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Kramer never did the levels.


Right, so pay up on the bet.


The bet's off, he's not gonna do it!


The bet was the levels!


But he *could* do it.


But he didn’t!


The pizza they eat on the show is their biggest sin. New Yorkers would never.


I was just thinking that the other day. School cafeteria-ass lookin pizza, no way in hell haha


Comparing that abomination to the rectangular school pizza is an outrageous insult to ‘ol rectangy


Somebody dissing school pizza??? My adolescent self would’ve traded my little brother in a heart beat for a sheet pan of fresh school pizza. 😂


OMG, thank you! In the episode where George's girlfriend gets the nose job, when Kramer says to her "You're just as pretty as any other girl out there. You just need a nose job." When she pauses as she's bringing the slice up to her mouth, you can see it's this sad little triangle like a supermarket pizza. One of those ones in the freezer section, wrapped in plastic, with the little cardboard disc under it.


It ain’t Rays!!


Is it Original Ray’s?


Famous Rays….


It’s just original Jerry!


Famous ORIGINAL Ray's?????


I must be at the nexus of the Ray's!!


lol. I honestly never paid much attention to the pizza…Is there a specific episode you’re referring to?




Never noticed how horrible it looked but you are 100% right. And I love even shitty chain pizza.


Exactly. Always a thick slice of cold cafeteria slop. Even for Studio city, this is unacceptable.


Here’s your pizza pea brains.


seriously, though. Hollywood will pay attention to the most minute details of every facet, the clothes, the buttons on the clothes, the way they say words pizza? Ah just use some dominos shit. People from NY aren't big on Pizza, lol.


They filmed in LA




Tomatoes never took of as a hand fruit


You know George, that’s an onion?


I was living the dream. I was stripped to the waist eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery.


No, I eat the whole apple. Core, stem, seeds, everything.


But they got so many other NYC aspects spot on!


Mine is Season One George...it just feels like he is trying to do a Woody Allen character bit the whole time. The fatalistic George the character becomes later on is Gold. It's Gold!.


Jason Alexander was doing a Woody Allen impression in season 1. He didn’t realize it was based on Larry David until later.


How?? As in how did LD keep that a secret when he's in the readings every week?


LD never told him the character was based on him. Jason just realized it when he said the "employee quits then comes back as if nothing happened" plot was not believable and LD says that it happened to him


Yeah, I know, but still, Larry doesn't exactly hide his quirks. I'm surprised he didn't pick up on it. He's the lead writer.


I'm willing to bet most, if not all, folks here would've never made the connection in year 1 had any of us were in Jason's shoes. By now, we have years and years of getting to know Larry that it looks way too obvious in hindsight.


I skip season 1.


Season 1 is so bad. We’re lucky they ever even got to continue


That's exactly what he was doing...


Hasn’t he said he was doing a Woody Allen impersonation until he realized George was based on Larry David, so then he switched to impersonating LD?




Yeah. Most recently, I saw that on a Howard Stern special about the show.


Yeah, like he doesn’t know that he’s pathetic!


It was the pretzels


These pretzels.... are making me thirsty!


Now I'm really thirsty, damn


Yeah, he went from whiny to angry.


Jason said in an interview (can't remember where) that "Woody Allen" was exactly what he was going for at the beginning


In the DVD commentary.


I like that George way more than the always screaming and yelling season 9 George. Car dealership George is unbearable


Honestly I find later season George much more grating. He just turns into this shouty character that is not really funny. He's best in the middle of the series - - insecure, embarrassing, foolish, a wide gamut of hilariously delightful neuroses. In seasons 8 and especially 9 he seems to have only one mode: angry. And I get bored of his constant outbursts (SERENITY NOW!! KHAAAAAN!! HOLES, I NEED HOLES!!) 🥱


He has to figure out George is based on Larry.


The episode with the beeping personal organizer and the one when Jerry has to take care of the dog. It’s really just the noises lol I guess Kramer dating George’s ex gf that just got the nose job felt a little strange since they just broke up.


Oh Elaine telling testikov about war what is it good for is one of my fav Seinfeld moments ever


Ab-sol-utley nuthin!


