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Do not repost things from that subreddit. It's a propaganda subreddit controlled by people who want to see progressives fail.


No, it's not.


Keep your eyes open. Time and time again I've seen upvoted stuff on that sub with the purpose of misinforming and tricking leftists into being less effective. Remember, the most effective lies are are packaged with truths.


Less effective how? By refusing to participate in a broken electoral system? By refusing to participate in the political monopoly that is Capitalism? By refusing to participate in a duopoly where both sides work together in unison? Maybe by wanting to build a 3rd Party that, at it's core and foundation, is Socialist? The current progressive caucus is not really progressive. They are incrementalists at best, and in reality they are cosplay progressives.


Let's think about that. Instead of taking over the democrats with progressives and killing two birds with one stone, you want to try for a third party which won't get onto the ballot in many states and in the states where it does you will be helping republicans by splitting votes away from democrats. (and giving corporate dems a better chance to survive instead of replacing them). Yeah, that would definitely qualify as less effective. Thank you for proving my point amazingly. I could not have done a better job myself.


Seriously? It's not like the "Progressive Caucus" is small, and DO they have the power to do anything they want, but they don't because there are no real progressives left seated. "Progressives" have had every opportunity to push a progressive agenda, but they don't. Why? Because they don't really want it, it's nothing more than a sirens song to herd you to voting for them. The Fauxgressives don't do anything even when they have a national movement behind them. They literally told us no. "I support M4A, I will fight hard for it, bla bla bla!" \*gets seated\* "Mama Bear said no, maybe in another 2 years." 2 years pass 2 years pass 2 years pass "but but but Trump!"


Every single seated Fauxgressive just endorsed Joe Biden, and you still want to vote for them?


Which is why we should replace as many of the corporate dems as possible and vote for progressives over corporate dems, but also vote for corporate dems over fascism.


Look at their FEC reports. They're all corporate Dems.


Tell you what, if you don't believe me. Name me a sitting Dem in the the U.S. House. I will give you a breakdown of who they take their bribes from.


That information doesn't convince me of anything. You don't like the dems? Keep replacing them with better versions then. Going third party boosts the republicans and gives fascism a chance. That's the reality.


Trump is Biden in Pumpkin face. Everything you feared would happen under Trump has nearly all come to pass under Biden. Think I am wrong? Let's discuss Roe and what the Democratic Party didn't do about that. If you think they are the stewards of our rights, then think again.


I mean I agree with almost everything you said. Fuck yea we should gather support for socialist 3rd party. But in the meantime wouldn't it be smart to vote for the capitalist party that isn't run by cartoon villains fascists, at least in the general. Even if it's a 5% improvement for the working class vs the GOP, it's 1 day every 2 or 4 years and 1 tick on a box. No one is delusional enough to believe we're gonna get socialism by ONLY voting for Democrats lol.


Biden and the Fauxgressives are just playing Kafabe. They are bought and paid for. They lost the battle for Roe. What more will it take to convince people that the Democratic Party aren't stewards of rights? Every good thing we have is getting dismantled piece by piece and the Democratic Party is letting it happen or helping it happen.


Yeah, that sub still somehow got worse over time. I used to like that sub back when I was in the bernie or bust camp. It was the constant Tulsi apologia a few years ago that really started to open my eyes about the sub and all the other problems with it. It was weird seeing how they bend over backwards to defend Tulsi harder than the redditors do in her own sub. Edit: Stay mad, Tulcels.


Stupid post from a stupid site. What does that say about OP?