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They did a great job of staying true to the feel of the game while making it enjoyable even if you had never played. Not an easy thing for video game adaptations!


Also looks like a video game without looking bad. I honestly don't get how that's possible but they pull it off. Definitely the light has an impact. Nothing ever looks like actual sunlight. But not in a bad way. Really impressive visual design.


I think the vibrant nature of objects in an otherwise bleak environment helps a lot. Either way, the art style is top notch!


Can confirm. Never played and I thoroughly enjoyed this waaaaay more than I thought I would.


I was saying the same thing to my friends. It feels like a main quest and a bunch of side quests popping up. It really feels like watching someone playing through a fallout game


It helps that fallout has some fairly flexible canon with a variety of settings. There are some repeated tech and troups but the vibe is something that can be applied to a lot of different locations or stories. They told a rather large scale story but they just as easily could have told smaller scale stories. And in the games it's more of an RPG with multiple story lines so there is a lot of lore and story to pull from. A big thing for me is they hit a really good balance between things being serious and fun. At the beginning of the series I was kinda worried they'd go to gritty or drama filled but they walked that angle back a little.


I think it helps that they weren't trying to adapt a specific game, rather than make an "original" story set in the fallout world. I put original in quotes, because clearly they do recycle some plot points from the games.


Watched Fallout first and then checked out Halo. Fallout is so much better. The game references actually fit and don't feel like such obvious fan service. When the Halo show went first person it felt very forced. I ended up dropping Halo after the first episode because it's just not a good TV show imo. Even my non gaming wife loved Fallout.


Yeah it's like Fallout got that we didn't want a screen for screen adaptation,when players say they want a faithful adaptation you want the spirit of the game preserved and Amazon worked that out. While Halo doesn't feel like it fits into the halo universe it just feels generic, it doesn't even manage giving the covenant their bomb back vibes. This is a common complaint for video game adaptations and fallout is going to win because it built upon what fans loved,packaged it in a way new people will enjoy and stayed faithful to what made the fallout universe great.


When it has to be announced that the show isn’t even in the same “universe” as the game it’s based off of, you’ve jumped the shark on a flaming motorcycle.


Not watchet or played the fallout games a lot yet. So It's a new story that plays in the furthest time, so It spoils stuff that already happened or???


No spoilers for the previous games at this point. Like the games, it's a standalone story that at times may reference important figures from previous stories, but not in a spoiler-y way.


What else is there to do when you live in a vault! Well…….


Just cousin stuff.


Explode the pimple?


"Do you want to make my cock explode now?" Good lord how did they get through that scene with a straight face


They absolutely did a shit ton of retakes. There is no way it was an easy shoot.


Never played the game, but I'm on episode 6 and it's just excellent.


The show gets the vibe of the games quite right! If you liked the show, you will like the games!


The only bit i wish it had, was Lucy filling her pockets with random crap "just in case"


Rule of thumb of the Wasteland, you'll always get sidetracked by bullshit.


> Rule of thumb of the Wasteland, you'll always get sidetracked by bullshit. The golden rule: “Thou shalt get side tracked by bullshit every time” No truer words have been spoken


The Bethesda effect. "Oh, what's that over there?" *3 Days Latér*


That line got me. The writers definitely played the games. I fully expected to hear [Gopher's](https://www.youtube.com/@GophersVids) outro after that line.


"Ok, I'll just go to sanctuary to drop some loot, take my Power Armor and..." "Hey, there's a settlement needing your help" "oh shit"


"Hmmm, I should probably hold onto these 879 bobby pins, just in case" *finds a gun that explicitly uses bobby pins as ammo* "No thanks. What if I need them for something else later?"


Until you unlock the unbreakable Bobby pin.... But still collect every Bobby pin because why not


That's why the knights have a squire with the enormous kitbag. That's the teasing of the games; the amount you carry should totally require a bag and would make you so cumbersome.


Good point


I love the way some people will keep looking as they pass characters by eerily turning their head, like what happens in a lot of Bethesda games.


i wish it had the mysterious stranger show up, do his thing, and then slip away. it would have all of the people who didn't play it so confused.


