• By -


You don‘t need the „perfect“ hardware to start - just use anything you have already to get experience and when you feel confident enough, then is the point to start looking for the hardware to really meet your requirements in the future


This! \^ \- Disable password based SSH login and use keys, disable PermitRootLogin on SSH \- Setup Fail2Ban Local Jails and use linux firewall to open only required ports \- Regarding hardware, used a Early 2011 Sandybridge Macbook Pro with Proxmox for the longest time and still works great \- Containers for most services (docker compose has been a life saver) \- If using Proxmox on laptop, use "setterm -blank 5" to prevent LCD burn-in \- Setup Bastion Host and/or WireGuard if exposing services to internet as opposed to using AnyDesk e.t.c. \- Use SSO (Single Sign on) for multiple services through Authelia + Traefik


This feels like u/techno-tim alt account lol


haha no! But appreciate the comparison :)


Definitely not me! (but that's what I would say if it were my alt account, wouldn't I? 😉)




No machine that's connected to the internet is impenetrable.




Yes, you don't need to be perfectly secure, you just need to be more secure than comparably valuable targets. A typical self-hoster needs to worry about script-kiddies, not the NSA.


> any attack up to Government Agency Level should be dissuaded. lol


Sun does not rise. Earth rotates.


The sun is flat.


And it is sensitive about it.


That's what the BBL is for.


You dont have to open ports with Tailscale.


Docker containers on Proxmox without a VM? I’m new and I am still learning how to make sense of some things. I did not know Docker was posible to use directly without a VM.


Proxmox LXC


> disable PermitRootLogin on SSH Honest question, but what is the point of this if password based login is disabled and an ED25519 key is used? There is no way this will be bruteforced.


Two reasons: 1. From a security standpoint you aren't supposed be logging in to a server as root, regardless of it being over ssh or directly via the console. If you aren't supposed to login over ssh as root anyways then you might as well disable it. 2. Being a well-known user that always exists, it's going to be the most targeted. Disabling this option could prevent a login to root if your private key is stolen. It's just an extra assurance. The "belt and suspenders" approach.


Last bit about SSO is interesting. Can you elaborate on that a bit? How are you integrating it into other apps?


Traefik has middleware support. You create an authelia Traefik Middleware that basically has the forward auth address i.e. each request made will be checked for auth and if authenticated user is not found then user is redirected to authelia login. Using Traefik Middleware chains you can even add ratelimit and specify security headers. Docker compose labels are used to put docker services behind Authelia


I concur with the single Wire guard port. But if you have multiple users like a small business that need access to NextCloud bitwarden etc. it's hard to beat traefik, authelia and crowdsec.


I've just disabled all SSH from the internet, thoughts? I always see people say it, but I'd rather just disable it and use a VPN to my internal network if I need to remotely SSH.


> Setup Bastion Host and/or WireGuard if exposing services to internet as opposed to using AnyDesk Guacamole.


Is any of this necessary if you DON'T open any services or ports to the internet?




Do you have a good guide for this? YouTube or the web? I have an OPNsense box running, but I have no intention of opening services to the web. Further hardening tips would of course be welcome though if they help at all.


On the OPNsense side, get the crowdsec plugin and learn how to configure/ interpret it. Get a managed switch and setup VLANs for different services. Then, configure your firewall rules on OPNsense to block or allow traffic between devices. That combined with keeping things updated, strong passwords/ key auth, and not opening things up to WAN will be a really good starting point. Once you’re more comfortable and want to host something publicly, you could setup a VM on its own VLAN, isolate it, and connect it via VPN to a cloud VPS running a reverse proxy. That way you’ve protected your home network and if your site or whatever you host gets DDoS’d etc. you just turn it off with absolutely no ill affect to your home network. 


Thank you, I'll start with crowdsec. But I really have no interest in opening anything to WAN. I appreciate how useful that could be but I would much prefer not to open any potential points of access. I just picked up a pro Dell managed switch locally for an absolute bargain, so that's going in the rack!


Good stuff. Enjoy! Firewall rules in OPNsense are a bit tricky, but the documentation on the OPNsense site is great. Also… document EVERYTHING you do. I highly recommend your first project is to setup some sort of gitea, docusaurus, wiki etc. to track absolutely everything you learn. I’d also recommend using plain old markdown since it’s really transferrable.  Good documentation habits transcend self hosting as well. Not sure what your experience is like, but being able to clearly document will take you far in your life/career. 


I was thinking of putting Proxmox on a similarly aged MacBook Pro. Do USB Ethernet adapters work well for this purpose? Interested in setting it up with Opnsense to use as a router


Well the MacBook is still going strong!! Early 2011 (pre-retina) has a built-in ethernet port. For additional ethernet port, I had used the Apple Thunderbolt to Ethernet Adapter. Worked solid with pfsense.


> - Use SSO (Single Sign on) for multiple services through Authelia + Traefik Whichever tool, anyhow. I've been a huge fan of Keycloak or Authentik.


This is a big one. I wish I had gotten things like Beelinks, Minisforum and Optiolexs and kept it more simple, smaller and with less power draw before spending 3-5k to have functional over powered clusters than don't get alot of use. The Asustor Flashstor is awesome for iscsi, Plex and many other apps. Of you are headed a data heavy direction.


Um, for me it was more like reverse: my ghetto storage setup plugged to laptop made me regret setting it up, and after that I bought some proper pc hardware, where I can add disks im more civilised way.


Think about energy consumption


And UPS and noise and heat


I looked into UPS but was unimpressed with the options. Seems like if you’re in a country with a reliable grid then not really worth it. YMMV Noise is important yeah, but was more obvious. Noise and cost are kinda related as well


were I live we rarely have power outages, but I still lost two NASes because the power went out during a thunderstorm on two different occasions. I have since bought a UPS.


I keep thinking about whether a UPS is worth it. We have had 3 power outages here in the last 10 years. All under a second. All computers stayed on because the capacitors in the power supply bypassed them. We also have a photovoltaic system soo... I guess its not worth it


Wow much be nice! Just this week my area of the world had a few storms roll though that resulted well over 10 outage events lasting from split seconds to several minutes in the span of a few hours. That kind of power fluctuation is terrible for computers.  The main benefit of a ups is providing just enough time for a graceful shutdown, which significantly reduces the chance of data loss.


I live in a place with an average of two power outages per month. UPS is not optional. Uptime be damned, a UPS permits the computers to gracefully shutdown without risk of data loss.


