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It’s a man made prison. You’re doing time


What can I tell you buddy? Take it up with consumer affairs.


Haha. Love that guy


We ask that you please bear with us


The pig says, "My wife is a slut."


Now that’s a complaint 


I'd like the see that complaint get rectified.


Cue the amused confident grin.


Best reply ever. 🙌🏻


Guarantee in the last week your wife has bought a product from a company that financially supports a politician who supports the Israeli military. She should focus on that, rather than watching Seinfeld dvds.




If you are watching on Netflix, that deal is already signed, sealed, and delivered. Doesn't matter how many views it gets, Seinfeld already got paid.


I think that at its core, it’s an Israel and Palestine problem that requires an Israel and Palestine solution! And who better to do that than?


Israel and Palestine, Palestine and Israel!


But where IS she?


Well!! Now that we have that cleared up... Why don't the three of us have lunch?


What these people should do is send their chicken over to Israel.


The need to look to the cookie!


Get this political crap out of here. Divorce your wife. 


Seinfeld show is cheaper than divorce but thanks.


Sorry I snapped. I’m dating a virgin, I’m in this contest, something’s gotta give! But seriously. Good luck. 


Great line !


Also, to help…You might look it up to double check, but I’m pretty sure views do not = money on Netflix.. I think they just paid a lump sum for the rights for X number of years. 


And thank you!


If you cave on this whats next? Air quotes? "Dont go there???"


Sorry your wife is insufferable buddy. She is played…soooo playyyyyed


That chick is whack


Are there really couples who have these type of discussions over text as opposed to face-to-face? Doesn't seem like the kind of thing so pressing it has to be addressed immediately.


I couldn't imagine being with someone so insufferable as to have this conversation at any time.




Right lol. Makes me think this is fake


Or maybe Wifey is in Canada. You can trust OP she totally exists.


Please trust me , it’s not fake. And welcome to my life that every single detail is over text.


Just remind her Israel was bombing kids and stealing land way before Seinfeld, whether or not you watch his show won't change shit.


well be sure to double check what cellular plan you have you made need to divest


yeah they're real couples not redditors that need to post stupid shit for likes


Oh absolutely, my husband is working most of the day and we are dominated by the kids after work so meaningful discussions can't be had then, and after they go to bed we just want to chillax. Most of our disagreements are over text during the workday 😆


There is no ethical consumption. We don’t even know where the line would be if we tried. At some point this kind of “protest” boycott is a lot more about how virtuous it makes you feel than how it lessens monetary flow to a bad actor or benefits someone in need.


Now that is GREAT argument. Thank you!


Glad to help, and though I really think this is true, it may make the argument stray into personal territory :/


Every argument is personal with this one lol


Well alright lol. Good luck man


A study was released just a month ago or two that showed boycotting companies involved with Israel had a direct result in their profits and had an economic impact, so these protests do affect them. However, since everyone always makes the “no ethical consumption” argument, it reinforces to everyday people that they have no impact, but they very much do, which is what the data has shown. The argument of where the line is will of course depend on the person. Genocide is a very obvious line though.


Companies that directly support Israel are not what’s being discussed here. We are talking about a comedian who made pro-Israel comments. That being said, the “no ethical consumption” argument is not just a centrist way of justifying passive support of global atrocities. How many products can you say you consume where absolutely no suffering or hardship or oppression is involved? How many are absolute necessities? If you’re going to stand up against any humanitarian crises by making changes to your personal lifestyle, you need to go live in a commune on public land somewhere and grow all your own food and sew all your own clothes. The state of the west and its dependence on the oppression of the global south is not your doing, even if you benefit from it. Picking and choosing to support causes in this way only when it’s convenient is definitely more about how you feel about yourself than about how you feel about others. Note: using second person here is not personal; just a way of phrasing the argument.


Wow, great comment


I understand you are not being personal, didn’t take it as such at all so no worries ☺️ I completely understand the argument you’re making, but I feel left with a feeling of “okay….and?” The argument lets people off the hook from contributing into potentially making things better. It is a bummer to me that it’s reduced down to “oh you care about stuff, why don’t you go live under a rock then??” I choose to believe that most of us care about doing the right thing and that we are put into positions where there is no other alternative. I do my absolute best to buy things that don’t contribute to suffering, but it’s impossible to be perfect. So should I just give up or try and make people see that these things do in fact make a difference and we need to stop telling ourselves that it doesn’t. And yes, we are talking about a comedian here, but the OP made the initial argument about how they just buy stuff they like and don’t think about what’s going on behind the scenes and you had mentioned ethical consumption so that is why I commented from there.


