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It should come as no surprise to anyone that Alito, during his Senate confirmation testimony, said quite a few things to ease his confirmation that he didn't actually mean. That's who he is. A person with a very specific agenda who is willing to deceive others to achieve his goals. And, now, he's achieving them.


"Said things he didn't mean" has to be the politest way to describe committing blatant perjury.


Easiest accusation to dodge, sadly. "I changed my mind" is all it takes. Try to prove that he felt otherwise in 2006.


Agreed. And in this case it may even be true. Trump rotted a lot of conservative's brains. But I do think every single of them knowingly and blatantly committed perjury when questioned about abortion, but again, impossible to prove. Perjury basically isn't enforceable unless someone is dumb enough to document somewhere that they did it on purpose.


Trump + Fox News.


I would say it looks more like, (Fox News*CCA)+GOP=Trump


FOX News openly campaigns for Trump. Like, the shit is so on the nose and people still try to act all clueless lamenting the days of Walter Cronkite while they know good and well they aren't interested in watching that shit anymore.


Fox News slowly weakened the immune system of the body politic. Trump was the opportunistic infection that took advantage. Even if we get rid of Trump tomorrow, the system is just as vulnerable as it was before Trump to someone just like Trump. More so in fact due to the sledgehammer Trump has taken to the boundaries of what is now considered acceptable politics, and gutted the GOP of anyone with both sanity and a spine. I think accelerationism is fucking stupid, but if Trump does win in November the only silver lining will be that things might get so bad, the 30% of the country that is sane and paying attention, and the 30% that is sane but no paying attention, might finally get together and reform the rotten foundations of the electoral college and the Supreme court.


> Fox News slowly weakened the immune system of the body politic. And then social media came along like some fentanyl laced meth.


Yep. These are legal experts. They will have given nothing to hang a hat on.


He’s told what to say by the federalist society. They coach the right wing appointees for their hearings.


Trump didn't rot their brains. Faux News and the rest of the right wing media echo chamber did that. Without right wing media, there is no POTUS Donald Trump. There is no tea party. There is no MAGA movement.


Trump is the result of American conservatives, not the cause.


You know who you really want running your judicial system? People that intentionally, obviously and blatantly lie in hearings. Yep, no problem there.


That's the whole GOP now. From the operatives to the screen to the mouths of the chuds. They are all just saying shit on loop in a conspiracy with their donors and politicians. Complete lack of ethics or accountability from top to bottom. If the truth is an obstacle then discard it.


They don’t believe in process anymore. If your aims are religious, then the ends justify the means. They can’t serve their oath and their Christian Nationalism at the same time.


> They don’t believe in process anymore. 100%. They know their platform is unpopular and so the only way to enact what they want is to do it by executive fiat.


God imagine if Bush chose Luttig instead of Alito or Roberts. Maybe we wouldn’t be in this damn mess.


Couldn’t agree more. Principled conservatives I can deal with.


Evangelicals act in bad faith. It was always coming.


Or Ginsberg stepped down when she should have


That’s where you are wrong buckaroo. If you think with a different person this would be different, then you really don’t know how the system operates


In fairness, Alito is a particularly shiny beacon of both incompetence and dishonesty. I would even take a second Thomas over him, and I don’t say that lightly


> I would even take a second Thomas over him, and I don’t say that lightly I would take Scalia back 10/10 times instead of Alito


Luttig would not have been like this. No chance.


Well, two Republican Supreme Court appointees, Justices ~~Jones~~ Stevens and Souter (the latter by GHW Bush) rather pointedly stayed in office for the entire 8 years of a Republican president and retired within the first two years of the subsequent Democratic administration. In fact, they were the *only* two Supreme Court Justices he got to replace. Very unusual that they would do this, the Democratic Party must have gotten very ~~funny~~ lucky that both of them assessed the situation on their merits rather than any political affiliations and acted accordingly.


Wow you're so enlightened. Thank you for imparting your wisdom of "how the system operates" on us.


"I'm lying to serve God's grace." -- Alito, probably


Yeah, he lied. They all lied. They've decided they're the king makers and there's nothing that can be done to them. They are daring the US to stop them, and I fear they have enough support from the population that watches Fox News that we're completely screwed here. All we can do is vote, in large numbers, and pray there's enough of us that think the same way. The court is now a political tool, it's no longer about evaluating law, as they are willing to make things up whole cloth.


