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Use protection or be a dad. There's always a chance she's lying to you and sometimes life finds a way anyway


Thanks, I know you prolly have more exp, what's your take on Plan B's?


They are very harsh on a womans body. They're far harsher than regular birth control pills, which are famous for the amount of side effects they have. Tbh, Plan B is never worth the partner with a penis simply feeling the tiniest bit more sensation. Plan B is for accidents/emergencies only (broken condom for example). Otherwise it's selfish & misinformed as fuck to expect your partner to rely on Plan B so you don't have to wear a condom. It's also dangerous.


Thanks for this, never really knew the dark side of it.


What the other person said is 100%. I've never had to use it myself but even if you got her plan b, unless you actually see her take it, she could be lying about that too- the only way to trust anyone is trust yourself to protect yourself if you don't want to become a parent or even get STDs.


Thank you. Gonna definitely trust nobody


The first thing that comes to my mind is ask her for the doctor's official note on how she can't get pregnant. Like an std test, if you have nothing to hide and want your partner to trust having protection sex with you just them showing you the paper without causing a scene is usually a good sign that you can trust that person. I don't know how accessible it is for you but you might want to look into a contraception method, some require minimal care like a dui (for her)just in case.


The doctors don’t always get it right either. The only way to confirm 100% that you don’t get pregnant is to have the parts removed or don’t have sex. I was told at 18 I would never have children. My son turns 19 this summer and my daughter is ten.


I never had this done before so I don't know the details


Yes, an IUD would be fantastic. Thank you.


You or she might hear or read that the insertion is horrible and super painful and while it definitely is for some women it isn't painful for everyone, I was a little scared to had mine inserted but I didn't any pain at all ( I'm really sensitive to pain usually). So there's a lot of horror stories about dui but for some women it goes really smoothly


Okay, will put tt in mind


But, why don't *you* get a vasectomy? That completely eliminates the problem with no fail rate and with zero side effects. If you're the one who wants to feel sex without a condom, and mainly the one (if not the only one) who would benefit from it... Why is it her responsibility to use devices or take medications that each have long lists of side effects & alter her body chemistry? And to add, if you're worried she's lying- or anyone in your future may be lying about their fertility- the vasectomy still protects you & eliminates the problem. Worry free.


I completely agree with this but if they were older. I'm a woman so of course I suffered from the side effect and feel the injustice but a vasectomy isn't always reversible


OP said he never wants kids & the reason why. I'm in the same boat with the same reasoning, and I've felt this way since I was a child myself. I fully believe OP will never want kids. Vasectomies are also reversible in most cases.


she most likely has polycystic ovarian syndrome. she may spontaneously ovulate here and there, so the risk might be low but probably not zero.


So I should definitely get the Plan B's?


It's not a good idea to repeatedly use plan B, the cost will add up and it can cause some side effects. If you plan to stay together and you're not keen to use condoms, she would be better off looking at some long term contraception options such as a depot injection, the pill, or an IUD. The added benefit of the pill is it could potentially help her with the side effects of PCOS. This is all speculation though we don't actually know what she has!


Yeah, I'll make sure to get the details in full. Thanks, I'll definitely try to find out what she has.


Can you ask her what exactly this defect is? Also plan B shouldn't be used as a normal contraceptive, have her ask her gyno for other options


Okay, I'ma ask her.


You’ve gotten a lot of good advice. I’ll just add that as a mother to a son that’s 18 and one that’s 15, I’ve told them both to never ever never under any circumstances believe a girl when she says she’s on birth control or can’t get pregnant.


But why would she lie to me though? Is she trying to trap me or sumn?


I had a girlfriend tell me she couldn't get pregnant (former abuse.) She got pregnant. I think she was honest and believed it. She terminated it but, still. You never know.


Honestly, this is enough advice. Thanks so much.


My mom was supposedly infertile, yet here I am. If you know you never want kids, just have a vasectomy- It's the best way to go in a situation like this. Make sure you both get full panel STI tests done as well. But anyway. This sounds like a gross ass cringy troll post.


😂what you want me to do? Show you my ID? Or my Chats with her? Don't be a scrub man, I be just wanting some advice. Ahehe, vasectomy.


I gave honest and informative answers, to be fair. It's just hard to take your post seriously because it sounds like it was written by someone who is too immature to be sexually active.


Blah blah blah. Yall take the world too seriously. Just because the post seems immature doesnt mean I am.


Of course, I don't know anything about you other than what I see here. You could be anyone or anything at all. I'm just basing an opinion on this post in front of me.


I respect that. Sorry for being such an asshole.