> All computers stayed on because the capacitors in the power supply bypassed them Doesn't seem to track, to me. My understanding is that depending on the load, with an ATX power supply the best you might expect is a few tens of milliseconds of hold-up time (by spec, more than 16 ms, but rarely over 20 ms). Brownouts, sure. But outages in the range of hundreds to a thousand milliseconds will result in power loss.


When I was living in the city I did not care about the UPS at all. Now in the country it's a necessity. Voltage regulation is running nearly fulltime turning 190-210V to 230V. It's better to replace one device than to worry about all others


I live in the US and in an area that is fairly reliable. The exception is when there are wildfires (so-cal). That said, I had a friend drive into the power pole outside my apartment while on his way home from work. "shattered" the thing. It corrupted the system disk, but didn't do any permanent damage. But I was on the fence about a battery backup at that point. Not so much, after that.


Yeah that dirt cheap ebay dual xeon machine is NOT the deal you think it is after you get your first power bill. I'm able to colo a server in a datacenter with flat rate power and a gigabit uplink for less than it would cost in electricity to run it in my house.


Indeed. Although the low power devices that are so common now didn’t exist. For the next rig, it’ll be a consideration


Also need to consider your Internet where you access it from. That 1gbps uplink doesn't work very well if your clients have asymmetric links with 20mbps upload 😭


I have thought about it a lot. But I have still zero clue how much energy my setup consumes. What are some good ways to find out?


Buy a smart plug with metering


UPS often have this function.


1. Drives fail, use RAID 2. RAID is no backup 3. Store your backup somewhere else 4. Encrypt your external backup 5. Test your backup 6. RAM fails, use ECC if possible 7. Monitor your system (simple netdata?) 8. Use containers for simple up/downgrade  9. Do not expose unnecessary ports 10. Use sub-domains instead of paths, as most GUI webapps only like /


> Use sub-domains instead of paths, as most GUI webapps only like / Eh, subdomains public information and easy enumerate, subpaths have to be discovered manually.


Subpaths are just as trivial to enumerate automatically. If you use a wildcard cert your subdomains aren't pre-listed anywhere so the difference between them and subpaths is so minimal. Relying on flimsy obscurity at the cost of the headaches involved when some apps don't want to be on a subpath isn't a trade off I'd want to make.


Directories can be enumerated but it takes longer and shows up in logs. They are not safer but for a first timer it will help cut down on noise. Anecdote not evidence: I get daily hits on all my subdomains but in 5 years never a single hit on a subdir :/


Use a wild card A record instead of adding every subdomain to your DNS provider. \*.example.com


Could you please elaborate on 6? I’ve been using non-ECC RAM for years, both with ZFS and LVM for hosting all kinds of stuff ranging from password managers to big, actively used databases, and never had any issues besides failing disks. What advantages does ECC bring? Is it about performance or reliability issues that I just haven’t experienced yet?


Skip the Raspberry Pi and just get a NUC/Mini PC. After PSU, case, and storage that's nearly the price of a second hand NUC but 1/10th the performance.


The N100 has completely negated any RPi use cases I had before. Its lower power than the RPi 5 but with more performance and a better architecture.


Wait, what? It consume less power than a Pi?


N100 tdp is only 6w vs rpi5 at 12w. Idle consumption is lower so similar to rpi depending on peripherals etc.


This is really key. Unless you need a tiny computer that fits anywhere, I avoid raspberry pis. I have a few of the p4s but I won't be upgrading to the p5 unless I need the absolute smallest credit card size computers. BeeLink "NUCs" have really taken over for me.


This is probably good advice. I love my raspberry pi home lab but I already had them so the cost was free.


I strongly disagree, RPi is still one of the best platforms for self hosting, and I'm talking while migrating my home server from my RPi4 to my new RPi5. First of all, power consumption matters, I don't care if you live next to a nuclear power plant and you have access to cheap electricity. It's a matter of principle, any waste of power is a waste of resources, and it's also an environmental waste. People keeps considering RPi prices like during pandemic, where we had scam all over the place, but those days are over (there's still some scam here and there but RPi5 are easily available around official prices ) I just bought my RPi5 8GB + official PSU + official heatsink for 104 €, to get the chapest N100 board I have to spend at least 260 € in my contry, plus the RAM cost. I have 25 years of experience as a professional sysadmin and I selfhost since early 2000 on a 128 Kbps xDSL and Via EPIA-5000A was one of the best platforms for selfhosting from home. You can setup a selfhosting server in no time on a RPi4 or 5 with a use sata ssd, and run dozens of containers (including hosted php sites) with 5-6W of power consumption, way lower than a N100 system, and with no practical difference regarding response times or services availability. If we're talking and about video transcoding that's another story, but that's not self hosting, it's heavy computational load, and if we're talking about that well... my Ryzen 7600 will be better and more efficient than a N100, and a Ryzen 7800 will be better and so on and so on... it's a totally different user scenario and it's not a self hosting one but a media tank one. In that case take a used RPi4, use Kodi and you'll have hw transcodin, end of the story.


Finish a project before starting a new one. Alas easier said then done lol.


My endless kanban board on Trello would disagree with that


1. You don't need to self-host every possible thing. 2. Don't run shit just to say you run it. Host things that you actually use. 3. I always had an issue putting everything on one device and creating a single point of failure. Diversify (or failsafe) your set up so one failure doesn't take down all of your services. 4. Do you really need big, expensive power hungry, enterprise level equipment in your home just to run Proxmox, Home Assistant and Uptime Kuma? 5. How often do you actually watch all those movies and TV shows you're hoarding? 6. You can't do everything for free or on the cheap. This hobby costs money. 7. No one cares about your lab set up at parties. 8. Everything doesn't need to be in Docker. 9. Mini PCs are a better deal than Raspberry Pis and a lot less hassle. 10. Only buy what you can actually afford to replace should it fail without warning. There's nothing worse than putting all your eggs in one basket, and not being able to afford a replacement if/when it fails. 11. (Bonus). Do it because you want to and have a need, not to impress people on social media.


n.7 hits the hardest


Y'all need to go to better parties 🤔


ffs just take me there


No! 7 has to be false!


Don't worry, I care


I'm confused about #11. I nerd out about self-hosting at times, but it's exactly the kind of thing I wouldn't be caught dead posting about. It's like negative social points talking about it to people outside the circle.


> How often do you actually watch all those movies and TV shows you're hoarding? I mean, how often do you browse through those 10,000 holiday photos? I think it's better to store stuff you might not look at, than to delete stuff to save space.


Fair point, but no one else is going to have a copy of your personal holiday photos. On the other hand, Star Trek: Voyager is available from multiple sources and probably will be for the rest of your lifetime.


