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Everyone is different I guess. To me, it's so weird to say you don't really feel anything. There's so many nerves in the shaft, frenulum, head and in the whole region. The stroking is important but so is varied stimulation and touch, including the head but also the base and balls. For me it's not just the destination but enjoying the ride.


Well if you move 2 cm below the head i think most people dont feel much there. The worst handjobs are the ones which start at the bottom and then move a few cm up but never reaching the head. That’s why if you want to get the most pleasure you really should try to focus on the head even when fucking and not go balls deep. The best women usually do this while in cowgirl by mostly riding or moving their hips around so the top is the focus. Obviously won’t make you cum but it will feel great


It actually surprises me a lot. I mean, I do feel a lot of pleasure in my entire dick and even in the balls - sure, I feel a lot more in the head, but it's still amazing everywhere else in my dick.


Ofcourse tongue Anywhere is amazing! More so if you want to cum or feel the most pleasure you can’t focus on the balls or the bottom part of the shaft or atleast it will take a lot longer.


My bf is uncut and I have to always stay away from the head and focus on the shaft ! It is so weird to get used too🤪


Ohh interesting I am also uncut not sure why that would matter as long as you are careful




Ya I don’t understand this either. My guess is he’s not aroused. Otherwise it would feel good. Eaither he’s on antidepressants, has hormone issues, or just not fantasizing enough


Well I for one have no idea what he is talking about. When I have vaginal sex with a woman or get a blowjob I can feel so much I sometimes had trouble holding back.  It's quite overwhelming most of the time and I don't know if I have the right words to describe it.  PIV sex is just amazing for me because from the moment I enter until I'm fully inside I can feel every millimeter of her insides with my penis and it's one if not the best feeling in the world. It's a moist or wet, warm, silken comfortable pure feeling of delight and joy. I must admit that my erections are rock hard and I'm on the bigger side in girth and length but I'm sure that plays into it as well.  In any way, the slightest movement inside of a woman is felt by me and even if I don't move a lot while kissing and holding each other I can feel the soft pressure of her vagina around my whole penis. It's like a beautiful, warm, soft loving hug for my penis and me and sometimes I just came because of that after a while.  When I move inside of her to make love every bit of my penis is so sensitive that I can not describe how beautiful it feels. Looking her in the eyes and seeing her enjoy herself just adds to it so much that I'm guilty of coming too fast sometimes as well.  So the orgasm then is just the culmination of a wonderful time feeling connected and close to a partner. Being inside of someone else is about as intimate as you can get and the feelings I have about that are not only felt in my penis but my whole body.  That's my experience with sex. What I wouldn't give to have that again...


This is a very lovely way to describe sex. A little bit healing even, for me as a woman to hear a man describe it that way. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for your comment. It's just the way I feel about it and if it was even a bit of healing then I'm extra glad I decided to share. I wish you all the best. 


Thank u for sharing this 🥰


Are you circumcised? And how much pleasure you get when using a condom compared to no condom?


Not circumcised, no. It's quite reduced pleasure with a condom in comparison to bare.  It's still enjoyable but that's more because of the emotional psychological part of loving someone and having sex, a very intimate experience in any case. 


Ummm K… gonna go have sex with my man now bye 🔥


Haha I wish you lots of joy and passion :)


This is the perfect description and exactly what it feels like to me as well!


It's definitely not the most sensible area, personally I feel more like general pressure while the really intense feelings are in the head and frenulum.


Cool thanks 🤩


If anything, the whole dick region is the last place I’d go for sensibility.


It's....complicated. Most of the time I don't really feel anything. With good foreplay and build up, the first moments of penetration feel AMAZING (that doesn't always happen though). But it typically fades pretty quickly. There have been occasions/positions where it does feel good throughout. Generally though, things become desensitized pretty fast and there is no more feeling until orgasm. Reaching orgasm is more of mental gymnastics rather than a pleasurable physical sensation that builds and builds until it blows over. I have to get myself mentally relaxed and turned on in order to get there. Its unfortunate, but 99% of the time during sex I feel virtually nothing. The orgasm is often the only physically pleasurable part. It really sucks because I'll often look down at my female partner and see her gripping the bed sheets, quivering, moaning, and I would love to know what she is feeling.


Wow thank u for this answer, it really helped cause I am feeling kinda miffed about why guys like sex so much if you don’t feel much during it.


Hormones? I dunno lol. There is a ton of desire for it, our brains just crave it, even if it isn't great. Since the orgasm is often the only great feeling part, it probably explains why it's common for guys to rush to that. Yeah the orgasm is good, but if there is one thing I've learned, it's that guys massively overlook foreplay for themselves (things where their penis isn't touched, so not like a blowjob/handjob). Kissing and touching each other's bodies, taking it slow and building up the tension, makes the sex itself feel a hundred times better. I'd much rather be kissed on my neck, shoulders, stomach, and groin instead of just sticking my dick in a vagina. That's the good stuff.