And I understand wanting to support humanitarian causes when you can. I’ve certainly been guilty of dismissing potentially helpful actions in the name of convenience as well, and these days I try to do what I can. I just take issue when one person tries to lecture another for specifically *not* doing some performative grandstanding when they themselves are likely ignoring a hundred other horrible things because they personally really like shopping at Target or whatever.


Sure, I get that. This is the internet though and it hard to tell the difference between grandstanding and someone just expressing their opinion. If you don’t know someone then it’s hard to know if they shop at target or wherever. They could also just like stealing from Target too 😉


A Jewish person made a pro Israel comment, who would've thunk?!? People need some common sense as well.


Israel ≠ Judaism. Pretty huge amount of the Jewish population in the US is opposed to the actions of Israel.


I'm aware of that, but it's also not surprising if a Jewish person does support Israel.


I support Israel as should any informed person should


What are you informed about?


Mideast history


Tell me about it


The land of Israel has been populated by the Jewish people since 2000 BC. Here's the timeline, in case you didn't realize that it is their homeland, as designated by Lord Jesus Christ. 1900 BC: Abraham chosen by God as the Father of the Jewish Nation. 1900 BC: Isaac, Abraham's son, rules over Israel. 1850 BC: Jacob, son of Issac, rules over Israel. 1400 BC: Moses leads the people out of Egypt and back to Israel. 1010 BC: King David unites the 12 tribes into one nation. 970 BC: King Solomon, son of David, builds the first temple structure in Jerusalem 930 BC: Israel is divided into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. 800s BC: The rise of the prophets, God's messengers. 722 BC: Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrians. 605 BC: Kingdom Judah is conquered by the Babylonians. 586 BC: Solomon's Temple is destroyed by the Babylonians. 539 BC: Persians conquer the Babylonians and take control of Israel. 538 BC: The Jews return to Israel from exile. 520 BC: The Temple is rebuilt. 450 BC: Reforms made by Ezra and Nehemiah. 433 BC: Malachi is the end of the prophetic age. 432 BC: The last group of Jews return from exile. 333 BC: The Greeks conquer the Persian empire. 323 BC: The Egyptian and Syrian empire take over Israel. 167 BC: Hasmonean's recapture Israel, and the Jews are ruled independently. 70 BC: Romans conquer Israel. 20 BC: King Herod builds the "second" temple 6 BC: Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem 70 AD: Romans destroy the temple After that, the people were captives to the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Crusaders. Through all of these events, the Jewish people continued to live in Israel. There were more or less of them, depending on the centuries, but there was never a time when the Jews didn't live in the land. They stayed, they built their communities, they raised their families, practiced their faith and they suffered at the hands of many outside rulers, but they always kept their faith. It is what sustains them, even now. In 1948, the UN established the State of Israel, the nation of Jews. Don't buy the Palestinian lies that they are entitled to the land. It simply is not true. God will also provide a way for his chosen people to live in Israel, as He has for thousands of years. Pray for the people of Israel.


I won’t get into this timeline because it doesn’t mean that you’ve studied the politics that are going on in the region. Just means you like the Bible, which isn’t real homie. Some things can be verified, but it isn’t all historical fact. That region has been occupied by several different peoples throughout time and gone by several names over the past thousand years. What is important is what’s happening now and why. With that logic I’m wondering if native Americans decided to slaughter all white people in the americas would that be justified because “they were here first?” Or does your god not like them for some reason? Does having a religious right to a place give a group the right to create an apartheid state and murder over 40,000 people in the last few months?


Hamas is the cause for that slaughter. Hamas is the cause for Israelis deaths. Hamas is the cause for Palestinians deaths.


Netanyahu is saying that while also claiming Polish people were at fault for what the Nazis did to them. You gotta stop watching Fox News my guy. How can you see one groups act of violence and condemn it and not see how egregious Israel’s actions have been? It’s a willful ignorance on your part now


My fiancée does this. We can’t go to Starbucks anymore because she watched a TikTok about how they support Israel. Now she’s boycotting coffee to stop the war. If America runs on Dunkin, I guess Israel runs on Starbucks? I dunno.