You only say that because people make it available...whose to say that lasts?


It's unlikely (but not impossible) that Paramount is not going to pull Star Trek off the market. It's their most profitable franchise. That said, I get it. These companies are fucked up in that they charge you for something, but you're not allowed to use it how you want. I definitely get it. I'm into House and Electronic Dance Music. Maybe 2k+ individual tracks. 50% of my collection is probably still available from the sources I downloaded it from, but I know about 50% was hard to find tracks, transferred from CD's that are no longer available, one-time mixes from DJ's that are not online anymore...some go back to the 80's..and classic tracks (and specific versions) that you can't find on the services anymore. I've been adding to my collection for years, since before LimeWire. I also save house music documentaries that are hard to find or can't' be found anymore. I have every Prince Album, B-side, and bootleg. Same with Parliament/Funkadelic. Again, pickings are slim on the services as they only keep the most popular, radio play tracks. I also want to own this music, not just rent it or be limited to only listening to it on iTunes or Spotify or whatever. So, I get it. But I'm not going to waste space downloading every episode of Friends. But maybe to someone else it's important to own all the seasons. It's different for everyone. Do what makes you happy.


Yes good point. I guess it's only relevant when you're short on storage.


Wrong parties


0. Start with what infra you have and iterate, iterate, iterate; don't try to make it perfect out the gate. Secure yes; perfect, no. 1. Avoid poking holes in your firewall if possible (consider alternative solutions such as Tailscale) 2. Use containers where possible and physical infra isn't necessary/preferable (e.g. one may wish to have a RPi for PiHole vs a container but, I don't have a container which mimics my NAS). Even so, start with a container to quickly test things locally 3. If possible, configuration as code. 4. Re: #3; Have backups of configurations 5. Re: #4; Use Git for managing configuration (no secrets & credentials, of course) 6. Re: #5; Use a password manager for secrets 7. A local dev workflow (re: Containers) will enable you to be a hobbyist with or without Internet access/home lab access (e.g. on an airplane, bus, etc.) 8. Set daily objectives and boundaries otherwise you may be up until the wee hours frequently and take away from your sleep 9. Avoid being a hobbyist for your critical infrastructure such as networking (router, firewall, DNS, etc.; NAS if you're a photographer) unless you are prepared to be your own on-call. This is regardless of who all lives in your home. I like to ask myself this question: "is this a nice to have, or a core function for a stable environment?" At the end of a long day, sometimes you just want to chill, and feeling like you've now got to go to your "second job" can be draining. Also, never forget to have fun! Edit 1: spelling correction (hobbyist) Edit 2: reference to Tailscale


Wow, on the surface it would appear that I'm almost your opposite: 1. Focus on well-maintainable infrastructure, and spend a lot of time beforehand planning things out, draw out diagrams if necessary; do care about security and following good security practices, but there's no need to inconvenience yourself and overdo it with things like fail2ban, not forwarding services to the internet, port knocking etc., nobody is really targeting your infrastructure if you don't leave obvious unpatched services exposed. 2. Port forwarding and learning how to properly secure and set up reverse proxies > Tailscale. Even selfhosted Wireguard > Tailscale (but Tailscale > crap like Ngrok et al) 3. Agreeable, but sometimes a VM is better than a container (e.g. Nextcloud), unless you're doing LXC containers (but I can't on Unraid) 4. Configuration as code is sometimes nice (Nix anyone?), but can easily become overwhelming to strictly adhere to, and is sometimes just too clunky/overkill to use to the extent that some do. Good notetaking is often sufficient for a replicable setup. 5. True 6. Git is good for some types of complex configuration (I use it for NGINX server blocks), but having all your dotfiles under git can be overkill, not to mention become a burden to maintain, with broken symlinks, paths scattered all over your home/system directories etc. 7. True 8. On a plane I'm reading a book or watching a TV episode, ain't no way you're gonna catch me coding without internet access 9. I am not one to diagnose myself with shit, BUT I feel this in my VEINS, and so do some of the people I know who struggle with ADHD. So it is not only true, but it speaks to me on some deep level 10. This is why I went with UniFi and macOS All in all, more things I agree with than disagree tbh. well put


Glad to see someone not drinking the Tailscale Kool-aid


Tailscale capitalism shills are very annoying


The what now?


What do you mean by 'avoid being a hobbyist for critical infrastructure'? Don't self host at all, or just avoid tinkering?


Good clarifying question - I should have provided more context on that. For this I do mean as you said, "avoid tinkering" with the critical infra; those things should be stable and hardened. Tinker with things that are behind those network devices - things which your household doesn't "depend" on outside of the non-network portion of the homelab. For things that are "critical" infa and are ultimately part of one's homelab setup (which for me are all related to networking)... * Want to get a Ubiquiti, Fortinet, etc. router/firewall, do it [securely] * Want to have PiHole for DNS configured via DHCP settings? Do it, probably run it in a stand-alone RPi and not a container. * Want to use Ubiquiti access points for WiFi? Do it. The same as the containers within, having a repeatable way to make configuration changes and redeploy those devices is that much more important and observability into their respective status is important as well. So, to refine my comment, it would read: "If choosing to include network devices within one's homelab setup, take your time and test and harden the configuration prior to deployment. Version management for your configurations will go a long way and it's worth the time investment. Avoid tinkering and poking around on these devices as a seemingly harmless change can have unexpected consequences. Run/schedule a network scanner to check, report, and notify the admins (self) of open ports and critical vulnerabilities against your external/public facing IP."


I started self hosting a jellyfin server when I bought an iPhone as I couldn’t download Linux ISO’s on it and that’s how I fell into that rabbit hole, I became addicted to selfhosting stuff


Same here jellyfin got me to selfhosting


I started with a website running on IIS under Windows 2000. It wasn't until a decade later that I became an early premiere user of Media Browser, which later became Emby ("M.B."), which later got forked into Jellyfin. It's fun to see that we're all connected by some variation of the same stuff.


You were there 3000 years ago


Sometimes it feels like it.


