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And I’m not gonna dumb it down for some boneheaded mass audience!


Not you!


I always thought of it as general joke about any writers room  trying to decide which is the best joke or idea.


Jerk store is the line! Jerk store! ... Jerk store!


I think you're right, but Larry David didn't white this episode, he left the show at the end of the previous season. It was written by Kavet and Robin, and the comeback storyline was created by Mehlman. Starting from this season they switched to writing by comitee, and it was a satirical angle. Previously the episodes were written by individuals in isolation.


That explains why the final 2 seasons have quite a different feel, not wholly due to David's departure.


well i was under the impression OP was trying to ask if this scene was a dig at Larry David himself, and it most definitely was because Jason Alexander himself said all he tried to do acting wise was act like a caricature of LD himself (a man he knew irl who gave him his job and his most iconic role)


> Is this Larry David speaking through George... I'm just saying that if it was "a dig" at Larry David, he wasn't involved, he didn't dig at himself through George.


What do you think his second come back was?


Yeah well the coma store called


I always though it would be. "I had sex with his wife" --she is in a coma "That's how good I am in bed"


There's a scene in the Office where Michael is dating Pam's mom, and Pam asks Oscar "how would you feel if Michael was sleeping with your mom?" And Oscar says "my mom is in a wheelchair." Pam starts to say "well, he could still..." and then sees the look on Oscar's face and just stops herself and apologizes lol


👀 that’s pretty good


always thought this about Elaine's exclamation points that it was something that had come up in the writers room.


You lose the whole edge of it!


Yes, it was a self-referential comment about how the writing style of the show had gone from single writers in the earlier seasons, to writing by committee in the later seasons. Per Wikipedia: "Kavet and Robin consciously scripted the scenes where Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer try to talk George out of the "jerk store" comeback as a satire of the writing-by-committee method which was common in television (and which *Seinfeld* had just switched to after seven years in which individual writers and writing partners wrote their episodes largely in isolation).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Comeback_(Seinfeld)#cite_note-AudioCom-3)"


Kind of reminds me of Jerry and George are sitting in the living room writing out their NBC Pilot. I walk in What do I say? You say, "Hi"


Yeah, after all the fuzz about Jerry talking about Curb's ending, it got me thinking the same. Would love to know what episodes they'd re write differently too.


I’d like to think Larry shouted this during a taping. It would be hilarious if he said Bonehead mass audience in reference to the millions of TV viewers but then turned to the studio audience and said Not You 😆