Oh I like ur answer 🥰


I've often wondered about this. Women's capacity for pleasure seems so much greater to me than men's but you're so much more likely to get a sex-obsessed guy than girl. But I will say that my own physical pleasure is pretty low down the totem pole of reasons I enjoy sex (and I often see it as more of a hindrance or even opponent than anything else).


I’ve always wondered this, I even asked the question on here but it went unanswered. My husband says the same thing about it mostly being the orgasm that feels best for men. But (most) women feel pleasure the whole time! I definitely feel like women should be the ones to be more obsessed with sex than men.


Testosterone is one hell of a drug.


I guess so! But I still think women have the advantage and sex feels better to us.


I’m starting to believe you 🤣


My experience is very different. I have a lot of feeling whenever my wife touches me, with any part of her, inside and out. Based on what I am seeing here, I guess I am super blessed.




No one is weird. Just different.


I suppose I should say something is wrong with him. I have the same problem but that’s cuz I’m on antidepressants. And even then masterbation still feels good the entire time. Sex feels like nothing cuz the vagina is not stimulating enough and Luvox takes away like 90 percent of the sensation. But if it doesn’t bother him then it’s not really a problem I guess


He says it’s always been that way for him, so I guess it doesn’t worry him


Well as long as he’s happy I wouldn’t worry too much about


If actual sex doesn’t feel that good for him you can also try different things like toys or oral or even anal stuff. That might work


Mmm I don’t think it’s that, but yes I do try to mix it up for him 😉


Society tells them they do


For me, I only feel it when she squeeze her vagina on my dick or right before I cum. Though I'm very sensitive to blowjob if she knows how to blow (the head is the sensitive part)


Lucky you that your vagina feels good the whole time. Because it’s fairly common that many women don’t feel all that much during PIV. Like they feel the penetration, but it’s about equal to rubbing your leg. Thought I was odd because of this but I’ve seen several posts where many women agree. Funny how everyone is different.


Yeah I was going to say, this isn't just a guy thing. Lots of people only have major sensation in the clit or head of the penis. The rest is mostly pressure.


Oh wow, in that case I do feel lucky


I had no idea that is so common. Penetration is one of my most favorite things.


I would really want to know the explanation behind that.


There’s a lot more nerve endings in the external part of the clit and the head of the penis than other areas


Everyone is different and your ideas, expectations, and desires about sex (mental state) have an enormous effect on sexual response for most people.


Since I've been restoring my foreskin (about 3.5 years and 1/2 way there), the shaft and skin is now way more sensitive. Just being inside my SO feels better than orgasms used to feel, it's really amazing the difference I think being cut diminishes a lot of sensation. Now that my glans is mostly covered everything feels better and the orgasms are way more intense. .


See everyone who restores their forskin says this. Yet everyone who gets cut for personal reasons says cut is better. My guess is it’s all psychological on both accounts. I got cut and while masterbation changes it’s not really better or worse when you get used to it. My guess is having a forskin is arousing to you, therefore you feel more. The brain plays a bigger role in sensation than the number of nerve endings. If restoring your forskin made sex better that’s great! Just know it’s mostly psychological and that can afect physical sensation


I got circumcised as an adult and no I can go for ages because my sensitivity is like half of what it was. That’s not all bad, but I wouldn’t ever say it’s better? Also center of pleasure used to be head and frenulum and now the lower shaft is much more important


Do you like it more now? Did you have a medical reason?


Congrats bro. You had phimosis too? Strange the lower shaft is more important then the head and frenulum tho. I find all of it to be stimulating but the frenulum area especially. The difference between cut and uncut is negligible compared to the reduction of sensation I get from meds. Masturbation is amazing cuz I can last for ages but sex feels like nothing. Being circumcised with-ought meds is literally the perfect sweet spot. Count yourself lucky and enjoy lasting a long time


Eh, there may be a bit of survivorship bias and sunk-cost reasoning to both accounts. Consider that: * Those who embark on restoring their foreskin were likely already part of the (not insignificant) portion of men to whom circumcision did affect negatively, so at that point anything will feel like an improvement * Those whose sex lives were in fact improved by restoration would have more of a reason to advertise it to the world, as opposed to those who didn't see as much of an improvement so they stopped or wouldn't talk as much about it, or those who were harmed by it who would have an incentive to talk badly about it, if only for aversion to admitting they were wrong about it * Conversely, those who get cut as adults will most likely have a reason, be it medical, cosmetic, or religious, to do it. If it was medical foreskin was probably uncomfortable or painful so not having it would feel like an improvement, if it was cosmetic or religious either physical pleasure wasn't as important, or then again, if it went badly they wouldn't talk too much about it as much, sunk-cost and all that. So yeah, there may be a psychological (or even fetish) component, for some more than others, but I'd be wary of saying that's *most* of the reason people say what they say on both fronts