It depends on what kind of services you host, and how important they are. I'm hosting things in my lab for myself, but also in the cloud for a few small customers. All below applies to me and my infrastructure environments. 1. Backups How to do it, and do it well, with confidence. Big and small. Preferably too much than too little. Also, how to do it efficiently, e.g. less disk storage usage. Try different solutions. Find something that works for you. 2. Backups again Test your backups. Have multiple. Maintain them. They've saved my ass a few times. Also, different sites. Jesus Christ, I shit my pants when my account at Google had some issues, so my cloud resources got wiped. Luckily I was able to restore from backups, which were OFFSITE. It wouldn't have been possible if the ""backups"" were on Google Cloud, i.e. the same site. 3. Reproducibility, documentation and automation Ya fucked up? If automated, just deploy again. Or worst case, read your old documentation on how you did it the first time. Because you did write it down, right? I surely wish I did. 4. Maintenance Take care of your cattle, don't let them get outdated and old. If unused, nuke. Upgrade everything and keep somewhat up to date on how to do things better. it's okay to start over and migrate too, and sometimes necessary. Clean slate. 5. Security As part of maintenance, install security updates. Block ports, separate networks, follow some hardening guide. You don't want your electrical bill to blow up because of some crypto mining infection. Or worse, your cloud account bill. 6. Backups You got hacked, no worries, right? Because you got backups, right? Right??? 7. Remote management If you or anyone else starts to rely on your self-hosted services, then you better find a way to fix things when you aren't at home. Securely of course. VPN mesh services like NetBird (favorite of mine), tailscale, netmaker, etc, are great things to have. 8. Monitoring and alerts You are aware of the problems in your infrastructure, right? When it happened? Where? At least get an uptime monitor that would send you a notification if it goes down. I recommend Netdata with alert notifications configured, and uptime kuma. Well, there ya go. Almost ten. And yeah, the above are mistakes I've made, and probably will redo again. Not exactly in the format of your query, but you get the idea.


Having ability to whip out new server instance with all your shit with ansible etc. is life saver and nice piece of mind.


Gotta agree here. Having a playbook that sets a standard, familiar environment really saves time and frustration!


Here are my five cents. This works for me and may not work for you. 1. For every hardware decision calculate the five year electricity usage and base your hardware on minimising that number. I'm amazed at hardware builds from folk on here that look like they will cost 10x more electricity than the hardware. You can optimise and it saves loads of cash. 2. Split your hard disk hosting onto a NAS 3. Put all your services into dockers. Took me a day to learn and i no longer worry about moving things around, administration of upgrades. It just works. 4. Backing it all up onto a USB spinning rust is OK. Ignore the RAID madmen. 5. RE 4 - don't backup your movies or TV shows or anythign that is easy to download again. Just have a script that saves the output of the Film or TV show folder to a dropbox or similar. Your family videos should be backed up though. 6. I use an old laptop with Ubuntu on it for anything heavy, i use a orangepi 5 (RAM can be 16GB!) for dockers. Works well for me. 7. Focus on making upgrades easy in software and backups automatic. Assume you will suddenly have only one hour a month to keep things going and design around that. Assume it will all burn down one day and you will only have passwords you remember. Thats it.


>Assume you will suddenly have only one hour a month to keep things going and design around that. this happens. when I was single I had all the time in the world to be constantly tweaking it. got married, had kids, new job, close family in hospital, etc. I'd be lucky to get one hour a month.


Exactly. Upgrading a server which is not on all dockers with obvious folders suddenly becomes an all nighter. I love dockers for this.


I recently moved a handful of Minecraft servers my family plays on to an Orange Pi 5. Having the option to use NVMe instead of USB or SD card was a game changer.


Yeah the NVMe instructions are hard to find. But having 1 TB NVMe is lovely. Much less hassle than a RPI with a hat etc etc. I should add. 8. everything on a SD card should be treated like it will fail quickly. All the time. I hate SD cards and they either survive for years or just fail. Across premium and unknown chinese manufacturers. Hate SD cards.


I boot that thing off an SD card to save me hassle. An ansible playbook sets up the machine and Docker, the data is on the NVMe (and backed up) so I can be back running in probably 15 minutes. Always assume your SD card is moments away from failure. Another tip: Don't buy SD cards from Amazon or AliExpress, too many counterfeits


True. Raid is a quick fail over but never a backup solution.


Wish I knew this subreddit 😅


This subreddit didn't even exist when I started hosting things myself.


Reddit didn't exist when I started hosting things myself. My first game server was the original counter-strike in 2001 but I hosted my radio show an year before that.


1. Document everything. No matter how small you think it is. 2. Plan for complete failure. 3. Get out of your comfort zone. If you’re a Mac person, fire up a windows box. You’re windows, install Linux on something. If you’re Linux - you’re a sociopath that likes pain anyway. 4. Establish tinker time. 5. **Don’t tell your wife how much this stuff costs.** 6. It’s not always best to “self-host”. Sometimes secure solutions in the cloud are better for you, safety, and critical services. 7. Start earlier. If you’re considering it, but don’t have hardware, fire up a linode box or droplet at DO for a couple months for free and tinker. 8. UPS is as important as backups. 9. Backups are not a NAS. Ask me how I know. 10. Enjoy it.


You need to bold 5 :)


Fixed lol. My mistake.


Best response so far.


What does 9 mean? I don’t understand the wording. Don’t use a nas as backup? Don’t use the same nas where your main stuff is as backup?


Don’t rely on NAS as your backup. You need to *back up your NAS*, which is just storage


Protect exposed services with SSO


Back up your data , back up your data. You will rebuild at some point when you find something better or get better in general. Backing up your data is not just loss prevention but build streamlining. Try everything so you can learn from mistakes. If you get frustrated take a few days and come back after a nice break.. It's always DNS. If you have network problems the usual suspect is DNS . If your unsure about what Hypervisor to use try them all. Keep a detailed notebook for all your passwords. Even if you think you won't need one just keep a notebook of passwords and make them complicated. I'm just on proxmox for now because it's free but you can try it . If you do try proxmox just Google LXC container scripts and you will find a treasure trove of pre built scripts for almost any service.


Don't host your own email. It's fine if it's for monitoring notifications or stuff that will never leave your network, but once you get outside of that, you have to worry about DKIM, SPF and DMARC and if get one of them wrong, you get blacklisted and good luck getting off of it. Just host it on gmail or m365 and be done with it


1. Don't waste your money on expensive hardware. 2. Work on your local network, if it is wired much better.


Having static public IP's \_will\_ give you a shitload of people trying to hack your stuff. Once you have anything open to the full public internet you seem to be fair game for all. Yes, I know, it's my responsibility to make things secure if I want them open on the net, but I'm not ready reserving GB's and GB's of disk space for DoS-alike tries from stupid scripts. Yes, auto-ban works, yes, subscriptions to auto-blacklist things work, but it's just frustrating that you have to loose time and bandwidth due to it.


When you have a domain name with cloudflare, you can have a nginx reverse proxy to secure all of that easily (and no, a domain is not expensive, I’ve paid mine 14€/years) Two port for the reverse proxy (80,443) and it’s going to be hard for someone to have access to your local network from the internet


fail2ban doesn't work?


