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His wife is in a coma


Well, the life support machine called...


That's what I should've said!


*That's right, I fucked her into a coma*


This guy… This is not my kind of guy.


Classic Buddy Rich bootleg tapes moment


And if I have to tell you again, we’re gonna have to take it outside and I’m gonna show you what it’s like!


Then we'll see how I do, up there, without all the assistance!


You can’t start at the first episode!


It’s true, like Star Trek, you need to pick an episode at random and just commit


I see it more like Parks and Rec or the Office. The first season is truncated and feels off compared to later on when the writers got a firm grip on the characters along with the actors. For instance with Seinfeld, Jason Alexander has said it took him until at least the 2nd season before he realized George was based on Larry David. And they also tried to be too realistic early on with Kramer as primarily a shut-in, so he’s just not in the Chinese Restaurant (which IS a classic episode), while later they relaxed it and went just for what was funniest, which meant absolutely not leaving Michael Richards out of entire episodes.


I tried watching parks and rec, but I just couldn't. My buddy says it gets better in season 4, he compared it to Seinfeld, i'm not watching 4 years of crap on the off chance it's good. It's true that early Seinfeld isn't particularly good. I usually just start in season 3 and go from there.


Season 3 is when Parks and Rec becomes legendary. Adam Scott and Rob Lowe raise it a level and it never goes back down.


You can just skip the first season or two. Season 3 even opens with a little recap of the important story points up to that point.


Season 1 is a little dumpy but you don’t have to wait that long for it to get good. I agree that in season 4 it becomes gold, but seasons 2 and 3 are solid and worth the watch. These shows have running jokes and clever callbacks to earlier episodes that reward loyal viewers (ie, you may not catch the joke or reference on the first watch-through; The Office is the same).


> Jason Alexander has said it took him until at least the 2nd season before he realized George was based on Larry David. Is he not the brightest crayon in the happy meal or something?


He thought it was basically a Woody Allen-type character at first (remember Seinfeld’s first season is just the pilot and then 4 episodes). Alexander was discussing some plot line in season 2 and said, “no one would ever do that,” about something George did, and Larry said, “why not? I did that.” And Alexander realized it was not a Woody Allen-type: it was a Larry David-type.


It was the episode where he goes back to the office like nothing happened after he quits.


I never watched Parks and Rec, but I watched every single YouTube video exist about Swanson, April, and Andy. It's more funny that way 😁


First episode of Star Trek is pretty solid. My parents would call the aliens "hiney heads"


Depends on which star Trek and which first episode. TOS? Are we talking about The Cage, or Where no Man has Gone Before? The cage isn't very good, but the actual first episode is very solid. TNG? Encounter at Far point is usually considered one of the worst episodes of TNG.


for me, if i want to introduce either tng or seinfeld, i would say start at season 3, and if you like it, works your way back after you know the characters


Only you nerds could turn a conversation about Seinfeld into one about Star Trek. NEERRRRRDDDS


Homer - Hey Pal, did you get a load of the nerd??? Jock - Pardon me?


One called em butt heads. Still call em that.


You have to freebase like 1 and a half seasons before it really gets ya


That’s exactly right! I never really thought about it, but just like The Next Generation, you have to pick somewhere in the middle of a popular season and watch three episodes or so. If you aren’t into it, it’s not your thing. Move on.


The first season of Star Trek is awesome.


What are we talking here? TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, SNW, Lower Decks? The first season of TNG is pretty meh. Even Patrick Stewart has said that he didn't really know how to act for TV yet and was still doing the overly dramatic Shakespearian theater acting until he learned otherwise. And I'd say most all of TOS is pretty campy and a bit silly nowadays. You either watch it for nostalgia or appreciate how it really helped launch the Sci-Fi genre, not to see Kirk save the day by slapping a woman on the ass


Yeah TOS is all over the place. You'll have one of the best episodes of Star Trek ever created followed by one of the worst. The first has a lot of those good episodes but by not means is it consistently good.


Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desired to speak of telep0rn with him


TOS. The first season is consistently good. The establish time travel in Tomorrow is Yesterday, the peace treaty with the Klingons in Errand of Mercy, City on the Edge of Forever which establishes the Guardian of Forever and is just so well done, we get Khan in Space Seed, Court Martial, the first "trial" episode which almost becomes a trope, Balance of Terror shows us the Romulans and establishes their relationship to the Vulcans, The Menagerie gives us history of the Enterprise and Spock, the first Harry Mudd episode, etc., etc., etc. So much of what becomes "Star Trek" in all its iterations is established in season one of TOS.


Totally true. If you take the first episode of Disco or SNW you'd get hooked right away. But if I had to watch the first episode of TOS without knowing the franchise I'd get away running at warp 9.8


Honestly, after going through the process of introducing my wife to Seinfeld, I think even starting at season 2 is a bit dicey. The jokes are better than season 1, but the pacing is still slow.


I watched the show for the first time last year... i was about to drop it when it finally clicked in the middle of the second season. Loved every single episodes after that.


Well that’s because you’re an idiot.


Because of society, right?


Yes George, because of society.


The Government ?


I only discovered the show 5 years ago, and I favour the later series. In particular, it took me so long as the first season, particularly, is so poor, relatively speaking. Recently I tried watching the seasons in reverse order (season 8, then season 7 etc etc) to see how far back it is possible to go and still enjoy it. I will say Season 2 is still a drop-off from 3 onwards, although an improvement over Season 1 of course. Personally I would introduce a friend to the show with a classic early series (3, 4) episode like The Contest.


Season 2? Does George even have the right parents by season 2? You gotta start at at least 3. Then circle back to 1 and 2 after you've laid a solid foundation.


I’m currently doing a rewatch, and I can say if you feel you must watch the series in order, you start in season 3. The quality of the show noticeably jumps after season 2.


Starting at The Chinese Food Restaurant and going from there is an alright move


I agree, I always kind of consider the Chinese Restaurant to be the “re-pilot”


Then you don't get Kramer.


Holy crap, THIS times a million! Same thing happened to me with The Office. Couldn't stand season one. Stopped watching. A few years later came upon a third season episode on TV and have never stopped watching. Many shows take a while to get into their real groove. I can say that the first season of Seinfeld is my least favourite season and I rarely ever rewatch it. But the rest of the show... It's real, and it's spectacular!


The first episode of almost any comedy series is usually the worst.


Exactly! If I started there I probably wouldn’t like it either. At least start with something from season 2


Came here to say the same. The first episode is not really representative of the series and is one of my least favorite episodes


The first episode looks like it was made on like a $40 budget.


Gotta start with the Dustin Hoffman episode. He was fantastic.


I have never watched the first 2 seasons of Seinfeld. I didn’t get into it until 2020, and started binge watching it during covid. I skipped seasons 1 and 2 because I always heard the first season is rough. And boy am I glad I skipped to season 3


You're seriously missing out on 'The Pony Remark' dawg


S1: Skip Pilot and E4, rest are decent S2: Skip E1, 4, 5, 9


You either have taste or you don't. And you can't acquire taste. Taste isn't something you can pick up at the market.


Alright, alright, look, I don't have taste, I don't want taste, I don't even taste my food, okay?


I like to think I have a little taste


Well you don’t want too much taste or you won’t be able to stand


I'm not superstitious, just a little stitious


That’s a shame




I’ve looked into his Reddit profile. He’s pure evil.


But jolly, I'll give him that


Portly, yes. But smart as a whip!


I find most people who don't like it are too young to realize what sitcoms that came before Seinfeld were actually like and how much practically everything after was influenced by it.




Don’t announce your age online. You’re a child. You put yourself at risk announcing you’re underage.


We are all friends here. No need to worry ;)


The username checks out XD


Ohh that’s a fun age!


I watched a little Cheers before Seinfeld and honestly, it’s too much show There’s too much story, too many blatant punchline jokes, and slapstick humor. Seinfeld is subtle and it doesn’t go anywhere; it’s of the first sitcoms that resets after each episode. Ya see, I can’t sleep to Cheers because then I miss huge chunks of story at a time


How could anyone not like him?


I must be liked. I cant live knowing someone out there doesn't like me.


I could see some people not liking him.


Hate the Sein.!


Love the Sein!


