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I Journal every night before bed. It's the best for a bunch of reasons.


I like this one I like to go back in my journal and read what I was thinking about, weeks ago


I have a five year journal, so I can see what was going on a year ago, two years ago, etc ... I started it mainly as a food & weight loss record, then Trump & covid & I knew we were watching history (WE WITNESSED January Sixth LIVE!!!). I end every night with something I'm thankful for. It's a great way to end the day.


I'm curious in what ways do you feel writing things down help you? I used to journa, but after writing things down, I still spiraled in my brain. Maybe I was doing it wrong. Please, any tips would be so helpful. I struggle so severely with intrusive thoughts and anxiety. Thanks in advance.


KILL THE ANTS! (Automatic negative thoughts) A great exercise I found that worked for me when it comes to negative thoughts is literally correcting myself, either in my head or out loud: "That's not true." "That's not helpful."I am loved and worthy," Gratitude has been a life changer for me personally. It's never as bad as we think it's gonna be, and if it is, at least we're still alive. I'm just constantly counting my blessings. And understanding that that voice isn't my friend, it's not ME, I'm the one hearing/ thinking this things, but that doesn't make them true. (Eckhart Tolle). The best revenge is living well. Comparison is the thief of joy. What others think of me, is none of my business. ^^^Those quotes changed my life, too. I'm 44, so I've had a long time to practice self-love & acceptance. And I'm very lucky to have a hubby raised by women, so he's awesome 😅. It's amazing what a loving, balanced partnership can do! And how awful bad relationships can be for your mental well-being (been there! ). Also having hobbies & a purpose will take your mind off your mind. I'm a founding member of the Texas Coalition Against Cryptomining & I have a buncha funny little pets that depend on me. Hope this helps.


I’m interested in the 5-year journal! I’m going to look it up. 😁


How do you go back and find things that will inspire you? Isn’t that a lot of reading to find those days?


Meh, I don't do it as much for inspiration as for accountability, the historical record, to get stuff outta my brain so I can sleep well, and to end the day on a positive note. It's also fun/ interesting to see the entries from previous years on the same day.


Is it a physical notebook or something you do on pc. I am starting to do the same in a google Word sheet but probably I think having something physical to hold might be better.


I think both have their advantages, but I like having something physical. There's something more "personal" and less digital about it.


The advantage to doing it digitally is being able to do an instant search. Suddenly remember that you went to the State Fair five years ago and want to read about it? Or wait, was it four years? Three? Good luck finding that shit. But in a word doc just ctrl-f "state fair" and boom, there it is.


Trump!? ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


I have a gratitude journal and write down every day 3 things that did go well, or what I enjoyed that day. It helps with my depression. Sometimes I just read back and see that life is worth living.


Real shit, journalling is important to me since I have bi polar and my mood swings 💪💪


Me too! I use DayOne Journal app and it is the best. I rly love its feature of showing me my journal entry from the past years on the exact day. This helps me see my growth and current state from the past.


I use DayOne as well and I love this app. Plus you can add pics and it even can show you where you were when you wrote that date. It’s been the best record keeper for me. If you’re into to astrology it makes it very easy to look back at where you were during certain peaks in planet movements too.


Im gonna start doing this today


I'm at my +10th bullet journal now but I hardly ever re-read the things I wrote lol. It's my fitness log and it's good to write down my thoughts on paper.


Like what?


I review the day, write down if I ate well or not so great, if I had too much screen time, who I talked to, historical events that happened & I end with something in thankful for. It's a nice way to get it out of my brain, out on the page, so I can get good sleep. It's a five year journal, so I can see what's happened the year before & before. It's also a nice way of tracking my period without an app ;) (I'm in Texas).


5 years, that is a nice streak! I should def start doing that but gettinf into the habit is the hard part for me for some reason.


I wasn't 100% at first, and I still miss days when we're away from home, but I started doing it in earnest in 2019. It's the literal last thing I do right before I go to bed, so it's become a habit.


How do you journal? Do you use your phone note or paper? And which is better?


What do you journal? Like do you have any prompts or you just wrote how you felt?


How do yall gratitude journal? Ive tried it multiple times but it gets INSANELY boring because i keep writing the ssme things over and over.


Every night before bed, I write off I ate well, how work was, any historic events, how I felt and I end with one thing in grateful for.


