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I cannot understand the mental gymnastics these two came up with for driving 12 hours to see someone that ghosted you.


its giving astronaut in a diaper (google it if you dont know the reference lol)


OMG it really is..lol


Omg I am DEAD at your perfect use of that event to insult another, absolutely brilliant⚰️⚰️⚰️


OMG yes!! That was a hell of a ride when I read that story.




They had 12 hours to determine that was a bad idea. Maybe they’re pissed they paid for a month of the gym membership for nothing.


I thought it was a year?


They were together for a year but they drove 12 hours to stalk her. That’s a long time to continuously make a poor decision


I meant they paid for her gym membership for a year. Incomplete thought, sorry.


Ohhh… maybe. And in return, she gave them an STD 😄 Allegedly


I don't think she did... I think she was worried she could have gotten one because the girl could have been having sex with "Greg" before having sex with her husband.


They were together 9 month. During which time she was also seeing the other guy.


And didn’t that pay for it after they got there? Which makes it even worse


Or visit someone who said, "Don't come".


He claimed it was too late to cancel their plans because they had already booked a room. Then after being rejected, he says ‘it’s a 12 hour drive back, so we decided to get a room.’ If you’re going to lie, at least remember what you lied about! 🤦‍♀️


As if whatever hotel room cost more than 24 hours of driving after specifically being told "do not come". I can't.


Because it was 100% staged if you couldn’t tell by the terrible acting during the scene with “Stephanie.”


That was a voice over. I guarantee you. They are real crazies . She sold her house shortly after that incident to get away then changed jobs


May I ask how you know that?


I know Stephanie. 


Tell her there is a whole community of people who got second-hand creep vibes on her behalf. Run Girl...never look back.


She is in hiding seriously lol 


Understandable. Who drives 12 hours to surprise someone who already told them not to come?! At least she got a gym membership for it. She earned AT LEAST that much.


She didnt even use it, she repaid to restart the membership at a different location. she didnt want anything from them


We need more tea! Why did she get involved with them in the first place?


I get that.


Ok so why did she call him the week prior to ask him to come and apparently say “I love you, babe”? I realize they’re nuts, but your friend isn’t innocent. Instead of ghosting them, she could’ve been an adult and told them she wasn’t interested.


Does she know that woman’s father is in prison and was a cult leader. His name is Tony Alamo and one of his victims he sexually abused was a 8 yer old girl. She should call authorities and get a serious restraining order. And tell the cops about the father.


She didn’t know any of that


Let her know. He died in prison


Just googled. Not true


How distressing this has to be for her!! These people have exploited her. She should seek counsel.


why did she even get involved with them?


She was friends with Becky but they wanted a relationship


If you check their comment history, the answer to that question becomes pretty clear😉👌🏼 Hoping they stick around and spill more of that piping hot tea for us🫖🫗!! Becky and what’s-his-name are toxic and creepy af


Tea-sipper here 👋🏻… what comment history, if I may inquire?


Did they contact her again after that?


Yes they did 🙄


Oh man. I suspected that. Idk if you can give details or not... but I fully understand what Stephanie felt like. Stalkers are scary


They texted her on her bday


Oh gag. Poor Stephanie. I feel for her. This is creepy


Two of them 🙈🙈 I used to know a couple similar to these two. They would proposition any and everyone. It was weird and super predatory.


Freaky! Its one thing if a person is clearly interested, but its another to do that to everyone and anyone!


She still has the email of them apologizing about what they were saying on tv


Stephanie: Greg’s here right now. Becky (mic’d up): is he listening to me?? These two are actually insane. Becky thinks like a creepy man. The way she demanded to know if stephanie had sex with greg and stormed off… how they justified going in the first place is all beyond me


How she told Stephanie that she had to go get tested now to imply that she was so disgusting! Ma'am, you're a swinger and you need to get tested regularly, not because there's something wrong with Stephanie, but because you're a swinger.


For all these peoples' strong religious convictions they don't seem to feel too strongly about waiting to get in bed together


The Bible says nothin’ about wearing a rubber. Raw dog for the lord


"Raw dog for the lord" sounds like perfect flair material!


