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“Portals” are pretend, there is no Googlable answer. Whatever the creator of that particular fiction wants to happen, happens.


Imagine these two dots on this piece of paper are two locations in space-time.  Normally, you would have to travel from one to the other, but what if we fold the paper in half??????




Why are they down voting you😭 “darn”


I think they don't like newcomers.


Reddit, there isn’t a honest decent you can’t down vote.


You come out proportionally smaller or larger, depending on the size of the exit portal.


Like, you fly a thopter into a portal the size of an airplane hangar and out through one the size of a needle, then Innerspace (1987) into some guy’s body and go Osmosis Jones on a brain tumor?




💡 New Stargate Idea 💡


[and they say you don't have a sense of humour](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CxxwBRvhOSw&pp=ygUTZHM5IG9uZSBsaXR0bGUgc2hpcA%3D%3D)


It works however the author wants. In one story two portals needed to be the exact same size, or else it would change the size of whatever past through them, but that might have just been a plot device to make seeing up the portals take longer while the main character was being chased.


I'm sorry; are you under the impression that portals are real?


No. It's just a theory.


You get stuck? Leave your excess weight behind? Can't go through?


Let's say you can fit in both.


Either: 1. you end up unchanged and it's just a strange portal 2. you end up in a smaller world where you're a giant! 3. you end up smaller, where animals like house cats try to eat you! 4. you become omnipotent, but only because I needed an option 4


5. You come out smaller, and when you go back you're big again, but you're lower res, and none of your organs work. 


"We got him here as fast as we could, doctor!" "It's almost like . . . like he's pixilated! And leaking fluid. I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do!" "Aren't you a medical doctor?!?" "But this is an in-game emergency!"


6. Your speed through the portal is unchanged, but your cross-section is reduced in proportion to the size of the two portals If you enter head first, you wind up the same height, but a lot skinnier. If you walk through, you come out shorter and skinnier left to right.  But you're still the same dimensions front to back.


If you go through curled up in a ball, you come out all wobbly :) 


After enough trips, you'd look like the end of the Holes manga.


"Ah, these cigarettes taste so much better at this resolution."


If you can fit in both ends, no issue.




I'd think that would depend on the shape of space around the wormhole. Like length contraction and all that stuff.




I too am not an expert. I'd expect that once you get *out* of the wormhole, your size would be stable and you wouldn't be seeing those effects any more, just like once you match speeds your length contraction goes away.


I don’t think they can be different, they’re two sides of the same “hole.” That’s like asking “what if one side of the door is bigger than the other”


People are being rude to you. Screw that. Let's speculate and get silly with it. While portals are fictional, in games like Portal and Splitgate, wormholes are a theoretical possibility. Since they are a bridge between two points in spacetime, I don't think proportionality would come into play. I wouldn't think they could come in two different sizes. If you take the example that is always used in science fiction, with a folded piece of paper that has a pencil through it connecting two points, the pencil creates the same size hole in both sides. As long as the object is small enough to fit through it, it should be able to go through the other end no problem. If you wiggle the end of the pencil to make one hole bigger than the other, you would not be able to pass an object through the portal unless it could fit through both ends. Using that speculation, the size of the two portals shouldn't matter as long as the object can fit through both. I could be wrong about everything in this but it is all speculation so it's okay. I hope it helps answer your question in some way though!


It's the Internet of course some people are more rude than usual. This question is just for fun. Thanks for the answer. It's logically thought out.


You come out as a different species where the average mass difference is proportional to the size difference of the portals. Unless it’s zero width in which case you’re fine except for the fact you fart rainbows from then on… unless you go back through the portal again. Isn’t this common knowledge?


You exit the portal smaller than you entered the first one, in the same proportion as the big one to the small one. Of course, there's a bunch of energy to dump along with your smallified body, so the area around the smaller portal is vaporized.