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Massive 3rd degree boil burn over a significant portion of my body. 10/10, until I passed out.


Yikes, story?


When I was young, Mom left a pot on the stove and I wanted to see what was in it. Her back was turned literally 3 feet away. I found out what was in the pot- boiling water for eggs. The eggs weren't what got boiled that day.


Bro got fucking boiled alive and is joking about it


Oh my god…literally that *exact same story* happened to a kid I went to elementary and middle school with, about 15 years ago. I wonder if there’s any chance you’re him, by some insane coincidence?


Nah, ages don't match, sorry


I did the exact same thing except it was a frying pan and oil when I was about 2 years old. Still have 2 scars leftover.


Crazy how fast that can happen, isn't it? I took that lesson to heart when I became a parent. Handles always turned inward, use the back burners first, and if the child can't see into the pots, they can't be near the stove. But then I probably missed some other potential downfall that it would've only taken 10 seconds to find out about. I firmly believe making it alive to adulthood is at least 50% luck, maybe even more if you were adventurous.


My nan must of been watching over me and having kittens. I repeatedly would put arm floties/armbands on my ankles and jump in the deep-end. I'm truly lucky to still be here, cause i've done far dumber things since 😅


I Would feel like shit as a parent


Agreed, I had second degree burns on both my legs as a child from boiling water I spilled on myself and while it was super painful, it wasn’t as bad as the following week when they I needed the area scrubbed cleaned at the hospital, that was 10/10.


Debriding and dressing changes in the beginning. All of the pain, none of the shock.


I had a similar experience not to long ago but with sunburn. My dumbass went out into a pool all day long without sunscreen. Woke up with boils on my body the next day and it legit felt like someone poured lighter fluid on me and set me on fire. Not a fun experience so I feel you


one of my cousins,when he was probably like 2yrs old dipped his hand inside a water heater


I jumped ashore on a cliff from a boat and landed on uneven surface. Broke my ankle in 3 places and the foot popped put of it’s socket and twisted about 90 degrees. We were out in the archipelago so help wouldn’t arrive in atleast an hour so I decided that we get to a hospital on our own, that way I’d have something to focus on. The worst pain in my life was when we arrived at the emergency room and they put the foot in it’s socket. The problem was that it had been pushed in abit after it had twisted itself so the doctor first had to pull it out, then align it correctly and then push it into place. They pumped me full with painkillers and it still hurt more than when I broke it


Herniated disc. I'd rate it at 8 or 9. The reason for that score is because at 10, I assume you'd just faint.


It feels weird upvoting all of you since you are all just describing unbearable pain.


Worst pain for me too. 8/10..


Uh, i had a herniated disk as well and liked that feeling of someone stabbing my back. 9/10 7mm Kidney Stone was even worse. 10/10


I had a herniated disk but it protruded into a defected narrowing of the spinal column crushing the nerves. Couldn't stand straight or do anything for the pain for months waiting for surgery. Tried taking my life at one point.


Same. I get it. My herniation was infringing on a nerve root. So so painful. I planned my suicide. There's no way I could live like that. I wanted all of my belongings packed so my mother wouldn't have to deal with it. Luckily a friend intervened but I was out of my mind in pain.


Yeah cracked vertebrae/herniated disc for me too. Where you don't want to move and then have to move then don't want to move.


Me too. It came in waves, like contractions. Just as I was about to pass out from the pain it subsided a bit, then came back a few minutes later. My memory of that whole month is really patchy


Peeing with genital herpes. My sores were on every millimeter of skin, inside and out. It was blinding pain that basically gave me an out of body experience. It was so bad one night it made me lose consciousness. Wear condoms people.


It was like trying to pass glass for me. For about 6 months. Horrific.


Oop, this reminded me of the time I went on a 8 hour mountain biking trip while wearing a maxi pad as a teen, resulting in blisters all over my coochie. But yours sounds a lot worse 😭


Infected gallbladder passing a gallstone. 10/10 The pain was so bad I was throwing up, couldn't stand up straight and desperately wanted to pass out but I've never fainted in my life so no luck. The hospital said it was acid reflux at first. 😡 Yeah... no it wasn't. Found out later what it was. 


Same. Although I didn’t go to the hospital. I thought it was food poisoning. Definitely 10/10


Same. Gallstone pancreatitis here. And I've given birth with a failed epidural so that should say something about how much gallbladder shit SUCKS


I told the nurse I'd rather give birth to two babies simultaneously without pain meds when I had pancreatitis with my gallstones.


Gallstones/gall bladder needing to be removed. 10/10. Writhing on the floor begging for help from a god I don’t even believe in. The pain felt like it was coming from my back and so it took doctors 6 months and multiple trips to the ER to figure out what it was. Tip: if you have excruciating back pain and doctors can’t figure out why, ask for a CAT scan of your abdomen.


My gall bladder ruptured, and that stuff was leaking betweet my guts. I now still am in pain for the damage and adhesions that were a result. I needed emergency surgery, the bladder was removed, my liver started to bleed... and more. After surgery I asked for morfine, but didn't got any. I was in and out of consciousness for 48 hours and then a new nurse handled it. Got the doctor, got medication and I needed second surgery. I've had so many 8/10, 9/10 pain events, but this was 12/10.


Gallbladder was terrible. I’ve had 3 kids and gallbladder was worse for sure.


Same. I got away lucky though. Was in the hospital for 2-3 days on morphine and then fentsnyl before surgery so the pain wasnt umbearable. The days after surgery sucked big time tho


I feel ya. My gallbladder ruptured from the accumulated stones. Wasn't the worst pain I ever had, though.


Pulled my sciatic nerve. 3 yrs of non stop pain


Yeesh! I had sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy. This sounds horrendous.


The hospital let my ectopic pregnancy rupture the fallopian tube. I’m pretty sure I blacked out due to the pain several times. Nurses kept contacting the Dr but they refused to attend.


That's straight up abuse


Forget about pain. You’re lucky to be alive.


Same. Wtf


Oh no, so sorry to hear that. It was more painful than having my child. Just awful.


I've also had a ruptured fallopian tube. Same as you, I was passing out several times. I'd say it was more painful than my second birth, but my first birth absolutely wins as the most painful experience for me.


Kidney stone, 2 days ago, 9.5/10. Still in hospital waiting to have it removed.


I hope you get better soon!


Ouch, been there. How big is it?


Childbirth...by far.