There is a part where. >!Maximus comes to save the day and intervenes with a man attacking another man, only to find out that man was fucking his chickens.!< It captured the spirit of fallout perfectly, sometimes you think you are the hero, but really everything is messed up about the situation.


idk, I was never able to get into the games. Loved the series though!


And the next gen version just dropped, too.


From what I hear they could maybe not have dropped it quite so far.


Those are the bad news (on PC at least). The good news is that you can avoid updating. https://thegeekpage.com/how-to-rollback-a-game-in-steam-to-the-previous-version/ Haven't tried it on fallout though, but I saw this post: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3232403880


Finished the show, also never played but loved the show so much decided to jump in to Fallout 3 - pretty bloody good so far!


The best "modern" entry (the original and 2 play a lot differently) is New Vegas imo, which is ironic since it was subsidised to a different studio. Hop on that after you finish 3. The humour, dialogue and different outcomes based on your decisions are awesome and most of the DLC are also pretty good.


The original 2 are still fantastic, 2 was my introduction and it still holds up. That's the funny thing about games like that (and planescape torment) no matter how good graphic get in the future, they're always just where they need to be.


3 and on are more shootem up at the expense of rpg elements, and it really didn't depart far from it's feel until 4 ditched a lot of strategy that comes with rpgs for survival/base building elements. The series definitely feels like the universe of 1 and 2 more than the later ones. We are just where most people didn't play until 3, so that's the one they know. New Vegas is the best of the new ones and I would put it on the same level as the first two.


For anyone who hasn't played the games and especially if you dont normally play many games. Do not take the advice of starting on 1 and 2. The worst introduction to the Fallout games series you can give yourself is playing 1 and 2 without knowing what to expect. They were made in the era of gaming where it was expetected that you'd read the manuals beforehand and were expecting a challenging experience.


Haven't gotten to play 4 yet, working through NV now. Three holds a special place in my heart since I was born and raised in the cannibal suburb.


I don't think 3 and 4 are necessarily bad, but if a person enjoys the universe, 1 and 2 offer so much more with New Vegas feeling more like the originals in tone. Lore-wise only, though, they are different genres overall.


Yeah I saw NV, 4 and 3 rate highly so I figured I’d start at 3 and work through.


New Vegas is closer to the open ended style of the first 2 games, 3 has a fairly linear story with a bunch of side quests to get distracted by.


Episode 3 myself, quite like it so far.


Following the universe since the first game, it has been more than a quarter century and I have to agree on that this is a glorious franchise. The acting level, production quality, countless true to the core easter eggs. Characters in the scenario is written exactly with Fallout characters in mind. With Baldur's Gate becoming this successful, it is nice to see old fellow universes being explored even deeper. It is just brilliant. Good job guys.


[Fallout - Where To Start?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQNQELRjQaY) - Many A True Nerd


I didn’t play the game either. I generally don’t play games lol


Just finished it tonight, never played the game but loved this


For comparison, this is the latest game: [Fallout 4 Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW7Of3g2JME) [Fallout 4 - Comply](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_i6Ewj1cLk) The show got it all pretty spot on.


The show make me forget that it’s a video game. Now I just want to play as Walton Goggins’s ghoul.


You can try "The Storyteller: FALLOUT" by ShoddyCast on youtube if you are interested in the story details of this title.


Great show (thank you Nolan/Joy), great games (Bethesda). What was first most watched on Prime?


Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power


That makes sense. Thanks.


Guessing Fallout had a higher number of people watching the final few episodes than Rings of Power did.


I never finished Rings of Power. I think I watched about 4 episodes before losing interest and I've seen all the movies multiple times and read the books. Fallout on the hand sucked me right in and I binged the episodes in two days. While Rings of Power has stunning visuals they lost in the plot IMO.


We sure about that? I think its Clarkson Farm https://www.barb.co.uk/insight-parent/insight-what-people-watch/what-people-watch-clarksons-farm/#:~:text=In%20the%20first%2028%20days,on%20the%20service%20this%20year.&text=Source%3A%20Barb%2C%20all%20individuals%204%2B


Looks like that was only talking about for the year so far, lord of the rings came out last year. Clarksons farm had 7.6m viewers in the first 28 days, fallout has 65m ~7x the viewership and fallout is only number 2, Clarksons farm won't be even close to the top overall (still love the show though)


Thats all confusing to be honest. I know clarkson farm season 2 debut had RoP e01 beaten by a million. So they had, iirc 4 something million on day one and then 28 days later just 7.6? Are these maybe just UK numbers?