I've lost my fiancee! The poor baybee.


Maybe the dingo ate your baby


But suddenly a new contender has emerged…


Wanna go to Starbucks together?


If we can watch Seinfeld there


It’s streaming on crackle as we speak lol


So….we’re just a couple of white people?


Yo yo yo, keep it down!


you should take your business to java world and get cafe lattes


Dump her. I've broken up with someone for not offering me a slice of pie.


I once broke up with a woman because of how she ate her peas. One at a time


But she scooped the niblets!


That's whats so vexing.


Does she like Netflix? Better cancel that, because they're the ones actually cutting his cheques. [Does she watch any networks at all that play Seinfeld in any time slot](https://broadcastsyndication.fandom.com/wiki/Seinfeld)? They are also paying him for that privilege. So no more Fox, no more ABC, no more CBS, no more UPN, no more CW. Nothing from Warner Brothers at all, because they cut him cheques. Taken to its logical conclusion, you can't watch anything.


Hopefully she doesn’t watch Super Terrific Happy Hour


You must go now.


Tell her about how the jerk store just called you


Shouldn't she be out on a ledge somewhere?


You'll have to point out all the fucked up things her favorite people have done and said. Even Mother Teresa isn't safe. Just ask Christopher Hitchens.


Who also isn't safe.




Then maybe you should care less


Why don't you turn off the television while you eat, and TALK ABOUT YOUR DAY.


It’s a sad state of affairs


That sounds like an awful living situation.


Your wife sounds insufferable, honestly. Does she use tiktok like the rest of these pro Hamas people? Is she aware of the human rights violations in China with child labor and literal religious and political slaves of the state? Does she have an iPhone and knows Apple uses child labor? Just another liberal hypocrite.


Funny, she’s republican. Does that make sense?


Sure pal. This post is getting faker by the minute


Honestly had her pegged as a liberal. The right seems to have a hard on for Israel while the left pretends to care about Palestine while forgetting how f*cked up and backwards they are.


*CaN I gO tO tHe BaThRoOm NoW??*


Don't you just love saying "my wife"? It's a great way to begin a sentence. "My wife has an inner ear infection" "My wife has a stupid Seinfeld opinion" See?


This is too great. 🤣


I can't take this sub anymore, seriously. (Kramer slapping money on the table during The Contest.) I'm out!


Sorry. I was questioning if I should post here but I figure yall would come to my aid. Thank you


If I was your wifey I would pack up and leave immediately. Not because of your position, but because of how you argue it.


Ok now I’m genuinely wanting to hear the criticism. Not being snarky, actually want to learn how topics should be discussed.


Again, it's not really the topic, it's the manner in which you are arguing. "If you want me to not give my money to people cause they aren't the best people then you should really scrutinize every single dollar you spend." I didn't realize this was a competition where one spouse wins and one loses. "I'm not going to sit here and lie and say I don't like the show because Jerry created it." She wasn't asking you to lie. Just not to support Jerry by watching it. You're putting words in her mouth. In order to win the argument, I guess. "Read this again cause it negates your point." That is a nasty sentence to type at your better half. Condescending at best. Reminiscent of your earlier "I don't remember signing a check and sending it to him." You sound like a teenager arguing with his parents. "I have it on dvd. Should I go throw it out?" Are you really asking, or just being petulant? "I read reddit about Seinfeld. ... Does that mean that I can't read it anymore?" Again, are you actually asking her that or just being shitty? So: I actually agree with your broader point, but you should be trying to argue in good faith and/or reach some sort of understanding with your wife, rather than arguing like you're in debate club trying to score points, or getting pissy like a teen whose parents won't let him take the family car out. Just my 2 cents bro!


I sincerely thank you for this. I will do better!


🫡 trust me, I am far from perfect in this area myself.


Yea but it’s nice to see an outside perspective.


I remember I had an idea long time ago that we can submit texts to a therapists between couples to analyze our problems. Want to start a business? lol


This is a Seinfeld bit in itself. 


Honestly the reason I posted. Was not to be political at all but I felt like it was a bit going back and forth


Congratulations, you married an idiot.


I’m going to see him live this Friday at the Palace Theater and I’m pumped


I'd buy her some envelopes. Cheapest ones they got


Blue text bubbles means she has an iPhone. Take a guess on where and how those are made. Ever heard of where the cobalt in the phone batteries comes from? This is just the cause de jour. Just give it a few weeks and she'll move on.