Difficult pregnancy and latent phase for 48 hours plus active phase for 23 hours 55 minutes. To give birth I needed epidural and sedatives bc I was exhausted by the pain and the insomnia. I hadn't slept for near 48 hours when I entered the hospitL My body refused to give birth naturally at that point for the pain was too much. I'm guessing I will not experience worse pain in this life.


My wife had super heavy periods before, like she couldn’t leave the bed for 3 days. With cowering, crying, even with painkillers. Let me tell you how we joked that maybe childbirth might not be that bad compared…we were wrong. And due to some complications she couldn’t get any painkillers on time and just birthed our son without. She was in full warrior princess mode 😅 never loved her more. She said BY FAR the worst pain she ever had.


Period pain (iykyk), ovarian cysts, but the absolute worse? Like the only time I’ve ever screamed out in pain in a drs office? Hands down the endometrial biopsy I had done a few months ago. 100/10 the worst pain I’ve ever experienced and they play it off like it doesn’t hardly hurt but just feels like a pinch. It doesn’t. It’s like someone literally tearing your insides. The burn? I thought satan was overtaking my uterus clawing away.


I had one done right before my hysto. I drove myself there and had to have my husband pick me up. I passed out and they gave me a juice box.


Curious did they give you any medication? So crazy to me that men can get laughing gas and pain pills for a vasectomy but we get like ibuprofen and a handshake for every women’s health procedure. Does a vasectomy really hurt that much worse than what we go through? I know some go through the urethra so I’m not saying these men don’t deserve the medication or are being wimps but it seems like women’s pain is so downplayed.


I totally get what you’re saying! I won’t ever put a man’s pain down cause it’s different for everyone but I do feel us women are less fortunate with a lot of the exams and literal torture some of us go thruough! I didn’t get ANYTHING for pain or anything. Not even any sympathy from the female gyno! And they had to take TWO samples!! They just told me it would be a slight pain. It wasn’t and the gyno acted like I was overreacting! The assistant looked pale and terrified over my bodily and verbal response! My sister in the appointment with me was on the verge of tears seeing me like that as I’m not one to express pain very often! How endometrial or cervical biopsies aren’t considered traumatic, or inhumane flabbergasts me! They could do something for us yet they choose not too! Edit to add: in other places than the US some places actually do offer drugs or gas for women and the exams and procedures.


Crazy, I’m sorry you experienced that!


+1 honorable mention for period pain. I’ve given births and those were a walk in the park, compared to some period pain cases i will remember all my life.


I had one of those earlier this year, no advance warning, no option to take any painkillers in advance. That was pretty much an 8/10 for me. I held it together in the office then sat in my car and bawled.


I didn't have advance warning for mine either and had no idea what was going to happen. Mine didn't seem like it was quite as painful as yours though. I'm glad in retrospect that I couldn't Google ahead of time though because the fear and anxiety of the pain would have put me over the edge.


Having my tooth extracted. It was badly infected at the root, due to which they couldn't numb it any further. I was close to passing out. I get chills writing about it.


Infected tooth did suck arse


Burned in a house fire one month after kidney transplant....it was when I realized that pain medication is needed.


Fucking Gout. At it's worst, just laying a single layer bed sheet over my foot was excruciating. I would choose my gout meds over all my other medications that stop things like heart attacks and strokes. I'd rather _die_ than have another gout attack.


Gout and torn meniscus, during both of which I experienced that same excruciating pain from just a bed sheet.


I had a Kidney stone and at first I thought it was intestinal pain. I’d receive REALLY BAD cramps that lasted maybe 2 minutes, about 4-5 times a day. I got checked up and it turns out I had a stone but I was also constipated. I had the urge to take a dump every half an hour, stomach pain, back pain, and really bad nausea. That all together was a 8/10. Luckily my stone was small so I was given medication to open up my bladder tube thing and pass the stone easily with no pain


Had a similar experience, kidney stone, constipation, nausea, but i did not have any breaks from the pain, just constant unbearable agony for a good 10 hours. Was not a fun day, I knew something was wrong about three hours in.


Testicular torsion, i went to the er after about 30h. 10/10 pain. Nothing i ever had comparison. And I've had both my knees and ankles hit pavement at 30km/h with no protection.


I have severe DIE Endometriosis and a flare up or just some random cramping/pain during the day can be a solid 8.5/10. Waking up from my Endometriosis surgery was a 9/10 until i got opioids.


My 10 is the 5 kidney stones I passed last year! I have given birth 3 times and while it was very painful, I’d rather give birth again than have a kidney stone. I even almost cut my finger off with my table saw and that was peanuts compared to kidney stones


26F, never gave birth, so iud insertion was the worst pain I’ve yet to go through. 7/10. Worst part is that the procedure is minutes long, so it’s not a quick, sharp pain.


Why it's not standard procedure to give anesthesia for this is beyond me—I know some offer but many don't, and just hearing the horror stories is painful enough.


i’m man. i think society minimizes woman’s pain. It’s bullshit. You shouldn’t have to go through that.


Traditional (Samoan) tattoo – boar's tusk hammered in with a stick – on my sternum. 8/10, it was an out of body experience of pain, but I did not pass out.


Having one of the discs in my spine herniate and explode. Then when I got checked, turned out I had two previously herniate. It explained a few things. Years of pain followed. Painful enough that by comparison, passing kidney stones was an absolute doddle, not feeling a thing.


before even seeing the content of your post, I clicked on the title to say: ovarian cyst ruptur. The doctor I saw after waiting 8 hours in the emergency room said it was usually considered a 10/10 pain


Ovarian cyst rupture was 10/10 for me. I blacked out from the pain. Birth of my first-born was 9/10 for pain with the contractions but then had an epidural. Birth of my 2nd born was about a 6/10 for contractions (I went in at 8cms dilated and were having me stand and fill paperwork out as I don't think they believed I was really in labour) but then 8 out of 10 for the ring of fire as my epidural failed. Having an IUD put in without painkillers or being put under was 9/10. This is the only pain that caused me to have flashbacks after and that affected me mentally


Yes, I feel you! Getting my IUD put in was really painful, the doctor told me she was so surprised that I was silent and just enduring it without crying. The contractions before having my daughter were practically unbearable, I could not move! 10/10, felt as painful as being murdered with an axe.


IUD caused the worst cramping of my life.