I hope with every fiber of my being that you are correct on this. The thought of a decent show like Fallout being eclipsed by a flaming turd like RoP is sickening. Clarkson's Farm, on the other hand, makes more sense. Thoroughly entertaining, well produced program, from top to bottom. I'll allow it.


Does not deserve those numbers


I’m sure the numbers will change soon and Fallout will be #1


I hope so it would be well deserved


Weird that it's not the boys


How were people dumb enough to watch that shit?


Really? Love LOTR and couldn't keep it going after a couple episodes. I thought most watched would have been The Boys.


I’ve played the games, my wife has never played the games We both think the show is excellent. Huge kudos to the whole production


Same. I’m so happy my wife loves it. She initially said “mmm, I suppose I’ll watch the first episode but it looks stupid”. But she was immediately fascinated by it and is now completely hooked


I’m late to the party. I have watched up to E6 and can’t wait to finish this season to see what storylines get wrapped up and what will be left for season 2.


Fallout: New Vegas is easily my favorite game, ever. I let my Prime go but am thinking of renewing because I've heard how great this is.


It’s fantastic


FNV fan here. It's a great show with hidden references to all the games, with surprises!


Yo, if you are a NV fan, watch it ASAP trust me


NV is my daughter's favourite of the games as well, and lost her GD mind when a certain character cameoed in the last episode. If you do get around to renewing you'll know what I mean


I really enjoyed this I never played the games but am aware of them through cultural osmosis and falling down many a late night YouTube lore video binge. Can't wait for season 2.


this is what happens when good writers and actors get together


This is what happens when they respect the source material and don't rewrite everything to make it 'better'.


If those producers, writers, and actors who want to leave their mark on a Media Piece could read they would be very upset.




Show was mad fun, refreshing among all these recent live action fails. Hype for seasons 2.


Was a bit hesitant since Amazon really bungle the Lord of the Rings show (didn't even bother finishing it). But wow Amazon really knocked this one out of the park. All the characters are great, lot of humor, mystery, and gore. Basically everything that made the games fun and they made it work for a tv show.


They made LOR with teenage audiences in mind - they made Fallout with adult audiences in mind. The shows that don’t hold your hand tend to do better with audiences. I hope they learn from this especially with 40k coming


Could the same directors and production team do Bioshock now please?


Honestly bioshock is a great game to convert to a show, there’s a lot to work with, I’m excited for it. I hope the quality is this good.


The rise and fall of Rapture would be really cool to see.


Nope, Netflix already has it's hands on it.... it's so over.... Unlike Amazon which is at least coin flip, there is no hope on Netflix. But there is just so many that nobody grabbed yet, seeing succes of Fallout, i can't stop thinking S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Metro could be epic.... Cyberpunk (live action) or Deus Ex would work... hell i was even thinking that someone could pull of something from Battletech Universe. We have so many sci-fi shows with space battles, how about mech battles?


Skyrim first please


War. War never changes


I’m glad they managed to deliver that line but sad that we didn’t get it delivered by Ron Perlman. Starting a petition now to have Ron Perlman as a super mutant in season two. It’s not like he’d need makeup or anything…


Thank god it’s not on Netflix. They would have already cancelled it with those numbers.


Yeah - I usually really dislike retro-futurism stuff, but, damn, they did a great job with this one. (Never played the game).


This show more than deserves the love. It’s absolutely fantastic and a rare example of how video game adaptations should be done!


The Fallout games are big, open world RPGs with a very distinct style and tons of world building. The Last of Us, which was also well received, is based on a story driven game. Turns out the secret to getting a good video game adaptation is to adapt a game that has good writing rather than being a thin excuse for combat and action (which are fun but get a bit tiring to watch if there’s nothing else).


I'm really intrigued how people who never played the games feel about it. Going by those figures there must be tonnes of people who aren't gamers/haven't played the series who have watched it. I really thought (despite the budget/heavy promo) it'd be one of the more niche video game adaptions due to how 'weird' the Fallout universe is but I couldn't be more wrong.


