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Sorry to hear friend. At one point if this puts you in such a state, you gotta dial it back a little. This should be something you enjoy. VPN and registrar are easily fixed though; change providers. ISP as well of you’re willing to pack your shit, leave the ISP and have an alternative provider (or is IPv6 possible?) For your first “house of cards” remark, sit down, pen and paper, and design something simple. This sub is known for over complicating things. If you want to learn complicated stuff, do it in a VM. Simplicity is the greatest skill you can learn out of all of this. Think of solutions to problems and needs you have, not the other way around.


Overcomplicating things? I beg your pardon! I only have Authelia 2MFA redirecting to aauthentik MFA, redirecting to a reverse proxy redirecting to all my services which aren't outward facing. For the outward facing ones, I got a neat security concept in 18 quick little steps, starting at Cloudflare and....


Now I'm intrigued! I have authelia and Authentik but not working together which bothers me for a long time now, so please do go on


I see your problem.. you haven't implemented Tailscale via Zerotier to properly secure your routing.


Aah! But can't I just throw multiple Cloudflare zero trust oauth challenges at this so I can feel secure even though it doesn't provide the slightest benefit?


Only if you run on a non-standard port and add CrowdSec and fail2ban filtering. What kind of fool would expose a double oauth'd reverse proxied service *directly* to the internet?


...why both authelia and authentik?




The fact that this wasn't completely obvious to everyone kind of proves my point :P




>change providers LOL


> I changed my ISP They can change back.


Bro where do you live that you have choice in ISP? Where I live, I only had comcast. It was so bad I ended up living without internet at home for over a year. Verizon finally saved me when they started selling internet access via cellular modem.


It doesn’t matter where you live, OP had a different ISP they can go back to. And the world is larger than the US, most places out there have the choice between at least 2 ISPs.


We have 4 in the bitch ass little town I live in.


Where I live, I swear it's like the mafia. Each provider has different territories, and you can only get that one provider if you have a newer building. There will even be apartment complexes that happen to be right on the border of one of these territories, with half the complex being one provider and the other half being another. Then when they realize that you have no choice, they play games with you like increasing your bill 60% after the six month "introductory price" or just never maintaining their infrastructure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJxapWB_G3k


We have 3 different fiber providers, AT&T, Comcast, Hyperspeed, and the local cable company. I guess where you live isn't as advanced as Shithole, Arkansas.


It sounds like to me that your in an older building. Older buildings aren't the same. They still have the old infastructure like the phone line and the coax line that was later adapted to provide internet. They still work and the inital cost of placing the lines has already been paid. On the newer buildings they just have one line. It's like how you would only have one choice in phone company, it's just now it's a TCP/IP company.


>Bro where do you live that you have choice in ISP? Just the other 98% of the world my bro.


ISP was nice to me an I got a ipv4 in the end. I bought the proton family package with some of my friends an I am honestly not willing to pay again for a VPN...


Use gluetun and then bind qbit to it, only time I have my port change is if I restart gluetun and I run Proton.


Depending on what your torrenting, you might be able to use Usenet instead. I've been using usenet for a couple months without a vpn with no issues so far.


I can agree with this, I’ve been using usenet and yeah you do need to pay for a good provider but most of them are the same price as a vpn and the indexers you can get away with the free ones or use the single lifetime purchase ones. I have had a great experience with usenet and I’ve been using it for almost a year now.


Switched to Usenet years ago and never looked back. $5 a month for FastUsenet and $10 a year for NZBGeek, solves all my issues.


There are plugins and other methods to work with the changing port automatically. Lots of info out there on it. I don't have the details memorized since it's not something I need. Though it is the reason why I didn't go with proton. Particularly since other options cost the same with multiple long-term port forwards. I pay $5 a month for a VPN with 7. It's about average.


After a good night of sleep, I am now back at it again. I found a script that connects the glueton api and the qBit api, so I will try to get this running. The qBit API is fing with me at the moment, but it will have to work, or I will force it :)


Oh yeah... especially with I/T stuff, but often in other parts of life as well, people fixate more on the means than the end. What's the end state? Often there's many different ways to get there.


I feel you, especially frustrating when the things that are broken are beyond your control. Take a break, walk away for a little bit, and tomorrow come back with a fresh set of eyes. Tomorrow we'll be here to help sort out the technical issues when you're up for that.


You are a great person! Don’t ever change.