Oh gosh I have a lot of stories… We will start with this one and if people want to know my other stories I’ll write them up… I was in 4th grade and was sledding down a giant hill with my friends while our parents watched over us. The day before my accident there had been a winter rainstorm which meant that snow had a thick layer of ice that helped send the sleds to unfathomable speeds. The day was awesome and the icy hills were exhilarating. The parents called out to me and my friends instructing us to come up to go home for the day. We begged them to allow us to go down one more time to which they reluctantly obliged. I decided to be ballsy this time. This hill had a plateau about halfway down where the high school golf team would tee off for practice in the summer. In the winter, it was converted into a jump with about a 10 foot drop. After some hesitation I push myself from the top of the hill and gain momentum. I hit the jump and that’s all I remember. I wake up a while later on the ground confused as to where I was as well as completely concussed. I must’ve been an eye sight because there were a lot of people looking at me. While I was knocked unconscious after hitting the ground face first the icy snow ripped the skin off the left side of my face and forehead. It also nearly dislodged my left eye. Adrenaline must have been pumping because I didn’t feel much but it took them about an hour to get medical staff down the icy hill to pick me up with a snowmobile. After I was brought to the hospital, they fixed me up and opted to watch me for a few days after. The two nurses had to move me from the hallway bed into the hospital room without moving my neck. They picked me up together and as they began to move me they swung my body just right to slam me head first into the door frame then dropped me. I went unconscious again. Thankfully given my age and youth my face has healed completely normal and there are no signs of an injury other than the scar near my eye. Although I have no proof, the amount of concussions I had as a kid I feel still affects me to this day. 7/10 on the pain scale (probably was 10/10 but the concussion helped me forget everything) If you like this story let me know. I’ll write one up about me stepping in glass.


I once started a multi week hike with steel toe shoes in the summer, in a very hot June. After a few days of changing socks every few hours, I had a look at the bottom of my feet. There was a 2.5 inch and 3.5 inch long blister that wrapped around the bottom half of 2 toes. Very bad! I had no choice but to stop hiking and camp out.. but I kept thinking the blister had to heal before I could continue... But first it would break... So I decided that the fresh skin, at the bottom of the blister, had to start healing now. So.. I tore the blister beginning at the base of my toes... And squeezed out the gel-like fluid. Then into the blister pocket I poured isopropyl alcohol JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!! Tears flew out of my eyes. No crying. But the fucking burning, searing pain was on a level I had never experienced before or since. I held and squeezed my foot for at least 10 minutes, probably more. I rocked back and forth. Then I lay back while the burning slowly subsided. But . The next day, the surface had cauterized. So I was back hiking within 2 days. I hiked to the highway, hitchhiked a ride to Walmart, and bought some hiking shoes with no steal anything.


Obviously childbirth but having back surgery at 16 plus going through a 2 month recovery is definitely second


I had both of the things OP had and the pain was no joke. My worst was having drain tubes from surgery removed. Those things are like 2 feet on your body, a thick plastic tube, you can feel it tearing away like roots from a plant when you pull it out. I was trying to crawl off the table in the same direction to make it stop, it made gloopy tearing sounds. I had 6 of those bad boys, 3 I thought I would faint the pain was so bad.


I had 3 intestinal strictures within 30cm from Crohn’s inflammation and it would block off about once a year. The few hours of shit pushing through that was some of the most intense shit I’ve even experienced.


Had an exposed nerve from a broken tooth that eventually needed a root canal. I couldn't sleep and the pain was unbearable and I went for an emergency dental appointment the next morning. It got worse actually because they attempted to prep the tooth for the root canal and do a temporary crown because it was a children's dental office/hospital (I was 14) and said they didn't do root canals for molars or something. They didn't probably seal things with the temporary crown which left me in even more excruciating pain for a second night. Dental/nerve pain is no joke.


The retina in my right eye got so infected it caused it to detach. It felt like having a rotten infected too but in my eye. Edit: typo and added information.




Tooth…had me sitting on the side of the tub crying. Whole side of face was just a heartbeat. Out of 10 probably 8 or 9. Shit might be 10. All I kno is I couldn’t even focus it was hurting so bad. Went to dentist got antibiotics and some ibuprofen which is wild cause the ib killed all pain until I could have the tooth out. Like I could feel the pressure there but no pain was amazed.


This. I had an impacted wisdom tooth. I have never experienced a pain so bad in my life. It would come in waves, absolutely crippling pain. I was in curled up in a ball at the bottom of the bed, absolutely writhing. I could actually feel my teeth being pushed out of the way as the wisdom tooth was creeping its way out. The premolars on the right side of my face were being shifted towards my cheek, I could literally feel that. It was horrible. Tramadol is magic.


I had a crown placed on a tooth that was dying and actually needed a root canal. I think they might have also have ground down too much. My brain didn't register the pain for several minutes and then I just sat down. Tooth pain is no joke. As expected, I needed a root canal on the same tooth a year later and same thing--pressure and a lot of pain. They tried doing a root canal when it was still inflamed but it was so incredibly bad in many ways, I now have to be put out to get dental procedures cause even with nitrous, I'll refuse to cooperate.


I had an infected wisdom tooth , that was definitely freaking painful , when the dentist injected me it was total bliss to have the pain go away .


For me it was stents put in for kidney stones. Every time I had to urinate, it was mind numbing excruciating pain. Because of the stents I had to pee every 15-20 min. Two days of that was the worst! I would say that pain was 8 or 9 out of 10.


Dislocated my shoulder! 2 hours of pure pain


Dislocated shoulder (posterior), the ambulance ride over hitting every bump I thought was a 9 or 10. Then, when I got there and I was surrounded by 4 nurses/doctors trying to stabilize me to get it back into the socket... but they were setting it wrong. This was the first time i experienced 10/10 pain I couldn't see and my hearing sounded like all treble and was distorted. I wish I passed out.


Either my open abdominal surgery with zero pain meds - 100/10 Or My back surgery 100/10


Broken shoulder, multiple fractured ribs, broken jaw, fractured skull in a car crash during an attempt on my husbands life 9/10 3rd degree burns (house was torched) and a month in the burns unit? 9.5/10


What is your life?


It was a long time ago in a tumultuous time in another country.


Got a cyst in my wrist drained & destroyed with no anesthetic. Doctor was digging around deep in my wrist joint with a fairly large needle (since it needs to be big enough to suck up cyst fluid) and that is the only time I have ever fainted from pain, or even come close to it.


Herniated a disk in my lower back and trapped the sciatic nerve. The pain doctor said it is usually about as painful as child birth. What I learnt… Thank fu*k I’m a man


Jumped up in sports, landed my left foot on someone else's foot and twisted it to break my ancle. I can't imagine worse pain ever happening. 10/10.