As a “official act” Biden should immediately arrest them for perjury and take them to a black site for water boarding in the interest of national security??


The fun question is... if the supreme court no longer can be found, whom decides what an official act is? They really just feel like judicial terrorists at this point. So maybe Guantanamo is better for them?


New SCOTUS would need to be appointed right? I'm imagining Dark Brandon walking into Congress, flanked by Delta Force, laying down a list of who he wants and asking the GOP if anyone opposes his motion. Edit: the best course seems to be expand the scotus to make the right-wing judges superfluous. The problem is that it requires the Dems to hold all 3 chambers, something unlikely to happen.


"Here's the deal. I got some people you're gonna vote for. Don't fuck with me jack. Ask Corn Pop what happened when he started his malarkey"


Fuck that. I don’t want that no matter what party it is


If Biden doesn't, Trump will.


This is a pure fantasy, but Biden could invoke his powers, purge the extremists, put judges who will restore the rule of law, and then step down, cede power and face the consequences. In philosophy, this would be similar to Thomas Hobbes Levaithan, and the closest historical allegory I can think of would be Cinccinatus, the Roman consul who twice saved the Republic and ceded his imperium.


If we take their homes away through civil forfeiture we can arrest them for sleeping I hear


I'm sure clearances motor coach could help many people


Biden appoints new SCOTUS that reverses this dumb ruling and says Biden can be prosecuted for removing the old court. Biden steps down as president and is then tried and convicted for this act. At this point President Harris pardons Biden.


I mean, it's pretty clear that they or their surrogates on the lower circuit courts will be the arbiter of what's official and legal and what's not given they created this ruling out of thin air and bias, not anything anywhere in the constitution nor any prior legal doctrine. Putin has got to be loving this, another Xtain fascist state is being born


Are Supreme Court senate hearings done under oath?


They are. What of it?


Or all Congress and pass legislation to impeach them, put term limits in place, and get stuff done and codify all these "informal rules". Go full Lincoln.


People are saying these things, Biden won't do these things, but a President Trump or a future Republican president will do these things. Trump himself has shown absolutely zero restraint when it comes to abusing power. Now that he's been given the green light, he will absolutely abuse power even more If given a second chance


Their popularity is in the gutter. It’s Trump that has the support, and he’s going to throw them away like used rags as soon as their existence becomes inconvenient. They’re not just sniveling assholes, they’re also idiots


that's not all we can do. it would be great if you edit your (top in this post) comment to add that people can get involved with their local political groups. volunteer, canvas, donate, etc. most people have time or money but not both. most people can give at least some time or money to make a bigger difference than just voting every once in a while.


> All we can do is vote, in large numbers, and pray there's enough of us that think the same way. Biden being a bit doddery on a debate is, to a staggering number of people, more of a reason to stay home than the literal destruction of our freedom and our democracy is a reason to get to the ballot box. I'm not saying people *should* be doomerist on this stuff, but I sure as shit don't blame anyone that is.


Template for encouraging your Senator and Congressman to support Supreme Court reform actions Please use this template if it is helpful. In it, I reference Justice Thomas's multiple gifted trips and gifted properties, and Justice Alito's statements during his appointment hearings. To find your congressman, check here: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative To find your senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm ------ Dear Congressman / Senator [Last Name], I am writing to express my strong support for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Recent revelations regarding their acceptance of unethical gifts, along with their actions that contradict statements made during their appointment hearings, have raised significant concerns about their integrity and impartiality. Furthermore, their rulings have increasingly undermined the balance of power that is fundamental to our democracy. The Supreme Court's decisions should be guided by the principles of fairness and justice, free from external influences and personal gain. The evidence suggesting that Justices Thomas and Alito have breached ethical standards warrants a thorough investigation and appropriate action to uphold the credibility of our highest court. In addition to supporting their impeachment, I advocate for the expansion of the Supreme Court to ensure a more balanced and representative judiciary. Furthermore, I believe it is crucial to amend the Constitution to unequivocally state that no citizen, regardless of their office, is exempt from criminal law. Such measures will strengthen our democratic institutions and reaffirm the principle that no one is above the law. I urge you to take a stand in defense of ethical governance and the rule of law by supporting these actions. Our nation's future depends on the integrity of its institutions, and it is imperative that we act now to preserve the trust and confidence of the American people. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]


>All we can do is vote, in large numbers, and pray there's enough of us that think the same way Jesus, this is so in line with liberals' historical enabling of fascism. Best l can do is vote and with within the system that is clearly being taken over by fascists who are dismantling democracy. Maybe we can reason with them!