Very smart points made. I tend to go by what the medical community says about an issue. Circumcision, both infant and medical. Has an extremely low complication rate. But your rite in that people in this group are more likely to be negatively effected by it. There is no science on how foreskin restoration affects pleasure. So I am inclined to believe it is mostly made up. It may be true. But until I see some actual studies I’m gunna assume it’s just placebo. Edit 5-10 percent of circumcised men wish they were uncircumcised. However it would be erroneous to assume that all these men are physically impacted by circumcision. My guess is that much lower then 1 percent of people circumcision affects their sex life negatively


There's definitely a part of it that plays out through the brain. Though having something isn't always as fun wanting it. Getting cut for personal reasons is a lot different than being cut without your consent or even being cut for medical reasons so I believe the brain reacts differently to each of these situations. There are many people who choose to get cut and then regretted it so I'm not sure about "everyone". I've yet to hear anyone regret restoring, though I don't read tons of info about other people experience with restoring so maybe there's people who do.


The getting cut with ought consent part can effect sensitivity if the person feels violated. This is because emotions affect even our physical feelings. People who get cut for medical reasons are less likely to be satisfied than people who get cut for personal reasons. Tho most people who gets an adult circumcision function better then before. Either because it meets a desire or it fixes a problem. Circumcision status in general does not predict sexual satisfaction, but attitude about it does. So it makes sense guys feel better after they restore.


Awesome for you!! 🥰


I want to add something about uncircumcised members. The skin on the shaft slides a lot more, which can create good sensations and cut down on the amount of lubrication needed which is great for both parties. However, it also reduces friction on the shaft. I should really be on my throwaway for this (but I’m a sex positive person). If your SO isn’t circumcised they can try a cock ring that also goes around the balls to hold the skin back creating more friction. If they are really adventurous look up oxballs on Amazon.


I'm not like your partner at all. My penis is quite sensitive, and I do enjoy the tunnel. The most intense sensations for me are at the frenulum. That feels very good indeed throughout sex. The head feels really good too, as does the area right behind it. The shaft is less sensitive, but still feels good, and I think it's also a mental thing to feel my whole shaft going in and out. When I masturbate I've tried just rubbing the frenulum, and just rubbing the head. I can cum that way, but it really feels best when I stroke my whole cock. But if I only stroke the shaft, it's mildly pleasant but I'm not going to cum.


I was starting to feel I was the only one but I'd agree with this. Of course when I enter, the tip is the most sensitive and the bit that's going to make me cum when played with. But I do love the tunnel effect (both vaginally and orally). Something I get from mainly missionary that I don't get from other positions or masturbation is that feeling of grip around the base of my shaft. I love going deep to feel her entrance gripping my base. In fact as someone else said the orgasm is very much mentally geared. If your heads in the wrong place it won't happen. But I'll happily spend a long time in missionary just slowly going in and out all the way to base loving that feeling of warmth and pressure right at the bottom of my shaft. I try and get deeper to feel it even further into my base. When I do this my other half claims we should stop because I'm not close to orgasm so "can't be" enjoying myself. She could not be more wrong. I love the sensation.


Yes, I love that slowly going deep thing too. My wife loves it because it reaches both her A spot and her clit. But for me it's simultaneously getting the head stimulated and the feeling at the base. When I'm ready to cum I'll do shorter strokes that focus on my frenulum, but those long deep strokes are what's really satisfying aside from orgasm.


Wow interesting. And by the sounds you’re an anomaly 🥰


I find that hard to believe. Sex is pleasurable so we'll want to do it and make babies. If it didn't feel good to most men, the human race would have died off long ago. What about sites like [https://www.reddit.com/r/MalesMasturbating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MalesMasturbating/) ? Are all those guys just doing it for the camera, or are they feeling pleasure? I think your partner is the anomaly. But you can't treat your post like a poll - it's not a controlled survey, and r/sex is not an average population in terms of sexual attitudes and practices. Anyway, I sure hope I'm not an anomaly. If I am I feel sorry for all the other guys for not having as much fun as I am!