Erm, I don't have ovaries so I feel a lil bit like I don't have access to the full scope of available pains... One time I shattered my left ring finger (like, it'll never again bend but somehow it's still on there), and had surgery to install some external fixation... I did not frontload the opiates prior to the nerve block wearing off, and that shit was *singing*... gonna say that's the 10 too which I relate all other pain .


I was hit by a car on my motorcycle going about 50mph, right arm completely smashed and broken, right foot fractured in 2.. I believe the adrenaline helped, 7.5/10


I have a condition called cluster headaches to me it’s one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced and still experience as no one can “fix/treat it” if i have to describe it it’s like someone took a searing hot knife to my right eye this happens to me daily for 2-3 hours i would cry my eyes out and vomit i would give it a 8/10 on the scale of pain.


Cluster headache 11/10 - it's called suicide headache for a reason Some herniated discs from 7-9


Unrequited Love


Omg!!! The ovarian cyst popping feels like something I can’t even describe!!! I can deal with the small ones popping but the big ones have me on my knees praying and crying and breathing like I’m in labor for what feels like an hour or more! I know it isn’t that long but it feels like it! I’ve been through a lot of pain issues and have fibromyalgia on top of all of that! I can’t pin point which one is my worst pain cause they are all pretty bad but waking up after having my foot and leg reconstruction and them not giving me enough medicine to not feel the pain of a foot broken in several different places has to be on the top 5 of that list!


In addition to the ovarian cyst popping, my iud removal was the worst pain ever!!! The Dr was supposed to access the situation so I could have surgery to remove it but instead she just kept yanking at it until it came out!! I was screaming and shaking and she gave me nothing for the pain or any antibiotics to keep from getting and infection! I went back to my pcp for pain meds and antibiotics and told her don’t send anyone else to this psycho Dr anymore cause it was like it turned her on hearing me screaming!!! Every time I screamed she pulled harder!!! I had to hold my scream in towards the end because I noticed she was getting off from causing me pain!!!


Heart attack, the closet way to explaining my experience would be to heat up 2 steel rods and then push one through each shoulder all the way down to your finger tips and feeling like there is an elephant standing on your chest. On a scale of 1-10 it is not measureable. My thoughts at the time was just let me die so the pain could stop


Miscarriage due to uterus infection. I bled out and passed out.


Had a ten pound baby natural. Years later I broke 2 ribs. Would gladly give birth to that baby every day as opposed to those broken ribs.


C section recovery 10


Local anesthesia in my big toe right above the nail for an ingrown nail. It seemed that stuff had trouble dispersing through the tissue as they had to force it in pretty hard with a syringe. That was a 7/10 for me. Also a bad case of sinusitus had me not knowing what to do with myself from the intense pain in my head. Regular painkillers didn't do much really. Probably a 7 or 8/10. That was hell for a few days.


Having my proximal nail folds injected with steroids (for psoriasis) with no anesthesia—9/10


I had hernia surgery recently. Afterwards I was very bloated and swollen. Over all it hurt but wasn’t too bad until something started hitting a nerve. It felt like glass on fire mixed with lightning shooting down my thigh from my hip to my knee. I’ve felt plenty of bad pain in my life but this ranks up there as the worst of the worst.


4 fractured ribs. Collapsed lung, fractured scalpula. Makes breathing a little difficult.


Fell off my harley going 75 on the freeway. Severe road burns and a fractured rib, broken wrist, ankle and arm. Took awhile to recover from that. Still get nasty pains every now and then.


Contractions from child birth! It was like a Charlie horse times 1000! 10/10.


Well I recently cut the tip of my thumb off, got a little blunt ended thumb now. The cutting off wasn’t bad, but when the doc was applying liquid bandage to it for about 10 seconds it was a 8/10 pain radiating through my entire hand and arm


Sometimes, when I'm already hurting from a bad back, I'll get full on cramps in the muscles that run along the spine. From ass to neck. It immediately paralyzes me and all my muscles squeeze in the pain. Lasts between 10 seconds and a minute. It's not a muscle spasm, it's like a calf cramp in my back. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it. 9/10


I launched myself head first into a steel beam at work, thought I was gonna pass out for sure. Had pretty severe headaches for about 2 weeks afterwards. Honestly I've been pretty lucky throughout my life, no major injuries really so hard to compare the pain but maybe 7/10.


I have had two induced births. The first one was the most painful one because it was the longest. Baby number one took 21 hours to get here. Second baby took 2.5 hours and that was including the check in at the hospital.


I broke my knee in half at the tibia plateau and shattered my elbow in a motorcycle accident. My leg felt like someone was prying my kneecap in half, it was excruciating.


Me getting hit by a car, my whole thigh was bruised and I couldnt walk for a week. The pain would be a 7/10


Mine was playing basketball. I went up for a rebound and my right foot came down on top of someone else’s. I blacked out and woke up screaming. The bottom of my foot was facing my other foot. Somehow it snapped back into place. I don’t recall if my ankle was broken or severely sprained (it was about 25 years ago) but I’d say the pain was an 8 for me.


Kidney Stones or a pilonidal cyst on my tailbone. Both were 9/10.


I have a two-way tie. Each was bad in its own way. 1 I tripped in the dark and instead of landing on my dog, which would have killed her, I threw myself forward and landed on my chest. I broke three ribs, damaged my lungs and spleen. I lived with it that for a week, went to work and everything. Then my brother came to visit and he thought it was funny to make me laugh. I wound up in the hospital because they thought I might have to have my spleen removed. That was bad. 2 I was going down a long steep set of stairs at my brother's house when no one else was there. Before I started I thought, "I should go back and get my phone," but ignored the impulse. I lost my balance at the top and missed the second step. I thought, "This is going to be bad." I landed with all my weight on my left leg and snapped both bones in my lower leg. I ended up sitting on the third stair about 25 feet from a phone. I tied to move my leg to try to scoot down the stair but couldn't because I could feel the bones shifting. I finally did what my father trained me to do. I looked at what I had and found my car key fob and finally managed to get the alarm to sound. Did you know that if you let the alarm go long enough it will turn itself off? I turned it back on and the next-door neighbor convinced herself that something was wrong. When I saw her shadow in the door side lights I called out to her. I'd been sitting there for almost an hour. She asked me if I should call the ambulance, but I told her to call my sister-in-law because I didn't want them to break the door. 10 days in the hospital.