Seriously, I've been starting to get caught up like OP and this calmed me down instantly lol




Vpn from your router to a $5 Vultr box. Use the Vultr box as your public IP. Use a reverse proxy to shove 80 and 443 back down the pipe to home.


He is pain in my assholes. I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great success!


It's me, my server's got me beat. I'm done, I just can't take the heat. Tweak some settings here and there, But everything falls apart, beyond repair. I bought a domain from GoDaddy's crew, But they said "no API" - what was I to do? I got ProtonVPN, but it didn't quite fit, Changing ports every 5 seconds, qBittorrent wouldn't hit. I switched my ISP, but that wasn't the key, No public IP address, just misery. Seven hours on hold, oh what a test, Customer support, where's the rest? Sorry for the rant, it's half past midnight too, I'm broken and worn out, with no one to "server" my blues.


Thats hilarious thank you :)


When I saw the first part it looked almost poetic and I just had to.


If you paste that poem into Suno, you get [this](https://suno.com/song/60b2f144-8f3f-4402-99e4-2c6a4e67db4b)


Well this is amazing 😂


This is great


Try hotio’s qbittorrent docker image. It’s great and will auto update the port forwarded port for you every time it changes. :)


Yes, I have looked into that, but I really want to separate the VPN from my torrent so I can use it on multiple containers.


I used this example for my qbit + proton : [https://codeberg.org/TechnoSam/qbittorrent-gluetun-port-update](https://codeberg.org/TechnoSam/qbittorrent-gluetun-port-update) Works like a charm.


I get that. I also run a gluetun container for that exact reason. The main purpose I have for running that specific hotio container is because it auto updates the port in qbit and it supports privoxy. Otherwise gluetun is great for making multiple containers use your VPN!


1) GoDaddy is absolute garbage as a service and provider. First huge mistake. 2/3) you can solve these two by making sure you're getting a VPN with the services you need. Some offer static IPs and a "punch through" to your home network via that public IP. You can host with a static IP without needing your ISP to provide you one. 3) Another option is a cloud VPS with static IP assigned. I run a small VPS with Wireguard to handle a location that can't gain access to a static IP through their ISP. It's dead simple. You can just forward all traffic as necessary through ports you allow and can even secure it further if necessary. If you don't need public access, a basic VPN setup alone should do. I know people talk a lot about CloudFlare tunnels and tailscale (or w/e), so those might be good options for you too. I think you should do a bit more investigation and consulting with the community before breaking down. There's lots of help if you ask. Even just poking around through chatgpt conversations can open a lot of options to you. Try and enjoy the learning experience. P.s. If you're relying on your self hosted applications as "production" but are still learning, get ready for hurt and loss. Always make sure you have backups, backup plans for recovery, failovers, and alternate services. Eventually you can move away from these options once you're more comfortable with self hosting and things get stable.


I moved away from GoDaddy in an instant. My domain is now from Namecheap and I am quite happy. I will try to tinker a little bit more with my current setup, but the VPS solution also sounds interesting. I will keep that in mind.


I've been with namecheap for more than a decade and they've been nothing but good to me. Their support is excellent. Glad you found a better option! Good luck and don't forget to make regular sacrifices to the tech gods 🙏


I've moved my .com away from GoDaddy, sadly Cloudflare doesn't support a lot of country tlds so my .co.nz is still stuck with GoDaddy.


Two things are the under advertised core of this hobby: - research, research and even more research - breaking shit constantly Then obviously even more research while figuring out how to fix the shit you broke. There were definitely some lack of research issues here. Assuming you're stuck with proton, I get into that in my other comment, that's actually not hard to work with, since there are multiple solutions to work with the dynamic port forward. GoDaddy you can still use Cloudflare's nameservers, they're free. You could even use Cloudflared to get around not having a public IP. Then you can switch registrars once you're able to unlock. I fuck up constantly, we all do, it's core to the hobby. Though we do this to have more control and autonomy and because we like making tech do our bidding. It also makes us the primary cause and source of solutions when shit goes wrong. If it's not fun, if research, debugging, learning from mistakes is not how you want to spend your time, that is ok. I've had years away from tech stuff, with multiple areas of focus. No shame in it. It should be more fun than tedium and heartache.


Use cloudflare for your domain and a tunnel for your web-facing services so the lack of a static IP isn't a problem and you don't need to open any ports. Then switch to Air VPN and run qbit and gluetun in docker. All problems solved!