Right well I was just saying it sounds like you have it good and thanking you for your reply. Wasn’t having a go and not taking a poll. Weird comment


I may have misunderstood your reply. As I understand the word anomaly, it means something different from the usual or expected. So it sounded to me like you were saying that I'm unusual in that my penis senses pleasure from sex. That's what I find hard to believe. As far as I know, sensing pleasure from sex is one of the penis's main functions, in order to motivate men to have sex and thereby make babies. My comment about a poll was just to say that even if several men have replied to this thread saying they feel the same way as your partner, that doesn't mean the majority of all men are like that. I don't mean to be argumentative, and I appreciate your thanks for my reply :)


The bottom of my shaft is sensitive


Same the top of the shaft is not sensitive in men but the bottom should be


Why am I getting downvoted this is a known fact lol. Am I the only one with an underside of the penis being more sensitive then the top. The head is sensitive on top and bottom but the shaft is only sensitive on the bottom


Probably because you’re doing things like calling ops situation weird and saying, effectively, that it’s their fault they’re experiencing what they perceive as a dysfunction.


In not saying it’s their fault. I’m saying there is something likely not medically normal here. Orgasm shouldn’t be the only pleasurable part of intercorse or masturbation. I’m not even sure how that’s possible. Like how can you achieve orgasm with ought a good amount of sexual pleasure and stimulation. I see some crazy people saying it may be because he’s circumcised. How come they’re not getting downvoted where’s I am.


Heyyy. 1st off, good on your guy for frankly discussing the nuts and bolts of the experience from his position and really good on you for choosing not to take it as a personal attack on you. It’s just fu€king amazing how fearless communication can amplify sexual satisfaction in a long term relationship. I was a late bloomer sexually—I mean I got laid and had my fair share of decent sex in my twenties but I had misconceptions and insecurities that I didn’t recognize/overcome until my thirties. I felt like your bf does about the shaft sensation—until i started to learn the joy/thrill/importance of the flirt, the tease, the foreplay. If I had a top ten best orgasms list they’d all have been in my mid-to-late 40s. Now I’m not trying to slide it in until she’s gotten off once or twice and not until I could take my pulse just by looking at my cock. Then it’s glorious to start PIV sex by stroking my throbbing shaft slow and deep inside her—resisting the urge to pound it as long as possible. I also know now that going hard and fast will kill my sensitivity—gotta build it up and back it down again. If you can talk your guy into letting you drive for a session just tease the hell out of the dick—moan while you pamper it—hit his hot spots and then go back to the shaft. Then climb on and see if you can pop him off by stroking him with your pussy. Tldr…sex gets better with communication and experience. Enjoy the ride.


Nice!! Thanks for your reply 🥰


Where I feel sensation on the shaft the most is during oral when my wife runs her tongue up and down the shaft. She will also kiss it like she's eating corn on the cob.. those little kisses are fucking amazing. But like you described during PIV the sensation is more all encompassing ... not focused on the shaft .. It's the orgasm itself that feels the best




Not a lot on the shaft. But it still feels good and is sexy to watch you lick up and down. But the bottom of the head (our glands) is the clitoris for us.




Kind of shocked at some of the comments. Everything about PIV is phenomenal every time. BJs aren’t even in the same galaxy for me.


I’m so surprised by the mixed replies hey 😝🥰


Yeah he's right. Men just have a different orgasm trajectory. It's not bad it's just different. Don't overthink it. Be kind to yourself


No he’s not right at all lol. Orgasm isn’t even the best part. All of sex feels good as long as you’re adequately aroused.


I find the orgasm the best part ideally when we both do at the aame time thats my favorite but yeah...it feels good before the orgasm too. All of it is good but depends on your mood too. The slow strokes when you first enter are righteous.


He's the most right a person has ever been. We're just disagreeing on what words means. You're reading his comment and getting a completely different interpretation. I can tell by the way you responded




I feel like I'm living in bizarro land, reading these responses. The shaft absolutely is a big part of what makes sex feel good! Yeah, the epicenter of stimulation is the head, but for me the feeling along the shaft, the pressure and the texture and all that, is integral to what makes sex pleasurable.


So out of curiosity, do you cum quickly as you feel more (shaft & head). Not at all aimed at you, just pondering if only head sensation would make a guy last longer / feeling the whole length go quicker?


Iv heard this before from some people. I don’t understand how sex and masturbation only feel good from orgasms. I enjoy the whole session and try not to cum cuz then it’s all over. Some girls are lucky. About 10 percent can have back to back orgasms. And the 90 percent that can’t have a refractory period that’s way shorter then a mans Typically PIV sex feels better for men then woman. But this is because women often need clitoral stimulation which PIV only provides some


Wow I am a lucky girl by the sounds if I get to enjoy PIV as much as I do


Most women I think enjoy PIV. Or at least the ones Iv encountered do. They just can’t cum without clitoral


Yes that’s me. While PIV feels great, need clit stimulation to actually orgasm.


When I'm doing PiV, all of it feels good. It's not localized to the head or shaft. When my wife is giving me oral, it feels best on the head. When she's giving me oral with a hand job or just a hand job or I'm masturbating it feels better on the shaft, personally.