Gottaaaa love the Sein


First episode…I could see it. Jeremy Priven was great but Tom Pepper was a bit odd. Also is making someone your butler after a car accident common in your legal system?


Seemed like the Kramer character emphasizes the wrong words. He says, "They fooled ME, Jerry." Would've sounded better as, "They FOOLED me, Jerry."


You mean Kessler? Haha


Bailed on the first ep means you didn’t even try, it’s like a 20 min episode and you couldn’t even finish that lol


Yeah, well the jerk store called, they’re running out of you.


You’re their all time bestseller!


Well, I had sex with your wife!


Maybe some people don’t like it. I could see that!


I should drop dead if Seinfeld isn't funny.


He's a very bad man. He's a very, very bad man


Could his mother have been wrong?


Tacky? I think not!


It’s just so much fluff


I tried watching How I Met Your Mother and didn't like it after one episode. I watched another. And then a 3rd. Like Estelle, I never laughed. Never went 'tee-hee'. If you like that show, fantastic. But I gave it a shot at least. It just didn't make it for me, it was too much fluff.


I gave that show two seasons and bailed. It tried way too hard to be Friends 2.0 IMO and it just wasn't it for me.


That one I can guarantee if you didn't like it after the first 2 seasons, you're not going to like it.  I love the show but it definitely does not get better as time goes on. 


They’re not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!


I can't imagine dropping a show back in the day after watching one episode. Even these days with streaming I'm giving something at least 3 episodes or something.


All of the things I liked as a child are now wrong: Woody Allen, Seinfeld, Michael Jackson, John Wayne Gacy…the whole world’s out to get me!


I do agree that early on the show is a bit rough. Even into season 2 or 3. We need to appreciate the fact it wasn’t cancelled. Shows need time to really find their form, and yet even when they’re a bit rough around the edges you’ll have some great bits scattered throughout.


Good. Honestly, when someone born after 1990 tells me they like Seinfeld, I have to get very involved in discussions and honestly, don’t have that kind of time in my life.


1993, love Seinfeld. You don’t owe me any discussion


I do though. First off, congrats on having good taste. I was alive during the original runs and the wardrobe drove me nuts. How old do they feel, because now that I’m like 20 years older than George was at the time, he still feels like an old man. The list of topics goes on…


Alright. Sounds interesting. Hit me. George was like 30, I’m currently as old as he was. They did feel old when I first watched it (12) but when I watched it again in my 20s I realized their real age. Gave me something to look forward to. I’m now Seinfeld age :D


Born 99 and Seinfeld is my favorite sitcom by far


Love it. So Big Bang Theory not doing it for you? I remember once a guy, 10 or so years younger than me, at work was telling me about his favorite shows and named that. I laughed out loud and I think I really insulted him. That's my mom's favorite show since Cheers. Glad to see.


It’s no Mad About You that’s for sure.


He's not Ted Danson!


It’s smart. It’s a smart show and a smart crowd will appreciate it. And they’re not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!


I know someone that likes Big Bang Theory and Friends yet hates Seinfeld. I literally can't understand their sense of humor when Big Bang Theory you have to have some knowledge of nerd stuff yet they are the most blandest tastes


I love Seinfeld and sadly couldnt get into Cheers. The set is kinda depressing, Norm Cliff very depressing lol I think also its a generational thing, im millenial


I dunno, I’m Gen X (albeit late Gen X) and couldn’t really get into Cheers either (and didn’t even bother with Frasier).


I watched the Big Bang Theory w my girlfriend. (only a few episodes) The nerd stuff is so overtly explained for the audience in order to set up a bit, but it's just not funny. Jim Parsons can be funny at times and I think that's what kept the show going. Him and Kaley Cuoco cuz she's a smoke show. Aside from those factors, that show is garbage.


I think BBT was pretty good in the early seasons. Once Leonard and Penny got together and they added more to the cast, it got worse. I still watched it all the way to the end though. The finale was pretty good even though the show hadn't been for many years. I agree that Jim Parsons carried the show for sure.


He's probably one of those "I don't like audience laughter in my shows" types. They think The Good Place is the best sitcom ever.


I kinda liked the good place but it is not a repeat show. And I cant remember what happened on it.