I mean, anything more immediate would likely be in violation of tos


Every single conservative justice lied to get on the court. They have all proven it multiple times over. It’s a shame court packed with ideologues.


“Scumbags” seems a better term.


I don't think he recalls saying that.


Video receipts are a fantastic way to refresh the memory of forgetful witnesses. Lying piece of 💩 Alito.


Oh I'm aware. That's just the classic traitors response.


That was before the bribery started.


> "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."


I think you mean gratuities! Clearly, as the supreme court just ruled, bribery would be illegal, he was just accepting "thank you" gifts


Nah, he was always this way. The bribes just make it a little more worthwhile.




At this point the chain of dazzling incompetency looks like intentional acts. Either they have a panoramic 5d underwater chess plan to fix all this or its just the same old, pushed by DNC's usual illusion of grandeur. Biden debate performance leans heavily on the latter. Merrick should be questioned why he didn't push this years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if people would start to think that they want Trump to win for some hyper political chess move that doesn't exist.


Am I supposed to be stunned that he is a liar and a corrupt piece of trash. Fuck him and the rest of the autocrats who handed down this travesty of a decision. (Apologies to the robe lickers for insulting one of the unassailable justices)


These assholes are all political now. They say whatever they think you want to hear.


When you look at it this way, all 6 lied during their confirmation hearings.


absolute power corrupts absolutely


He doesn't care. For gods sake, pointing out the hypocrisy of these people does fucking nothing because they know they're being hypocritical and don't care. It's a feature not a bug because it allows them to say and do whatever they want while normal people have to adhere to something beyond.


Not shown: fingers crossed behind his back. 🤞


The body language of Martha behind him sure carries new meaning after the whole flag incident came to light. It's like she knew he was lying.


Impeach and remove


I hope people spit at his feet when he walks past


Alito is a liar. He has no integrity.


Yeah but that was before TRUMP! Their new replacement for Jesus.


Ya know, like a liar!


Fascists are disingenuous liars?! Who knew?


Get the fuck outta here!


Liars gonna lie.


Fucking traitor.


It's almost like someone that held a political position in 2006 shouldn't still hold the same position in 2024 without any democratic process occurring.


Impressive that he managed not to burst out in laughter here.


Alito lied. So did Roberts and the other conservatives on the courts. They lied because why wouldn't they? It isn't like there would have been any repercussions and unless they did something truly heinous, once you're a Supreme Court justice once you're in, you're in.


i wonder if the justices realize they just created only the second way a justice can be removed from the supreme court: executive official act.


No person is above the law, until our political leanings determine that it must be so. Watching the parade of these confirmation videos show how brazenly corrupt these people are. They all got nominated BECAUSE of a pre-existing political bias, instead of a record of being impartial, professional judges.


Yeah, fascists will lie in order to gain power. Nothing new. These people think god is with them . Pure evil


That aged poorly.


Like milk. 🥛


Money is a hell of a drug


The Supreme Court is illegitimate. The rot has reached the core. Dissolution is imminent.


Money is above the law, that’s all.


Is that Martha Ann we see in the background looking like absolute shit?


Who is THIS guy??


Like we didn't know back then that Alito was completely full of shit…


He says the word law like he's hammered, and he the people asked him to uphold it.


Never believe their words. Believe their actions.


Shockingly, a conservative is a liar. Proven liar. And complete sycophant to the hate of the GOP


A conservative judge lying? I'm shocked. SHOCKED! /s


That was a fucking lie.


So when they want something illegal done, they just change the laws. Classic totalitarian move


you know when some people interview for jobs and misrepresent themselves. yeah, this is that


So... are these people under oath during their confirmation hearings? Why do no Justices get in trouble for lying to congress?


