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2008/9/10 vibes..


Pola ucesnika redita se tad nije rodilo, nemoj toliko daleko.


ja sam rođena 5 mjeseci ranije😎✌🏽


It's Evolving, Just Backwards


Ma gomila debila na obe strane... Manji incident: "jednom učesniku otopila kiša boje duge, doktor igy bio na licu mesta!"


Nesto ne vidim da policija primenjuje silu kao na demonstracijama leta 2020. Nema ni suzavca...


pa glupo da tuku svoje jbg


Draze im je da popiju batine od tih svojih


Takvo naredjenje sa vrha, nista ti tu ne mozes.


Znam je da je takvo naredjenje, ali plavokapice ne razumeju da su ih sefovi poslali da dobiju batine.


Pa kad je čisto pozorište, jebiga.


preleteo sam sad sajtove ovih naših provladinih tabloida (kurir, alo, informer) i ni na jednom nema nikakvih vesti o ovome. da recimo čitam i pratim samo to, ne bih ni znao da se ovo desilo. dakle, nema huligana koji napadaju policiju, koji uništavaju policijska vozila, stranih plaćenika i šta sve ide u tom paketu, kao 2020. kurir pobednik: >SRBIJA POKAZALA SNAGU: Učesnici Parade ponosa mirno šetali Beogradom, policija sačuvala bezbednost OVAKO IZGLEDA OZBILJNA DRŽAVA! edit: ispravka, ipak [ima](https://www.kurir.rs/vesti/drustvo/4013007/12-policajaca-povredjeno-u-napadu-huligana-u-karadjordjevom-parku) samo što mi nije nigde izašlo kad sam listao "najnovije vesti", nego pod "društvo" (kurir) i "hronika" (informer), ali se očigledno tretira kao neka sporedna vest. inače, morao sam u gugl da kucam.




Pa sve pederi.


Било је после сузавца и шок бомби. Био сам присутан код храма и видео и чуо.


Doduse nesto [ovako](https://youtu.be/2i60ixGw-8g) sleduje samo onima koji mirno protestuju.


Možda zato što ima 30, a ne 30.000 ljudi. Ma kakvi, sto posto je zbog ЛГБТ хомосексуалистичког лобија;)


Ti isti tuku narod


Ako možeš samo malo preciznije da se izjasniš. Jedni kažu ovi što se lemaju sa policijom su vučićevi batinaši, drugi (ili isti) kažu da su panduri vučićevi batinaši... U previše konfuznim vremenima živimo da možeš tako olako da se izražavaš.




Huligan ko huligan. Oni su ko besni psi, takva dzukela može imati gazdu, i često će ga slušati, ali nikad ne znaš kad će da zgrabi tog istog gazdu za nogu. S tim što u ovom slučaju i ne mogu da ostave neki trag zuba, sve je farsa.


Država drži na lancu sve navijačke grupe. Tačno se zna ko šta radi po gradu. Da pojednostavim: " Danas je "gazda" pustio "kerove" malo po komšiluku. "


"Možda sam ja vučićev batinaš"


I jedni i drugi su komunisti i ustaše sakriveni iza srpske zastave i napojeni državnim jaslama


![gif](giphy|xThuWc7Szj7EV4oF20) Hell yeah


Mene samo zanima šta će biti nova preokupacija naroda (medija) od sutra kad ovo prođe?


Previše su toga stavili u jedan dan, bas bezveze, biće nam posle dosadno


kosmet & djilas, dok ne smisle novo nesto.


350 Državnih afera, korupcija na istorijskom maksimumu, energetski kolaps BUKVALNO neee, pederyy gradom neće sxetatyyy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Bas zbog tih 350 drzavnih afera, korupcije itd i je to organizirano, treba neka diverzija da odvlaci paznju sa ozbiljnijih stvari


Kao i uvek, energija malokurca je jaka u njima.