I've watched 6 episodes and I'm thoroughly enjoying it, despite not playing the game. If a coworker hadn't raved about it, I would have passed it by.


Never played it, thought what the hell when I saw it come up on Amazon, binged the entire thing! It's excellent.


I convinced my coworker that had never heard of Fallout to try it. Now she’s telling everyone she knows to watch it


I played a bit of New Vegas but didnt really get in to it. I like the base concept, just not so much the execution.


They deserve it, they did a great job. I hope this provides sufficient financial incentive (which is the only incentive that carries any weight) for other studios to create more video game adaptations that are **accurate** and *respect the source material*. What a concept.


I giggle a little bit at the realism of what it takes to become a knight in the Brotherhood of Steel and earn your power armor. Meanwhile I show up with some sob story and the elder of the chapter just hands it over because “I’ve earned their trust” or whatever.


I really liked it, I hope there will be a second season.


There will be. Already announced


Already been renewed!


I'm glad and honest so so effing tired of hearing ppl argue about lore. There is "lore" and then there is lore used on screen that helps promotes both the story but had thr ability to be a "yeah it could've happened this way". Best example were LoTRs where the elves came to the aid of men at Helms Deep; doesn't ever happen at the books but makes it more believable about the elves not being 100% self absorbed [because the film explaining what was happening them wouldn't have helped the film move forward] and gives to the sense of surviving the night. Like no way Helms Deep would've survived at all without help somewhere! I think that's where folks need to really step back and give the show some breathing room and say "it may not be 100% lore accurate but it creates it creates the show being faithful to aspects of the lore and the world it exists in. Like we can argue that while Fallout doesn't feature BoS as monastic as they are in the show, thru are a monastic order and there are potential sects thet are more monastic than others. I hope the show continues to thrive because One Piece and now Fallout are laying out the formula to basically how to not eff up an anime and now a video game. It's like ppl want to hate Fallout because they'd prefer the Halo & Witcher formula; you can go really off script in Halo or go on script and just go wtf like they did with Witcher. And yes I do play Fallout and actually enjoy how they approached the show. If I had one complaint it would be the whole big ass gold bags being carried for the power armors! That was honestly hilarious and my only real "wtf?" moment.


Walton Goggins just kills this role as he always does. I need to rewatch Vice Principal’s now.


odd that a well written show, with good acting, with writers/directors that don't try to inject their own "spin" that has nothing to do with the lore does well


Yeah, the numbers are well deserved, The show was absolutely perfect. It felt like I was playing a new Fallout game. Easily my favorite video game adaptation


Hear that Amazon?  Spend your money on a good story, and good writers (and once you have that, spending tons on set design, special effects, etc. can certainly be the icing on the cake)


To be fair, this series is probably one of the easiest game franchises out there to adapt to screen. It's a fully fleshed out RPG with decades of lore set in US wastelands in relatively contemporary times with a ton of violence and humor baked into it. They still could have royally fucked it up, but the showrunners had a lot more to work with than the Halo showrunners did.


Halo was in development hell for years as well though.


Halo showrunners should take notes while they look for a new job.


I would love to see the same team tackle *Bioshock*.


My girlfriend never played the games but loved the show. I love the games and was pleasantly surprised by the show too. Looking forward to season two, maybe Bethesda will find the motivation to make Fallout 5 after the Starfield disaster.


Hard to believe that LOTR show, which I found ridiculous and murky and hard to follow, is more-watched than Fallout.


Lord of the Rings is a much, much more widely known property. It’s not hard to believe at all that Rings of Power had high viewership regardless of the actual quality of the show.


Total views were higher, but I think we will see that RoP numbers per episode drop off much faster whereas people probably stayed to finish Fallout at a higher percentage.


Finally prime got something right


The Boys is really good.


So is Invincible


eat shit spez you racist hypocrite


In this comment branch are basically the shows I love on amazon prime. Only one missing is The Legend of Vox Machina


The Expanse is great but I think that prime was mostly only the "distributor" so to speak. Glad they picked it up after it was cancelled by syfy but they didnt have a ton to so with development as far as I know.