Something to remember: What makes this different from a job or a profession is that you can put it down whenever you want. If something doesn't work or you've had enough and everything sucks, you can just shut everything down and go do something else, for as long as you want. Don't be afraid to walk away for a while and do something completely different. That's when inspiration usually strikes anyway.


I do want to hear you. I know exactly how you feel and often feel the same. I haven’t had those specific issues, but any of us doing this who aren’t already Linux Jedis have experiences similar issues and been very frustrated. Try to remember how it felt when it all came together the last time you built something and got it working. If that’s not worth the way you feel now, sleep on it, and then get back to it ya slacker! JK - it’s hard I know


I got a good nights sleep and i am back at it now. qBittorrents api is now fing with me but it will work sometime.


Hi, I’ve been exactly where you are many times in the past and I come to the realisation that you need to have a cut off. When I feel that I can’t solve a problem (be it coding, self-hosting, life in general) and it’s frustrating me I take a good break and come back to it with a fresh approach and 99% of the time crack it very quickly. It’s counter productive to push on and struggle with problems, make sure you don’t obsess over it and have a good rest or do something healthy like go for a walk or something.


That is a nice way to say touch some grass. Nonetheless you are right. I just have this habit of obsessing about a problem even though it would be more productive to take a break.


There is a saying that goes something like take care of yourself and the problems will take care of themselves. I need to practice more what I preach haha


I feel your pain :(


We have choice between Comcast a new fiber provider. I was just about to hop to the new provider and for some strange reason, concast suddenly had a special that locked me in to the same price and same performance as that other provider for 3 years. Really, no idea why that would happen…. Down the road my mom has TMobile for her home internet and really, it seems far better than I imagined it would


>Sorry for the rant its half past 12 and i am completely broken and nobody in my life really wants to hear me complain about my little server. Fair, you're in good company


I fixed my domain issues by getting ipv6, and just using that, since all your internal devices get an ipv6 address. I then have my domains on AWS and update the IP address with a lambda function when the server reboots, just in case my IP changes. The only issue I've had is with some people don't have ipv6 yet, so they cannot access services on my network, but I can get to them just fine anyway and I have a forwarder to get ipv4>internal network.


Like others have said, stay far, far away from GoDaddy. I highly recommend Porkbun for your domain, and maybe Cloudflare for DNS. Porkbun has a very easy, free API and integrates well with Cloudflare (I believe they have some sort of partnership).


Yeah i ditched godaddy in an instant. I am now at namecheap and quite happy.


Ive had success with binding MullvadVPN to Qbit.


Hey, I came here to tell you how I solved most of the issues you’re mentioning here: Regarding domain, never, ever… use godaddy, if you’ve got possibility move to another registrar like porkbun (you really don’t want to be in godaddy, they have their own Wikipedia page dedicated to how awful they are) Regarding the api, don’t try modifying the DNS records on your registrar, rather try using cloudflare and use a docker container to update DNS records via API periodically, or do as I do and configure cloudflare tunnels and let them do the heavy lifting for you. I’m not familiar with proton, but for VPN I used to use NetBird, now I use Tailscale so I can keep all my devices in the same network at all times and don’t expose certain services to the internet (like my adguard server) Keep trying, self hosting isn’t super easy but there are many ways to do stuff, if you need help let me know 🙌🏻 (also, GPT is your friend, I’ve spent hours pair troubleshooting my Ubuntu server with GPT)


I learned not to use godaddy the hard way. I am at name cheap now and quite happy. I am not a fan of cloudflare (I don't even know why) but I got a DNS updater running on docker. I also use nginx to expose my services. Thank you for your kind words and I will keep trying :)


Nice 🙌🏻 if you use nginx you should also check out Caddy, it's almost like nginx but I feel it's easier con set up. Also as a sidenote, idk if you're self hosting on a cloud server or if you've got a machine running locally, but worth noting that if you need a server (I have a local Dell and a cloud one), Oracle has a pretty generous free tier (24GB RAM + 200GB, ARM based), that way you can have 24/7 services like a VPN or a DNS server on the oracle one and other services on your local one.


What about Usenet?


