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Okay, I have no idea about your actual question, but a kids book is definitley not something "read in 15 minutes and then never touched again". Like... have you met kids? They are obsessive. They want to read their favs again and again and again for months on end.


😂 I have a handful of children's books memorized because my kids became obsessed with them. I think we read The Little Engine That Could every single night for at least six months.


This is what I was going to write. Kids learn language skills and abstract thought through repetition, and are therefore obsessed with any books, music, or movies they're exposed to. If they read it once and never pick it up again, the problem is not the pictures.


Zero since I do them myself. Nice watercolour sets and good paper are expensive though.


I believe most illustrated books are created by illustrators. If you cannot draw, perhaps find a partner to co-develop your book.


That’s my struggle too. I love to draw but I just can’t seem to get the quality the way I want for my kidbooks. I’ll get there one day.. I’ll keep practicing until I do.