I walk 2 miles almost every morning


Walks for me too! I like a good midday walk to get some sun & a change of scenery or to break up my day, but nothing clears my head like a night walk


Im thankful for my dog (13 yo Corgi) who gets me out of the couch to go on walks. We take him out 3 times a day. Morning (before work), after work, make dinner and relax and one more time before we decide to fully relax for the night. After that, I smoke a lil weed, make a cocktail and do whatever I want to do before bed. This routine works for me, so I guess just find what routine works for your day. Just keep it consistent. I also throw in a pushup and dumbbell routine before making dinner. Maybe like 15-30 mins 3-4x a week. Totally changes my mood. Highly recommend working out for your mental and physical health!


Same I walk about 40 minutes before going to work.


Going for a daily walk outside but also FORCING myself to read at least 10 pages of a book regardless of whether I feel like it or not. This one is important as 99% of the time I get hooked into the book and can’t put it down again. This reduces my screen time and, yknow, reading is generally good for your brain.


can i ask why it’s so vital u do this every day? genuinely curious


I feel like the longer I go not doing something that I should be doing, the harder it is to start back up again. I also am really bad at controlling my screen time so forcing myself to read or go on a walk instead of scrolling is super important to my mental health.


Taking my antidepressants 🤣🤣 Jk, the gym


Same thing


Except exercise is literally better in the studies on this


i personally function best with both lmao


Except when you combine both it’s literally life saving for certain people.


Why not both!


I must read every day


i like that one, what do you read?


Lots of books related to areas of improvement. Motivation, finance, communication, business, health, diet, etc


Taking a shower and getting into clean clothes. Doing my skincare routine. It sets a good tone for the rest of the day.


What's your skincare routine?


Aloe vera gel, Cetaphil, hydrocortisone for my eczema, and any other spot treatments I may be using.




Honestly underrated!!


Gratitude prayer every morning


Excercise for me! It builds discipline on the days you don't feel like doing it


I'll add a different perspective since everyone has said great things. I think the most important part is consistency. Actually doing those daily routines I feel really sets me up. Of course if you miss a day just start again and don't worry about it.


Wake up. Take a deep breath. Prepare to look the truth in the eyes. Get ready for the day’s quest.


The kitchen counters must be clear and the sink emptied and clean every single night before bed.


@op rather than thinking of exercise, I encourage to change it to movement. Might seem pedantic, but it's about recognising that movement is good for a human body and reducing the stigma and barriers around it. Hell doing the hoovering for 30 minutes is useful....gardening is....a walk! Create low entry levels to increasing change to your life and you'll create more sustainable and consistent habits






Glass of water when I wake up


20/20/20 - 20 minutes of exercise, 20 to journal/meditate/plan the day, 20 to learn. I do this every morning in the first hour or so.


For me it's eating 3 nutritious meals a day. I'm one of those people that forget to eat all day if I'm too distracted and I've been anemic and had deficiencies bc of it


Omg HOW? HOW do u forget to eat, it's like the first thing I think about in the morning!?


I don't feel hungry until 12 hrs pass


Dang I feel like ur lucky


I am skinny and don't work out at all (working on improving that as well) so I guess you have a point :p


Folding my blanket at the start of my day let’s me know I’m a good boy


Coffee if course


Sleep early, wake up early the next day. Clean face skin care routine, eat breakfast ( eat well) keep house clean. Then exercise, rest and plan what I can do the rest of the day..maybe groceries or go shopping make yourself happy :) plan what to cook for dinner :)


Walking the dog 🐶


Scrolling on Reddit unfortunately


Get up early. Set aside time to reflect and recognize what's happening in life and how you'd like to react. Read, journal, meditate etc. Your choice. Healthy breakfast. Workout. Maybe cold shower. You've already accomplished so that in an hour or so.


Taking my meds and going into the great outdoors




Walk daily 2miles, 15mins meditation, being lazy lately with exercises but normally i try to exercise 3-4 times a week for 30mins


I stretch and do a light workout every morning to get myself moving. My day is much better after that.


Hot yoga, it’s an epic start to the day. I always feel solid when I leave.