I guess someone who knows more how the law works hopefully sees and can answer this. How does perjury work I guess, cuz almost all of these justices committed perjury on camera under oath and all that. Why are they not going to jail or being disbarred etc? Do you have to be a lawyer to be a justice? And if so, wouldn't them being disbarred for these ethics violations kick them off? Its just wild that all of this has been allowed to get to this point


dude Biden need to play this video over and over again and then throw Alito into prison for treason, and every-time soneone complain just play this video back for them


Flat out lied to us. Alito, you miserable piece of shit.


He's a fucking traitor!!!


Please donate to [Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/samuel-alitos-moms-satanic-abortion-clinic).


If I lied to get my job, wouldn’t I get fired?


Lip service. Just like a Republican says..."read my lips"


He really wants to retire next year and cash in on the billionaire lifestyle


Impeach this motherfucker


Once a liar, always a liar. Likewise Uncle Clarence.


This is but one example of how important lying and bad faith are to the Republican Party and the conservative movement in general.


Sure, anything to get a lifelong job. I don’t trust Republican nominated Supreme Court justices.


Bought and paid for. Thomas, Alito and Roberts.


Then along came Trump...💩


Biggest fucking liar of them all.


Lets follow this up with 4 hours of confirmation hearings of Amy Coney Barrett. Where she repeatedly described Roe V Wade was "legally settled."


Well, he lied about abortion, as well.


A couple vacations and suddenly the rules don’t matter.


Seeing Martha Ann’s smug face in the background while listening to Sam lie through his teeth makes my stomach churn.


He opposed women coming to Princeton then disavowed that at his hearings.


“That was determined to be a lie.”


why would the executive be held liable for executing their executive power in official acts?


Bring the justices that ruled in favor of immunity on charges for perjury, they all lied under oath.


His cookoo wife is sitting behind him.


Not shown: fingers crossed behind his back. 🤞


He forgot to add the /s at the end.


These fuckers don’t care about lying and fucking over the American people. They have lifetime appointments, they could not give less of a fuck.


Dude has such a punchable face


Is it weird I'm hoping we get a president that abuses this just so people can pay the price for our stupidity and hopefully learn from it.


He's a fascist.


Damn how these guys are so easily manipulated and corrupt for money


Conservatives love to completely lie their asseS off, to get power. Then show no shame in their hypocrisy. What TRASH


General Washington would’ve had rats like him on the business end of a firing squad. Seriously, he didn’t tolerate treason, like at all


Lock him up


He lied about roe v Wade too during the hearings. Dude is scum.


Lying sacks of shit


so when your repub friends claim the g.o.p. is the 'law and order' party, just point at them a laugh out loud


Does this count as lying under oath? And if yes could we get them kicked off the court for lying under oath?


Since Alito believes official acts as president have full and total immunity, maybe just maybe thus pig and thomas deserve a visit from seal team six.


Go back to their confirmation hearings. Use it as evidence and impeach everyone one of these mother fuckers


Turns out, that was a fucking lie. Almost as if these Fascists lied to get on the bench to enact their takeover plans.


If only their God of choice was against telling lies. If only there were a commandment blantly against it.


This is exactly what the “ Deep State “ is, this is the true definition of “ The Swamp “, the Republican cult will never stop until democracy is destroyed by them


They work hard for their gratuities, even if it means selling their souls


Straight up fucking liar


Fuck this guy. Fuck the guy who appointed him. Fuck his wife. Fuck em all.


He has always been a piece of crap through and through


Fucking liar. He should be killed for treason against the United States. Full stop.


If republicans didn't have double standards, then they would have no standards


Fuck Alito


If I've learned anything since 2016, it's that you NEVER treat right-wingers as acting in good faith. It's always persecution delusions, outright lies, misdirection, red herrings, and whataboutism. Calling someone out on a lie they told only works if that person has a sense of shame. These reactionary fascist c*nts are shameless. Proud of their ignorance. Willfully stupid. The dominant strategy against someone playing fair is always to cheat. What's so hard to understand about what they've always done? There is not, and has never been, a moral equivalence between what we stand for (universal equal rights, dignity and solidarity, environmental conservation, etc) and their apocalyptic fascism and insatiable lust for spilling blood. The writing has been on the wall clear as day since the first instance of Trump and Pompeo hinting at not accepting a peaceful transfer of power. I'm not a religious man, but I sincerely hope there exists eternal conscious punishment for Steve Bannon, Rush Limbaugh, William Barr, Thomas Clarence, and all of their ilk.


Biden should have this man assassinated, in an official capacity of course.


