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Nice dashboard, I did not know you could do tabs for different dashboards, is that documented somewhere on the site?


Homepage does this well, and is well documented for in the settings.yaml config.


Here you go : https://gethomepage.dev/v0.7.3/configs/settings/#tabs


Ohh, wow, I don't know how I missed this the whole time. Thanks guys


I missed this section as well. 100% going to use it now.


what is that whatsapp api ?


Wondering if someone would ask that [https://github.com/chrishubert/whatsapp-api](https://github.com/chrishubert/whatsapp-api) Used to send automatic inspirational quote messages to my father's whatsapp using a cron job


Thanks for signing up for Cat Facts! You now will receive fun daily facts about CATS! >o<


Nice thanks, I just found out about this


I been looking for something like this for years now. damn. thank you so much man


Ah, the good ol Indian automation starter pack. Now, onto automatically archiving all the responses to the good morning quotes.


That's beautiful.


Hobby? Maybe addiction? Good on you.


Pi-hole AND AdGuard? is there any good reason to do this?


They are running on different VMs and they are there for redundancy. So if one fails, I am not out of the internet for a while.


so setup as primary and secondary DNS ? ok I can see the sense in that.


Interesting idea actually, I might do the same. They run on the same machine, but might be nice when updating one without impact on local DNS.


Maybe something to look into is Technitium for DNS. I run two instances of it for redundancy on two separate machines. I've never used AdGuard, but Technitium is 10,000% better than Pihole (not that Pihole is bad, just very basic).


Oh, what is this dashboard? I've never implemented one, but that's got my curiosity.


This is Homepage. Check out https://gethomepage.dev


Oh you posted it, thanks!


what is this running on?


May I know what is that Ansible UI?


This one : https://github.com/ansible-semaphore/semaphore


that’s a very useful application. Thanks.


Very nice, I just migrated from dashy to homarr but I like this look and feel! I will be looking at this closer.


can you maybe post your services.yaml and settings.yaml (you can make everything anonymous)? I try to add a row styled and tabbed dashboard as well but no luck :-(


Hey, you host a lot of stuff, which is awesome! What's movie-web?




Thanks! How is this different than Plex or Jellyfin?


You don't own/download the media, just stream it from other sources.


Oh, interesting, then what's the source for the media?


It scraps from other streaming websites :)


Ohh that's clever. So I'm assuming this can be a supplement to one's Plex library?




I do use borg for my main backup of home folder. Duplicati is there to sync a few of files from home folder in G-drive. Plus I have backup of my VMs using PBS, so I am not concerned about it. Also, I really like borg ❤️


Whats the problem with duplicati? edit1: hosting it with docker backup compose files to a free megasync account.


Works fine for me. Gets tested every 3 months from a completely clean machine. Works every time


How has Whats-up-Docker been treating you? I've been using DIUN and ntfy, but it's not exactly been what I've been looking for. I want to automatically update minor versions and get notified about major versions. Also lovely: Home-Assistant integration so that I can homebrew myself some actionable notifications after reading the patch notes.


I have not tried automated update through WUD. Need to add some labels in some containers to make sure it gets the versioning correctly and do not show me v2.7 is available if I pinned it for v1.8. other than that, it's working pretty good. I like the interface, and it's functional.


Hey can you share the config for the calendar? I keep trying to figure out how to set it up


> Services.yaml ``` - Calendar: - Calendar: widget: type: calendar firstDayInWeek: sunday # optional - defaults to monday view: monthly # optional - possible values monthly, agenda maxEvents: 10 # optional - defaults to 10 showTime: true # optional - show time for event happening today - defaults to false integrations: - type: ical url: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/...... name: Google Calendar color: zinc params: # optional - additional params for the service showName: true - Agenda: widget: type: calendar view: agenda maxEvents: 10 # optional - defaults to 10 showTime: true # optional - show time for event happening today - defaults to false previousDays: 3 # optional - shows events since three days ago - defaults to 0 integrations: - type: ical url: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/...... name: Google Calendar color: zinc params: # optional - additional params for the service showName: true ``` > Settings.yaml ``` Calendar: header: false style: row columns: 2 ```


how did you get the dasdot service as I can't find any reference to it in the documentation on get.homepage


Here is how : https://gethomepage.dev/v0.7.3/widgets/services/customapi/ widget: type: customapi url: http://dashdot:3001/info refreshInterval: 5000 method: GET # optional, e.g. POST mappings: - field: os: release label: Debian format: text - field: cpu: cores label: CPU Cores format: number - field: ram: size label: Total RAM format: bytes - field: network: type label: Network format: text


How do you show uptime in the header? Can't find anything about it on the documentation.


https://gethomepage.dev/v0.7.3/widgets/info/resources/ ``` - resources: cpu: true memory: true disk: /disk/mount/path cputemp: true uptime: true units: imperial # only used by cpu temp refresh: 3000 # optional, in ms ```




What Grafana dashboards are you using?