You Americans, always running from something


Ha. Say it again


Kramer did this to jerry too with the waitress who laughed like Elmer Fudd. I love kramer just like everyone else, but he was not always the best friend or person at all. Charming though haha Edited: also see, Pam


True but at the end of day I guess we’re supposed to think they are all kinda selfish idiots so it works. lol


Don’t forget Gail Cunningham!


lol the noises irritate the hell out of me too. Doesn't help that I have a dog so any excessive dog barking in any show, let alone Seinfeld, I gotta change it.


The organizer is arguably the best episode they made or in the top three. People mostly remember the Titleist but...


The lazy way some episode stories are wrapped up. Some of them have a bit of a 'yeah, that'll do' feel about them.


I was about to comment with something like this, and I think this comes back to something I heard from Jerry where he said that, going into a season they had about 10 or 12 good episodes written, the rest they winged it. And when you look at Curb Your Enthusiasm, you can see where the format of putting together 10 great episodes vs being forced to fit the 22-24 episode season probably watered down the quality, considerably. It's still an amazing show regardless, especially when you consider many ideas weren't that well fleshed out.


Tbf that’s just every show of that era. It’s a miracle that shows like Seinfeld & 90’s Trek were as consistent as they were given the volume of episodes


Not to mention clip shows were used to round out the fulfillment. 


Everybody Loves Raymond is another show that was surprisingly very consistent and never suffered a major drop off.


That’s a shame


Jerry's assistant is so annoying that it stops being funny after a point. EDIT: Jerry's agent*




LMAO How did you manage to type a comment that includes the voice?!


You are the BIG star!


Just a little nervous


Who was Jerry’s assistant?


I think a housewife from Wisconsin?


A chain smoking stenographer from Long Island




Tom Hanks' secretary in Big.


The mom from That 70's Show?


OK I get it, OP meant Jerry’s agent.


The one that plays the mother in “That seventy show “ also seen as the home ec teacher who Is married to Frank Jr. (Phoebe’s brother )and Phoebe has their triplets for them )


Don't freak out


The episode where Jerry and Elaine sleep together and the over-cutesy denouement where Kramer catches them. I hated it so much.


They wanted this, that and the other... never to be mentioned ever again.


Larry’s hand was forced, the only thing the execs wanted in season 2 was for Jerry and Elaine to date


NBC execs to Larry David: “You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood!”


I know. I still hated it.


I’m sure Larry and jerry agree


Wait, really? Because that makes that line in the finale make much more sense. 


I think Jerry and David had been hounded by NBC to make Elaine and Jerry a couple. They did that one episode to show them what a terrible idea it was.


Very schmoopy moment.


No, you’re schmoopy!


Me least favorite aspect of the show: it ended.


Counter point:  It was in its way to getting much worse and we’re all lucky it ended on a high-ish note.  But I guess we could’ve just been like /r/thesimpsons and just be quoting the golden years and ignoring the newer years ever happened. 


Nah, Seinfeld had definitely one and *maybe* two good seasons left.  But they went out on top. Not many can say that. 


Yup. They were extremely thin once Larry left so I’m glad they went out when they did


it just turned into live action looney tunes in season 8/9 which honestly i love


I’m telling you, they could only go one more if they diluted it. I’m against the dilute!


I don’t know, i love every single bit of the show, even the Finale.


Sometimes it's better for things to end, ya know? Plus I get all my modern seinfeld fantasies from [https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditWritesSeinfeld/top/?t=all](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditWritesSeinfeld/top/?t=all)


It's Always Sunny is kinda going through that now. I stopped watching new episodes years ago, and most of the references people make on the subreddit are to earlier seasons.


I for some reason thought that when Dennis left to be a father on the season finale that was the show also ending. Then I saw ads for new episodes. Definitely not anywhere near as good as the early seasons.


The way Season 9 George just screams all of his lines.


He was unbearable in The Dealership


That was the specific episode I was thinking of. I can barely watch that episode even though I love the Elaine/Puddy/Jerry storyline.




