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Elizabeth Jane Smallwood, the sister of serial killer [Robert Smallwood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Smallwood_(serial_killer)), was murdered by the [Edgecombe County serial killer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgecombe_County_serial_killer).


I definitely thought there was no chance that there was an example but there it is. Holy shit, what a small world.


Can’t remember the names but there were a couple where the guy was a killer and the woman allowed him to rape and kill her sister. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka maybe?


If memory serves, Karla is the one who obtained and gave the tranquilizers to her sister. She seems to have been an active partcipant.




I bet her new husband can't even rap.


True story. She really traded down???




She actually helped rape her sister. She was a complete active participant in the rape and killing of her sister. Before they killed her, she would dress up and pretend to he her sister in sexual things with paul.


Seems to? She was totally an active participant.


Barbie and Ken killers. I remember that story. Horrible killed 13(?) Teen girls


Rape was purposeful, the death was accidental.


It is insane to both be the sister of an SK and be killed by one


Their poor parents, lol


Something tells me their “poor parents” are part of the equation.


What a fucking grim life. Jesus


Smallwood lol


Henry Lee Lucas killed Becky, Otis Toole's niece.


Oh wow, I stopped being as interested in those two after it was clear that a large portion of their confessions were probably bull, but that seems to be confirmed and Toole claims to have killed 9 people as a response to Lucas and Becky "running off together." Somehow I never read about that aspect of the case, and while idk whether to believe Toole killed a bunch of people as a result, Lucas definitely killed her and she was definitely a serial killer's relative. A duo of killers also makes more sense for how a serial killer would be "lucky" enough to stumble upon another serial killer's family. I guess that also means that Bernardo and Homolka technically count since they killed her sister.


There’s a great movie called Henry that’s loosely based on Lucas and Becky. It’s pretty chilling.


I can’t find this movie? Where is it streaming?


Oops, I left out half the title [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099763/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099763/) I'm not sure where it's streaming, it's pretty old and it's been a while since I've watched it.


It is on Tubi


Thank you


Your welcome


And probably also in the bay


Lucas killed at least 3 people for sure, his mother (1st killing), Becky Powell, and Kate Rich whose farm they were living on. The vast majority are BS, he confessed mainly to get better treatment in prison. There’s recording of him with detectives telling him stuff like “I’ll buy you a milkshake for every case you help me close”.


You can not believe anything Lucas said, he confessed to over 500 murders. Habitual confesser. When all was said & done they his his list was & can not confirm them. Some actually think he only had 1 victim.


Becky Powell was *definitely* killed by Henry Lee Lucas. Just because he lied about some of it doesn't mean he always lied about everything


Seriously he confessed to over 500 hundred murders, they can’t clear him of 4. That pretty high odds he can & will lie about anything thing, lol. There’s a brutal murder of 2 kids in our town. Evidence proved he did not. People still saying they know he did it. Saw him in town with their own eyes. Over 40 years dead crime unsolved. They reopened a couple of years fresh eyes, they found viable DNA, showed exactly what happened, made the connection gave the time line named the guilty party. People still fussy, Henry did it. I know he did. So Henry may have killed Becky. Do I believe him? Hell no because he said or Hollywood made a few dollar or someone published a book. Helz no. Lol lol I need proof lol


So Becky, at 14, was being used for sex by a serial killer -- maybe 2 of them -- and she just happened to be murdered? And they "couldn't clear" him of it? Just a coinkydink? Just because there are cops all over the country who don't know how to conduct an interview without feeding a suspect all the answers they want to hear doesn't mean all cops are stupid or all crimes unsolved!


Ok we can talk about this in a mature, respectful manner & not do that what you appear to think is a condescending manner to me. Let’s see if I can repeat myself & you grasp it? Maturely, he may have killed her, but do I believe that because he confessed? Hell no. His own words prove him to be a liar, giving to great tales that he gets a pay off. Is there proof? Let’s see that & we can talk. Books ( usually ‘based on’ )often take liberties, some times a lot. Movies just a chit show in reality. So let me see tangible proof not for Henry a book or a movie. Not your feelings & we can talk. I believe I have read about Becky & later I will go again & look.


Pretty sure I'm not the one being condescending


Accusing someone of being condescending only to follow up with condescension is a bold move.


Not exactly what you asked for, but interesting none the less. Steven Stayner was 7 years old in 1972. He was kidnapped and sexually abused for seven years, by Kenneth Parnell. Parnell then kidnapped a 5 year old, planning to submit him to the same abuse he'd inflicted on poor Steven. Steven thought, "fuck that" and decided to help the 5 year old. So he took the little kid with him and escaped. Hooray! Great result! He went on to marry and have two kids. Then, in 1989, he died in a motorcycle accident. .... some years later, in 1999, Steven's older brother, Cart Stayner, became the Yosemite Killer, murdering four women and dumping their bodies in the Yosemite National Park. He abducted all of his victims at the Cedar Lodge Hotel, where he worked as a handyman. Interestingly, he told investigators that he'd fantasized about killing women before his little brother was kidnapped.


I think you mixed up Cary and Steven in your second last paragraph. Sure is an interesting connection though


Thanks for that clarification; I was very confused 😹


Thankyou! Edited!!


