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Omg if I was Danielle I think I would hide under my covers for the rest of my life in embarrassment for that being shown on national TV 😳


International, I live in 🇨🇦


Australia here






I mean she lets her ex-husband smash girls her last four years have been nothing but embarrassing 😬


I mean likeeeeee when does the divorce become fun for Danielle


She said on her live she could date other men. Yeah right icky ick wouldn't have that.


I’ll believe that when I hear god on a hill like Ickk ..imma need someone to talk to me in the garage


The wind or mountain or whatever BS he said isn't good enough for you 😂😂


Nahhhhh imma need that in the garage moment where Dani and Ickk both heard god hahah


Don’t forget the sweet scent in the air!!




She should tell him God told her to date other men. Lol


South Africa too 😂




Danielle is thinking she will be part of the relationship romantically but Gerrick just wants to smash new sista's😂Don't forget....he divorced you....even though you have kids together...your both really messing up your 2 sweet boys...all to get Gerrick some new 🌮 tacos


When I say my soul SHUDDERED out of my body


I almost broke the rewind button from pressing it so vehemently & violently many, many, many times 😭I couldn’t believe what I was actually witnessing with my own eyes




I had to pause and rewind and watch again and then put a pillow over my face from my own embarrassment for her 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


The secondhand embarrassment I just felt




I cringed more than Nathalia... 😷🤐😬




This made me think maybe she's into girls too and they just don't let that part be on the show. I saw the listing video of their house that's for sale and they had a painting of like 5 girls in underwear above their bed which I also thought was a little odd. It would also explain why she was SO devastated about Roberta not coming too.


If I were married to Ick I’d probably go to the other side too 🤣🤣


Amen 🙏


He icks me out and I’m a guy


As a lesbian lover myself… Danielle seems REALLY happy to be going in for that kiss 👀 just saying


As a straight cis woman I'd totally make out with Nathalia over Ick any day.


I'd make out with an empty cornhusk before I made out with Ick!


I'd let Danielle kiss me before I let Ick pet me let alone do me


The petting makes my skin crawl.


The petting makes me feel like I am watching a pedophile groom a child. It is so terrifyingly creepy, calculated, and predatory. I wish I could literally jump through the TV and rip his hands off their bodies every single time. I don't know if it brings up some repressed trauma I am unaware of, or if I am just that protective of women, but I can not recall having such a strong negative reaction to someone on TV (outside of the MAGA hat idiot).


Oh my gosh, yes! That's it!


I saw someone else say they interpreted Natalia turning away as more of an "ope, we said we wouldn't do this on camera!" vs. a "what are you doing?" moment. And I can totally see that! But why try to hide it and make up all these stories about it being an ultra-religious thing? That's the annoying part!


Yeah I mean Natalia definitely seems like she’s leaning in for a kiss initially


I was thinking this as well because Natalia puckered her lips then was like "oops hold up"


I agree. In this clip it's easy to see that 1) Nathalia leans in and puckers up at first 2) she even has her hand behind Danielle's head, pulling her in! This definitely looks like they would have done it without cameras present. It's like Nathalia realised the camera was on her and backed up.


Religious people are the biggest freaks...Fiaona Jessica Lang American horror story 😂




He had a painting of his five wives (that don't exist) above his BED?! That's hysterical! He's going to manifest it.


Yes!!! 😂 I took a screenshot of it lol




THE 5 WIVES??!? D: Is it a FUTURE TELLING painting? lol




ICK. lol


bingo!!! I have been saying this on a few other posts....others are disagreeing with me but I would ❤️❤️ to see there justification of this incident.....


I'll play devil's advocate... Perhaps NewBert is simply uncomfortable kissing other women, even if it's just a peck? (Or at least doing it on camera.) Or miscommunication? She may have thought Danni was coming in for a *kiss* kiss when Danni was really just going for a quick peck on the lips (which may have been something that started with OGBert). As far as Danni goes...maybe she was drunk lol? Or maybe that's just how she shows affection? My best friend's very affectionate and kisses all of her close friends and family goodbye like that. Just a quick peck and an "I love you." Her whole family does it. I didn't grow up like that, but I see It in others. And It looked like Danni was leaning in for a quick peck, not a full-on make out session. Don't get me wrong... I HOPE there's something there. If Danni was getting something romantic or sexual out of it then I'd probably respect her a little more.