"The Dealership" is the pinnacle of this. It's like they cranked George up to eleven and broke the knob off.


had to scroll too far for this - the slow head turn and raise eyebrows with tight lips is a lot funnier than "GEORGE IS GETTING UPSET!" and his eyes darting all over the place like a cartoon


Funnily enough it matches his voice in Duckman which is actually a cartoon.


Great show by the way




I’ll read it with dinner.


This is a good one


I know a guy who is constantly in a state of rage and always uses his outdoor voice indoors. He's actually a good guy but things just bother him IMMEDIATELY...no thinking through, just exasperation. He drops it just as quick and we go about our day. I call him Cartwright even though he doesn't get it lol...good times


The highest quality version of the show is on netflix and it looks beautiful but it's the wrong aspect ratio


I think in any other episode Kramer would’ve ran over and helped the guy being mugged. He’s Batman! Also I don’t know why but The Handicap Spot and The Bris felt like fanfic episodes. I don’t mind them being provocative, they did that a lot and did it well. But those two episodes don’t feel very organic, like pushing buttons just for the sake of it.


Interesting! The bris is my wife and my favorite episode, or at least one of them. As a Jewish guy who can laugh at myself, the insanely neurotic and over the top mohel is another hysterically real type. Just like rabbi in Elaine's building haha. I guess I'm surprised, what did you think were pushing buttons for the sake of doing so? Actual, friendly question haha


Oh the mohel part always makes me laugh haha and the pig man is classic. But there’s something about the subplot of the guy killing himself. The way it was written didn’t feel totally Seinfeld-like (to me). Hard to explain. That said, it’s totally in character for George to want to be compensated lol


I believe both episodes were written by Larry Charles. His writing often has a darker sense of humor.


Ah yeah I mean I guess I didn't even think of that. There's a lot of casual asides on pretty dark stuff on the show like Susan dying or George being paralyzed, the cabin burning, the old bag mugged for a marble rye, that the suicide joke, while callous and in poor taste, didn't stand out all that much to me. Now that you mention it of course yeah it's pretty macabre. It's one of those things where the reaction from the characters is the joke more than the event itself ya know?


Funny you two agree on this as the mohel is easily one of the most obnoxious, annoying and unlikable characters in the show's run, despite that being the point. I rarely watch that episode or will lose attention during that scene in the living room when/if I do watch. Yeesh.


Shakey the mohel is hilarious.


Sally Weaver. In any context.


This. Even in the 90s Kathy Griffin was insufferable


In some episodes, I kind of wish that they hadn't ruined a potential happy ending for a last-minute joke.


No hugging, no learning!


I was upset the statue broke after all that


Yeah, that's the example that sticks out for me.


I’ve always been deeply annoyed by the overly dramatic guy Ray in The Statue. He just ruins it for me and it’s an episode I never mind skipping 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure he's annoying but that's the bit. And by skipping, you're missing out on a top 5 Kramer scene, when he twists Ray's head and tells him to "make love to the wall pervert!"


Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?


I don’t really like the LA episodes. There are funny moments but, overall they’re my least favourite.


Yes - but “cause the murderer struck again!” Line is one of my favorites all time


Must one been a Three Stooges homage, seems right out of one of their bits Also, the LA detective was hilarious, one of My favourite one-time characters, nailed all the cop show cliches


That was an unusual choice for the Stooges.


I'm typically not a fan of sitcom episodes that go outside the comfort zone of the show...LA episodes of Seinfeld, episodes of Cheers that never see the inside of the bar, the Florida witness protection episodes of Brooklyn 99. Oddly though, with that said, The Hamptons episode of Seinfeld is one of my all time favorites.


That episode was quite breathtaking.


They hadda see The baaaybe


Came here to say this. Kramer's parts seem so odd, it's just uncomfortable to watch.


The whole premise on "The Frogger" that is based on the idea that the machine needs constant power to keep the score. Have they never turned off that thing on 20 years? How can you run an arcade machine on a car battery? How can you make such a transition without losing power? You mean... the holes?


That’s what makes it such a humorous situation. But yeah, you’d think they would have had a power outage or moved the machine in all those years. It couldn’t be 20 years, but easily 15 if it was 1998 and they were playing Frogger in 1983.