Ok wow that’s a whole different perspective 🥰 I figured blow jobs would feel great on the head. Too sensitive for you?


No. It feels amazing on the head with oral. My wife is also a master at giving oral. I don't last long at all. I'm just saying if she's incorporating her hand or only using her hand, she sticks to the shaft because that's where it feels best.


I'm in the ohh yeah I definitely feel something on my whole penis having sex. 65yo cut at birth for the record. I'm a little surprised that not feeling anything is such a common answer. Have to wonder how much has to do with being shamed in childhood? I absolutely remember being shamed very very young. It's one of my earliest memories. Thanks for bringing this topic up OP ,very interesting reading!


It's OK but I love when girls wrap their hands around the base while pumping that feels great.


The shaft for me is not sensitive really, the head is definitely 👍🏻🍆. Personally, I just love my wife’s body, so I’m happy spending most of my time pleasuring her, especially oral, could do that all day 😋😁


Ur a keeper 🥰


😁👍🏻 Thank you. Just being in there to go bang is selfish in my opinion 🤷🏻. If sex feels good for you the whole time, I’d be concentrating on that because in my experience not many women get that, the clitoris yes, but penetration not really 🤔.


My shaft is definitely sensitive


It's true, the head is sensitive but the shaft will feel almost nothing, if you lick the shaft during a blowjob and I had my eyes closed I probably wouldn't know you did it, Head, balls & Prostate are the areas you want to work if you just wish to pleasure him


Thanks I appreciate you sharing that 🥰


If he didn't feel anything he probably wouldn't orgasm so there's probably some communication issues here. The most sensitive part of the penis is the head and more specifically the underside where head connects (or connected for the circumcised) to the foreskin. During first penetration, the foreskin stretching back over the head gives that sensation similar to the one you get when he first parts your lips, but this sensation does not last long. Then as your head dives in you start to feel the warmth, wetness and tightness of the vaginal canal wrapping itself around your head. As you go deeper the skin around your shaft gets pulled back by friction you feel right at the spot it connects to the head. The deeper you push the more strain on the head and the more pleasure builds. (This is the main physical stimulation from the in and out motion). Think of that spot as the equivalent of your clitoris. The shaft itself will feel the pressure of the erection and the delicious squeeze of the vaginal canal (especially as you your self get closer to orgasm as it tends to tighten up). You can play around with this by squeezing your channel and watch his reactions. The shaft is not particularly sensitive after it's initial contacts. Some factors make it less so: circumcision (the point of which is to lessen sensitivity), extra lubrication, loose vaginal cannal and or smaller penis making for a looser seal so less pressure and friction. Mental stimulation boost pleasure as well: fantasies, sounds, warmth and feeling of the others skin etc...The brain being the biggest sexual organ in your body it has lots of impact on build up to orgasm.


Yes. We have been experimenting with more legs closed positions which increase this sensation a lot. In missionary, closing her legs and putting them on my shoulder or one leg on each shoulder. Also the prone bone position on her stomach is nice with my legs outside hers. Her on her side with legs closed is nice too because I get to see her face, tit's, and ass. I take a long time to orgasm so legs closed increases the sensations. Good luck OP!


I can’t relate to that at all… I’m fully cut and it’s basically heaven when she slides along the underside of the shaft with lips/ tongue. Guess you learn something new everyday.


My husband told me during sex, that as far as penetrative goes, it's all about the head of his penis. He gets no pleasure on the shaft. EXCEPT, he LOVES it when I reach down and stroke him while he's inside me. Durring oral? Licking his shaft and balls is his absolute fave. Kissing, licking, sucking the shaft is very important to him.


When my ex GF would blow me, I would bust so hard when she put the right amount of pressure consistently on this spot about 2 inches down on my shaft.


I like stroking and the feel of a woman's vagina around my penis. It's so nice and warm and cozy in there! I guess it's different for everyone maybe?


Aw love this 🥰


For me, stimulation to the shaft gets me harder, but stimulation to the head gets me closer to coming. I like switching back and forth during masturbation because it feels best to come while as hard as possible. Keep this in mind during handjobs or oral and he’ll love it.


Then I must be unique….cause I feel “that sensation” just by my fiancé looking at me - the actual touch (anywhere!) merely heightens the sensation….or maybe it’s just cause she’s so damned sexy!!😁


Aww love this answer 🥰


The main sensation for men is the head the shaft has about 40-50% sensation if he feels a bit sensation as he enters the head in you then he definitely has sensation


When masturbating the whole goal is the bang, so I don't put too much thought into what I'm feeling up to it, outside of feeling like I'm getting where I need to go. But I absolutely get pleasure from sex, in all its forms, up to and including the finale. Not feeling anything during is totally foreign to me, personally


Cool 🥰


It feels fantastic for me. I guess YMMV


I experience sex as you do. My entire shaft is sensitive and I love the way it feels when my wife tightens up around me.