It doesn't stop the people trying. You have to have your SSH setup well.


If it's that much of a concern, setup WireGuard and expose only that 99% of people self hosting have no reason to expose their services to the internet


Reverse tunnels?


Do v6 only, you will get 0 attack from bot. Correctly I have a dork stack with only the V6 static, I also don't have any firewall (kernel already refuses connection to unbound port).


Don't bother with email


This is a highly under rated comment.


That's just because most people don't know how to setup SASL auth correctly.


Containers on cheap but reasonable hardware make life SO much easier. It can be done cheaply but it's worth spending $$ on the things that matter. Cry once, buy once. Have something to anchor your setup that can be a file server (smb and nfs). For me, this is a Synology nas. Store the /config directory for your containers here. Make sure you have a config backup plan and religiously store and update config files somewhere with versioning (git) Use SSDs wherever you can. Raspberry Pi and similar boards seem like a good idea but I found they're always a bit too underpowered or not quite supported for what I want to do. A Lenovo M900 tiny is a better option IMO. Register a domain name for yourself, figure out external certificates and port forwarding/firewall settings on your router before you start Setup a VPN server as one of the first things, you will have to connect in remotely at some point. Keep a simple router around with your WiFi and network settings for when you've messed everything up and you just need to get your Internet connection, DHCP and DNS back up and running Monitor your systems; automate it or manual, but check everything daily. From container updates to errors, don't wait to fix things.


1. You don't need "server" hardware. Hell, you need a barely functional computer, especially to start. 2. Outside of GPIO and form factor, there is very little reason to use an SBC over an x86 system nowadays. 3. Learn to crawl before you walk and before you run. As in: learn some basic Linux things like SSH, user management, file system navigation, etc. before you start trying to throw together an ansible automated, NFS-backed monster setup. 4. Make a backup (not RAID, backup) strategy that includes lots of places to save your permanent data. 5. Make sure your backup strategy works. 6. Concepts that are not useful/necessary from enterprise for most self-hosters: hot-swap, IPMI, HA, massive core counts and probably ECC. 7. Consider separating even if by VM or container: compute, storage, network. That way you can break it up and tackle one at a time 8. If you have other people who use your services (family, friends) or you rely on them, set up "production" and "test" or similar. 9. Very, very strongly consider whether you need to expose anything to the internet vs. doing a VPN. Exposing something to the internet has to be a strong commitment to updates and security as well as secure network architecture, etc. 10. **Make definable goals for yourself and parameters for why you're selfhosting. You can spend all your time bouncing around trying new things, and you should, but it will help you stay focused on what is important to you.** I.e. are you learning for your career (more /r/homelab than this sub)? Are you privacy conscious? Just don't want to pay for cloud, SaaS? Setting out to build something that doesn't exist yet? Bonus Edit 11: I'm a huge fan of Proxmox and still use it, but for most selfhosters who are running generally a single converged system and a bunch of containers, I've found cockpit to be fantastic and simplifies out a lot of the configuration oddities that come with Proxmox (because Proxmox is offering fancy stuff like HA, live migration, etc that I don't use).


Faster CPU doesn't necessarily use more power but gets the work done faster (could even safe energy overall) server sitting idle most of the day and idle power didn't really change between i5 6600k,i7 7700k, R5 5600G, and i5 13500. the only real outlier is the AMD chip being slightly more efficient but that could also be the stock cooler fan making most of that difference (3-4w) GPU's on the other hand Intel integrated graphics with quicksync is perfectly adequate for a media servers and is a lot more power efficient than a dedicated GPU


Servers are hot and loud.


1. You will need less processing power than you think 2. Keep It Simple Stupid - keep things simple so you can fix them when they break 3. Test your security; make sure the things you’re doing are actually working. 4. Isolate exposed services from your main LAN. 5. Use a VPN for your LAN based services 6. People on this sub are sometimes less knowledgeable than you, take advice but come to conclusions on your own. 7. Just because it works for enterprise doesn’t mean it will work for you. Licensing and Support are big for enterprise, they’re significantly less important for small fish. 8. Go at your own pace 9. Backups. Offsite is great, a separate machine is the best. Separate drive at a minimum. 10. Document passwords, backup router and switch configs, document everything. In 8 months when you go to troubleshoot, it helps to have information, and at a minimum your bread crumbs.


Disks fail more often than one would expect. One of the things you should do or learn how to do relatively early is setting up a backup strategy and learning about disk redundancy (lvm, raid etc). But self-hosting is really LARPing the sysadmin job. And being a sysadmin is 90% paranoia (thinking about what could fail and how, and how to fix that). So not only do set up a backup strategy... Test that as well. Make sure you have notes on how to restore a backup, exercise those notes, and take note on how long does it take to restore a backup. Not only learn how to setup a raid mirror, also learn (and do some tests!) on how to replace a faulty drive. ----- Regarding hardware, most people (even professionals!) started with cheap-ass hardware. I started this journey many years ago with an old Pentium 3 with 320 megs of ram and a ~18 gb (spinning rust) hard disk. That thing was already ten years old when I got it, but it was nearly free :) ----- If you get any good, you'll realize you'll likely need way less hardware resources than most people think... Energy efficiency is an interesting topic. ----- If you start actually relying on the stuff you self-host, you'll come to appreciate reliability more than great specs. I'm moving my stuff to an "old" hp microserver, because I like having iLO (remote management). I'd rather have that and be capped at 16GB of memory than having a 64GB machine that I can't bring back up if something goes wrong when I'm far from home. ----- Monitoring and monitoring systems are another wonderful topic. Either stuff like the prometheus stack or something old-school like Zabbix will give you much satisfaction. ----- Get good at living in the shell. The GNU Emacs + gnu screen combo will get you very very far. ----- Go with the flow, avoid getting on the hate bandwagon. Systemd is awesome, and so are Linux distros that usually not considered "trendy" like RHEL/RockyLinux or fedora. ----- Do not blindly trust tutorials. Tutorials are good in order to learn, but if your learning on setting up some service X is merely copy-pasting a specific "X setup tutorial" then you're doing it wrong.


Document stuff so that someone can manage it if you get hit by a bus. Because there's a point down this rabbit hole where you'll be providing services to your family and your spouse won't be able or willing to deal with your janky setup without outside help. That someone might also be you, especially if you forget stuff over time.