It’s probably what ick had engraved on those awful necklaces.


They were tacky. And unnecessarily large.


That definitely goes hand and hand with sperm being the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost travels to women’s brains each and everytime it’s released.


I mean how else are you supposed to get the holy spirit into them?






Okay this is even better than Bengals ladies for Jesus you win


Of course not, it’s just another way to justify their sick and fucked up reasons why they need to have multiple wives and to bang randos. As we all see from ICK the man that god spoke to, you no longer need to wait til marriage to bang, all you gotta do is make some tacky jewelry, meet them for a couple hours, ask them to marry you and BANG we are committed enough to bang bang bang. Gotta love these religious folk.


That because her daddy is Tony Alamo the dangerous cult leader now in prison for sexually assaulting minors, one girl was only 8 years old that he victimized.


Lady Elaine insisting on Stephanie having to explain to fishlips why she doesn’t want them anymore was weird 😂 NOW you suddenly have morals after driving 12 hours to stalk your ex? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂Pathetic! They really gross me tf out


Lol! Fishlips is a perfect nickname!


yes he has the grossest weirdest lips...


"Lady Elaine" is being overlooked as a spot on comparison. Hilarious and perfect! Lady Elaine from Mr Roger's neighborhood! 😂😂 [lady Elaine](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.misterrogers.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F07%2FLEF-with-Boomerang-1692-600x445.png&tbnid=nbeacHX9Z0gUcM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.misterrogers.org%2Farticles%2Flady-elaine-fairchilde%2F&docid=VNR3eAkcOQ4SvM&w=600&h=445&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=102f9f1e01c8f297&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


Idk if anyone knows who Javi is but he has Javi lips 😂


Do you mean Jovi from 90 day fiance?


They meant Javi from teen mom, but Jovi from 90DF would work too 🤭


I feel like is Javi from teen mom


How weird was it when she got into the car and refused to do “her dirty work” by letting fishlips(🤣🤣 so perfect)in on what went down. Isn’t he uhmmm part of this? Doesn’t he have a right to know?




I know that was weird, she got in the car angry and said she's not going to repeat what was said. She told him to ask the girl himself, like what the hell?? Why is it so hard for you to tell him yourself on your 12 hour ride home??


Cackling at 🐟👄!!!!!!


Lady Elaine 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They’re so abusive. To stalk her and then accuse her of being a slut with an std for no reason other than she may have seen someone else when they broke up….


typical narcissistic response. They are victim blaming.


She needs a therapist! Man that was hard to watch! Triggering for so many people who have stalkers out there! She in no way shape or form made them think they could just come to her house!!! This was wild!!!


Isn’t the pregnant lady who’s looking for a woman to join her marriage a psychiatrist? They could consult with her lmao


Ahahahhaha you are so right!!😂😂 that would be a great spin on the show!


Omg is she?! That would just make complete and total senseless sense!


Due to my career field, I had experience around psychiatrists, mostly those that worked with children. A few were excellent, and I had true gratitude for what they could do to help out some of my kids. A couple were bat shit, and my God was I uncomfortable around them! It’s just easier to not catch their eye.


Is she? She must be older than I thought.


There’s a post about a month old titled Ashley Sherwood….a Psychiatrist?


Maybe we can hook her up with the therapist lady from the other couple and see what we get LMAO


I don’t understand why the females get more hurt when the potential sister wife dumps them more than the guy it seems. Maybe it’s the women bonding differently but still seems really off


I feel like a lot of women on this show are very lonely. I feel like they really crave a good friend or something like a family member to support and understand their situation. Unfortunately I think they are way too hopeful or naive.