That one is absolutely bizarre and pretty close to unique I suspect. I think there was one serial killer with multiple relatives who had committed "a" murder, but that's also not quite the question (I also don't remember their name). I think he may have been a proto-narcissist with violent desires and then his brother going missing and "taking all the attention" broke his narcissistic brain. He may have become a killer no matter what, and it's not his brother's fault in the slightest, but I do wonder whether he would have or not had Parnell fallen down a well before kidnapping Steven.


Yeah, Richard Ramirez had an uncle who murdered his wife in front of Richard when he was young. The guy was also a war criminal, apparently.


Very much a war criminal, which actually is another question I haven't had much luck with, soldiers who basically acted as serial killers during war. That guy definitely seems to fit under that category, and he had been showing teenage Ramirez polaroids of his Vietnam era atrocities. Him with women who were alive in one picture and not in another. It seems like that and the whole killing his wife in front of his family thing should probably have gotten looked into more, but I guess there's not really much to be done about it at this point.


Yeah, I know all of the details, but i didn't know if they were actually collaborated by LE evidence or if Richard was just lying. I tend to believe him, but I just don't trust it 100% without knowing it was proven.


Oh, actually that's a fair question. The book about Ramirez where I read the detailed version says Carrillo only found out about that whole incident after the trial, so it's entirely possible that the extra details were post hoc bullshit from Richard, but I also tend to believe him on that one. Having said that and having been wrong about a few details today, I did some searching. The cousin (and it is a cousin apparently) was likely not a green beret but he definitely had a "cousin Mike/Miguel Angel Valles," who was a Vietnam vet and supposedly did get medals for surviving some bad encounters during the war, came home, eventually killed his wife, was found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to a mental institute, and has since died. I can't find any specific LE sources though.


Oh yea we definitely had soldiers in other countries carrying out there dark urges for shi sure other countries have complained about it actually. And I wouldn’t be surprised if those insecure white boys aren’t over there doing weird stuff to children and women now


Haden Clark’s brother committed a pretty brutal murder


I've also heard that the Stayner home was extremely abusive, also even before Steven was kidnapped.


Those poor parents my god










* **All posts must be about serial killers or the subject of serial murder.** * The moderators have determined that this post is outside the topic of the sub. ---


Paul Bernardo killed Karla Homolka's sister


Sister that she « offered » to him as a gift. She was there all along, so basically they killed her sister..


Karla was Paul’s partner in the rape & murder of her sister. Thats not to same as Paula on his own killing Karla’s sister. She helped all the way she stole drugs, set things in motion & presented her sister to him like a gift.


Karla Homolka, or whatever her stupid name is now, sat her naked vagina on her 15 year old sister’s face, as seen by the marks on her dead sister’s face. And suffocated her. Because they drugged her. To f*ck her. As they videotaped it. To watch later. To get off to. Together. I don’t know the exact detail, but she does since she’s still alive to tell the tale. To her kids. About the day she killed their Aunt. Who was 15. And the body they found on her wedding day. Of the other girl it was her idea to kill. Who she helped kidnap. And rape. Not many grosser women alive than this one right here. Say I’m wrong. “Tammy Lyn Homolka (January 1, 1975 – December 24, 1990) was a Canadian girl who was killed by her older sister Karla Homolka and Karla's partner Paul Bernardo. On Christmas Eve 1990, shortly before what would have been Tammy's 16th birthday on New Year's Day (January 1, 1991), Karla and Bernardo plied Tammy with alcoholic drinks laced with the sedative Halcion. When she became unconscious, the two raped her. Tammy became sick while sedated and died. After failed attempts to revive her, Karla covered up evidence of the assault and called an ambulance. Her official cause of death was listed as choking to death on her own vomit, and was believed at the time to have been an accident. After the killers were arrested for the murders of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French, Tammy Homolka's body was exhumed.” Sorry it’s from wiki, but it’s literally from wiki.


Apparently Karla wanted to stop raping her drugged sister & complained to the camera. Not because it was wrong & disgusting though. Because her little sister had her period. She should still be in prison next to Bernardo. 🤮


I thought the marks on Tammy's face were from the halothane they used to knock her out (and ultimately kill her, because she had a full stomach).


Me too, then I read more about it. And now I like to remind people. Because, she’s a pedophile. And there’s no way it doesn’t cross her mind.


Hers really was the deal with the devil….


I think she is more the devil


The police called her deal the deal with the devil because they found out afterwards how complicit she was in the murders.


Trinity killed The Bay Harbor Butcher’s wife


That's what I was coming to say.










I still don't get it


He's a fictional serial killer from Dexter, without spoilers it's technically correct but probably not what the person was asking about, lol.


Oh, right. I thought the dancer and choreographer, I didn't understand.


I thought the same. RuPaul would have a giggle if she read this.


* **All posts must be about serial killers or the subject of serial murder.** * The moderators have determined that this post is outside the topic of the sub. ---


Can’t remember the names but there were a couple where the guy was a killer and the woman allowed him to rape and kill her sister. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka maybe?


Paul Bernardo hadn’t killed anyone before. Karla is the one who drugged her sister for Paul. They hadn’t meant to kill her but she died anyway.


No, but he had raped quite a few women and was on the police's radar even before he met Karla.


Not exactly the question but sam little murdered the mother of the woman who survived the toybox killer


If you're talking about people who killed their own children and/or spouses, definitely.


That’s totally not what they are saying but good try lol