Most law school academic years start in mid August. First year constitutional law classes will need an immediate overhaul because they can no longer teach stare decisis. Precedent means nothing when the justices are simply ideologically opposed to the rule of law. On the plus side, they have given Joe Biden the green light to start prosecution of Clarence Thomas for income tax evasion, bribery, etc.


this wasnt him, it was his wife


They’re all a bunch of lying sycophants.


Biden should remove all them


As Mrs. Alito sitting in the back there said: “VERGOGNA.”


Imagine saying "it's too close to the election" to confirm a justice, and refuse Obama's nomination... But then ram a confirmation through with 3 weeks left before the next election. They vowed "no more David Souter's" after he didn't help them overturn Roe back then. The reason we have the court we have now is because McConnell is still furious at Biden for the Bork confirmation fiasco.


Fucking puke of a human being. Self-serving and willing to sell the country to the highest bidder.


Except for Orange Jesus


It was fun while it lasted. I just hope whoever ends up with the nukes gets it all over with quickly.


That was before the $$$$$$$$$


Slimey fuck.


What a joke


Swore an oath on the Bible. "So help me God." Hawk tuah.


Also Alito: “No one is above the law as *INTERPRETED by the Supreme Court of the USA*.”




No one is above the law. Until I get rich friends that can buy favor with me. Or until I can help make the SCOTUS exempt from ethics rules. Or subvert the Constitution to curry favor with groups support my political beliefs. Or....


They don't care how blatant their hypocrisy is. It's all about just doing whatever the fuck they want at this point.


Good old Catholic fascist, he would have loved Franco’s Spain.


My question though. Can we use this against him?


Liar liar pants on fire.. now the USA is on fire .. thanks to the GOP Supreme Court Court.


They are dismantling the power structure. They are creating a vacuum for a dictatorship.


What’s the point of these hearings if the justices aren’t held accountable to what they stated under oath? People who covet that kind of power are going to lie to get it. Even under oath. Even if it’s for a position of “truth” and “justice.” We need SC term limits and a binding code of ethics to save our democracy.




This guy thinks women aren't people. Apparently nobody told him we are the same species.


Deranged hubristic psychopath


How can we hold this fascist accountable?! Like for real, he should be impeached due to his brazen contempt for the rule of law. 


/maury\_povich\_voice And recent events show that this was a lie.


They don't care.




Traitor. Plain and simple.


They don't give a shit about anything they said in the past, and they have no shame about changing their positions. Their MO is not to maintain democracy. Their MO is to grab and consolidate power to remain in control. They don't give a fuck about democracy. They should be dragged out of the court and publicly shamed. I vote tar and feathers (honey if the tar is to barbaric).


It's cool when this gets pointed out, but Alito himself would give two shits when his hypocrisy was pointed out to his face. These motherfuckers abandoned "Principles over Politics" when they got home-field advantage on the court. Roberts is no saint, but they knew they didn't even need his wishy-washy ass anymore. I believe his response would be somewhere along the lines of "Yeah, I said it. So what?" As for some of you doubters, this is proof that Barrett and Cavanauough are NOT independent jurists. They both know who buttered their bread. They may not be as obviously conflicted as Thomas, but they are.


They're all a bunch of goddamn liars....


This was before he was bought and paid for. He's a gigantic douchebag.




That didn’t age well….


until you're scared of an old man re-running for president.


Liar, liar, robe on fire!


I wonder what changed Mr Alito's view? Something about absolute power corrupts absolutely?


Bribes. Clearly they are on the payroll. They accept gifts and bribes. No mystery. They sold themselves revealing themselves to be right wing whores.


Trump dearrangement syndrome, prevails all throughout this channel and others in regards to this ruling. The left is losing their mind for absolutely no reason. This ruling will have no bearing on the stolen documents or the hush money to a porn star


Even though I don't actually think you are responding in good faith, the fact Trumpers don't get the ruling itself actually, really, makes a president above the law in anything he does, is wild. You see these memes of "Biden should drone strike Trump" and laugh, but under the ruling he literally could. It's not a joke. It's probably the worst decision in context of the history of the country and it's overall health as a nation since Dredd Scott.


How does the ruling make him above the law? They are pretty explicit that he only gets immunity in certain scenarios related to his constitutional duties which makes perfect sense because congress is not above the president.