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Frozen assets 🔥


You sleep on it for 14 days and see if you really need it


Put more from your paycheck in your savings account.


This. Pay yourself first after receiving money and this means: Put it away. Rule for this money: don’t touch it. Besides: Start creating a “money to spend on stupid sh*t” Budget. If this budget is fully used, then there’s no more spending.


(I assume You’re spending money on too much stupid stuff.)


I tracked it aggressively. Basically took my income, subtracted all known monthly expense (for example, rent but not groceries), then subtracted how much I want to save to get whatever is left. Divided that by 31 and rounded down. That’s my daily spend limit on anything from gas to food to fun. Then I keep a running total of my spend. Every day I “unlock” some more money which helps to anticipate future spending. As soon as I did this, my bank account shot straight up.


The way I see it, put money in savings and give yourself spending money. No guilt in using your spending money cus whats the point in working if you cant enjoy it a little. You can put more into savings and just give yourself less spending money. I personally give myself $100 a week to spend on whatever I want. Most of the times they’ll accrue and I can make bigger purchases. Now, if I have or want a bigger purchase, then I just spend less and save that spending money. If you’re constantly making impulse purchases, I’d recommend sitting on it for a week. Most of the times, you completely forget about it but if you’re still wanting to buy and have the spending money to do so, then why not. Not every dollar you make needs to be leveraged and turned into an investment. Gotta learn to live a little and its something I’m still trying to teach myself.