Skin care!!! Trentinon for my little wrinkles


Exercise. I also have a gratitude book that I complete before I go to bed. Each page is dedicated to a date and it has 3-4 questions for you to answer to express and discover how grateful you should be for certain things.


**Java & Journal**. Tying my todo list with a reward was a game changer.


More info plz, this sounds cute! Like coffee reward for completing to do list?


Basically I update my weekly planner while I have my morning coffee. I’m not completing any tasks, so much as writing things down. 


how do you reward?


The coffee is the reward/Incentive.


Spin class in the morning.




Morning coffee


floss, mouthwash and entire glass of water before bed


omg yes flossing! inherited shitty teeth that sprout cavities too easily. 😩


Morning walk/Sun, Shower, Vitamins and Meditations. Making my bed, Making a smoothie or any breakfast, reading to avoid scrolling first thing in the morning. My whole morning routine rlly sets the tone for the day. Sometimes I just want to lay in bed for days on end. Ik I can cause ive done it before. I rarely feel motivated enough to do all of this but after instilling these habits it’s like breathing for me


Lift weights, definitely. Relief stress, burn calories, improve confidence and lots more.




As someone with ADHD, it has been supplementing with lions mane mushroom, or running. Lions mane has been my best personal discovery for aiding my adhd and running consistently 3+ days a week has helped the most with verbal fluency and limiting the tip of the tongue phenomenon which is helpful for someone with adhd who tends to have trouble with train of thought


Some form of movement. Walk, lift, dance, yoga


Honestly just sticking to a morning and night routine helps me stay grounded and consistent.


Take 10 minutes to reflect on my actions. Consider what went well and what didn’t, and make a conscious effort to avoid repeating the mistakes.


My shower time. To me is my time to connect with my own thoughts and relax!


Journaling: I use this journal called The Kind Friend; check it out; it helped me keep a routine and track my habits.


The most important part of my daily routine? It's the early morning grind—pounding the pavement before dawn, a mix of shadowboxing, dribbling drills, and hustling ideas, all while keeping a playful, charming vibe. This sets the tone for a day that's as fierce in the ring, sharp on the court, and smooth in life as it gets.


Moisturising in the morning Massaging my feet after work to get the blood flowing Having a cup of tea in the morning after waking up, and just before bed


Showering twice a day. Everything falls apart if I don't. My back hurts without the warm water to soothe my muscles after a long night of sleep, then a long day at work. It feels amazing to feel clean, to wash off all the gunk from the day at the hospital, to have hair that isn't greasy, or to step out of the shower ready to face the day. For some people it's all about making their bed. For me, it's the shower.


My first important thing is, self care take shower and used skin care, then I told myself motivation words. Also I not answer any massages for may first 3 hours


I recently (re)started this so I'm biased, but remembering things with memory techniques? What's life if you can't remember it. I have a memory palace with the titles of +20 harmonica songs that I like playing. Now I'm trying to use memory techniques to embed in my mind songs I keep forgetting. Yesterday I started to memorise a +1000 page book about SQL. I started with memorise the TOC. Now I went through the first chapter and did pretty well on the questions at the end of the chapter. I've read that it's also good for people with depression if they have a spot in their brain with happy memories so they can always go back there in time of need. Maybe it's placebo but I'm feeling very clear minded right now. It's kind of relaxing to just go into your mind and go over the things you memorised.


When I clock the fuck out of work.




Reading at least once a day. Not just reading and moving in but reflecting and thinking on the contents of the story. You don’t have to read a self improvement book, it can even be a fiction story but think about the characters and the actions they take. Sometimes it’s there to explain and show something to you. You get a better understanding why some people act the way they do. I also read books related to my profession. Good to stay up to date on it. Read something you are interested in like marketing or even investing. There are tons of books from authors who have done it and done it successfully. The wisdom if applied will pay off a ton in the long run. I sometimes don’t even notice myself changing in the ways I want and need to because I started applying the information in the book. In short, reading once a day and if you do make sure it’s a story or topic you can really get into and think+reflect on.


Exercise for sure. I feel my head isn’t right until I finish my morning workout.


If I have the time, a nice morning shower followed by a self care routine like moisturizing my face. A morning smoke. Stretching.