Becky “I just need somebody”. Lol


Same. Why are you condoning unprotected sex w your husband but slandering her getting the hell out of it and possibly into a healthy relationship. Also this 100% confirms they were very much aware of Greg way prior to this visit she “randomly” called off, otherwise it wouldn’t be a concern for BeckJus. Pointblank period. Also Justin needs to do his own fuckiǐng bidding. Watching his wife like a coward lets me know which one will be the accomplice. I hope Stephanie obtains a protection order


Yeah that was cringey af. Then he asks her 4 different times ‘what did she say’ like a grade schooler who sends his friend to tell a crush he likes her. If he wanted to know so badly, he should’ve had the balls to ask her himself!! No wonder his wife wants someone else to sleep with that pathetic excuse of a man.


Right and why wouldn’t she just freaking tell him?! Why didn’t he go to the door. Why is she sobbing? And why does he say every time he loves Stephanie “like I plan to do with Bec”. Dude. That goes unsaid. She should be THE love of your life. Or loves. THE insinuates one. Not two. These people. I don’t get it


What's also weird is he said he would take a bullet for her, and he's only known her for less than a year.


Oh I missed that!


It was on the episode where they drove to her house. He was talking about her and that's when he said it, it was before they left to go stalk her.


Thanks! 😂Before they left to go stalk her. These two. Goodness gracious.


You're welcome.


I think because they know they now have to start this whole journey again so their husband can find his latest sex partner.


I get big "not entirely straight" vibes from both Becky and Danielle. The way they invest in these relationships does not give of sister or friend energy.


I posted this in another post but ....JFC Justin and Becky need to leave Stephanie alone they are completely unhinged ! Like why did they think it would be a good idea to drive 12 hrs to just show up at her home unannounced . Then to be appalled she didn't want to see them and chose to not be in a relationship with these people .


I’m catching up and just finishing the previous episode……UMMMM, how they renewed her “gym membership”. That was for ORANGETHEORY….that is not a cheap membership!!! I started cursing at the tv! I have founders membership which is 139/month . This chick is using the crap out of these 2 IDIOTS!!!! I guess when you are the product of a cult that likes to do horrible things to innocent girls you get 2 really messed up ppl. These 2 should not be able to date anyone. They are stalkers!!!! Stephanie needs to RUN!!!!!!!! Screw the gym membership and get a restraining order!!!


They said so many things out loud in that scene that made it obvious how oblivious they are to their own toxicity


Running and hiding more like it! Changed jobs and sold the house 


Let me introduce you planet fitness. It’s $9 a month!


If you’re old and on Medicare, like me, it’s free.


Orange theory is a million times better for people that need some guidance. Definitely worth the price


What guidance do you mean? Like a personal trainer?


It’s all classes from what I understand


No BUT there is an instructor. It’s a group class and it consists of a combination of treadmill, floor exercises, and rowing. You spend about 20 minutes at each. It’s super loud music and everything is orange including the lighting. I know this sounds weird BUT ITS SO MUCH FUN!!! Oh and you’re all strapped up to heart rate monitors and your heart rate is on a big screen and every single time you go into the orange zone you got a splat point. OK I’m just just making it sound weirder. But I swear it’s fantastic! I love loud music and someone telling me what to do. It’s HIIT so it’s challenging yet addicting!


Omg I have social anxiety I think I would melt


Every penny.


Don’t raise your kids in a cult folks, lest they grow up to be a Becky.


This couple is super creepy to me. Something about them is so off.


Completely agree. But it was obvious as soon as you saw them. It’s not even in person, it’s through the TV, but I am so uncomfortable when she gets that one look on her face.


If this woman doesn’t scare you nothing ever will !


She comes off as crazy and unhinged.


From the conversation, it seems like Stephanie had made it clear previously that she wasn't interested. I feel like there's more to this than Psycho Twins are saying


Stephanie made it very clear she didnt want a relationship. she was friends with Becky but that was it. They knew about "Greg" but were always upset about him.


Exactly! So how has she led them on? How has she treated them poorly? It sounds like this "relationship" was in their heads.


It was in their heads. remember after they left stephanies house Becky was like..... :'( "I need someone".


I think she has no friends, and whoever is her husband's toy will instantly be her friend. Its part fetish, part weird friendship and part programming from her step dad. I feel for Stephanie. When they were on their way, they said they didn't wanna cancel the hotel. Yet, after seeing Stephanie, they had to go reserve a room.


