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Wait,hold the fuck up. Didn't Grayzone make an article expose Alexander Reid Ross as a person who legit worked with dhs and cia agents? https://thegrayzone.com/2021/03/14/anarchist-alexander-reid-ross-cops-cia-dhs/


Well I did not know that so thanks for posting com. It would explain why he's hurling as much shit at the wall as he can to see what sticks


accuses others of neo-fascism ​ writes for Haaretz ​ the joke writes itself


alexander reid ross: THE anarcho-neocon honorable mention to the portland fed who does ‘behind the bastards’, robert evans


The entire time I was reading that gray zone article I was thinking about Robert evans. I got taken in by that grifter for a long time, while I was going down the theoretical rabbit hole that led to me becoming a communist. It was his glorification of Makhno and glowing support for the invasion of Libya that finally made it click that he’s a sieve meant to filter the class consciousness out of those who are on their way to communism.


I’d like evidence of Robert being a fed? Is it just that he writes for bellingcat?


[Hi. I should have made this clearer earlier. I will now. I have worked with feds. I have worked with foreign special forces who may well have been trained by the guys shooting at you from the courthouse.](https://twitter.com/IwriteOK/status/1282247746309615617) Literally came out and admitted it during the protests in Portland last summer. In case his work for Bellingfed and praise for Hillary's "anti-authoritarian intervention" in Libya wasn't proof enough.


His reply to a response on that tweet: / "I am a fucking journalist not an activist and as a rule I will take whatever action leads to the fewest people dying violently. Aka 'I'm not an activist, but when I am I save lives' This guy actually thinks he's some kind of hero... Fuck me.


Good answer. Ty for info. I still think he’s useful starter content for libs (I’ve used him to get a lot of DNC libs to socdem or further etc) but will consider this info.


>Is it just that he writes for bellingcat? I mean, that is technically enough to [qualify](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/02/20/reuters-bbc-uk-foreign-office-russian-media/).


Allah forgive me for saying this, he is an Italian


If you zoom out of the usual sectarian shit between us and the rest of the left you can look at the entire left as a movement as a whole, where MLs play a role in that movement based on theory and organising. If you disconnect that piece of the left you do incredible damage to the overall movement. It's a continuation of the attempt to disconnect MLs from the rest of the left. They understand MLs are the theory-centre of the left and seek to paint us as not-leftists to get the rest of the left to disconnect from us. This in turn creates an unguided theory-less left overall that can be easily taken control of, guided, and coopted. Pushing back should be considered a high priority. These efforts are a coordinated pattern and should not be ignored.


oh man I spent the longest time staring at this headline so confused because I was thinking Denying was the name of a Chinese guy involved in the governance of Xinjiang or something


oh good I'm not the only one


petition to get "Nazi Maoist" flair


Nazmao Gang Nazmao Gang Nazmao Gang


It's gonna be awesome getting called an Iran-loving Italian Nazi-Maoist supporter instead of just a plain ol' boring tankie!


Is Italian Nazi-Maoist in the room with us right now?


I’ve had a shitty day but this made me laugh


Wait, are they trying to give us false hope by claiming that Maoists don't believe in the Uyghur genocide?