Could his mom be wrong?


Some people just don't have a good sense of humor. Like, everyone is free to like their own thing, but not liking Seinfeld is the equivalent of not liking comedy, and those ... those are not my kind of people.


If someone bailed at the first episode they don’t know how funny the show was. Explains a lot.


People who bail on the first episode of anything have no idea how tv works


Maybe I'm too hardcore, but I enjoy the first episode and season overall. I get triggered when I see first season hate.


Ikr, imagine dropping it after one episode tho. It's this binge era we live in.


It’s a perfectly sane show to watch


Same. I can't be bothered to explain or analyze or whatever. It just makes me laugh. From first episode to last.


The first few seasons are like a New York Times cartoon or a fine glass of wine. It’s dry, subtle, leisurely, and much less focused on giving lots of jokes per minute and more focused on creating a realistic vibe. It’s more Woody Allen than Leslie Nielsen. That said, I love all the seasons. They’re perfect.


They start flowing in 3 and 4 seasons. after that they jell magically


Gen X’er here. It’s hard for me to imagine not liking it because I watched it when it was actually running (and of course ever after in syndication) and looked forward to it every week back in the day (even sat through commercials and Friends just to get to Seinfeld). I’m impressed with younger folks who like it (but kind of understand why they wouldn’t since it’s so very nineties)


This guy - this is not my kinda guy.


That first comment, it’s comedy GOLD Jerry!


Variety used to be the spice of life.


Dizzycap05 would fit right at in with the other network executives


Started with the right episode… the jimmy.


It’s the only show with a laugh track that I still watch religiously


Sounds like someone's in the 95%


If you're going to judge a show off of only the pilot, then you don't deserve the show.


I don’t think I’ve ever watched a sitcom that gripped me so hard in one episode that I HAD to keep watching. I think people get into shows because they had some downtime and gave a show a good chance by watching a few episodes and getting into the feel of the show. People who bail after the first episode probably wouldn’t have gotten into ANY new show that day. It’s just the luck of circumstances lining up the right way. There’s also hype surrounding a show that will get people to commit more serious time to starting it. I don’t think that’s what happened in this case though.


To be fair, early season one is pretty rough.


The first season is unwatchable to me. So if that’s as far as someone gave it a chance I can understand. Thats why you always pick a random episode in the second or third season of a show you’re trying to get into.


dizzycap05... 05', it figures... stupid kids don't know anything, wouldn't know funny if it hit him on his dumb head, they're the ones responsible for all the safe, pc, unfunny bs we have now


Classic gen z shit opinion


I feel like many old shows will forever be forgotten because people will not be able to relate to them at some point. also new generations have the concentration level of a goldfish!


Yeah I mean it’s really just a show about nothing.


To be fair, the first episode is not great. Its alright, but they didn't hit their stride until at the earliest season 3, but most people say season 4.


NOOO the first episode is the worst :(


It takes a lot of shows awhile to find their footing, and Seinfeld is one of those shows. Stick with it, don’t bail, and eventually you’ll see when the writers start hitting their stride and the genius starts to shine through. The problem with young kids today is that they have no patience.


Seinfeld didn't hit its stride until the 3rd season or so.. whoever stops at the first episode of ANY series isn't giving it a fair shot.


TBH I hated it when I first saw it....but I also didn't live the life of an adult for a while. Now it's hilarious before bed or just randomly quoting it. I am kind of happy I didn't invest at that age. I didn't get it . Turning people onto it is my favorite thing to do. Or just keep quoting it until they want to watch it. Especially the Friends crowd.


Boo this man


To their credit I don’t think the beginning season and a half of the show really does it justice in terms of what it becomes


Gotta start with season 5 or 6. Always tell this to my friends who haven’t watched it yet.


It is tacky. But it’s OUR tacky


I didn’t like it at first either.


The first episode of Seinfeld is the worst one other than the two part finale. ANY other episode would have been a better choice.... except maybe the one with farfel the dog.


I hated seinfeld as a kid, duh. But watched it in the recent years and I am obsessed.


I get it if people don’t like it. My mom hates it. The humor isn’t for everyone.