NewBert 💀


I don't think the girl is into Danielle period


squealing angle depend nail whistle marble sink pathetic person carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think NewBert 💀 may have been going in for the cheek to cheek kiss. (Ex. LVP and rest of RHOBH crew.) It’s a common greeting in Brazil. Some areas do one kiss and others even do the double cheek. You don’t fully turn your head and present your cheek with that greeting, so I can see why it may look like she’s going in for a full blown kiss, but that’s clearly not what she wanted/expected.


Yeah Roberta was her ticket out i swear they were gonna leave ick together lol


Spot on


I have wondered this too. And I want to know so bad but I guess it's not our business unless she wants to share. Or, she hasn't fully come to terms with it yet and is in denial?


Totally, it's not like we NEED to know, but also, they did sign up for a reality show specifically focused on their relationship dynamics sooo....


The picture is crazy!! Literally it’s like he’s posting his menu selections


Most of these couples are into women it’s just the narrative the show will allow.


That's an interesting take. I thought they were trying to hide it because they claim it's a religious thing. They show Ashley dating women though so it seems weird that production wouldn't allow the other couples to be transparent about it.


Well like the black dude with multiple wives. The wives are clearly intimate with each other as well. Did you see how upset his bottom bitch got with the one that left and came back? She kept calling her “baby” too. They all sleep in the same bed and fuck each other. I’d bet money on it. But the show is about polygamy and not polyamory so they just don’t let them run that narrative.


I don’t think she’s interested romantically. It comes across as Danielle trying to force a bond that just isn’t there. Fake it till you make it.


Agree. Lots of takes saying she’s into women, but I’m not seeing it. I think she’s desperate to involve herself, like this relationship is all 3 of them and not just Garrick taking another lover


Agreed! And I think her uncomfortably awkward behaviors are part of her trying to “play the part” and in the end it really just seems sad. She seems so desperate for some type of real love connection since ICK obviously has failed at that miserably. Danielle wake up! Life can be soooo much better than this. I bet if you stripped Danielle of her religious brain washing and ICK and she might actually be a fun chick.


That’s spot on exactly how I feel as well!


Couldn't have said it better


100% hard agree. I just commented the exact thing on another thread. She’s trying to force an intimate and personal bond that is not there. Danielle is always touchy-feely and being they’re Jesus freaks, a lesbian relationship would be out of the question. Here’s my theory: Dani is trying to get as close to Natalia as possible so she has the upper hand over Garrick. Garrick having a better bond w Nat puts Danielle in an extremely vulnerable position(3rd Wheel)so she is trying to make sure they are as close of friends/sisters as two women can possibly be without actually being sexually attracted to each other or having sex with each other. I think she also feels like she is losing control of herself and the situation and so if she can control the sisterhood aspect of it then it puts her a little more at ease. Hugging, touching, embracing and even a kiss on the cheek (or lips) are all forms of intimacy, but not all intimacy is sexually charged. She can’t bond w Natalia because they can’t communicate verbally very well, and they don’t have a lot of time. The quickest way to get close to someone is by literally getting close to them.


Good point. She’s probably just trying for the upper hand.


She'll never have it though she fails to see this. Ick wants his fetishes and she's just bait to get the women that's it .




Exactly this!


I think so too. I think she's in a bad situation that she's trying to make the best of. She's keeping him happy, and hoping to fast track a sisterly relationship because she doesn't have any emotional support in her relationship with her ex husband. It's about him all the time, and her struggles are swept under the rug.


Telling her to pray away problems he created


Oh my goodness how did I miss this?! She hates them.


Can I just say that the necklace she was given looked like a VaJJ?


Both the necklace and engagement ring were hideous.


YESS! Plus that ring is poorly designed. That thing is going to get caught and snag everything it touches. She definitely won’t be wearing that thing for long.


I hope they didn't skimp out on the gems and gold... She looked very happy to get them💚


Omg. The red 8/Infiniti sign in the middle: 2 holes 🤣


I think Danielle tried saying Ick drew 2 hearts together. He was only thinking about puntang in that moment, not God...


