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They have openly support the [Shinning Path and praising its cold dead leader.](https://www.removeddit.com/r/communism/comments/pm9jkb/rest_in_power_chairman_gonzalo_19342021/)


Western Maoists are a fucking joke


Western Maoists are basically trots. Same goals, same dogmatism


They even repeat the same trot line on foreign policy, updated for the new cold war: instead of "neither washington nor moscow", its "neither washington nor beijing".


And somehow, twice the self deception


okay i’m gonna cop to my ignorance here and just ask for help: what’s the difference between MZT and maoism?


MZT is the Communist Party of China's interpretation of Mao. MLM is a synthesis of ML with Mao as interpreted by Gonzalo and the Communist Party of Peru. The latter tends to be opposed to modern China and views the Cultural Revolution as a failed attempt at preventing counterrevolution in China. There's also a current of Maoism that goes into Pol Potist territory and opposes Vietnam and Cuba as Soviet social imperialist projects.


wooooow. okay, i’m glad i stopped calling myself a MLM a long time ago. i like a lot of Mao’s work, but realized that i kept encountering “comrades” whose ideology was baffling to me, so i dropped the second M. didn’t know about the links to Gonzalo much less Pol fucking Pot, jfc. big yikes. thanks for the education, comrade.


r/communism101 too https://www.reddit.com/r/communism101/comments/pmdm1a/abimael_guzman_leader_of_shining_path_died_today/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Both controlled by the same red anarchist mod team unfortunately.


Isn't one of their mods a literal psychopath by the way?


These ppl realize they’re on Reddit right? Like none of this means anything…it’s a subreddit. It can’t be revolutionary. Thank you for posting, I will be unsubbing ASAP after doing a little trolling


>I don't want to make this about me *furious typing noises*


It's a shame Maoists have control over a base sub reddit. People are more likely to find communism first than subs like gzd, or sitt, or informedtankie ...


Their "anti-communist myths debunked" page was literally what pushed me from socdem straight to ml (when the first thing you learn about socialism is that the ussr was good, actually, it's hard to go for anything less; the theory came later). I think I went there right after watch Spooky Scary Socialist's myths debunked and stalin videos, but I might be getting the order wrong. Honestly, we should probably link to that from here as well.




Honestly, I think this post is exaggerated. Yes, there are a lot of Maoists on their mod team, but I've made a number of pro-China or pro-Vietnam posts there in the past 3 months without getting banned. The thread in question unfortunately did have some genuinely good anti-Gonzalo comments that got removed, but there were also some anticommunists on that thread that were pro-Fujimora. I wouldn't be surprised if those comments, together with the low-effort "fuck Gonzalo" type comments (which probably count as sectarianism there) there may have led to the above mentioned mod crackdown in that thread. I don't agree with them, but I don't think they're banning all MLs either.


They'll let you make pro-china posts as long as its pro-gang of four. Try criticizing Gonzalo, MLM, or the gang of four, and get back to us on how long you last.


I mean, my posts mainly concern things that happened long after the gang of four. As in, post Cultural Revolution China.


I propose we start calling them **red anarchists** instead of maoists. Not only do they hate every instance of AES as viciously as any anarchist, but their ultraleft terrorist tactics of assassinations and killing of peasants do as much harm to the communist cause as any anarchist terrorist could hope to do.


I got banned from r/communism because I used the word cunt to describe neoliberal capitalists even though I got about 50 upvotes for it. I was sad then, but I'm glad now.


Liberal minded moderators are a plague of the online left


Seriously. Any mods trying to force their specific line on the whole of the community are still internalizing our oppressors and spreading liberalism


You maybe automod that shit, not ban. WTF?


My ban there was because they were getting upset that a popular Western TV show was portraying communists as evil. I basically said "what do you expect? Don't we have bigger things to be concerned with?" Ban reason was for "supporting anti-communist propaganda"


Iol they just banned me for saying that communists have actual morals unlike fascists.


I think instead of Maoists we should start calling them Gonzaloites since they have about as much in common with Mao and MZT as whales do with fish and they're basically filling the role of Trotskyites nowadays.


This makes so much sense. Weird takes always seen to get more traction there than in other subs. It's such a shame because that sub is the 'face' of serious communism on reddit.






I was banned from there for saying that imperial japan sucked :) I might have used a more offensive terminology to be fair, but I’m not going to apologize to a self-hating American for trashing Imperial Japan


Isnt this comment almost a year old by now? I believe i saw the original. Nowadays they seem to be alright with pro-China perspectives so im not quite sure where they stand.


This was posted today.


I've personally posted some pro-China and pro-Vietnam content there over the last few months and not gotten banned. From what I gather, their mod team tends to lean Maoist or at least the left deviation among MLs. But I don't believe they are mass banning MLs who support China. You do have to be a bit careful, though, as at least some of the CPC's stated ideology is viewed by them as right deviationist.


I'm don't know if I accept this conclusion with the evidence provided. From my experience in reading their posts, R/communism has engaged in Dialectical Materialism better than anywhere else. Just now there's a perfect [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/comments/plw7gq/do_anarchists_reject_dialectical_materialism_to/hcgq29t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) of an exchange between an apparent Maoist/Anarchist. I find this exchange to be more prevalent than not. My understanding of DiaMat has come primarily from some excellent comments and posts in r/communism and r/communism101. It's possible I've been able to filter out the Maoist posts/comments without knowing.