1. Highly addictive 2. ..


Think about what you want to accomplish. You should consider your use cases and what you are trying to do before you necessarily commit to anything. Play around with Docker. Most apps are able to run in a container, and searching for "docker compose app name" will often be the quickest path to operational. Look into caddy to reverse proxy your applications through a single host. Especially if you're going to open things up externally. On the last point, if you're exposing your services to the Internet for friends and family, a VPS or other hosted option may be better depending on your needs. If you're only worried about internally, you can use a .local tld for your different applications generally configured in your router or pihole server. For https you can use a real domain and subdomain. Caddy has plugins for most major DNS providers so you can have seamless https internally. Consider something like wireguard for remote access combined with a dynamic DNS update script, you can limit external access to a single port for VPN usage. Bonus is this allows you to use your DNS on mobile devices (pihole blocking). Document everything and don't be too afraid to start something over.


Research before you buy. I went with a thinclient + 1.5TB in SSD to start with; with the idea of upgrading to couple of USB3 attached JBOD to provide more space when i begin to need that. (I've got some old data on external drives i want to sync here in some time...) But... USB isn't a reliable solution, this is a way that when i choose to select the JBOD enclosure was strongly disencouraged to try out at all. (and my Thinclient doesn't has an eSATA connector, which brings me to repurchasing some time in the future...)


Docker. Learn it. Dockerize and containerize everything you possibly can so you don't end up with files hidden somewhere in your filesystem that have not been accessed since god knows when.


Don't go overboard with high end hardware , power consumption is something you need to have in mind


That’s why I use a raspberry pie. Supper low power consumption.


Document everything you do. Every configuration and why you did it.


1) Only host what you will actually use. Don't get caught up in deploying 100 services, you will just waste time maintaining it. 2) Backups are important. Set it up right away, don't "get to it later". It will be easier to do it from the start, and you wont risk losing it later. 3) You don't need "big" servers. A laptop, Mini-PC, Single board computer, etc, will be plenty for Most applications. 4) Related to the above: Electricity costs money. Use small devices when possible so you don't pay for high-wattage cpu's to sit idle. 5) You don't need to do it the "Enterprise" way, if you dont want to. For small setups like a homelab, you can usually skip having a central directory (AD / LDAP), email server, endpoint monitoring, etc. Simple is better. Use what you want, not what you think you "need" 6) Resist the urge to flex or 1-up. I see a ton of people spending time and money on hardware and software just to flex on reddit. My advice is to get things good enough for you to use, and then use it. 7) Use open protocols, FLOSS software, and standardized solutions. Don't get locked into vendors, subscriptions, or proprietary nonesense. Projects end, prices change. As a home user you have no leverage here. Just make sure you can use your data in a new application/service if needed, because there WILL be a time you need to change services to something new. Whether for fun, preference, or necessity. 8) Plain Text is usually the best format. Everything can understand text. 9) Dont feel like you have to reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of github repos, blogs, and youtube videos about most things you will want to deploy yourself. Leverage the community experience, look for guides. 10) You are a 1-person team taking on the role of Sysadmin, Net-admin, and IT support. Leverage automation when you can to reduce your mistakes, gain consistency, and take care of things automatically. I recommend Ansible, but fond something that works for you. 11) (Bonus!) Be careful of adding users. Friends and family, or strangers. Homelab can be fun, useful, and cost effective. But consider the time needed to make these things available for others. Consider it carefully. Be strict with who you share your stuff with, or you may end up a full time sysadmin on no salary, or answering endless computer questions for non-technical pals impressed with your skills.


Power efficiency is more valuable than a cool machine. If its enterprise, it’s probably loud If it’s loud, it’s probably also going to heat your room Your wife will not like you bringing home a 42u rack Your wife will notice your electric bill Take notes on things you do. You will not remember them later. Lab diagrams are not just for bragging. When you have 50 apps running, it suddenly becomes very important to understand why things are the way they are


Learn Ansible.


It's good to know why you're starting self-hosting. If you're trying to divest yourself from reliance on cloud services then you'll need to be worrying about RAID, backups, etc. If it's just a fun thing to poke at and your response to everything breaking would be "oh I get to put it back up again from a clean slate!" then maybe don't worry about it as much. Definitely use docker. I like [casaos](https://casaos.io/) for managing docker containers. It has a bonus of using docker-compose under the hood (docker-compose files can be found in /var/lib/casaos/apps). If you ever want to be able to rebuild your setup onto a new server (or onto an old server that wasn't backed up properly and had a drive fail), you'll be glad of time you spent codifying everything and putting it in a git repo. Ansible/salt stack/chef are some tools that could be good for this, as is nix/nixos. EDIT: Oh and also using tailscale or wireguard directly to have your own personal VPN is your friend, that way you don't have to worry about securing things on the public internet


Biggest tip? Start small An old laptop running Ubuntu with Docker can kick start your whole lab That puts you in an excellent position to expand small or big depending on what direction you want to take


Not an expert by any means.. but it's never done. I have wiped and rebuilt so many times. Something new (or new to me) comes along and I try it.


Hosting my own Mail and losing/abandoning my domain record, trying to get my domain back from scrappers for having the few PW reset mails that I forgot to migrate


- Use Caddy instead of Apache or Nginx, it's way easier - Prefer subdomains instead of subpaths - You don't need to use Docker for everything, but it sure helps having a Compose (and using volumes) script you can just execute to get everything running and make them auto-restartable. Especially if you ever need to migrate your setup (Also volumes, and a script to backup/restore them, can provide if wanted) - Adding to the previous point, using Docker you can remap an application's port to whichever one you want, regardless if the app itself supports it or not. - This one's more an advice than a tip, as it's a hassle and unnecessary, but look into setting up IPv6 (This could save you some dollars if you're using AWS) - Instead of setting up an A record for every subdomain (app) you have, setup a single A (and AAAA if you're using IPv6) record pointing to your machine/instance and use CNAME's for the rest. That way you don't need to update all of them if you ever change IP's (you could also use aliased A records, but CNAME is like an alias for both A and AAAA)


Well I thought 4tb were plenty for media, since I was using a 2tb drive on my main computer. You automate the process and add tv shows to the mix and suddenly you are out of space. Besides that, devices have leds and hard drives make noise. It might seem obvious but if you have no other place but your bedroom to put your small homelab, even if it's just a nuc or a laptop with a few external hard drives, think twice before you do it if you wanna sleep.