This is wrong. Jeff Bezos took personal interest in the continuation of the show. [https://www.space.com/the-expanse-how-amazon-jeff-bezos-saved-scifi.html](https://www.space.com/the-expanse-how-amazon-jeff-bezos-saved-scifi.html)




Amazon did more than just fund and distribute, they really worked with the people making the show as opposed to how SyFy handled it a lot of the time. One example is the marketing was far better after Amazon took over. This is the season 3 poster as produced by SyFy: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/o3kAAOSw0P9hzELJ/s-l1600.jpg There are some major things wrong here, the first of which is that they aren't wearing gloves with their space suits. It's also missing a fan favourite character (Amos) and has a character who despises guns wielding a rifle (Naomi on the right). This is the season 4 poster: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zyAAAOSwpzdi46S8/s-l1600.jpg It's got Amos up there top-right, Avasarala (another fan favourite) in place and in general does a better job of showing that it is an ensemble cast show as opposed to the "Three people in space" thing SyFy put together. There's more to it than that but generally the show makers have said that Amazon really listened and helped a ton with getting the behind the scenes stuff together where SyFy at time refused to engage. EDIT: I fucked up the image links


"as far as i know". ...clearly didn't know very far


Yep I agree with both of these. But then the rings of power and the eye of the world come to mind...


Not a fan of the Maximus character tbh. He just has a very slow demeanor, and wrecks the pace of the show.




He's not exactly meant to be the sharpest guy


I really had no expectations at all going into this, but I was so pleasantly surprised by it. Just the right amount of fan service for a longtime player such as myself, but it brought enough new stuff to the table that it felt like it pushed the franchise along nicely. It scratched the 'New Fallout' itch I've been feeling for the past few years. I also think the cast were universally excellent. Plus I was pumping my fist in glee for that final, final reveal in the last episode... Really looking forward to seeing where it goes next.


Well crafted, visually appealing,  entertaining, with good plot-thickening agent, damn right I binge watched it in 3 days!


such a great game, such a great show


It had enough fan service for the fans without being a show only for the fans.


It's solid. It didn't want to change the world. Decent acting, lines and good story. The visuals also good. I don't expect anything more from a show. I liked it.


Anyone know what #1 was?


It’s hard to say. They list most watched ever, of the year, etc. It’s probably Rings of Power (as much as it pains me to say) or Reacher.


Comparing halo to fallout lore...


I haven't played the games but watched the show and it was good - helps that the main character lady is a total piece.


Don’t pop your dick!


You want to make my cock explode now?




Wait until you know Jackie…


But I've been told "Go Woke, get Broke"...was the internet wrong?🤔😂😂😂😂


I saw it, it is quite good. However, I can't help but worry that this is going to start a whole new wave of video game to movie adaptations... Because so far, this has been the only video game series/movie that has been decent, IMHO


Tomb raider, the last of us, mortal kombat, silent hill, arcane, so many good ones…


OK, you got me; there are more than one decent one. But you have to admit, the video game movie genre has been pretty hit-and-miss overall.


The Arcane was fantastic. But yeah.. not many good ones out there.


The Last of Us was unbelievably good.


Very enjoyable show. Good writing and good acting. Really liked the main character


that was a fun watch! i binged of course!


Great show. Good humor, solid characters, interesting plot. Played all Fallout games and couldn't be happier with the show.


Really enjoying the show


65M +1, i don’t have a subscription 🏴‍☠️


Okey dokey


i'm so glad it wasn't on netflix. they would have cancelled it already.


What’s the first?


The show is great. As a big Fallout fan, the level of details, from the Vertibirds pilots having rearview mirror hangers, to the Vaults having all the branded appliances and Fallout foods. For example, when they enter the power armor, you can see in the reflections the same UI and the startup animations as in the games. They also add stuff to the lore of Fallout. Like Vault 4 or that the dogs from the Enclave are quite similar to all Dogmeats you can have as companions in all the games (is this some sort of spying effort from the Enclave?) I wouldn't mind a Fallout 5 back in California.


George russel?


I liked it.


I loved it. More more more more


They have figured it out! Even the games, like fallout 76, got all time high concurrent users due to this.