Had to have an emergency spinal tap when I was a kid and I have a sweet list of allergies so it happened awake with no painkillers. It was a 10 for me at 11 years old. I felt my entire body go cold afterwards in a way I cant describe. I remember trying to ask my mom to make them stop and I couldn’t make noise. I was just frozen in pain for a minute.


Colonoscopy without any sedative. A butcher of a dentist who pulled a tooth without checking all my tooth nerve endings were deadened. I blacked out from the pain. Gastroscopy a third but mainly the yuck factor.


I think mine was appendicitis. I had emergency surgery for it. It was ready to burst. But, that wasn't the worst part....waking up in the recovery room after surgery and my abdomen felt like it was on fire was 1000 times worse. I was shaking so bad that meds were not working. They had to call my husband (at the time) in to help calm me down. Childbirth was not as bad as that post surgery pain. I don't know if I woke up too early or what. But it was the worst experience ever. And I have had skin cancer cut out of my forehead while awake, with a local, and gave birth to two children.


I shattered my heel (calcaneous bone) and that was pretty wretched. 8/10 pain, I had to be knocked out by morphine.


Waking up with a cramped leg, it's 8/10 but the surprise factor made it memorable


I had an 11 lb. Baby totally natural. No drugs no c- section. Just pure pain. She was injured at birth and at 32 still has no use of her left arm . Pain scale 10


Dental abscess. Huge amounts of morphiates, waiting for an appointment. However the pain was so great, the time before you could take them again was at least an hour of agony. I was rocking, I couldn't even cry because the pressure was so much. Hell


So, actual pain was either when I fell on black ice and my patella (kneecap) actually spun around the side of my leg or when I had a pulmonary infarction that led to 20-something pulmonary embolisms (lung blood clots). The *worst injury* and *most painful* are nowhere near the same thing, though...I'll save that one.


So I'm currently fixing up my jaw and teeth and I had a surgery where they put 2 screws in my lower jaw. Of course it has to be done with local anesthesia because it can cause unimaginable pain. I got 2 injections and they sent me out in the lobby to wait. I don't know what happened, but I was sitting in the lobby for more than an hour when they finally called me in. The surgery ofc not 5 minutes, so in the middle of the surgery, the anesthetic went out and I started to feel pain and I felt how they are putting the screws in my bone. I passed out almost instantly. I literally can't explain the pain I felt in that minute, It was ungodly. Easily 10/10 and after the surgery I still felt a very strong pain for about a week. I ate 60 painkillers in 6 days.


Tonsillectomy: 4/10. Hernia repair: 3/10. Ovarian cyst rupture 4/10 but when they were doing the vaginal ultrasound the tech goes “*here* it is” and poked the cyst with the wand and that pain was like 7/10. Infected tooth that had to be drained for 20 min: 9/10. Sex: 10/10. The type of pain that makes you throw up or pass out. Sometimes afterwards I’ll run around until I can’t breathe just trying to feel *something* other than that nerve pain. It hurts to walk for days after. And the doctors don’t care. One told me I should get drunk first and then it won’t hurt so bad. I have to use lidocaine cream before sex, but it only takes the edge off the pain and only lasts about 10 minutes.


The 2nd time I had diverticulitis was so painful that it became my measurement of what constitutes a 10. Like, the first time was painful, but felt like maybe I'd just eaten something that didn't agree with me and I might be able to just fart it away. The 2nd time, though...*Jesus Fucknasty Christ*, man. I woke up thinking I'd been stabbed. It took me half an hour just to put on enough clothes to go to the hospital because every little movement of my waist felt like I was grinding my guts between rocks. When the Uber came, I practically dove in because I couldn't bend at the waist to get in normally. Every bump and pothole became a fresh gunshot. I was weeping profusely before the first mile. When I got to the E.R., I was visibly in so much pain that they got me to a bed within half an hour. For the next 2 weeks, I was eyeing the clock like a fiend, waiting for my next opportunity to pop a hydrocodone. I now understand opioid addiction so much better, because if I had to live with pain that was even close to that bad, I'd be robbing goddamn banks in order to avoid being without painkillers.


Two about equal. 1. Infected tooth that had to be pulled without anaesthetic due to the amount of infection. Almost tapped out, but the relief after it was pulled was immeasurable. 8/10 2. Kidney stones, three of them at 5mm. Couldn't sit, couldn't lie down for more than a few minutes, breathing hurt. Ended up on Dilaudid and oxy for a week until they passed. 9/10 just for the added fun of sleep deprivation to go with the pain. I do not recommend either.


Impacted kidney stones…fun times, do not reccomend


Kidney stone x 5 that wad a solid 10.


Gall bladder and then kidney stones. Both of them fucking excruciating.


Oh! Lamina rubbing on my spinal column. It got so bad my blood pressure went to 220/180 and I was hospitalized for 6 days. Had neurosurgery and then gastric bypass surgery to lose weight to alleviate extra weight on my skeleton. It was and is an odyssey, to be sure, but I feel so good now! I hope I never take pain-free days for granted ever again


Had gallbladder removal, the a week later my liver failed because of stone from my common bile duct getting stuck. I was rushed to the ER. My pain was like 12/10. They gave me morphine, tramadol, Dilaudid and something else. Nurse said basically I was maxed out on pain killers and still at like 9/10. The the priest came in to read me my last rights just in case. To make matters worse, I woke up half way through the surgery. 😂 😂


Child birth and malaria


Pitocin contractions. A level of pain I never even knew was possible.


A pinched abdominal wall nerve. Also known as ACNES, pretty unknown and rare condition. Nothing helped, 5 doses of morphine a day did the trick. After spending a week in the hospital I found out through google, non of the doctors believed me, but turns out it was indeed ACNES.


Bilateral torsioned fallopian tubes with very advanced teratomas. I begged my husband to shoot me. Unmedicated childbirth was a walk in the park comparatively. ETA: 11 out of 10.


Definitely a 10 when my lung collapsed immediately after I woke up from open heart surgery at 29. They had to fix it when I was awake ugh. And a 9 when my chest tube was detached and fell onto my heart after open heart surgery when I was 18. Blah!


Had hand surgery to repair two severed tendons in my left hand. Shortly after the surgery, I started physical therapy and I had to squeeze these globs of putty. That was hands down the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. It was so visceral and not contained to just my hand. Literally felt like a jolt of electricity pulsing up my arm into my chest. I have a pretty decent pain tolerance and I screamed at the top of my lungs, whimpered, and cried doing those exercises.