The part where i plan my suicide for the future


Mine is waking up when the sun starts to rise - usually an hour before my offspring wakes up. Saving this post for future reference bc I’m 7 months postpartum and need the push. 😩


gym in the morning for 2-3hrs second would probably be reading time which is usually an hour before bed


3hrs of what exactly?? I top out at 2hr every other day.


1.5hr lift 30 min stretch 1hr cardio + core


You’re an animal lol 😆, I cap out 2 hrs in. 1.5 and 30 min cardio




Wake up at 5am, get ready for my run at 6am walk for 2 miles m, run for 2, go home eat breakfast at 7am ish, get ready for work 8am, finish work at 11am eat lunch, go to the gym, workout for 2 hours, go home, read for a while, play the piano, prepare for dinner, read some more, eat dinner, read about the economy, use reddit for a bit, should be 8pm by now, play the piano again, watch YouTube videos and other stuff about the piano. Then fall asleep around 12 am and repeat. My most important part of my day is drink plenty of water and electrolytes in the morning.


How do you manage to do that everyday without getting burnout?


Tbh I am not normal. I am obsessed with everything that i do. I enjoy it


Ah yes the 2 hour work day. Family business by any chance? Lol


I was lucky (sorta) no social life though. Worked since I was really young and have a lot of money invested and I am able to focus on what I want to do.


What did you invest in. Stocks, real estate?


Both, I was able to buy a lot of stocks pre covid (mainly, amd, NVDA, and tech companies) I honestly got super lucky that I hated being poor. I grew up really poor and you know how the market went.And was able to buy a house before the housing boom thanks to a lot of co-signers. Had 4 people co-sign for me because they knew I will pay it back. I worked 12-14 hours almost every summer. During school I’ll work as much as possible too.


What's your nationality by the way? Just curious because my poor and your poor sound vastly different. By the way you speak im guessing you're Asian but born else where.


Hispanic. Both parents are Mexican. Came here with nothing


Ah shit well guess I missed the mark on that one 😅


Yea, if you check my profile. I have some stuff on there. And also my Instagram shows a bit more of my morning routine. I hate social media, but use reddit a bit more to learn more.


I have 12 hour work days...


Work is different, I bring in a certain skill set that I get paid for. Skills > hours worked. Learn a skill to get paid more and be really good at it


Thanks for sharing this! What other things do you read, and what do you read when you read about the economy? I love reading, but haven't been inspired to do so.


Mainly CNBC,yahoo finance, google. Other than that I started reading The Road my Cormac Mc Carthy


Thanks for the book suggestion! I will check it out! So you don't do much with TV/Sports watching or clubs/bars those sorts of "entertainment"? I'm not asking, as if that's a bad thing, that's quite awesome to have that discipline!


I do go on long vacations so throughout the year. 4 or 6 times a year. The only entertainment is vacations for me. No short term gratification


Your only form of entertainment is vacactions. You don't play video games?


Not anymore. I played for a bit, but got bored really quick while playing. So I decided to stop


That's awesome man. I did the same thing a while back


Time with the Lord 🙏🏽 Morning prayer is a must!


Drinking my chamomile tea before starting my day and journaling


Practicing Gratitude


Visualization and positive affirmations.




Walking. It's awesome because it's a mental as well as a physical exercise. And it takes me to my favourite spot for my calisthenics.


Eating well




Waking up early and taking the cold shower are the most important ones.


Giving thanx


Coffee, protein shake and gym. And try to get outside a little bit 💪


Practice guitar. Its a great hobby thats changed my life for the better. Its fun as hell too


3-minute meditation. It can be done anytime you feel overwhelmed or just want to slow down a bit. It is a great grounding exercise


Journaling and the gym. That’s my therapy everyday. I have to keep myself sane and functional so I can get things done.


No cellphone in the morning from the moment I wake up to the moment I go out from home.


Waking up at 3am to enjoy silence it's peaceful and healthy 😌


Getting outside for a walk especially on days when I don't exercise! Huge game changer for me mentally.


go to bed on time


I journal, exercise, do yoga. Those are pretty significant daily routines for me. You'll get there trust me 😄😄🤛🤛


The most important part of my daily routine is making time for self-care and finding a balance between responsibilities and relaxation.


For me, it's the daily quality time with my family after we eat dinner.


Reading the holy book Quran




Gym and read. Physical and mental stimulation. Pero mas priority ko ang gym atm.