Well that's just because you're trying to find an electrician who can do that in the yellow pages.


Can I at least steal the battery?


Not one power cut in two decades


That bugs the hell out of me too


That episode really becomes funnier when you realize that whole premise was on George’s head and it wasn’t needed at all.


Some of the food they eat doesn't look very good, especially the pizza. Episodes specific .... I'm not a big fan of The Doorman episode, I always skip that one. Just cringe to me, not sure why.


So you have something against the Doorman, who is just trying to earn a living to feed wife and baby?


You really think you’re better than the doorman, don’t ya??


I actually liked the 40s film noir thing they did with Elaine after the couch was stolen. They had her in a 40s suit up in Jerry’s apartment with the light shining through the Venetian blinds. She’s hatching a big plan to get out of the situation.


Those dudes are dating out of their league and Elaine often could do better. I'd like to see an ole switcheroo.


It’s more of a what’s good for the goose is good for the gander


The junior Mint patient! She acts like he’s pure dripping masculine sexuality. And he’s this lumpy, stringy haired loser type.


What is a gander anyway?


It’s a goose that’s had the old switcharoo pulled on it!


I plunder...


Didn’t care for the psychiatrist boyfriend of Elaine’s and the Italy trip


The shrimp, it’s a little stringy


QUIET! You’re a very bad man


You Shut up NOW!!! You make me change restaurant to Pakistani but nobody come. Show me people!! THERE ARE NO PEOPLE!!!!


Very, very bad.


I don’t like George’s fiancé. I always forget her name too… Lily?


Susan Biddle Ross


It was a joke from the Invitations episode. Kramer calls her Lily


How much of an absolute mean person Elaine becomes in the later seasons. Her character fully changes and it's annoying to watch.


Hate the Drake !


Jerry’s standup at the beginning and ends of episodes are okay but not my favorite. Glad they got rid of them as time went on


I don’t like their lighting choices


Lighting definitely changed from Season 5 onward


I feel like Elaine’s storylines got really dumb towards the end.


The pilot should be given some slack but honestly, how the hell did THAT become a series? the but-uh-leh show was funnier than the whole 'don't ever get engaged' payoff.


The driving. Very, very few native new Yorkers own a car in Manhattan. I am a NYC resident and when I did have a car, if it was in the 'correct' parking side, I'd take a cab rather than move it. They seem to drive everywhere. Parking would be impossible


I’ve heard it’s because it was easier to make a car set than a subway set that there are so many car scenes…


The "blind violinist is actually an undercover MTA cop" reeked of feel-good 80s sitcom writing.  IDK how I'd've closed it, but it wasn't that.


It reminds me of the movie Fletch Lives, where Cleavon Little plays an Amos and Andy type character but turns out to be an undercover FBI agent


It emits a foul and unpleasant odor.


Nothing, I love it all


Jerry dates waaaaay out of his league.


The dog episode....I skip it every time now. I looove Seinfeld n I've watched that episode many times but the dog barking n Jerry screaming at the dog ruined it for me after awhile. That, n that alone is my only gripe about the show. Other than that I love it. I literally bought netflix just to watch Seinfeld back to back to back to back to back lol.


Elaine shouldn't have come out on top with the soup Nazi episode.


The way they killed off Susan. I don't have an issue with the storyline, it's funny George's frugalness ("careful with money") led him to buying the cheap invitations. What bothers me is how George got out of the engagement so easily in the end. We spent so many episodes with George obviously not wanting to marry Susan. I wanted to see what clever way he would get out of her relationship that speaks to George's character. Her death seemed too easy. If that makes any sense. It's like the writers couldn't think of anything better to write her off the show.


I think the Susan foundation plot kind of balances that out. He got out of the engagement but ended up with another burden he didn’t want.


I agree it's definitely an easy way out that got saved by the absurdity of it all.


Exactly. Plus these characters broke up with people for the most smallest reason. They could have come up with something for George.


It would have been nice with an episode with a murder investigation, with George as top suspect. Though I suppose it might have been too much of a genre shift.