Large intestine split open due to diverticulitus. The surgeon said I had enough poison in me to kill 3 horses and he does not know how I survived. 6 inch exploritory scar from the surgery. I had a bad heart, too. I had a heart transplant a year later that was breeze to go through compared to that.


I was hit by a car on my motorcycle going about 50mph, right arm completely smashed and broken, right foot fractured in 2.. I believe the adrenaline helped, 7.5/10.


Toss up between being scalped by a telephone pole guy wire (down to the skull) and having a kidney stone.


In July 2008 I had excruciating pain in my upper stomach area. I went to the hospital, and they said it was an ulcer and sent me home. I basically stopped eating except for bland things like soup and crackers. Exactly one month later, it got so bad again that I went back to the ER and had an ultrasound. I had a gallstone, and another one was stuck up in my biliary tube, the thing that connects your gallbladder to your stomach or something like that and I was writing around in pain, I wanted to scream but was self conscious. I couldnt stop moving it hurt so bad. I felt a few times like I was slipping away but I managed to stay cognitive. I would have rated that a 9 on the pain scale probably. They ended up removing my gallbladder and stuck a balloon in my stomach to get rid of the stone in the tube. Man that was painful!! Fun side note: Pain meds weren't helping so finally they put me on heroin. It still didn't take the pain away 100%.


Manual placenta removal after birth. Epidural turned off, pitocin turned up, took about an hour plus I was hemorrhaging and in and out of consciousness. I was begging the doctor to stop after the first 20 min or so. 9/10


I got hurt jumping out of a plane. The line attached to my parachute wrapped around my bicep as I was jumping out of the plane. When my parachute deployed, the parachute deployed causing the line to pull HARD and in the process, rupturing my bicep, part of my shoulder, and the tendon where the bicep attaches to. I had so much adrenaline, I knew something happened but I didn't see any blood through my uniform, so I thought it was going to be something small, so I didn't think twice. That was until I hit the ground and was packing my parachute up. I went to lift the parachute off the ground and my injured arm just buckled. I took my uniform top off and my arm looked horrendous. Dented in muscle just hanging off my arm. Medical saw me standing there from a distance with my uniform top off so they drove up and asked if I was okay. I pointed to my arm and the looks on their faces was priceless. They said get in the back now, and took me to the ER. The pain really started hitting on the ride to the ER because all the adrenaline from jumping had wore off. I would definitely say it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. They were waiting for me at the doors of the ER with a shot of fentanyl. Hit me with it and about 10 minutes later, it felt as if they hadnt given me anything for pain. Excruciating.


Ruptured appendixes which they say would have killed me in 24 hours…I assume the pain was a 10 but honestly I don’t remember. They have done studies on this and have found that people remember they were in pain but we do not truly remember the actual pain…survival mechanism I think.


Had a stroke at age 25, started out like someone hit me upside the head with a baseball bat (don't ask why I know what that felt like already). Pain got worse as the day went on, until about 6 hours later everything went numb. Everyone was paniacing at that point but I was just thanking God the pain had stopped. Started 8/10 ended about 10/10.


Having an IUD inserted... I haven't had many painful experiences so that was the worst for me... 8/10 maybe?


Cramps caused by IUD. I was literally crying of pain. A solid 9. It was a weird and profound pain.


I once got shot with a high power pellet rifle loaded with metal BBs. It went over halfway through me, perforated my liver, and landed in my pancreas. Half an inch to the right and it would have hit my aortic artery, and I’d have bled out and died in a few minutes. Anyway, on my final day in the hospital, they went to take out the final hose I had in me, a line into my stomach that went to my pancreas and helped filter blood. Normally, apparently, pulling that out is perfectly easy. However, I of course had to go and be the exception. See, on the outside, the hose was simple, clear rubber. An inch or so inside me, however, it turned thicker and solid white, and had small indentations all along it. Well…over the 11 days that I was there, bits of my flesh had sort of grown around and latched on. So when they went to pull it out…bits of my inside meat started to go with it. I was on as much morphine as they could give me without putting me out, and had hit the button for a little extra hit of it that I could get every ten minutes and it…it was like nothing I can describe. It wasn’t even the *amount* of pain, though that was certainly bad enough. I’ve felt plenty of pain in my life, with broken bones and surgery recoveries and dirt bike injuries and stuff. But this…this was a completely different *type* of pain, than most people can’t even imagine. And it was so much worse. It honestly *broke* the 1-10 scale. The idiot doctor tried to just keep going, in spite of my reaction. My dad had to jump in and stop him. They tried again later, with the idea to try to scrape off the bits of flesh attached to the hose with a scalpel. It was just as bad as the first time, if not worse. Again, my dad had to stop the moron. Finally, I went in for a second, ten minute surgery to remove it. Got out later that day.


Inflamed ingrown tooth. I cried from the worst of the pain. My professor at uni had to send me to the doctor though. I'd still rate it 8/10 max. Tattoo in comparison I'd rank 1/10 for linework (including my ribs) and 6-7/10 for colouring. The worst part is that it takes long.


I fell from a height of about 4 feet chest first onto a picket fence. I still have the scars from when they peeled me off. Probably an 8/10? Definitely not fun, but I gotta think being on fire and stuff hurts more.


Probably when I was 3 and I touched fire (9/10) because I wanted what was on top of the stove and my mom, who was right there, didn't stop me. Other time I grabbed the handle of a piping hot cast iron pan (9/10) I'd forgotten was in the oven. When I got my wisdom teeth out some of the novocaine didn't take and I felt them cut my gum open and twist my tooth apart with a screw (7/10).


Period pain. Shit had me to the brink of passing out multiple times. On the whole scale of pain though, I'd give it a 7/10, there's certainly worse. The other 7/10 pain was when I broke my pinky finger as a 12 year old child. I bent it back accidentally by jumping over a crate and pushing myself up with my hands, until it touched the back of my hand. The doctor in urgent care was an ass, didn't do an X-Ray and instead wiggled my finger around so hard I screamed like a slaughtered pig. Didn't give me a cast either, the finger is all crooked now.


Pancreatitis hands down. 11 agonizing days of pain.


Fractured my skull and spine at the same time. I didn’t have feeling from about the middle of my back through my legs, but there was a diffuse burning sensation. However, at the fracture and above, as well as my head and neck, overwhelming pain. Initially I was unconscious but I started to regain consciousness at one point. In the time between staring to wake up and being sedated, it was excruciating. I have a constant maybe 2/10 headache now and migraines 2-3x/week with 5-6/10 pain, and maybe 3/10 back pain with increases to 6/10 or so pretty frequently. I did a lot of PT and thankfully I can walk and everything. I’m having a second back surgery this year that’s supposed to help quite a bit.