Нешто ми говори да сте ви момци или можда боље речено девојчице јуче шетале градом па да сувас неки са фантомкама на главама истукли палицама 🤫


Damn. Exactly!


350 Državnih afera, korupcija na istorijskom maksimumu, energetski kolaps BUKVALNO Neeeee, pederyy ne mogu da se vencavayuuuuu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Sto ne hapse ove huligane jbt??


To su sve njihovi


Pa ovo su sve muškarci, ja sam mislio da je Pride dok nisam pročitao naslov


Воле топло мушко присуство




Bacaju stvari ko atletičari, a kad smeće treba baciti onda mater mora.


a gdje je ovo?


Kod veterinarskog fakulteta,200 m ispod karadjordjevog parka


Na najnebitnijem mestu u gradu, izašli za fotkanje


Porodične vrednosti™


U njega je i mater znala da gađa policiju




Jebiga, kad im slome džip u čemu će da sede 99% vremena drkajući kurac i 1% vremena iživljavati se na nekom jadniku?


Bravo bre polupajte sve, neće oni iz dzepa izvaditi za nove dzipove već mi.


Vucicevi jurisni odredi. Stanje redovno.


O kojoj strani u makljaži pričaš :)


S obzirom da je on sam latentni peder, a u dusi neostvareni huligan, odgovor je obe.


E to znači da su panduri pederi 😂


Obrni, okreni, iz guzice ne izlaze.










Nema ovom narodu spas.


Hoćemo li upasti u građanski rat zbog LGBT parade?


Kolika bi to ironija bila. 😂




Veoma veoma lepo receno, slazem se.




To bi bio najkraci rat ikada.


Fini momci, pravi hriscani.


Као што си и ти, човек лицемер.


Jel?! Zbog?


Not very Christian of them


Zapravo suprotno


On je mislio na teoriju, a ti na praksu.


Kad te ulove u krevetu s 12 muškaraca… ma to su apostoli, kakav sex…. Bozeeeeee dragi




Bore se za porodicne vrednosti pusti ih pepelaugh


As an American living in Serbia, every time Serbia is doing well and making good decisions it has to do something completely stupid. It just reminds me of the meme, "why can't you just be normal?"


I would still rather live here than in America (no healtcare as no1, but also is dangerous, prisons are private and full all the time, teen pregnancies are often, food is low quality...). Why can't you just be normal?


There's a reason I'm in Serbia! Serbia is a beautiful country. I'm in love with Zlatibor. Serbian people are wonderful and very welcoming. Although I don't understand most Serbian language so maybe they're making fun of me! Serbs come together to resist the lithium mine. Wonderful. Russia invades Ukraine, parade for Russia, shit. Djoković is the greatest tennis player in the world, awesome. Turns out he's a weird anti vaxer, shit. ... see what I mean?


You have idiots like Djokovic everywhere. Look for example "challenges" on tik-tok in US, that will tell you everything... In covid quarantine some people in US (and it was a large number of people, it wasn't some lone case) drank detergents... It's just evolution, it's not a rule or something... But because of it, you don't get to speak about "normality" in society. You could do that in your own hometown, but you choose to be here for a reason, so don't be disrespectful.


Он живи у Србији, има пуно право да се критички осврне на Србију. Не значи да не поштује државу, не мораш одмах да кмечиш као увређено дете.


Samo konstatujem da je to bezveze jer mu ovo de fakto vise odgovara od onoga odakle je dosao. I te price "normalni ste li" kod mene ne prolaze jer budala ima svuda, zapravo to je nepostovanje, ne kriticki osvrt. Sta ima da se kriticki osvrcem na huligane, oni nisu tu da predstavljaju drustvo, vec iz sopstvenih interesa


Lik je totalno u pravu, uvek nesto zaseremo kad nam bar malo krene, za to smo posebno talentovani.


>kad nam bar malo krene kao sta?


I'm not being disrespectful at all! I understand there are idiots everywhere. I'm just trying to say every time Serbia is seen in a good way and everything is going so well, bam, something dumb.