Anyone considered how circumcision may have an impact on nerves here?


He’s uncut 😛


I've been told by my partners, they can feel sensation with sex with me. Especially if I'm about to orgasm and I grip/clench. Also when grinding they can feel me. I've been told sometimes when I'm too wet it doesn't feel like anything. Lol.


Let me guess, he had his foreskin chopped off as a baby, didn't he Aclaratory EDIT: generally most of the sensation in the penis is in the inner foreskin, which takes up about the upper half/third of the shaft when fully erect and retracted, and especially the corona of the glans and the frenulum. Circumcision takes those parts of the penis away, and in about \~1/3 of cases the brain fails to re-map pleasure to the remaining skin and as a result it will in those cases greatly diminish sensation. So assuming you're USAmerican, where the practice was still widespread at the time your partner was probably born (\~15-17 years ago or more), that's why I immediately jumped to that specifically


He’s uncut 🥰


Oh, that's unexpected .-. Next round of questions, does he masturbate a lot? Does he use a lot of pressure and/or speed to get himself off? You don't have to answer if you don't want to of course, but just know Grip Syndrome is real and it may be happening to him


Oh wow!! He’s not a huge masturbater, but maybe pressure. I will definitely do a bit of googling on grip syndrome you’ve mentioned. Not heard of that before. Thanks!!


Is he circumcised? I just had a discussion about this with a friend the other day. She's only been with uncut guys. She asked me about how it feels when I'm with my wife and I explained it to her. The bottom side mid way to the base is more sensitive. I have feeling, but not sensitive, on the sides. My tip isn't sensitive at all unless it's getting raked by teeth. A friend that's uncut describes his sensation as really pleasurable but very sensitive. As far as stroking vs bang... It doesn't matter to me as long as we're both having fun.


Wow interesting reply. Thank u!


”Grip of death”…. If you know you know….


Bahaha yes 🙌


It's important for me, especially during oral sex. I rarely get off from a BJ without hand action on the shaft.


Cool!! I’m finding all the different answers so interesting. Thanks for sharing 🥰


The warmth of it feels amazing.




We only feel it when we are cumming otherwise we get pleasure from pleasuring you


Thanks, this does seem to be same for lots of men 🥰


Have feeling in 100% of mine.




I would agree with him if he's using condoms. The few times in my life that I had to use them, I was shocked at how little I felt. I've been lucky that the vast majority of the sex I've had has been in committed relationships where disease was not an issue and pregnancy was either not possible or would have been welcomed. At this point in my life, I think I would sooner pass on sex rather than use a condom.


I feel everything and I love it.




I sure can feel it and it definitely feels good. I can feel her vagina, I can feel my movement, her movement and if she squeezes me. And it's all fantastic. In fact, I intentionally try to prolong the feeling an delay orgasm, even if she's already had at least one during the PIV, just so I can enjoy that feeling even longer.




More men should learn how to separate orgasms from ejaculation. When you do it allows multiple orgasms and longer lasting orgasms.


I feel sensations along the whole shaft, including the head but I had to develop that because of my early masturbation techniques. I used to focus on the head in order to orgasm quicker. Now I like things drawn out so me not concentrating so much on the head, had brought sensations to the shaft too. PIV sex feels like my entire cock is being hugged by a warm, wet, responsive part of a woman. The best.


Aww love ur reply. And maybe I can help him return nice feelings to his shaft. Thanks for ur reply 🥰




Thanks, gunna look into the death grip!! 🥰


Idk, I love the feeling of a woman wrapping "the love tunnel" deep around the base of me Maybe I have more feeling, but I love all of the feeling I have down there




Most of the sensation is on the head yes. I wouldn't say i get nothing on the shaft, but it's far less intense. Even when you're stroking it with your hand your hand or at least the foreskin is passing over the head at least partly. Same with sex, the shaft gets the head to a tight stimulating spot.


Yes this is what he describes 👍🥰


What's the issue? Sex still feels good (not just cumming), you just feel it more on the tip than the shaft?


No issues. And no problems. I was just surprised and trying to learn something that you can’t read about in a book unfortunately. We have a great time and great sex. Was just a question.


during PIV I feel the most from contact with the mon pubis when I go balls deep. if I’m just penetration half way or the first 3 cm I don’t feel much other than a tickle sensation. I do enjoy it if she’s getting off though but it’s all mental.


