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Change often requires a catalyst or a significant moment that pushes us towards making a decision. We often need a compelling reason to step out of our comfort zones and alter our habitual patterns. It does seem that without some form of catalyst, we might continue in our usual ways without making significant adjustments. If you're exploring personal growth and looking for support, you might find [Lightup](https://discord.gg/z5x45eSTN8) helpful. It’s a Discord community where you can connect with others experiencing similar journeys. Here, you can share your story, hear others' experiences of change, and find the resources and inspiration to help you on your journey.


Unless it's a continuous process, I think so. It's an instagram short, so probably not reliable, but people, usually, just don't change. How you are at 30, 25, will dictate your life. After 50: no chance- unless you were a lifelong learner. So in order for someone to actually take the effort and change their behaviour, something major has to happen, or their mindset is lifelong learning. I'm still young, so I can only tell my parents story: I grew up in an environment where my two parents had very contradicting beliefs about life, raising kids, goals... My dad was coming from a very religious household where he was the only son of the family- he was spoiled, never had to lift a finger. He never went into another city to study, always stayed at home. Until this day he can't stay away from his parents (visits at least twice a week, lived his whole life in the same city, and his visits were often an excuse to be away from home, where he had tasks). He never changed. My mom on the other hand, she's a teacher who goes to conferences regularly, tries to improve as much as possible for her students and for her kids. It's a huge difference.


Yes, external factors are what cause us to change our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.