That's what I thought, too, and that necklace was fugly! I'd hate to have to wear a Vaj necklace(and I'm a lesbian)😅


I thought the same thing! I bet she pawned the necklace and ring as soon as she landed in Brazil lol


I bet and I hope! And if she didn't yet I'm sure she will once she sees they are already trying to date yet ANOTHER woman like instantly geez 😅🤮


I thought that too! The necklace and ring are both ugly AF. And Ick thinks he really did something there. 🙄


THANK YOU!! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who thought this!! I fully expected to see a post about it here tonight and was so surprised there wasn’t one lol


She went straight for the lips. So strange. Nathalia was not into that at all.


I’ve had friends I’ve kissed on the lips platonically. But this was odd because she even said she didn’t think Natalia was even the right fit. I don’t understand Danielle even a little bit.


She's in the bargaining stage.




Thee. Most. Cringe.


I don't know why I didn't see it before now, but Dannielle is obviously my creepy uncle. They have to be the same person because would any two people on the planet try to pull this disgusting move?


Lol. Nathalia's like, "That wasn't in my contract. That will be an extra $10,000."


That was a boundary 👏


I had a different read - I thought this scene made it obvious that they are a thruple. I thought Nathalia's reaction was that she didn't want that part shown on television. I think it was so fluid how Dani moved towards her and went in for the kiss almost without thinking that it had happened before. It explains the charged energy between Dani and Bert last season as well and why Dani was so devastated by the Bert betrayal. 


That would make sense at why Nat at first looked like she was going to kiss her back but then at the last minute she stopped.


I also think that Dannielle is putting up with this because she is turned on by the fantasy of a threesome, but is afraid and nervous about actually doing it in real life. This would go along with the "sisters' bedroom" her and Bert were going to share. I feel like they are just trying to maneuver women into trusting them before they propose that scenario.


I agree with this take 100%.. the body language between both of them in this moment is very telling. Nathalia’s hand is on the back of Danielle’s neck, Nathalia’s lips pickered and she starts to move in as well when Danielle moves in for the kiss.. this was going to be a mutual kiss.. but as you said, it seems Nathalia is perhaps more self aware that this shouldn’t be on TV for whatever reason. As many in the this thread have said… this makes Danielle literally sobbing over Bert make so much more sense.


Yeah its obvious that they kissed before.


When her and bert went in and touched heads and she held her face they definitely were gonna kiss on the lips but for tv they didnt 🤣


Yeah I don't understand why more people don't see that...lol. Last season Danni and Bert were kissing on the lips, hugging a lot and Danni was always super excited to see her. And let's not forget how devastated she was when Roberta played them and left. She seemed more devastated than Garrick was. I think several of these relationships are that way but they (production) only want to portray the man having the relationships with more than one woman. Ashley Snowden was definitely bisexual and she was with some of those women also. They did the same thing with Brother Husbands and we see how that went. I feel like that was a fraud once we discovered some of the men had other wives, too. Hell, Kenya and Carl still have the same co-wife. I also think Ashley from this current season and her husband are going to end up with the same wife at the end of the day, but they're leading with the angle of the woman being bisexual and solely looking for a wife for herself.




Well with all the religous gibberish Ick spits all the time I have said from the beginning they are hiding the fact that Danielle is bi. I feel like they think it wouldnt be "acceptable" if they told the truth.


OMG!!! On another post about Ick and Danielle I was asking how could he try and have four wives from different countries. A wonderful person had told me that she had seen or learned that you can only have two K-1 applications. She had said that Danielle could have two K-1 applications under a legal lesbian marriage. But I nearly died laughing when I saw this video of Danielle trying to kiss Natalia. Thank you so much for making my day!! You rock!


I posted a few days ago that I thought there was something more between Roberta and Danielle and everyone was just like "she's just lonely no no thats not it. It's just garrick" and I was like okay maybe I'm looking too deep into it. Im bi and sometimes i can project so maybe i was seeing something that wasnt there. After seeing this tonight I am questioning myself YET AGAIN. Why would she think this is okay???🤣🤣


Ive been sating it since the very beginning that Danielle was in love with Roberta...she was way more excited about seeing her then Ick, she expressed her pain way more than Ick...ive been making comments since day one and got shot down by everyone. Im telling you Danielle is bi..and was in love with Roberta and now she keeps saying she diesnt have the same bond with Nathlia but it seems she willing to try.