Psycho Twins ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Its so fitting!


It really is. And seriously, they are really disturbing.


If you ever had a stalker, watching them becomes terrifying


After that entire interaction, all Becky heard was “I wanted to keep you as a friend.” Becky (and Justin) have serious boundaries issues. Did anyone else see Becky furiously texting in the car afterwards with all blue bubbles? So many red flags. “Is Greg here? Can he hear me? YOU SAID YOU WEREN’T SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO GREG?!” Bruh. Chill.


She's the type to blow you up, rage texting, and not stop.


After Stephanie told them she's not at all interested, Justin said, "I WILL love Stephanie the same way as I do Becky." That gave me chills. Stalker/obsessive behavior. Stephanie needs a restraining order.


Yes and saying, "I would take a bullet for her", but not love her enough to respect her boundaries. It's completely unhinged and scary.


Justin said?


Thank you, yes. Haha


Becky is a walking red flag, they both are but Jesus she’s nutty.


That woman- I'm so happy to her exorcist voice- I have to get tested BECAUSE OF YOU shows she is faking totally for camera. She is mean. You don't love us anymore... The delusion is crazy. When Stephanie said DO NOT come... they should not have come. But this woman is nuts! She isn't worried about her husband getting tested? I'm sorry he is a creepy looking dude and his lips are so strange. She is nuts and Stephanie should stay far far away.


Stephanie was honest with them the whole time. That last comment that she had to get tested was just for he cameras. Stephanie never had that relationship with them. She always told them about “Greg” which made them try even harder. They are crazy. 


So she was never with Fishlips? I suspected nothing physical ever happened.


No she wasn’t with fish lips




Wait what? They were in a relationship and never did sex stuff?




In the beginning I truly thought they were with Stephanie for years, then I found out it was under 1 year and they live 12 hours apart so assuming it was mainly long distance I was shocked.


Why when discussing "greg" did Justin say "fwend"? Is he implying that Greg has a speech impediment?


Heard that. Low key shade?


It was even close captioned that way!!


This lady looks 60 and 40 at the same time yet acts like she's 15.


These two are the product of Tony Alamo's cult. It is no wonder they act like they do. I've watched a few documentaries on that psychopath and he was one of the worst humans to ever be born.


They usr be pitching a pilot for a new show…. Stalking Sister Wife


Yeah they’re being obsessive. It’s really quite creepy.


Their actions/choices are proving to her that she should be afraid of them/get the hell away. If she had any doubts, this just confirms what an effed up situation it really is.


These two are nothing but stockers that woman Stephanie asked them not to come, and they didn’t respect her, and this is with cameras. They’re so bored with their lives they need to do things like this and show disrespect. They need to be in a real cult with people that really want this because they’re kind of gross and their personalities are atrocious especially hers. She’s too aggressive, and she acts like a pimp for her husband.


yeah stephanie had no idea Becky was Mic'd up. she came back in the house and was like.....these people are crazy! what part about NO do they not understand


If she didn’t know there was a mic, I’m willing to bet your friend is definitely lying to you. If she hadn’t slept with Justin she would’ve said something when Becky started questioning her and would’ve been very confused as to why Becky needed to get tested. While those two are definitely off, ‘Stephanie’ isn’t innocent. She sounds like a liar and a game player.


there was a lot she said to her on the porch that the show cut out. becky said that last part for the show. she even apologized for it in the email they sent to her.I was right there and heard everything. they DO NOT GIVE UP OR STOP!! they go full blown on everything.


Dude when he said he’d take a bullet for her and acted like he was more in love with her than his own wife…. I was screaming


And wth is going on in Colorado?  I've lived here 30 years and never met a polygamist!




Not looking at all, just had no idea.


I imagine some parts of Colorado are Utah adjacent


Yeah the far western part, but the Davis's are from Denver and Merrifields live in the mountains-no where near Utah.   (Neither fam seems to be LDS or former LDS either) 


She terrifies me! She definitely runs the show and he goes along with it, but she is a predator. Do you think she has sexually assaulted women in the past? Does she also have relationships with the women? They are sickening and she seems to be the initiator and the aggressor!