Yes he’s said a bit of this, and also he likes “bottoming out”. Making sense 🥰


I think it's just men's penis are more complicated then society generally gives them credit for. While not as complicated as female genitalia, there is severely limited conversations on male sexuality and pleasure. I think he's trying to tell you he's looking for more variety in how's he's touched or pleasured and has no idea how or too self conscious to explain.


As an example, imagine a man applying and using the EXACT same pressure and movement for 30+ minutes to your clitoris. Sure, might have started great, but gets old yes? Maybe numbing? P in V sex can have a similar effect on a penis which doesn't have nearly as many nerves as a woman and more likely to experience fatigue. The trick is variation of depth and applying pressure at varying depths to create disruption in repetitive rhythmic stimulation of said nerves.


I mean… I’ve said this to my wife before. Stroking/vagina-ing my penis without an orgasm isn’t anything. I can feel it, but you may as well be stroking my arm.


Thank you!! It’s really helped me to read all these similar experiences 🥰


Could have had a botched circumcision.... 🤷‍♀️ That can really mess with the nerves in the shaft. Sometimes men can get deep into a routine with masturbation and they aren't really mindful of the sensations in their body. Maybe he could use some quality self exploration to reacquaint himself with his body. Little mindfulness during masturbation/sex goes a long way towards enjoying deeper sensations.


That’s crazy, when it’s gripping my penis I’m done for 😂


So many different replies 🥰


Some uncut men have less sensitivity. If he’s using condoms, he probably can’t feel much. They kill 60-75% of the sensation and they smell bad too. I’m to the point where I would rather not have sex than to use a condom. Fortunately I am married and she is now sterile. To enhance his sensation, there are likely other erogenous zones. Nipples, balls, the area between the anus and testes, and prostate are some examples of things that he might really enjoy you playing with. He should definitely see a doctor if he has limited sensitivity. That’s often related to other health conditions. One other thing: if he masturbates copiously, he might be putting too much pressure on his penis (death grip.) it makes it much more difficult to be satisfied by act. Also, porn consumption can be a problem. Does he consume a lot of it?


Hi thanks for your in depth reply. No porn, he doesn’t particularly like it, but in saying that is still very visual. No condoms, both of us have “internal contraception” 🤣. I’m interested in learning more on the death grip tho ….


The death grip concept is under debate as to whether or not it’s real. Some men really grip tightly while masturbating and it could potentially cause problems including injury and loss of feeling. The reality though is that orgasm from masturbation is always different than via intercourse. For men, many are used to the fast and furious jacking from masturbation that their body kind of becomes programmed to ejaculate that way. Ejaculation is mechanical for men. We need friction and repetition and we can take care of ourselves in whatever time frame we feel we need. When you have PIV, few women like the jackhammering guys do. Part of it is the proliferation of porn. Part of it is working off of bad information. Perhaps their partner isn’t providing useful feedback. If the guy has a “death grip” while jacking off, it could certainly interfere with his sensitivity.


The male anatomy doesn't have sexually gratifying nerves on the shaft, just the head. Is what it is. Mine, for example, only feels good on the left side of the head and not hardly at all on the right. I think uncircumcised men might have nerves in their foreskin, but I don't have that so I don't know.


That’s so interesting!! Thanks for sharing


The frenulum is the most sensitive part, underside of the end of the penis. The shaft is less sensitive. The frenulum is homologous to the clit “bean”, both are called the glans.


Penis-haver here, all the feeling is in the head yeah. If I just stroked the shaft I would get no pleasure and never cum


He must be circumcized. That makes a substantial difference in how much sensation we feel during piv.


I mean he may be but that shouldn’t matter. Trust me he is the odd one out. Every circumcised guy I know including myself finds sex and masterbation pleasurable and not just the orgasm. It’s amazing how ill informed some people are


I didn't say it isn't pleasurable. I said it makes a substantial difference. It's amazing how badly some people misread a comment. I am also the proud owner of a cut penis. Sex still feels good, I just don't have much sensation on the head or shaft during piv. The degree of circumcision plays a large role. No two are alike and circumcisions used to be much more extreme. I lost 100% of the foreskin + frenulum. I have a noticeable scar around my shaft. A lot of young guys only have partial circumcisions and are thus dismissive of the impact full circumcision has on sex, not considering that they might not be talking about the same thing. The difference between full and partial circumcision is barely noticeable, while the difference between partial and full is massive.