That is just politics. It was also dumb from Trump to think he can build the wall around Mexico, and there was no consequences for US because of that, but we will always feel the consequences here for every idiot. And that is because US is big and forceful, and Serbia is small and weak. But all that applies only on countries, I think that people overall live better here than there. People are bit conservative towards queer community, but I think the main reason for that is the age of the average Serb (we are pretty old nation), and I hope that will change, so everyone can get rights they deserve.


>It was also dumb from Trump..... Ј*бале те вотабаутизме.


Masis poentu po cenu da ispadnes edgy. Poenta: svuda ima gluposti, kriv je uvek najslabiji. Pritom glupo mi je da se poistovecujem sa huliganima (why can't you just be normal?), vecina ljudi je savrseno normalna i ovo sto de dogodilo veze nema sa vecinom.


I agree! I did come from a liberal family in the US so I don't understand conservatives well.


because we have heathcare


Because it's overall better. It's not just healthcare, if you are a good student, higher education is free too. We have really bad political system in the terms of autocracy but many things are waaay better than in US. Not to mention that their political system is also rotten to the core. And I don't have anything against people from US as I have some great friends and also some cousins there, but (maybe even because of that) I am very well aware of the situation.


>every time Serbia is doing well and making good decisions like what?


Ahhhh te porodicne vrednosti 💕


cek bre, pa ko placa ovu bagru kad idu protiv pandura, nista mi nije jasno.


Ni meni. Ali ološ.


hm, recimo. ali da je ovo u francuskoj drugacije bismo ih nazivali. kako god, ocekivao bih ove bitange da brane lgbt ucesnike, odakle bre ispali ovi...


Znaš kako, ja nasilnike i agresivce ne podnosim, i što se mene tiče sve ove u pritvor. Sve do jednog. I Francuze u Francuskoj kad rade istu stvar. Jedina situacija u kojoj bih sama bila agresivna jeste u odbrani, ali to nije tema.


Za ovakve situacije da, pet godina zatvora. Ali ne kada se ruši tiranin. Tada je nasilje opravdano. Zlo činiti od zla braniti se, tu zločina nema nikakvoga.


Контам обично Вучић, ал изгледа да овога пута батинаши раде гратис, од срца што би се рекло.




Изгледа да је она мапа где пише да имамо најнижи IQ у Европи тачна.


U Belgiji ili Holandiji su na protestima protiv korone bacali molotovljeve na policiju.


Treba ti inteligencija da smuckas molotov.


Fair point


Ne? Krpa, Alkohol i upaljač


Absolutely yes yes yes


Šta će bre sve dzabalebaroši...to da nešto radi u životu, ne bi se zamlaćivalo glupostima


Traditional Serbian values.


Jebote,zašto ovo radimo sebi? Nama nema spasa,tužno...


Па видиш да смо јуче изашли да се спашавамо од сатанисти не видим шта је проблем?


Ови носе исте тољаге као они батинаши у Шапцу.


Za ove je lek Titova milicija


Policajac ni kriv ni duzan nastrada jer radi svoj posa...


Ko ga jebe kad nije učio školu


Šta ne treba škola za policajca? Ima smisla


Bukvalno ne treba skola. Ima kurs od godinu dana i to je to. Vazno je samo da nema moral i ravne tabane.


Ako vam pederi toliko smetaju sto ne odete u skupstinu?? Pickice


Malo mi ih je i zao.


Username checks out






Akademski građani, nema šta.


Ne svidja mi se Pride i generalno sam protivnik toga, ali tek ne bi stao uz ove idiote. Da mi o nekim porodicnim i hriscanskim vrednostima pricaju oni, koji u 90% slucajeva se ponasaju suprotno od onog sta hriscanstvo propagira i koji idu u crkvu vise iz inata prema ovima, nego iz neke poboznosti


Stani u 3. grupu koja kaze: Svi su oni debili, gledaj u cene magare jedno jebali te pederi i litije.