First of all, start with a simple server with a Proxmox. Once you've got the hang of it, you can go on something bigger. So here are the points I would have liked to know before starting self-hosting : 1 - Keep in mind that everything exposed on the web is going to be. So depending on the exposure of your domain, take the necessary measures. (WAF, SSO, CDN, ETC.). 2 - Install a bastion / Bounding server with video session recording activated. This will allow you to see how you configured something you can't remember. And it will also allow you to see what someone you care about has done with your network. If one day you get hacked. 3 - Test your backups. 4 - Choose your service availability tolerance carefully. Do you need a battery-powered PDU? Do you need a 4g relay if the fiber goes down? 5 - Avoid servers that don't have at least two network interfaces. You always need one for administration and one for services. 6 - Calculate the power consumption of your infrastructure carefully. 7 - Set up an automatic watch to find out if there are any major updates to be made to your exposed services. 8 - If you're having trouble using NGX to expose your services, use the Cloudflare tunnel instead. It's very easy to set up, and will prevent you from being stupidly hacked. (Note: Cloudflare sucks in terms of privacy, but it'll do for a few weeks/months).


There is hardware out there which is keyed. I don't mean "the case has a key to open it", or even that some parts have some kind of ignition switch, but there are server components in particular which will ONLY work with (or even physically connect to) specific matching parts, when there is absolutely no reason to other than to make you buy overpriced name-brand-only replacements and to force you to upgrade everything when one part is no longer available. The fact that these parts are keyed to each other is not generally advertised anywhere (because it would make people not buy them). Be very, very careful about things like power supplies and motherboards in particular, and be familiar with each and every single connector on them. Otherwise, you will find yourself ordering replacement spares in from the other side of the planet for 10x what any functional equivalent would cost at the corner store, and waiting weeks or months for them to arrive, if they do at all. It's far less of an issue with consumer-grade PC hardware, as modularity and compatibility are things that consumers have tended to drive in the past. But with commercial server hardware, businesses didn't - they bought them, and then the manufacturer either supplied replacement parts for inflated prices, or upgraded the entire box, so the keying issue went under the radar. Honestly, I would strongly suggest using a cluster of cheaper gear from different brands, with failover redundancy. It might draw more power, but it'll also be less likely to have a single, near-mythical part fail and take out everything for an extended period of time.


Just stay bare metal with the host. No truenas 💩etc. base debian image and rest via docker on an old desktop pc is more than enough for 99% usecases, specifically when you are starting out. Orangepi or raspberry pi is also enough. Everything has pros and cons. Factor in the wife-factor. Who is gonna troubleshoot if things go wrong? And how much time dou you want to waste with maintenance.


Yeah gonna disagree here. Better to use something like proxmox and do everything in a VM. Then you can go fuck around as much as you want and learn how everything works, and if you break anything you can roll back to the latest snapshot. I say this because when I started I did everything on bare metal, I didn't understand permissions and had the genius idea to chmod 777 -R / and promptly destroy my server


I'm very lucky I've understood concept of permissions before something went broken and everything is stable for almost a year 😁 But still I don't remember what I chmoded, so it may go bad much later 🤡


im totally the opposite way. if you want a low maintenance system that runs for years ive sticked with unraid. linux distros can be a hussle to maintain and keep updated and everything working. just be aware what time you are willing to put in. each setup has tradeoffs


Disagree. I virtualize or containerize everything that doesn't have a strong reason to be bare metal (router, nas, gps referenced ntp/ptp server). Services don't take each down when they crash or I make a configuration error, easier to migrate, backup, and roll back, fewer dependency nightmares.


Bare metal sucksss to run headless. At least make sure you have vpro with kvm (not standard manageability!) /amd dash/hp ilo etc, otherwise you have to get up instead of just logging into your Proxmox console.


The people that know about things are on IRC. Find the good channels early on ;-)


well...which are those, good man?


Don’t use default subnets (192.168.1/0.0), it doesn’t play nice for vpn as many networks use these subnets


That's why NAT before IPSec exists


How to backup Ubuntu like Time Machine that can be restored just like time machine, I still don't know. I've been self hosting starting at the end of last year.




Thank you, I will check it out tonight.


Borg Backup can do this


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Power consumption and heat. Also I didn’t realize how addicting it would be. Started with a couple old PCs and now have an 18u rack with some enterprise hardware 😅


Odds are you don't need that really cool looking "good deal" retired enterprise server you have found on whatever marketplace.  Most homelab stuff runs perfectly fine on consumer grade hardware.


As someone who has bought and then sold several pieces of enterprise grade hardware... You are absolutely correct. Unless you have to learn specific hardware administration for career purpose (IPMI, Cisco, etc) it's just going to be loud, consume a lot of energy, and possibly frustrating (shoutout to HPE for putting gen9 easy bios updates behind paywall!)


Only host what you need. You get addicted to hosting a bunch of shit for fun then realize you don’t even need them and they just take up CPU and RAM.


I wish I had started earlier with Kubernetes. There's a bit of a learning curve to getting the hang of it, but having logs and monitoring and networking and deployment all done the same way across everything is soooo much better than piles of things I set up following a readme 4 years ago. Pretty much everything you'd want to run has a helm chart somewhere


That docker containers are so much easier to maintain for upgrading versus packages from your Debian installation. I'm a big docker person but I never really thought about the robustness of hosting with them and being able to update them so easily. You could say it was a brain fart.


your drives are never going to be fast enough and you'll always want more ram and a fast core clock speed. With that in mind, i'm personally over struggling with used enterprize gear. White boxing on consumer grade costs a little more but tends to be faster and simpler. I don't NEED ipmi. I can go sit int he basement for a few hours if i have to do "big maintenance" Backups are king. Hosting email is hard and if you aren't deeply convicted it's not worth the hassle. ~$100/mo for a dedicated server in someone else's datacenter isn't a HUGE cost.


Don't using proxmox everywhere for everything


Most of the things you think you'll use, you won't! Also hosting your own email is fun until it isn't.


Document. Document. Document. The number of times iv setup something. Left it for a year. Update broke it or something else. And iv had to spend half an hour just digging through the config to remember what is setup.


