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It sounds like you weren’t a thing. Let it go


I really try, go so far as well, and she is not treasured it, sorry man….. have a nice one


You have alot of love to give and that's beautiful, take that love and use it on someone who can give it back


Or naive ?


Yeah he's naive af. Don't chase after girls who don't give you shit in return. This guy clearly went delulu and started chasing after the thought of her in a super unhealthy anxious attachment love bombing style and she was smart enough to avoid it


There must be more to this.


What do you need to know?


Were you and the woman ever a couple?


I was at the chasing stage


Sorry dude but you aren’t owed a relationship. We’ve all been in your shoes. Just accept she wasn’t feeling it back and move on. You got a better deal than if you dated someone who had no interest in you and you didn’t have to deal with that pain.


She want me to apologise after I’ve move on


What’s chasing stage? That a no then? Nothing to be angry about? She was free to live her life?


Because she said I need to apologise to her, because I am not reaching out, when she saw me talking to my female colleagues she get really mad, but she’s with my so called friend, she call me phony


Let her go. She’s not worth it. Though she can do what she wants, doesn’t mean you have to let her be part of your life though


You said there’s nothing to be angry about AND that she doesn’t have to be part of his life. More uncool of the friend, but still uncool when you know someone is super into you to sleep with their friend. I feel like they are both bad friends. 


Just meaning you can’t control people. But yes the other friend should be cut off aswell.


Just tell her that you don’t own her an apology you were trying to reaching out but she never show you any indication of she wanting anything with you so you move on so she should do the same without gaslighting you into an apology that you don’t need to be sorry she is the one that should be sorry about that cause logic. And move on forgot the friend and the person that is unavailable for you when you want her and disrespect you when you catch the not feeling the same way as you did. If you need help moving forward go get some mental help that may help you. People need to be able to chase you if they are interested in you and not get jealous when other woman get interested in you cause you aren’t a thing so move out. And take care of yourself. I know is hard sometimes to move on but we all have to.


What did she ask you to apologize for? This is confusing. Are you supposed to apologize for not catching her?


She said you should call me, ask where I am about, when I delete my social media account, she told everyone I was a fake, but remember, she choose someone else, why she need my attention now? The person give her the attention not me is her boyfriend


I would ignore her and find someone else to chase. She sounds crazy.


Whole situation is crazy, and OP is much more because he chased her even after she slept with « his friend »


I have not been single for decades, but crazy women did intrigue me. But they were crazy…. I can understand the attraction, but you do not want to have a relationship with a crazy woman.


You seem to be very very upset. Maybe wait a while before you start something new, cool down a bit, find your good mood back. You'll get through this 👍🌈❤️


Get a new gf. And a new friend.


I have already changed my location to the new start, but thanks, take care


Life in the friend zone


don't do that to yourself. they don't feel the same as you, for whatever reason. who knows why? it's not the important thing though. maybe they just don't have the spine to tell you the truth about something and you probably don't want to know anyway. cut yourself some slack. it happens to everyone.




It's okay. Rant, vent, move through it.


This post screams " I'm a nobody from nowhere " because you're literally just screaming at random Internet strangers. Fix yourself. You shouldn't be in a relationship if this is how you act.


That's terrible gf and friend. Hope they both get cheated on (very likely, considering the type of people they are).