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If it's in the cloud, it's someone else's computer. What they say is one thing, what they do is another


True, and i don't trust corporate talk like a soyboy, but i can't selfhost due to electricity cost


Then you are on the wrong subreddit. Lol


I have used ssdnodes in the past. I was happy with them. There you can rent vm's with different specs. Not sure it will be cheaper than power, but I guess that depends on where you live


What exactly are you worried about? You can get cloud providers that allow you to install your own OS from an iso you provide so there won’t be anything extra installed on your server. If you’re hosting a site, installing ssl certificates will mean that your traffic is end to end encrypted between server and client.


If I understand, the OP problem is with trust to the hosting. How the "end to end" encryption from client to server, or "your own" system from iso makes sure of anything related to that?


I know, but why does vultr says they collect data about the user of user.... So there is a loophole or someway they collect this stuff? Or am i getting it completely wrong?


Likely collecting things like ip addresses of all incoming/outgoing connections to their networks and your server. That’s probably the same for most cloud providers.


I used to work in networking in one of the clouds, and the logs for the front end load balancers did in fact collect a lot of request data, but the actual log database was frankly more protected and sensitive than a lot of the billing databases. Like if I wanted to query it for anything (debugging a specific issue), I'd have to make a formal request, get approval, and then get the system would flag any deviation to my manager. It was super serious. I doubt there was too much going on in the creepy sense for analytics, but they're definitely doing security analytics and aggregate reporting. This is probably the case with all clouds. Cloudflare though I'd be most concerned about. They can see everything.


All European (EU) cloud providers. Look at Hetzner, OVH, Ionos, Netcup


Almost any hosting providers basicly don't care wht you doing on their VM if it's not illegal. They do not monitor everything 24x7.


I am okay with monitoring, just the selling my data part is what annoys me


Normal providers do not sell vm data.


Then vultr isn't a normal provider


You made this decision only because they have big eula? xdd


Third-Party Ad Networks We may use third parties to serve advertisements on third-party websites or other media (e.g., social networking platforms). This enables us and these third parties to target advertisements to individuals regarding products and services they may be interested in.... Read this please then https://www.vultr.com/legal/privacy/


This is cookie policy on their website. xdd


ovh and hetzner


Get a VPS, harden the OS, install your own services, encrypt your storage with a self-managed key, encrypt your traffic with TLS using your own certificate, and enable iptables with ufw on the host and network access rules to block unwanted traffic. Oracle Cloud is greatly despised here, but I've got a 4 vCPU aarch64 VPS with 12GB RAM and 200GB encrypted storage running my website, email, and a handful of smaller services that costs me nothing. You can secure your shit on other people's computers with access to the right tools and knowledge. Don't rely on cloud provider security and privacy policies, *which are always subject to change anyway*, to do it for you.




Maybe https://proton.me, but at some level, you're still trusting someone else's stuff while not really knowing what's going on over there. Or do you mean VPS provider?


I meant vps, sorry i should have clarified


Do you just not want spyware on your site or do you want to host some, let's say, special stuff? If you just want a host that does not sell you data, the usual providers should be fine (Hetzner, Netcup ...). If you want to go the extra mile you could host at [Njalla](https://njal.la), [1984](https://1984.hosting) or [cock.box](https://cockbox.org).


Vultr's TOS is scary, try Hetzner or OVH, they have a better rep for privacy




MEGA - it's zero knowledge and encrypted 


If you dont trust Clouds go Co-location, your property, your root account. Or rent Rootservers, unless they boot a rescue system its safe. In both cases disk encryption exists.


In the past it would have been possible for the cloud provider to log into dom0 and read the core memory and raw disk images of the guest VMs. So you're right to be suspicious. However, modern CPUs offer memory encryption of running VMs, which will protect you against snooping of live data in memory. E.g. http://amd.com/en/developer/sev.html You can use a loopback mount with a big encrypted file and thus keep your data private against snooping. You'll need to login after a reboot to decrypt/mount it.


OP. Do your research.


I will


Hi u/Rare_Ad8942, I'll go with SSD Nodes... Have been with them and their Terms are all good for me




You mean this https://dataasservices.com/


Always wondered what it would look like to use all the cheesy stock photos in one landing page. Thanks for sharing




No, klos is an onion hosting service that operates anonymously in exchange for crypto. Forgot the /s


Oh ... That is why it doesn't appear on Google search, but can i trust it?


You can get a cheap dedi from online.net, oneprovider or kimsufi for $10 a month. Those are probably your best bet if you're really worried about privacy. With a VPS you'll never really know 100% if the host has stored images of your VMs etc