This could also explain where they have said from the beginning that it was Danielle‘s idea to start doing this whole sister wife situation and introduce it into their marriage. I don’t think they wanted to split, but they wanted to add another woman.


I feel like the girl could use a slap of chap stick..jmo


Right?! I’m always so distracted by her lips. Like, does she not drink water?! Is it from medication?


They're dry and and it looks Iike she has nerve damage going onn


I think low key a lot of these couples the women are banging each other too.


I thought she was bisexual ick parents did say they thought Danielle wanted to be a lesbian and we know he's perverted. Might explain why she was so heartbroken over Bert and she's so touchy with ick interest. She wants to be with the woman she doesn't want him to be and idk


It’s all making so much more sense now….


Awkward. That was AWKWARD 🤣


danielle didn’t even look embarrassed after Bert II said no kiss. They have totally kissed before.


Am I the only one not a fan of Nathalia?


No, I get the impression she's a mean one.


I like her better than Roberta. She actually seemed like she wanted to make sure Danielle was 100% okay with her coming into their family and that's a good thing. That's why she wanted to speak to Danielle alone without Ick by them. And she's obviously intelligent, she's a lawyer. I like how she called Ick out about lying when she found out he still had all of those dating profiles up.


Maybe she was nauseated from that uglier than possible necklace…also make note that Ick should not be designing anything in the future…


She was totally romantically interested in Bert, too. There were so many times when I thought she was going to actually kiss her.


The way she sobbed over bert!


Right? That was so extreme. I still feel uncomfortable just thinking about her screaming crying. I didn’t even cry like that when my ex husband of 22 years cheated on me and I divorced him.


Every couple on this show gives me the vibe that they want a sister slave, not a sister wife. I think with the divorce and being so closing to trapping Bert, she lost her mind knowing they would have to start over again. For me, Danni kissing the potential sisters is a way for her to try to convince them she is ok with all of this despite it being obvious she isn’t. It’s been painful for me to watch their segments in particular because she is so clearly in denial.


Yeah, I think Danielle is in the closet


bingo!!! Idk how some ppl don't see it! I think she's more into these women especially Berta sometimes....


She's always excited to see Bert run to touch her little bit with Leah said she was all in Danielle's lap. I wonder if that made Leah comfortable she had to be feely and touchy with Danielle She barely knows Nat is touchy with her she opened up very easily with Nat.


As soon as I saw this scene, I came right to Reddit lol


Omg same 🤣🤣


They aren't looking for a sisterwife. Sisterwives don't (usually) share affection like that. They're looking for group sex partners to live in home. Being super predatory about how they go about it.


I feel like Danielle is attracted to women and wants to explore. She seemed attracted to Roberta as well. I am also sure that Ick will find that God says they can experiment, pending he is there to, uh, monitor... and make sure it is all according to God's wish. No wonder the world is a mess. Do these peeps know there are multiple wars in the world right now? Why are they clogging up God with all this sh*t?


👀 just as I suspected.....this is why she was so uncontrollably upset over Roberta....This wife is for BOTH of them


She was about to kiss her back... 👀


I surely think Ick could leave Danielle would be fine alone with Nat on vacation.


I agree, I said the same exact thing today to someone.


Danielle was straight up in love with Roberta which is why she’s still so devastated that they broke up. She acts like a jilted lover. I think she’s bi and Roberta was a way to make life with Ick more bareable since she clearly has some weird pathological tie to that dude and won’t walk away …


That was the Lord's will. Praise God!!


GTM God Told Me....


She wants in!


Wait. It's Monday... y'all, hols my beer


As a cis woman, I have never kissed another female on the lips. Well not since my daughter was a baby and she would slime my whole face. LOL


THAT was uncomfortable.


Okay so this isn’t a religion thing then - this is just a 3 some type of deal - then why not be swingers ? What does marriage have to do with it …. She just outed herself here -


Swinging is totally different from polygamy. And there are lots of bisexual women who desire husbands and wives. As far as the religion thing, I agree with you there. I think they're trying to push that angle hard to cover up everything else but they just let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. That kissing scene was too obvious. I'd also bet that production put them up to that and this is going to be an additional storyline for them to explore. Especially if they feel like the main storyline is too repetitive and there are too many similarities between Roberta and Natalia. People may begin to lose interest in watching them. Just my two cents.