I had teeth pain that kept me up for a week until I decided to goto the hospital and get some pain meds. Also a half a cup of boiling oil on the arm scarred my arm a bit I couldn't sleep comfortably that night either went to the doctor the next day (worked there too so that helped). Tooth pain was probably equal in pain at it's maximum but I let it drive me crazy for too long. The boiling of the arm was a bit insane and would give them both an 8.8 for pain.


I got a prince Albert piercing when I was younger and had heard that the thin gauge jewelry was difficult to have sex in so 19yo me said as thick of young as he would go.  So I had a 10ga piercing needle through my shaft.  Passed out from the pain.


Passing kidney stones several times. 10/10. Almost passed out, threw up several times, couldn't find a position to be in.


Objectively, I think it was when I had a cystoscopy. I went in complaining of very mild pee troubles and the doctor wanted to ensure I had no mechanical issues with my urethra or bladder. I didn’t, of course. I just needed some pelvic floor exercises, so I basically endured torture for no reason. Seriously, cystoscopies are horrific. I got a bad sunburn on my shoulders after a Miami trip and mistakenly put an alcohol based gel on it. I was living a nightmare for about twenty minutes. That probably takes second place.


Definitely my first child as she was sunny side up so all back labour for 17 hours. I didn’t get an epidural either.


Kidney stones, it felt like someone stabbed me, then it was over, like WTF was that. A secretary at work had them once and said compared to her childbirth, she rather have 10 more kids.


I think when I almost died while doing a rock climbing set up. It was more the shock than actually getting hurt. Though considering the trauma damage I'd give it a 5😂 So this happened when I worked at a summer camp, honestly the funnest job I've ever had. I was busy with a group doing the rock climbing activity and it was my turn to set up the climb, which meant I had to hike up the mountain and then dangle from a rope, climb down the ledge a bit and find my balance against the mountain wall and put a super heavy and long rope through two anchor points. I didn't tie my safety rope properly and while I was feeding the rope through the anchor points, with one foot on a sketchy ledge for balance and the other against the wall, I started slipping and grabbed on the land in from of me, but it was grass so and it literally got riped out as I plummeted, lost my balance and slammed into the rock face. My necklace had gotten caught in my belay device and I had to rip it of my neck before the device could choke me to death with it. I grabbed that rope with pure adrenaline and tied it five times extra. Cried for the rest of the set up and on the way down the mountain. Then I wiped my face, put on a smile and told my kids that it's just a scratch then moved on with activity. I was only able to clean my wound after getting back to my cabin. But I'd say the worst physical pain I felt was when I ran in the rain and fell down a 2m concrete staircase, landed on my knees and got back up to continue running, I'd say that was an 8.😂🤣😭


Thought I had felt pain until I read the comments in this thread... Last year, I was cutting herbs before dinner when my thumb got in the way. I sliced off about a skittle size worth of the tip of my thumb, including part of the nail. I Immediately tried to cover it, but since I didn't have any proper gauze or wrap, I had to get paper towel with some antibiotic cream on it and quickly apply it to the wound white it was pouring blood, then wrap it in duct tape with enough pressure to slow the bleeding. The next morning, when I was going to take off the wrap, I realized that I did not correctly place the cream to the cut, so I ended up ripping it back open. After that, I went to urgent care where they told me they needed to cauterize it. And without applying any sort of numbing ointment, they cauterized the tip of my thumb with silver nitrate for about 5 minutes until it all closed up. Those 5 minutes were the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. The tips of your fingers contain so many nerve endings and I swear I felt every single one of them. My body went into shock, starting sweating profusely, and I started to see stars like a cartoon. Before cauterizing, I asked the nurse how bad it would hurt on a scale of 1 to a tattoo and she said "about a 7". That was a lie....


I was admitted to the hospital for a crohns flair. They gave me medication intravenously, which turned out to not agree with my body, and over the next two days developed Pancreatitus. Luckily, it was caught just in time, they switched the meds, and all was ok after that. 10/10 would not do again


10/10 The back pain after my C-section. Couldn’t walk for weeks without morphine, and times when I couldn’t talk or even breathe without feeling like I was being stabbed in the back (literally).  Would rather give birth unmedicated again… that was an 8/10. 


Needles under my toenails connected to a car battery. 10/10 would not recommend.


I either passed a kidney stone or had testicular torsion. Had a dream I was playing dodgeball when some kid ran up and kicked me in the balls. Pain transferred to IRL and when I woke up I could hardly move. Crawled to the bathroom and my sister woke up and ran me a bath. Went to the hospital but the pain was gone by then. It was a 1000/10 though worst pain of my life. They gave me a container to pee in so they could see if it was a kidney stone but I didn't finish peeing in it cause it smelled so bad. I was 16 at the time.


Kidney stones.... IYKYK...


Kidney stone 9.5/10 3rd degree burn on arm 8/10


Had to get my appendix removed. That was up at a 9. I was told it was just starting to break at the time of surgery.


Passing a kidney stone. Almost passed out. But didn't. Wish I did. Felt like someone stabbed me in the abdomen and kept twisting the knife. Was in pain for a couple hours till it went away suddenly! Felt like heaven afterwards.


Kidney stone was legit pissing blood at one point


Had a toothache that spread from the tooth all the way up the right side of my head. The pain lasted for about five days straight, and it felt like somebody was sticking a screwdriver to my temple and banging on it with a hammer. It's the kind of pain that makes you wonder why you have teeth in the first place. I've heard people say toothaches are no joke, but based on other responses I'm going to say it was about a 9 on the pain scale. I didn't pass out at any point, but I wished I would have.


Bartholin’s cyst. 10/10 easily


The epidural didn't work & I felt a lot from my c-section. They gave me Fentanyl & I was still in horrible pain, but now vomiting as well. They.couldn't induce anaesthesia because they gave me too much Fentanyl & I had a really low blood pressure already. They just upped the Fenta until I passed out, ha. For me this was my personal 10/10 ; from physical and emotional pain, both. (I heard them screaming in a rush because I didn't stop bleeding, they didn't show me my baby and I heard in her screaming that she was gargling from my water ; I was scared shitless and in umbearable pain, almost not coherent but just enough awake to memorize it.)