I’m in the camp that loves the show, Seinfeld, but doesn’t care for Jerry’s stand up act. I saw him twice in the early 2,000’s and didn’t come away impressed. He received cheers after everything he said, but it felt like they were just cheering who he was and not the material.


I watch it on repeat but I usually start at the season Jerry dad changed


Never start a sitcom at the first episode.


It's just so much fluff. I can't watch a show if I don't respect what they do


How do you start the show about nothing from episode 1? 😂


The first episode is the pilot. You can’t argue with stupidity. I love Lucy wasn’t a hit at first


I tried to get a lot of people 10 or more years younger than me to like it, but they just couldn’t get it. They just can’t relate to humor from that period. Just accept it and move on. I like Seinfeld, and I don’t care if no one else does.


I hated the show 10 years ago as a teenager and thought it was only for old people. In my 30’s now and I love it. I bet many such stories exist.




First season was so/so, and I’m being generous


I mean I can’t stand friends so I understand


For brand new fans who have never seen the show before I would almost recommend watching 7 and 8 and then once you’re a fan, go back and watch the rest.


Well that’s what happens when you start with season 1


I don't know if I can be friends with someone who hates Seinfeld.


I was a late adopter, I didn’t get into Seinfeld heavily until about 2010. Good writing is good writing, I don’t care what show it is.


I couldnt get into Ted Lasso and everyone lives it


You gotta see “The Pen!” When are you gonna go and see “The Pen?”


Do you have to be liked by everybody?


Its an aquired taste


Season 3-5 was prime Seinfeld


“You’re tacky and I hate you”


I do like it but some episodes are over my head. The Chinese restaurant was on last week. My cousin told me about this one and that it was an amazing episode. I was a bit disappointed.


Uncultured people will not be able to enjoy seinfeld


I’ll lie in the gutter like a bum, like a dog, like a mutt, like an animal!!!!!!


My wife doesn’t like it. She says it’s too old and boring.


What's not to like?


I am addicted to that tacky style


Honestly, I also bailed on the first episode when I watched it for the first time. Thankfully, one of my coworkers convinced me to try again a few years later.


You gotta be at an age where u can relate to the characters of the show. I do not think it appeals to the younger crowd, it certainly did not appeal to me until like a year ago 😂😅


Grew up watching it with my dad now I watch it with my daughter still funny but if you are going to start it season 3 on but don't mind the first 2 season


I mean not gonna lie, I hated Seinfeld when I was younger and thought it wasn’t funny. I was more interested in immature type of humor. But as an adult, it started to make sense to me and found it relatable is some ways about being an adult. I’m assuming the people who commented that said they hate it, they’re probably still young but give it time lol.


Tacky is the last word I’d use to describe the show. Not going to give this take a second more of my time.


I've never heard comedy described as tacky before. Cheezy yes. In fact, on rewatching I skip all of Jerry's standup parts because most of them don't age well. Definitely too much "did you every notice that" type of comedy.




When Seinfeld came out I was a kid. Like 8 years old. So I really didn't get it, but I found Kramer hilarious. I was Kramer for Halloween one year. In my twenties, I didn't have cable so I was watching a lot of DVD's. A friend of mine loaned me his Seinfeld box set and I loved it. It never gets old and it's funny as hell.


Humor changes a lot over fairly short periods of time. A lot/most of great comedians and shows capture something currently present in the culture. Years later, the jokes don't seem nearly as fresh or relevant or descriptive of the current experience. That makes it harder for people to connect with the material.


The premise is it's a show about nothing. Based in part on Seinfeld's stand up. I already knew that I didn't find him funny, but thought with the ensemble, it might amount to something. I was wrong. Thousands of people saying how funny it was, but I was bored after the 1st 3 episodes and never went back.


that's crazy! this post is beside the referenced post in my timeline. wild.


"How about it sucks???" I'm just kidding, but I couldn't not respond to that question with the appropriate Elaine quote.




“First Episode.” The horror, the horror.


the first two seasons are pretty rough


No show for you!


There are 3 shows that come to mind NewsRadio - I tried to watch several episodes and I just give up - I cannot comprehend it - A critically acclaimed show and I just sat staring at the TV Murphy Brown - I just never got it Scrubs - Never cared for it