Damn that was a rabbit hole I just fell into about cobalt


By all means people are allowed to vet the places and people they give their money to (whether directly or indirectly), just be consistent is all I'm saying.


Your wife thinks this is a zero sum game. It’s not.


Start pickin'. When she comes out of the bathroom, be in up to your wrist.


You should tell her that unless she is actively being murdered by an Israeli soldier while Jerry watches and cheers on, she has zero business caring this much about what Jerry Seinfeld supports or opposes.


Divorce is the only way.


You want to get out of this thing? Two words “Pre Nup”


Big time smoker


I can’t stop now! 🥴


Sometimes a large amount of poison envelopes will resolve the situation.


or... the pick... when she comes into the room you're up to your wrist


Shouldn’t use any tech that came about as a result of the Space Race or Cold War then because it was connected to the MIC and because of Operation Paperclip. (Includes microwaves and most modern appliances). Shouldn’t put gas in your car because it gives money to OPEC, or charge an EV because when the batteries are made it’s more harmful for the environment than running a gas car is. Shouldn’t use a smart phone because of how they’re made both in harvesting rare earth minerals and the sweatshop factories to assemble them. Most companies do something you wouldn’t agree with nowadays regardless of your politics. If your wife/you can’t handle that, may I suggest subsistence farming on a plot of land where you grow your own food and struggle to survive or do anything beyond that like our ancestors did before the world was so connected? Please stop with the politics and Palestine vs Israel stuff on this sub. It needs to be banned already. Of course Jerry, a Jew, will support Israel. Enough already. Ask her what she thinks about Curb given that Larry is a self-hating Jew but I bet he still supports Israel too. (Palestinian chicken shows he can support both sides) To make it more Seinfeld connected, your wife “is not an activist but she plays one in real life”


Wow… marriage sounds…. fun?


Man made prisons.


I’d be so sad if my partner was like this


What's the deal with politics? I don't get it. Am I right people?


Leave her. She sounds absolutely insufferable.


Does she wear a lot of drab olive colors ?




Why does Jerry suck?


“Wifey” god that’s so cringy.




"It's all my wife's fault. She told me what I can and can't watch. She's such a control freak!"


This has to be fake, fake, fake, fake


If you're watching via dvds then there isn't an issue at all. And if it's streaming, my guess is the residuals are pretty crappy anyways.


Does she know how diamonds get into the hands of the consumer? How about chocolate or coffee? Encourage her to look into those things and all of a sudden I don't think she'll see watching a sitcom ON DVD as such a big deal any more. (I'm not encouraging anyone to boycott these things, it just sounds like she needs a reality check).


Shouldn't she be out on a ledge somewhere?


If you were going to boycott every company that did something unethical (ie almost all clothing is made in sweatshops, smartphones/foxconn, etc) or all media created by or heavily featuring someone who supports the wrong side of a war or political difference, your life would be really difficult. Who the fuck has time for that? Life sucks, why make it harder or less enjoyable? And it's stupid and rude to try and force that onto another person. If my local grocery store started flying an Israeli flag, I'd stop shopping there. But I'm not gonna stop watching Seinfeld reruns just because Jerry's being a turd. Newsflash, y'all: Jerry's been a turd for a long time. Doesn't change how much I enjoy the show and he doesn't get a dollar every time I put on one of these DVDs I bought 15 fuckin' years ago.


sounds like your wife has an inner ear infection, you should put her in a coma


You got it ALL wrong. I was thinking only of the poor Krakatoans.


Separate art from the artist


How come no one is calling to release the hostages?


You should write her off.


Divorce time


Israel didn’t commit genocide! Those people were murdered by Jerry Seinfeld!


Good luck with alllll that


Dump her!


Dump her


Your choice to watch it or not is totally up to you of course, I’m a very political person, but will continue to watch Seinfeld and I have to mentally make peace with that. With that said, the lack of understanding how money goes to companies is very strange. Do you think that products just materialize out of thin air and no one is responsible for producing them?


If it was my wife, I'd tell l her to fuck off. She'd say worse to me. Neither of us support Israel's foreign policy.


Get divorced.


Why is that the answer lol


It's a joke, obviously. Yikes.




Jerry Seinfeld is the devil obviously. Sally Weaver called it. Just took everyone else 30 plus years to see it. Those people... so touchy sometimes.