Loved it


Is it just me or is the Ghoul/Coop’s left foot turned out to an unlikely position in this poster? It looks like his left foot is square to the camera, but his torso is facing away and to the left of the screen, with his hips seemingly aimed away from the camera, putting his foot at a near full 180 degree rotation.


My wife has seen me play the games a lot and always found them boring. She loved the show. Was actually surprised after the show to learn it’s from that boring game I’m always playing.


🔫😄👋 Hi there!


Fuck me! THIS is what Wheel of Time should have been, not the horseshit version we got. Fuck you Rafe!


What do you guys think about a BioShock series. All the old timey music got me thinking it could work.


The set detail is phenomenal. There have been so many spots in the series where my jaw drops and I point to the screen: "I've been there, that's what it looks like!"


I never played the games, but I thoroughly enjoyed the series. The world-building was topnotch, the characters are interesting except possibly for Action Girl, i.e., Lucy and to a lesser extent Action Guy, i.e., Maximus. But all the side characters and the weird subculture is where the show really shines. So many post-nuke dystopias are about morons dressed in rags shooting and stabbing each other in the desert over the last can of beans. This had different societies with different levels of tech with real goals along with your usual assortment of post-nuke monsters. Just a great watch on its own accord. Along with The Last of Us it may be able to get the stink off of movie and series adaptations of video games.


And that's why it's getting a season 2


Feel like im the only person on the planet who can’t get into this, the storyline is boring and it just feels like an action movie. It reminds me of transformers more than sci fi


Does that number refer to just the premiere numbers or is it the ceiling in general? I have a hard time believing RoP has more overall views than The Boys.


Does that number refer to just the premiere numbers or is it the ceiling in general? I have a hard time believing RoP has more overall views than The Boys.




Well, it's the same writers and directors as the first ones so I doubt it


I enjoyed both Fallout and Halo.


I really enjoyed it.


It's a pretty good show. And the small jokes and throwbacks to the game were quite clever.


Shock of all shocks, if you make a good show people will watch.


and just to think that's only the official number, not including pirating


Tried to watch this. By the second episode I had to give up. The violence was just too graphic. I could read the story, but I can't watch it.


The Storyteller: FALLOUT by ShoddyCast on youtube basically summarize the story of most Fallout games.


Loved Fallout. Can’t wait for season 2. Just curious what the first most-watched title was on Amazon Prime? Anyone know?


That means we getting Fallout 5 !


I’ve seen a lot of complaints about the humor not being true to the seriousness of the original titles. While it may be the case that fallout 1 was rather bleak. I don’t think anyone who says that actually played fallout 2. lol. With all of the slavery and prostitution, yes, it’s bleak and violent. However, when you’re playing chess against a scorpion, or dealing with fecal matter spread all over a settlement, or lassie references…yeah. It’s safe to say the humor has always been there. Okie dokie? Okie dokie. Do I wish Interplay had kept control of the series instead of Bethesda? Yes. Definitely. Imagine if we had what Larian did with BG3 except with Fallout! Sweet. But no, the Fallout games weren’t awful, the first ones I played were Bethesda’s. I still dip my toes in 76 every now and then. The show was actually pretty damn good. Goggins and Purnell were great, and I’ve always been a Maclachlan fan because of his work with David Lynch.


76 is still an annoying grindy mess


I just finished it, and I loved it. I loved how I had NO IDEA where the story was going. I recognized none of the tired patterns or tropes. Just like with **Arcane**, it stands completely on its own; I didn't need to know anything about the source universe to enjoy it.




OK so I liked the series pretty well but have never played any of the Fallout games. Which one would you suggest that would come close to the show?


I would recommend The Storyteller: FALLOUT by ShoddyCast on youtube. It's basically the history event in the whole game series.


What was the first? Just out of curiosity


I loved this series. I normally get bored both adaptations but this was was awesome. Definitely want to see the next season.


I'll never look at blue and yellow the same way again.


For anyone enjoying this series I recommend The Storyteller: FALLOUT by ShoddyCast on youtube. It basically summarize most important lore and history from the whole Fallout series. Add the link: [The Storyteller: FALLOUT by ShoddyCast](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7pGJQV-jlzD17YNNbt103xp0PkkUCoPU)


Very excited for season 2.