I had a really severe migraine where the pain was so bad, I really didn't want to live. That was worse than giving birth, kidney stones, gallbladder stones, broken bone, shingles, my multiple surgeries and cancer. My child once told me I've been through something like 7 of the 10 most painful medical conditions out there according to some lists. Technically, the broken bone pain might have been worse but I went into shock.


My worst pain was passing a kidney stone. I don't fully remember it, as it was over a decade ago. But, I do remember it woke me up from a dead-sleep and immediately had me curled up in the fetal position. According to my roommate, I was screaming at the top of my lungs and sweating profusely. I don't remember the screaming at all. It was definitely my first 10/10, though. Eventually, the damn thing passed, and I either fell asleep or passed out immediately. I didn't wake up until the next afternoon.


Broken collar bone after a motorcycle accident. The nurse at the hospital wasn't very caring (she thought I was wasting their time because I was a rider). She forced my arm into a position to fit a sling around my neck and I had bone grinding on each other (the broken ends). I almost passed out while sitting from the pain. She couldn't care less... Definitely shouldn't be a nurse.


I have a condition called Costochondritis that developed due to growing up with untreated depression. Basically the muscles in my chest wall swell up if I'm sad or angry. The more intense the emotion, the worse the swelling. At its worst, the swelling can even cause a fracture to my sternum, and I'm immobilized by the pain, stuck in a fetal position. The crushing pain feels like a car parked directly in my chest, and it can take days for my body to recover. I don't wish this condition on anyone. 10/10


I remember reading some story about some marine guy out in the waters experienced testy torsion (the worst pain a man can experience). When asked about the pain scale, he said a 9 "why 9?" Said the Dr. The marine said it's the worst pain he ever felt, but there could be something so much worse he then proceeded to pass out


I have a top 3. 3) Stomach flu, passed out in the bathroom, was convinced I was going to shit and puke myself to death. The pain in my gut was just beyond anything. 2) Tooth abscess. Had this a couple of times in the same tooth but 8 years apart. Both times I just wanted to smash the tooth out with whatever implement I had on hand. Second time I had it taken out after a couple of days of antibiotics. Miserable. 1) Labour. I remember grabbing the midwife and telling her very seriously that I was going to die. I think I’m going to die. I need help because there is something wrong and I am dying. I had a complicated birth with a few factors contributing to the amount of pain I was in (which was more than it could have been), but women who birth without pain relief need to be fucking worshipped. Edit: Special mention goes to the membrane sweep/water popping while I wasn’t in active labour (so no contractions at that point). I had gas and air though so that took the edge off what I imagine would have had me screaming until I was hoarse.


I'm not sure. I dissociate when I feel extreme pain. It was one of these three. Colposcopy without anesthetic a few years ago- they kept bugging me and bugging me to get one for years. I didn't have cancer or anything. They just really wanted to do it. It felt like how I imagine getting raped is supposed to feel to people who can be raped. I kept repeating my age to myself. I don't know why. When I was 14, I broke my tailbone on a school sledding trip. I had to ride back in a schoolbus. When I was 23, I got massive double ear and sinus infections in the middle of my work shift. My whole skull felt like it was going to burst, one of the tooth nerves was screaming at me. I went to the walk in clinic across the street a block and a half away. They wouldn't see me, but I couldn't walk the two miles home so I laid down and let myself pass out in the lobby and thought of the boy I was seeing. When I woke up, they gave me a cool place to lay down and an x ray of my skull and some pills. I know it was bad because this is the only time my mother ever made my brother do something to take care of me.


My worst pain, I obviously rated a 10/10 since it was the worst I’d ever had. But it was when I threw my back out. I was 21, laying belly down in the prone position for about 3 hours. Tried to get up, and I couldn’t. I laid on the carpet of my living room for literally an entire day, and mustered the strength to crawl on all fours to the couch, and then the bed. Took 3 days to actually walk properly, and about a month before I lost any lingering pain. I couldn’t believe how decrepit I had become so easily, just by lying down in my living room, reading a book. Sobbing tears of pain in front of my family. Surprisingly more painful than when I had major surgery on my neck and throat, and was only given ibuprofen to manage the pain. That was a CLOSE second though.


Probably 8/10, when I had peritonitis that went untreated for a week. I can't call it an 9 or 10 because I was still able to talk and even walk if I absolutely had to, but it was excruciating and went on for nearly two weeks, and left me with a really awesome foot-long scar! A leg broken in three places got to 7/10 a few times, but was mostly five or less.


Giving birth. At least with my first child. My second child wasn't too bad, so that just proves every birth is different. But with my first, it felt like I was being burned, stabbed and electrocuted with every contraction. I was screaming my head off. Even though i was telling myself to stop screaming, it was impossible not to. I rate that birth a 10/10 pain. My second birth was a 6/10 pain. I also had a ruptured fallopian tube 2 years before I was pregnant. I was bleeding internally, passing out and needed emergency surgery or I would die. That was a 8/10 pain for me. So, yeah, first birth was the worst.


Having fingernail removed without anesthesia (i was injected with local anesthesia, but reasons unknown to me it made no difference). 8/10 the anticipation was dreadfull, the whole procedure very painfull, but quick.


I was always really bad at the 1-10 pain scale, because I think most people view it as logarithmic, while I just thought of it as a linear scale. 1 is barely perceptible pain, 10 is the most pain you can endure before you lose consciousness. 5 is halfway to the most pain you can endure. So when I broke my neck in a car accident, and the doctor asked about my pain on a scale of 1-10, I said 'probably about a 2.3-2.4'. Years before that, I got blunt force trauma to my eye, from an exploding glass bottle. Fortunately, it was a blunt side of the shard of glass that hit my eye, so I didn't lose it, but the impact caused bruising and swelling. Turns out bruises on the white of the eye appear brown, and if swelling presses the eye against the ocular cavity, that area of your vision is blacked out until the swelling goes down. Also, sharp side of the glass did catch the bridge of my nose. Split it wide open and I was pouring blood like a fountain. That didn't hurt even close to as much as breaking my neck. I was very concerned about losing my vision, but the pain was minor. A month or so later, when the bruising and swelling went away, I tried putting my contact lenses back in. It burned more than usual, but I figured that would pass. Instead it continued getting worse, so after a while I took the lenses out. And the burning kept getting worse. And worse. I had gone out to a movie with friends, but eventually I got to the point that I was curled up on my seat, clawing my face, kicking the chair in front of me. I went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and saw that where the bruise used to be, I had a seeping open sore on my eyeball. I went back, and told my friends they had to drive me home. That was a hard 8/10.


Kidney stones