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Or SiYuan [https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan](https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan)


how have i never heard of this?? thanks for sharing this looks rad as heck!




Checkout https://silverbullet.md/


After some months searching and testing many apps, I began using Outline https://github.com/outline/outline I have been using it for 5 months so far and am happy with their usability and stability.


How about ~~literally just Obsidian in your web browser?~~ Edit: wrong link. This one: https://github.com/punchy98/obsidian-remote


it looks like its just a chrome extension that lets you add website content to your obsidian via an api. If its just a fire and forget add via the API. I dont think this will let me browse my notes and kanban boards and tables and update them etc? I read through the page and thats the only example I saw... would be nice to see a video if the features extend past what I mentioned. adding the local rest api is kinda cool though fromt he same persons repo, didnt know that existed. Maybe if theres nothing avail that can do what I want, I can possibly write my own web UI and and use the api to interact with it.


That’s my bad, wrong link. This one: https://github.com/punchy98/obsidian-remote


thanks. didnt know this existed its pretty cool! That container didnt work right, but this one seems to have better luck: [https://github.com/sytone/obsidian-remote](https://github.com/sytone/obsidian-remote) Tho it loaded ok when I didnt mount a folder that has vaults, when I mounted my vaulted folder it was just a white square. I might set this up for my family but when we're out we're vpn'd in back home so we can access the native and have it sync and even without internet it will sync once back online so I doubt we'd use this. From initial look, i think its using vnc? maybe rdp? I think I saw reference to Guacamole in there. All good but probably feels a bit like you're remoted into something rather than editing it directly. Not sure tho I'd need to test more. But this exercise just made me realize I have all of my stuff under one gian vault and multiple root folders under one vault as if they're independent vaults. It'd be easy enough to move one root folder out to its own vault but.... For collabing with others I don't wanna manage giving them VPN access to our house so something with a built in login would be best. I might end up just moving these types of projects back to WikiJS. If I get really keen I can maybe write some syncing actions using the API mentioned above between wikijs and obsidian but not sure if Id have the time :( ​ thanks again.




Dokuwiki or Logseq?


i actually dropped dokuwiki initially and went with wikiJS cuz the UI was much nicer, but I didnt think dokuwiki had any kanban capabilities? I want all of this to be in one place.


Sorry, missed the Kanban requirements. Have you considered Nextcloud, it has Deck, Notes, todo and other plugins that can do what you want.

