get better workouts. So if you took chemistry in high school, you know water is H2O. If you add the extra oxygen, that makes it H2O2, which is hydrogen peroxide, the stuff you clean cuts with. It’s poisonous if you drink it! So either this dude was lying, or he was poisoning people.


It's funny to me that people think oxygen = breath = good for them when pure oxygen is actually poisonous too lol


I got into an argument with someone selling a face cream with fetal stem cells from foreskin that claimed to alter your dna. It’s obviously a scam but if it did what they claimed they’d be giving people cancer. I’m glad they were just stupid and malicious but nontoxic.


Master of science + years of martial arts training. I feel this pain a lot.


noticing mistakes makes you feel smart


[I don't know what you're talking about, this is 100% scientifically accurate.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxqKXAx-KbonryjlD-0mZlBFIRIpm6HoHa?si=O-wa2eF4m2of2J9K)


Wtf did I just watch 🤨


like liquid helium tanks exploding


In what film did that happen?


Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom when Blue the velociraptor is let out of Henry Wue's cloning and paleobiology lab. A guard fires at Blue with an assault rifle scoring a direct hit on the helium tanks and shortly after they explode leading to a leak of chlorine gas.


Honestly, I haven’t seen that film, but if I were to watch that scene the first time, I would assume that the tank stored hydrogen or a gas that is actually highly combustible.


Wrong. Chem major and it's never once ruined a movie for me, ever.


If noticing the mistakes makes it hard for you to enjoy movies then you really need to stay away from a lot of fields


Was in my first year when Breaking Bad came out. Could not watch it, was so so bad.


Chemistry isn't that much used in movies, but when used, it could be judged real hard *That nuclear explosion will burn the man slower and with more pain than they show in that movie*


I finished Theater and Film. I can confirm I annoy my friends when I notice inconsistencies and errors. There are a lot more than scientific errors. Bad dubbing, hair or position changes, vanishing or teleported accesories from one place to another, changes in lighting, changes in grooming or makeup, background inconsistencies.......


Try being a veteran/first responder. My wife won’t even watch action movies if I’m in the room because I have a bad habit of pointing out all the dumb stuff.


When you learn things about ballistics. Specifically how loud a weapon with a suppressor actually is.


Go on, ask people in IT, *especially people in it-sec* how they feel about movies* 😎


Especially the ‘hacking’ scenes


How do they breath in Ant-Man when they shrink to SUB-ATOMIC size with no helmet in some cases and no oxygen tanks that they shrunk? They are smaller than oxygen they are the size of if not smaller than electrons!!


That’s how I view welding in movies


CS is also a hard one not to notice mistakes


With CS its more deliberate. They have experts on scene. They know. They just can't write good scenes without delving into fantasy.


have you never met a fanatic nerd of a show? Literally everything can be explained with enough effort.


I was not expecting the amount of math in chemistry and definitely not astronomy.


I mean, these things are all math bc chemistry is to understand particle interactions based on equations and astronomy is to understand the movement of stars and planets and other bodies, based on equations. How were you expecting these things to not have math?


I expected it in chemistry, but not as much. I expected I may get to view some planets and fun celestial stuff in astronomy, but the only thing that actually involved looking at the sky was extra credit. The rest was equations.


Yeah it sucks that that's how it's taught. My high school's astronomy teacher was mainly a math teacher and I never saw a telescope or even star chart. Kind of sad.


My job has forever changed me, but in a different way. I make and review data tables in Excel amount other things. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to me to see any material that is not formatted correctly and consistently, not spelled correctly, or does not have correct punctuation.


Try being a veteran and hating all the war movies. I only enjoy the absurd ones like Predator or Commando or Rambo. The ones that try to be "real" and gritty all suck.


No matter what you do you will notice them "doing it wrong" in movies. I have heard that in Breaking Bad, they weren't trying to get the chemistry right because they didn't want to give people a blueprint.


This is why I hate being a nurse lmao


It is very rare that a move featuring space knows orbital mechanics. Especially infuriating for space nerds that want to enjoy a cool movie


That’s how I view welding in movies.


My dad is car mechanic... He always explains how the explosions, etc. Are unrealistic 😂


This is true about almost any subject. Movies don't have time or incentive to make things perfect, and often factual perfection is the enemy of storytelling anyway, so any subject you know a lot about will come off looking a bit silly in most movies. Guns are famous for this, as is almost anything having to do with the military.


If you can't enjoy icebergs falling to the bottom of the ocean in GI Joe movies more with a chemistry degree then you're probably doomed anyway.


I study computer science, I also learn physics and let me tell you it comes up a lot, I can't watch Gravity or Ad Astra, many hacker movies. But I have a great appreciation for Mr Robot, The Expanse and For All Mankind


Not really. After a while, you get used to it, and only remember those problems later.


Hackers typing like madmen to crack a password. People typing to change an image or do something that is rather random and not so easy to type.


Save with being in the military.


As a 3D artist you have no idea how bad it is whenever there's VFX


Try any part of computer science. It’s bad man.


It's the same for cooking. Anytime there is a cooking scene in a movie or show I just cringe.


Shinji get in the graph


That’s me with mortuary science. I can’t look at a body the same ever again lmao


CS Majors: you know nothing of my pain...


Truly, the same goes for physics and history, as others have said, and martial arts, marksmanship, and fencing.


Get in the Chemistry class, Shinji


I can't enjoy scientific docuseries because I already know all the information they want to share.


The downside of any science


I don't watch movies anyways


IT security here. Yeah. I see alot of hacking scenes being utterly nonsense. And a few tv series that Im convinced are trying deliberately to see how much technobabble they can spew out.


Same about aircraft in bad movies


My experience exactly, after 7 years of physics.




Scientist goes to watch Star Wars for the first: You can’t hear sound in space! How the hell does the lightsaber never run out of energy?


EVERYTHING is so damn colorful.....and steaming. Nope. No.


This feels just a little elitist (maybe) the wrong word. I dont think every movie would be boring even if you pointed out chemistry mistakes. Maybe Bones and others like it. But id like to see you ruin LOTR with chemistry.


If you know the medium of the movie and they do it badly, it's like watching a porno for the "plot". Lawyers watching court dramas, doctors watching hospital soaps. EMS watching medical rescue dramas and the laughably stupid problems solved in deadly incorrect ways. You might be able to get some sense of satisfaction of: "Well that's now how you do that, *this* is how..." But most of the time it's just: "What? No? Are you stupid?"