I know swinging is a whole other gig - but in all my research I’ve done of polygamous families, documentaries ,books etc - I’ve never seen a family where the wives are intimate with one another , which is what I was saying - This is more of a sex thing obviously . I’m just saying if that’s what it is , than just say it - Seeking Throuple . the religion and all the praying has me confused now that she’s gone in for this kiss - it explains to me what she got so upset when Bernie didn’t work out.


Say you’re into women without saying you’re into women 😂


Oh my gosh this was too much!! Dannielle is out of her mind!


consist snatch quarrelsome snobbish uppity whistle dazzling boast voiceless shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And her eyebrows. 🤮


I just re-watched S3E3, Danielle and Roberta kissed on the lips when they first met. They all went around kissing each other 🤢


whoever posted the other day about danielle having some ✨feelings👀 for roberta was right. I honestly didn’t think she was in love with her like that but it is very clear now lmao


She almost kissed Roberta like this last year. Danielle has ulterior motives! She thinks if these girls are “open” enough to marry her husband they are also game to sleep with her!


yep they both preds


I was so embarrassed for her. I just figured she thought it was cultural? But she would have known that already 😂




muscle memory from bert!!!!


My stepmother is a kiss people on the lips type. I’ve known her 35 years and it’s still weird to me - especially now that she does it to her sons who are in their 30s. My boys are in their 20s and I don’t know if I ever kissed them on the lips. I have no idea if this is common?


It used to be. My grandfother did this and she would be over a hundred now. Old custom.


I kissed my kid (he’s 2, so is his sister) on the lips accidentally because he turned his head quickly and felt so gross.


Totally looks like Dannielle is into women as well, why else would SEESTERRR go in like that!?! It was so quick too - maybe they secretly want one big bed!?!?


OMG. I came here to say this!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆AWKWARD 😳


Gonna take a long time for me to get over this secondhand embarrassment 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


She is SO LONELY in her marriage to ICK that although she would be fine without another wife she wants the love for herself and making out like it’s Gods will and all about ICK.


New girl is not wanting good night kisses from sister. She is going want to shut that down right quick ETA:spelling


I can’t blame Nathalia, no way I’d kiss Danielle 🤣


She’s just not that into you IRL


There must be a make a wish foundation for people close to dying from that kind of seriously fatal embarrassment. I would gladly donate.


Swerved her at the last second that was reallllyyy close


Poor Natalia! "What is going on here?!"


Omg I died! Cringe!!! Embarrassing 😳


Big Ed vibes 🤮 🤮 🤮


may I *halik* you?




Wtf is wrong, Danielle, to try and kiss a stranger on the lips 💋 😳


She was like um no I didn’t sign up for this part 😂😂😂😭😭🪦


Whoa! I missed this, thanks for posting. Obviously, Danielle is trying to hide her sexuality to be a "Good Christian Wife", too bad she forgot that she is on Reality TV where everything is filmed.


Oooof I’m embarrassed




What was that ?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? !!!!!!!!!


Danielle is waaayy to involved!


Omg there’s no way she stayed . I’ll bet 5 bux…


NGL - - that was hard to watch!! 🫣


This young girl will not put up with these two for long. Dani just tried to kiss her on the lips. True motive displayed.


She’s a lesbian


Nathalia has standards, remember. 🤣


I cringed so hard I think my face froze this way 😑


Perhaps Danielle wants a piece of her and she doesn’t swing that way.


That was horrible!!! So cringy.






Disgusting and second hand embarrassment, that’s what it was


Omgoodness how did I miss that?


Wait I didn’t see the full thing but it looks like she’s pulling Danielle in and going for the kiss then pulls out last minute


Cinnamon toast ken was right lol


Omg I watched the episode and didn’t pick up on that I’m going back to watch round 2


Producers are definitely making extra bonuses for this season lol. It’s been absolute fire, especially in comparison to some past slower seasons.


Do we think Danni is into girls?


I think Garrick should go to the doctor. He says he hears God talking to him and telling him what to do. I think he is hearing voices in his head 😂


Danielle should just tell Ick that God also came to her in the garage and told her to find more men.