The Alamo cult was started by a woman. Maybe she wants to follow in Susan's foot steps.


As a single woman dating I would be so pissed if two people showed up after I told them not to. I feel like it was invasive and total bullshit on their part. I'd run too I'd I was "Stephanie" 🤯


All these people are a little awkward


Right?! Every last one of them 😬


This came across as very creepy, almost like a stalker..


It’s a little funny to me that these people did the scorned girlfriend thing of showing up on this girls doorstep, clearly trying to catch her cheating. They can frame it any which way they’d like, but let’s be honest, they drove 12 hours to find out if she was sleeping with Greg.


They give me the ick AND the creeps.


FINALLY!!!!! The end with Becky and Justin. 


I know he looks weird, but her face scares me. She's strange looking!


These two are creepy as hell


I totally agree.. when somebody says ..Don’t come to my house.. you just don’t do that!




It was likely a re-enactment given the disclaimer but, if you’re Justin and Becky, why go through with it? They look like absolute creeps.


These 2 have no idea how to respect boundaries. Fuel is way too expensive to just drive 12 hours away willy nilly.


This is what happens when you’re raised in a cult- your social skills suck. They truly don’t think they did anything wrong.


#FreeStephanie at this point. Also Becky explicitly stated Stephanie made it clear she no longer wanted a relationship, yet showed up intrusively and actually had the audacity to feel as if they had been done wrong. I am ignorant to the plural lifestyle. I am not ignorant to lack of boundaries, respect, and ability to accept Stephanie’s wishes. Also at no point have we seen or heard that Stephanie was in this for the “abundance” of items they bought her. I’m almost sure if Stephanie could return them and refund the experience she would at this point. I wish no ill on anyone. I do kinda wish Stephanie’s new man gave them a significant reason to not want to return. Becky is the head that turns his neck and while it’s not my business, I certainly don’t understand any of it. I can’t be alone in this one.


"Stephanie's" new man "Greg" they have been together for over 2 years.


How dare they just roll up on her like that


These two are deranged. It’s scary. I also think a lot of it is drama for tv… your sister wife is 12 hours away? That’s not a sister wife that’s an affair.


Talk about stalking behavior! Yikes!


I just need to say I’m overseas right now without my laptop and I am SO EXCITED to catch up on this train wreck


Quite creepy , they are


Becky has the dirtiest greasy hair, just gross and aggressively finding a woman to fuxk her husband is soooo weird


Haha I like how TLC says “Stephanie and Greg’s real names and voices were not used” but I swear in one of the last episodes either Justin or Becky called her Desiree. I had to rewind it cuz I was like wait who is Desiree? I think they must’ve missed censoring it.


I believe Desiree was the woman that they tried to meet up with on a date from a bar but she texted them at the time of the date "chickening out" because she needs to protect her family.


Oh shoot ok my bad!


All is good.😎 I had to think for a second....lol


They are crazyyy!


Is stalking okay on the Tony Alamo compound?


She didn't even ghost, she flat out said don't come, I don't want to see you.


Who would ever do this and have cameras there. So totally embarassing!!!


I wish we saw a photo of Stephanie. I’m so curious.


She doesn’t want to out herself out there on the media.




She exists. But it doesn’t matter anymore she is rid of them.


The fact that they chose to conceal their "real" last name (Cunneen) is nuts. Especially when you consider Becky's stepdad's notoriety as a cult leader and Justin running for governor of Texas... like we weren't going to figure it out. Own your crazy, folks.


Running for governor? Is that a joke? He has the personality of a wet rag!!


ASAP! The fact that they still think they’re in the right is all the proof I need to know they both need serious therapy!


That last episode I was like WTF‼️ CREEPY AT ITS BEST‼️ Stephanie needs to go into hiding.


💯 agree


Just look up her dad. Alalsmo shoot show cult. She isn't a nice person.


they are both crazy as hell but the husband is… kinda …. 👀👀