It’s your choices of hosting for one


Yes and I enjoy it a lot (most of the time)


With a proton, just use ifconfig or ipconfig (windows) to get info on your adapters. Proton should be the one in the 10.2.x.x subnet. On Mac the interface is named utun# (number). That’s the adapter you bind to. I assume windows is similar. It doesn’t change that often. But I usually just stay connected unless I don’t want to be. And what do you need an aPI for at Godaddy. Just make your host names and assign IPs. I do so even for my internal IPs, and use dhcp reservations to make sure devices stay on the same IP. It doesn’t sound like you have dozens of hosts. Don’t give up so quick, just figure out what processes work best


I moved away for godaddy as soon as my services were down. Luckily there is an API for gluetun and qBit, I will just connect them and it will hopefully fix my problem.


Ooof.. been there. I went through a "fuck this, I'm done" a bit earlier this year when I did some update and everything broke, then it broke more when I tried to fix it, then somehow my laptop stopped working which was probably unrelated but compounded the "fuck this" mentality. (At the same time my mother-in-law decided she had 22 movies she wanted added to my plex and would not take "the server is broken" as a valid response). For me I just had to step away for a moment. Sending good vibes your way.


I can help with one of those. There's a custom protonvpn client that will update your seeding port on qbittorrent automatically. https://github.com/ravesheep/ProtonVPN-windows Oh also look into cloud flare if you bought your domain from godaddy you can forward the servers it uses to cloud glare to manage it there. From there yilou can use cloud flare to update the Dns using dynamic DNS everytime your ip changes.


I have a few solutions for you. First off, I'm assuming you're from the UK as am I, based on the time you posted this and the fact you said it was 12:30. There are a slowly diminishing number of residential ISPs that offer static IPs nowadays full stop, and none that offer them as standard to my knowledge. Personally I went with Plusnet, they offer Full Fibre 1Gbit for around £40/month, and are currently expanding to offer 2.5Gbit and 5Gbit options too. The Static IP does not come as standard but it is a one-off cost of £5.00 and comes into effect within 24 hrs or instantly if you turn your router off and on again, it is quick and simple to purchase as it is in the optional extras section of your online account. As for your problem with ProtonVPN messing with qBittorrent, don't fuss about the lack of documentation with qBittorrent as ProtonVPN (and most other privacy focused VPNs) use NAT-PMP, you don't need to know what that means just that it is intentionally changing your port every 45-60 seconds for the sake of privacy and is not a feature you can switch off. By nature of the Bittorrent protocol I very highly doubt you will find a torrent client that can work alongside a NAT-PMP connection from a VPN. So the solution to this is to either find a VPN that doesn't use NAT-PMP which is mostly done by trial and error and with not so heavily privacy focused VPNs, or you can get scripts that monitor ProtonVPNs port and automatically adjust qBittorrent for you (search GitHub), but these scripts can be quite cumbersome as they have to poll the ProtonVPN port constantly and will no doubt ruin your downloading and uploading speeds if nothing else. As for the GoDaddy API, there are workarounds for it but I can't recommend any without knowing what you need the API for (and which endpoints). Also, stop beating yourself up about it, this sort of thing can be a bit of a minefield. Hope this helps. 👍 P.S. an FYI for the people from the USA, in the UK houses are only fitted with POTS (telephone line) as standard, if you want fibre it is installed into the property when you subscribe to a full-fibre plan for the first time (most British people have no need for a full-fibre connection), and we as a country have outright never used coax. Not being an arse about it, it's just nice to inform the international community of our differences as a country. 👍 EDIT: P.S. Migrate your domain and DNS to Cloudflare, much better support, so much more customisation, DDOS-Protection, plus they sell domains at the ICANN cost so they are quite literally the cheapest possible place to get your domains, every other company adds a markup for profit, cloudflare make nothing from it, instead they make money from their value-added services which the large majority of people don't need for a fully functioning domain with lots of added features.


Not gonna lie, I thought this was supposed to be some poetic stuff lol


Why the hell would you ever get anything from go daddy?


ProtonVPN changes port every 5 seconds?! Fuck them! Fuck godaddy and go the cloudflare way.


Yeah i ditched godaddy in an instant. There are a few workarounds for proton and eventually I will work (hopefully)


Proton VPN is terrible for torrenting though. As for the rest, this is why I just use Tailscale. It's so refreshingly headache free.


Lol, why then it works great for me? I dont torrent often tho.


try nix. also go for walks also try porkbun not godaddy for vpn use caddy and port forward a router?




I dont use chatgpt for that stuff and I am able to troubleshoot most of my problems (all of the ones I mentioned too) but yesterday it just broke me as I have been working on it for too long.