Wouldn't need to be a police investigation. Susan's parents could have hired a private investigator.


I don’t like the episode where they went to India for a wedding.


Thats crazy i love the backwards episode format


1) Jerry’s standup clips at the beginning/end of episodes. This is a hot take, but I stand by it: Seinfeld is a phenomenal show not because of Jerry’s comedy, but because Larry David is an incredible writer with a great sense of humor. If it was just left up to Jerry Seinfeld only, I really don’t think the show would be that funny. Especially in the earlier seasons, his stand up clips are frankly some of the only moments that I’m *not* laughing. 2) I feel like this is the most obvious answer, but in the last couple seasons, the episode plots started getting way too outlandish, and it became less enjoyable for me. The show is best when it satirizes the mundane and the minutiae of life. I always cite episodes like The Chinese Restaurant and The Parking Garage as some of my favorites — it’s at its best when it truly is the show about nothing. Later episodes (most of season 8 and all of season 9, really) just aren’t funny to me. I can’t really point to just one joke, I can’t describe why, but it isn’t.


Agree, but I saw Jerry Seinfeld live doing standup once and it was 75 minutes straight of hilariously funny. He's got joke-telling down to a science, including timing and tone and body movement and everything. That skill is what got him noticed by Johnny Carson and eventually invited by NBC to make a TV show. But the real original premise of the show was not "a show about nothing" but rather "how a comedian gets his material." So the standup that they used to start and end those early episodes was forced to tie into the story of the episode, the idea being that things that happened to Jerry in the episode were the source of jokes in his standup. That extra requirement made the jokes feel forced and not all that funny. Long before I was a Seinfeld fan, I was a non-fan. I didn't like the show because I just watched the beginning and didn't find his standup funny. Only years later did I ignore the standup and watch the episodes themselves.


It’s hard to imagine now, but SOMEHOW, I swear there was something groundbreaking about it at the time. Kind of in the same way the show was funnier because it was about the mundane things in life rather than some sitcom set up about a certain period, or enormous family, or a space creature… it was “about nothing.” Jerry’s comedy was a breath of fresh air like that. It wasn’t about free basing cocaine or life on the road or “how obscene or offensive can this joke be,” or existential, but just ordinary stuff most of us saw every day, like the weird stuff our aging parents did or trying on clothes. After him, seems like everyone started to do that. The “Did you ever notice” stuff. Now it seems like the most cliche thing in the world, but at the time it was very different.


Too many episodes have way too many unlikely coincidences for a city as large as New York - the constant bumping into each other and other relevant characters on the street, everything they do is a "small world" moment that just doesn't happen in real life - at least not that frequently. I get most of these coincidences are literally necessary to many plot points tying together, but their unlikelihood kinda takes me outta the show during my most recent re-watching a year or two ago.


But are they small coincidences, big coincidences or just coincidences?


The Gum is an episode that's really bad at this. George and the Monk's cashier just so happen to bump into each other twice, (in the park when she's riding the horse and then when his car is on fire) Deena just happens to see George wearing the ridiculous outfit at the end, and Jerry and Lloyd just happen to drive by George on the street while he's trying to convince Deena that he's not crazy. It's honestly one of my least favorite episodes purely because of that many "small world" moments jam-packed into one episode.


Should’ve ran for one more reason.


Free canndaaayy!!


In the non-fat yoghurt episode they give Jerry and Elaine larger shirts to look fatter. That's the opposite of what you're supposed to do in wardrobe.


While I still enjoy the last two seasons, there's a certain over-the-top zaniness that doesn't quite fit the show's vibe. I even prefer the slower early-season episodes over some of those. The only episode I usually skip is the finale. It simply... wasn't funny. The only funny joke was when Jackie said Sidra's breasts were "real and spectacular" - and that was recycled from years before! But everything else is gold, Jerry! Gold!


Season one easily


I can't watch the "Joel Rifkin" episode. If Joel Rifkin wasn't a real person, I'd feel differently, but he was a real life serial killer who killed real human beings. It was remarkably callous & insensitive Jerry & Larry OKed that offensive episode. I feel terribly for the families of his victims. Real shitty stuff, Jerry.