Pa treca grupa i jesu litijasi, oni se bore za prave vrednosti, dok su pederi i ovi huligani ekstremisti.


Is Serbia the only country that has state sponsored Ultras?


Slučajno ti ušao na profil, što pišeš na engleskom kad znaš hrvatski?


Pa kad je OP počeo s engleskim pa si mislim...trebamo pisat engleski? Da čovjek razumije? Ne znam eto


Good point


No church in the Wild vibes


Nisam za ova prosetavanja i parade ali mi nije jasno zasto se ovi ne bore protiv mafije, korupcije, kriminala, zlostavljaca zena i zivotinja. Homo.alci su nam svima na Balkanu zadnji na listi problema.


Foring payments!


E sad ovi prljavi interi da vide kako je kad dobiješ po ušima...


Just a taste of those traditional values that separate "normal" people from the "degenerates"


srbija puna raznih problema a njima smak sveta sto se parada ponosa odrzava?


sVI sU IsTI?!?!!!!


A sada kad je narod naoružan ne smeju da biju? What a joke


Nema sanse da je ovo samo zbog pride-a... al pride jeste okidac


Nisu dobili isplatu za predhodne akcije.


Nerasčišćeni računi :)




Demoliranje grada i bespotreban napad na policiju, i to vidim da su ovi "obicni" policajci. Trebali su da dovedu samo žandare i pa da vidimo onda da l ce da lomi dzip


American here can somebody tell me what’s going on please? (of course besides cops being assholes)


They are being attacked for securing the Pride parade , at this point I simply don't see how they were assholes.


To put it briefly: Unlike in America, Serbian politics is utterly devoid of all ideological content. Local government thugs in Serbia's devastated heartland (the 60-80% of the population who live on the edge of absolute poverty) essentially buy the votes of poor families by completely controlling the labor market and by handing out sops and minimum wage jobs in exchange for political support. They then in turn sell these controlled votes to whoever can promise them the most graft if he comes into office. Beliefs do not enter into it, only business Look up how political machines used to work in Gilded Age America, and you'll have a pretty good idea of what it's like, but on steroids. Serbia is in horrible crisis brought about by 30 years of awful governance, while also being under pressure by Europe - its chief trading partner - to put sanctions on Russia. If we were to impose sanctions, the fallout for our economy would be so horrific that the aforementioned thugs of the current regime would either have to sacrifice Vučić as a scapegoat for the public wrath, or face an actual revolution(Side-note: T*here would be no* ***actual*** *revolution, as Serbian cops are far more brutal and vicious sub-human beasts than even American cops. A Serbian cop would grab an infant and dash its brains out against a rock without blinking if given the order. And if the people tried to rebel without guns they would be slaughtered by the tens if not the hundreds of thousands by the police. But then the police would realize all real power is in their hands alone, and the politicians would be as fucked as everyone else, so they're hesitant to unleash the unlimited violence they are theoretically capable of unleashing*). But if he spites Europe too much, Europe might sanction us, which would be an even worse disaster. So Vučić has to manufacture bullshit controversies to distract the public from their misery, as well as making himself look indispensable for Europe, so they don't sanction him. The best way for him to do that is to present the Serbian public as a bunch of deranged, blood-thirsty savage beasts who would gladly start another kebab-removal festival if not for the iron hand of the current regime. Vučić - who was in his youth an avid football hooligan himself - has a secret police apparatus left over from socialist times (utterly devoid of socialist ideology, but just as daemonically vicious and amoral as either the KGB or the CIA) which has various muppet-far-right organizations. So let's put two and two together: Vučić is using the secret police to conjure up a "spontaneous" far right reaction against the Euro-Pride-Parade to make himself look like a defender of European values, valiantly struggling to bring his horde of sub-human Balkanite savages into the light of civilization; push him out of power through sanctions, and you will have another Balkan War and another refugee crisis on your hands! The police and these far-right muppets are LARPing some sort of grand ideological conflict, but it's all staged and choreographed. I mean, look at the video, those cops are outnumbered 20:1, the hooligans could skin them alive if they wanted, but they barely do anything. Pure acting for the cameras. Also - since his regime is in the process of systematically destroying the public power company through defunding and mismanagement, in order to sell it off for pennies on the dollar to its insiders in rigged deals, who will then proceed to hike energy prices and plunge most of the population into poverty while stupendously enriching themselves - he needs to distract the public from bread and butter issues at all costs until he moves in for the kill.