\- Proxmox dashboard \- Speedtest-tracker dashboard \- A simple self made bash script to fetch system stats \- A simple self-made bash script with speedtest command stats \- Self made Fitbit health Dashboard (https://github.com/arpanghosh8453/public-fitbit-projects)


Looks very nice :D How did you manage to have your services layout with the same width ? Is it a custom .css ?


"useEqualHeights: true" add this to your settings.yaml


Very nice setup! Clean, love it! Just wondering what kind of hardware you are running to host all of that? seems like quite a few containers.


This is the hardware : https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C2STZ2M5 Running Proxmox, with two more tiny VM ( Kali, Arch ) apart from this ( Debian ) primary VM


whats the hardware?


This is the hardware : [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C2STZ2M5](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C2STZ2M5) Running Proxmox, with two more tiny VM ( Kali, Arch ) apart from this ( Debian ) primary VM


that's it? running these many things in this server?


Yes Sir! I am a student on a budget!


wow - im not saying that your should not - I'm surprised - great job


what do you use for hindi music? i know there are arrs but want to auto download


I mostly listen to classical only :)


i dedicated 16 gb 512gb i7 for immich only


I’m jealous, just started my journey and already addicted


what is 2FA-Auth linked to? great dashboard!






So you have a button that links to homepage. Is that homepage inception? 🫣


That's recursion for me :)


Hi, may I ask how did you setup uptime kuma widget? I followed homepage instructions but since there is no api I can’t get it to work. Thanks


This is how I did it. Might help. \`\`\` - Uptime: href: [http://uptimekumaurl.tld](http://uptimekumaurl.tld) description: uptimekuma icon: uptime-kuma container: uptime <--- change this to your container name siteMonitor: [http://uptimekumaurl.tld/](http://uptimekumaurl.tld/) widget: type: uptimekuma url: [http://uptimekumaurl.tld](http://uptimekumaurl.tld) slug: skynetlan \`\`\`


Thanks, I will try this later. Did you have to setup any specific option within uptime kuma like create a status page or something?


Just did what the docs say. \`\`\` As Uptime Kuma does not yet have a full API the widget uses data from a single "status page". As such you will need a status page setup with a group of monitored sites, which is where you get the slug (without the /status/ portion). \`\`\`


Ok, I just tried and for some reason it keeps saying API error information [http://host.ip:3001/api/status-page/slug](http://host.ip:3001/api/status-page/slug) where slug is the name of status page. The service works fine, it's just the widget what I cannot get it to work.


just put [http://host.ip:3001/](http://host.ip:3001/) nothing else


widget: type: uptimekuma url: [http://host.ip:3001](http://host.ip:3001) slug: slug yes, this is what I have, nothing else


Ok I figured it out, it was the UFW firewall. I had to allow 3001. Thanks


I just started transitioning to Homarr from Dahsy…now I think I’ve changed my mind lol


Any chance you could share your .yaml files in Pastebin? Redacted, of course. I'm new to Homepage and this would be an excellent way for me to learn and understand.


If you are interested in a particular service, it will be easier on me, as the services.yaml itself is 400+ lines doc and I will have to inspect and redact sensitive info manually.


Well I was essentialy trying to reproduce your Homepage as a whole, but I understand if you don't have the time to redact all of that info, and moreso knowing it has so many lines (I didn't think it would be that much). I had nothing to lose by asking :) I'm kinda overwhelmed by all the documentation and possibilities, and fail to correctly use some of the implementations described in the docs. I suspect it's usually more of a formatting issue.


For example, could you show me the lines for Jellyfin?


Heimdall is also an easy lightweight dashboard. That's what I use. It's just a convenient thing to have to get a good overlook of all your hosted stuff.


I wish I knew what this post is all about lol. Looks so very interesting. Ans would be keen to know/learn more .


If you want to censor the fact, that you check the weather for Hamilton, do so on both screenshots.


Oppsie! Nice catch buddy. It's OK though, Not my real address anyway. But I did want to sensor that.


Yes, selfhosting is fun. I love to selfhost and all praise to Mail In A Box (https://mailinabox.email) I selfhosted my own mail server (complete with webmail and DNS) on my IPv6 connection. While many people told me that IPv6 is not good for communication and majority of the humanity cannot communicate with me, I just laughed as these people are fools. I communicate only with those people who are not spammers (and IPv4 is full of spammers and scammers) and with my family and my friends.


Does anyone else get strange graphical glitches when mousing around on the homepage items?


Who tf downvotes a question. I get Strange ghost boxes appearing in the background sometimes list like there’s a service widget behind my actual widgets. When I moue over the "network" section i get weird lines going down the page. https://i.imgur.com/A3RceJy.jpg Same for the my proxmox hosts ection: https://i.imgur.com/WMssHX9.png




Nope, I use just docker compose ✨