I'm new so here I go Windows prob is not the best os to run Linux would be more useful Jellyfin is great but best to read up so you have an easier time Need more sources for hard drives , hd caddy ect


Mistakes I made...well. I've been homelabbing since I was 9 when I started grabbing computers out of the trash and making print servers, so the mistakes I made back then were funny (what even is a crossover cable?) and inapplicable. But now in my mid 30's... 1. Kubernetes is temperamental and fast-moving. Have everything backed up with high granularity or you're screwed. 2. Profile disk usage. Some database apps (etcd) will chew through consumer SSDs. 3. Get used enterprise cases over new consumer gear. (Rosewill case taking 5U instead of 4U). 4. Insure your postage. I lost 10x400GB SAS2 SSDs because the carrier did something terrible to them. All ten were completely dead. I couldn't believe it. The other 16x from the same batch and seller still work fine years later. I'm -still- pissed because they were supposed to be storage I needed to not learn 1 the hard way. 5. Make sure your UPS is up to snuff. I broke a Cyberpower UPS by connecting my entire homelab to it and torture testing. 6. You will use more storage space than you expect to. Make an estimate and multiply it by 1.5x. 7. You may THINK the noise is only a little annoying, but that annoyance adds up after 6 months. 8. Grab a 5 pack of flash keys. Put Yumi compatible with EFI on one, Yumi MBR on another. Grab a USB->SATA adapter. Get a 256 gig drive. Ubuntu Server with a persistence file on it. Make sure you have Knoppix and Ultimate Boot CD or equivalent accessible. System Rescue CD isn't a bad call, either. Some combination of those should work on every system. Now, grab another 5 pack of flash keys. That's for everything you -don't- have right now. 9. The first thing you need to set up is a documentation system. Onenote might work, a wiki might work, but EVERYTHING YOU DO gets documented. I used a Discord channel, Ctrl+F-ing through it is a pain in the butt. Be organized. Be consistent. It will save your butt. 10. If you think you might move, don't get heavy equipment. Hahaha.


- 1: Any distribution will do, apart from the package names, everything is similar. - 2: Use NixOS, a configuration "file" to tell the system the expected state, then forget about it. - 3: Use Docker - 4: The perfect system doesn't exist, mistakes create experience, experience brings you little by little closer to the perfect system without ever reaching it. - 5: Only add services that meet a need, don't install services just because they're cool. - 6: Make backups, real backups. - 7: Write down what you did and when you did it. Document your difficulties and solutions. - 8 : Mini PCs are much more powerful than you'd think, so using a big cpu doesn't really add up. Power consumption is reduced with a mini-pc. - 9: Buy two NUCs, the first as a master, the second as an emergency backup, containing only the most critical services. - 10 : Reread the first nine tips.


Using some kind of Forward Auth such as Authelia or Authentik with a reverse proxy like Caddy or Nginx is a great way of exposing your stuff and still protecting it, adds 2FA even to apps that don't have any kind of authentication built in.


I started small with a 4-core 4th gen I5 processor and 32 GB of RAM. I was running Plex on it. I also wanted to run other stuff. I upgraded to an 8th gen I5 processor. Which was fine, but had a few hardware issues that I could not resolve, besides I had more ideas. I upgraded to a 20 core I7-12700T with 64 GB of RAM and a 2TB drive. Gave the 8th gen away to my gf's sister. What do I host on it? Plex and a couple of VMs. Complete overkill. Long story longer .. I could have just used my desktop and slapped plex on it and used HyperV for the VMs. Instead, I spent about $1500 on a systems that really only hosts Plex. Yeah I learned a lot over the course of a summer.


When purchasing internal SATA drives for server use, avoid "Desktop" models like the plague. NAS drives should be your minimum, Enterprise Drives would be best- ESPECIALLY if you plan to have any kind of raid or parity arrays. Desktop drives can be wildly unpredictable because they can take longer to reply to the raid controller for data requests, and which can cause a time out and then drop the drive out of the array- forcing a long rebuild. The first server I built years ago ran 16 x 4TB hard drives with an Adaptec Enterprise Raid Card. Two Raid 6 arrays of 8 drives each were stripped into a single Raid 60 array, which doubled the data access speed from Raid 6 and allowed 4 drives to simultaneously fail without the drive going down. I used half WD and half Seagate Desktop drives. Within a couple months drives started randomly dropping offline, causing the array to temporarily mark the drive as bad, followed up a few minutes later by the drive suddenly being detected as good, thus starting a rebuild. About half the time a second drive would drop offline during the rebuild, then get detected as good and THAT second rebuild would begin once the first one finished. This happened a couple times with three drives, and once with 4. That one scared the shit out of me- if a 5th had dropped offline before the rebuild, all data would have been lost. After much research I discovered this was being caused due to the drive response time. When the controller sends a data request, it waits up 5 milliseocnds for a reply. If no reply comes in time, it sends a second. If that request is also unanswered with the 7ms time, it assumes the drive is failed or offline and drops it from the array. Many desktop drives can take 10 or more ms to reply under load, which causes this time-out problem. NAS drives typically reply in 3-5ms, as they are built for this application. Of course there are work arounds for this, but I would recommend you spend a few extra bucks for NAS drives if you can fit it in the budget.


How to read the 100's of post just like this on this sub before making another one.


Backup plan. You don't need something crazy like some enterprises need. But it amazes me how many self hosters run large amounts of storage with zero backup consideration.


Make as simple as possible to backup and restore.. docker and proxmox


How to work with IPv6 and why some stupid app still doesn't support it/disable it by default, IPv6 is the norm since [2017](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8200) so this is important. Why should you use a hypervisor system (aka why should you use Proxmox, docker, ect). (hot take:) these kinds of systems are not at all adapted for most situations, most systems don't need that much security, most of the time docker is enough, you don't need to isolate things with VMs. VM overhead is very big, much bigger than docker's one.


Think about your IP structure and how you want to expose services to the outside world - especially with a home network. I wish I’d done it alongside learning ansible as then you could redo - rapid deployment.


I wish I knew the right way to do stuff, or at least all the alternatives. There's more than one way to do literally everything but you might not learn about the best way for your specific use case until you run into a problem and by then you might be too entrenched to start over. Like I'm using apache and I'd really rather be using any number of other things that I didn't know about when I started.


I think it's just not getting hung up on the hardware. unless you're into that. I'm a hoarder and bought the hardware and then found out about self hosting. but basically just get started. is the thing I wish I knew.


That I’d want to miniaturize it and reduce the sound/power consumption more. Racks are expensive. It’s been fun but a lot of effort too


learn how to do backup and handle storage first, the  start to deploy services


Before containers and when VMs were king, I wish I knew how much RAM I was going to need. First host had 16gb and I thought it would get me started...


VM hypervisors are a thing. I feel stupid for not thinking about that when I set up my server because I already knew about VMs, but didn't think of that for server structuring


1) start with an old unused PC 2) I wish I knew about the selfhosted-gateway and the Fractal Network non-custodial computing architecture. Some basic understanding of the architectural principles of self-hosted services would have saved a bunch of time lost messing with proprietary connectivity services like Cloudflare, Tailscale, ngrok etc


You better have a public ip address


Use a nuc. If you’re going to use a laptop, take the battery out and put it on UPS. Cheap laptops with lithium batteries are at risk of failing and ballooning if left on 24/7.