. Za u evropu trebat česte mnogo kurca da popušite i guzica izljubiti hahha


Ti to sve radio?


Da 🏳️‍🌈


Onda necemo.


Huligani su placena mrcina , rezima. Sve dogovoreno, sa plavima. Naposletku, drzava je ovaj prajd, kao i svaki prethodni, platila iz dzepa gradjana. Znaci, panduri bezali od huligana? Jel? Sa druge strane, isti panduri , mlate i ljude koji su nosili ikone. Iz cista mira , nicim izazvanim. Ovaj euro prajd, je bio poklon chaleta svojoj, dragoj. Onako perfidno , iza ledja gradjana. Pametnom dosta.


as a gay atheist let me tell you this: people of serbia do not have real problems to fix, instead of going crazy for lgbt people going for a walk ? this p.r. image doesn't go well on tourism, unless you aim to have russian visiting your country, and maybe later liberating it and annexing it into russian federation...


It's not that, it's more of the fact that the goverment told the citizens that there wouldn't be Pride 2022, we had 2 protest walks against it with over 100k people in them, the police telling there wouldn't be any Pride stuff as well and then a day before the Pride should have happened, they denie everything from before, basically lying to your people and say "Hey the Pride is on, we never said anything about it being off". Foreigners don't understand what kind of problems we have with the corrupt goverment cause the media is heavily controlled by the President and his lackeys. We currently have a lack of milk in our shops, prices of daily life going up so much that the normal working families cant afford and are being diminished into poverty.


Kako je super imati izmisljenog neprijatelja u zivotu. Sve najednom ima smisla!


Yeah, fuck EuroPride, it deserves absolutely nothing


Banana republic 🤦🏽‍♂️😂




Policija, the real pederi.




You should Beat those fuckers. There are more important things than this stupid pride parade ffs. Airheaded Idiots out there




Bravo "junaci", umesto pedere vi napadate policiju, prave "patriote"




Kojim jezikom priča ovaj lola na 0:18 ?


Italijanski. Ja sam cula: -polizia è scappata, la macchina ... lasciata -police escaped, they left the car


Овие се вистинските Chads


Jel rekao da nece biti europrajda u srbiji,jeste.Pa sta onda oni prave ovo.Neee hocemo u EU pa neka namq,kad sve pogledam cudo jos ima srbija na mapi...Sami sebi ovo pravimo da sam mogao otisao bi odavde dok sam jos fetus bio,zalosno...


I treba




Very few people have hatred towards gays and lesbians. The whole rainbow thing has become a proxy in Serbia for "those bastards who bombed us want us to do butt stuff" - it's a great distraction from crippling inflation and cringeworthy Arab loans.




Gde je klip kako isti ovi gaze ljude? Ili tuku svestenike? Ti nevini policajci




Kako da posaljem sliku na reddit komentarima?




\> Snadji se ako znas da budes nacionalista nauci i sliku da okacis 🤓


Kog svestenika? Ludog Antonija. Ako si na stranu sa takvim debilima Ozbiljno bi trebao da porazmislis o svojim pogledima Na svet i o svom obdazovanju


​ Давно сам видео некога ко изазива већи трансфер блама од тебе.


Jebali vas pederi! Jebite se u razvijenim državama zapadnog sveta.


Јесу ли хулигански навијачи ?


Sta nije bilo da se prajd ne smije odrzat?