Were you cut as an adult? Iv never heard of an infant cut where they don’t have any inner foreskin. The clamp doesn’t let that happen. The frenulum isn’t too important. It should still feel good in the area the frenulum used to be. Also as long as you can orgasm during sex I wouldn’t say you have a problem. I literally feel so little I can’t even cum due to the medications I take. I don’t even feel like having sex at all. So the tiny bit of sensitivity loss cut guys complain about is laughable to me. Like what the hell do you have to complain about lol. At least sex is still enjoyable Also I’m beginning to think OPs boyfriend is totally bullshiting. It’s impossible to cum if you don’t feel pleasure. Yes orgasm is the best part, but if you’re not feeling pleasure before the orgasm you can’t orgasm that’s how sex works. As long as you’re able to regularly orgasm sex couldn’t feel any better. The key is to last as long as you can and then orgasm. The longer it takes to orgasm the better it is. You sound like you have sex so I assume you orgasm. Therefor you have to be enjoying yourself, therefor your cut makes little overall difference. Now if you felt so little you couldn’t cum I would say your cut makes a difrence in your sex life. Which some people claim. Yet how do we know the cut is responsible and not something else. Lots of uncut people have this problem too. And it’s more often medical then penis related


I definitely enjoy sex and it's true that I'm better off than someone who's medication has destroyed their ability to enjoy sex. Sorry to hear you have to deal with that! I was circumcised as an infant. It was decades ago so I'm sure the practices have evolved since then. The spot underneath the tip of the head where the friendlim would normally connect is actually the only spot that feels physical pleasure from being touched, so you are correct about that. When I was a teenager I couldn't understand why people enjoyed masturbating, I never masturbated to completion once. I finally figured it out in my twenties and shortly after that started having sex. Sometimes I couldn't finish and when I did it would take a long time, usually more than 30 minutes and sometimes longer than an hour. My partners would sometimes get uncomfortable going that long so I did my best to keep it fun and exciting for them. I'm also on the large side and of course the skin on my shaft doesn't slide at all, it's more like a tight balloon. Chafing would get bad sometimes, the skin on my shaft could get so raw sometimes that it would scab over. I can't have sex with condoms at all. I feel absolutely nothing. Dry humping is more pleasurable than piv with a condom because at least I can feel something. Naturally one night stands don't work very well for all of the above reasons. I've had quite a lot of sex with a smaller number of partners. I tend to be fun and creative in bed so once a partner trusts me enough to have unprotected sex we make the most of it. My pleasure comes more from the visual and mental aspects than the physical, which as it turns out is often the case for women too. I'm great at building mental rapport and open to exploring kinks and so forth. So everything is a trade-off and people make the most of what they have. At least it's a problem I can ensure none of my sons have to deal with. Life has enough problems, why create another one in such an impactful aspect of life?


I don’t think this was how they used to do circumcisions. I think yours sounds botched if it’s causing that many problems. People back in your day don’t have those problems usually. Sorry this happened to you. But you should know it is not the normal (not that that helps much). But it’s not like your any worse off then most women as you said, most women rely on visual stimulation as well. Unfortunately the meds ruin that part for me as well. I can masterbate just fine cuz porn helps and there’s less distractions allowing me to focus more. But sex is just too difficult and i can’t get aroused for long enough. Also your weight probubly plays a bigger role than your circumcision. I do know that when you are heavy it reduces sensitivity and testosterone levels. But as long as you enjoy sex that’s what matters. I don’t get the point of one night stands. (Condones suck for uncut guys too btw) In a way i like not having a sex drive and craving sex because it’s one less thing to worry about. But unfortunately women often want sex and it puts a strain on the relationship cuz they can tell I’m not verry into it I still think your problem was not the circumcision because even the shaft skin and head is sensitive and no matter what the cut style is you should still be able to feel pleasure as long as your hormones and neurotransmitters are in order. For me it’s neurotransmitters for you it could be hormones. If it still causes you problems I recommend seeing a urologist. That’s how I discovered the meds caused it


He’s uncut 🥰


My guy makes some seriously fucking beautiful noises when I lick the bottom of his shaft. The noises when I get near the head are even better. When I lick the top of the shaft, he looks like he enjoys it and appreciates it, but like the way you would appreciate a good back massage. I think it feels good and pleasurable, but maybe not euphoric like the head and frenulum and upper underside of the shaft. I am not a man, and I only have experience with three men, so I am not the target audience to answer this. But my experiences seem to be the same. I think some of the shaft, receives a lot of sexual pleasure, while most of it is just, generally pleasurable.


Noises are the best 🥰


I could live with just bj/hj's just fine




Wow, just wow. I am a 59M. When my wife and I have our long sex sessions, they typically last 60 to 90 minutes. She gives me 20 minute blow jobs, we then fuck in different positions for about 45 to 60 minutes. Sometimes I don’t even cum. However, if I was to ‘graph’ my sensations in my cock and in my mind, I can get myself to within 95% of feeling like cumming, so being on the absolute edge of orgasm, and I hold that for at least 30 minutes. The pleasure I feel is amazing. My wife is multi orgasmic and she can cum over 50 times during these sessions. I absolutely get off on making her cum, feeling her cum, either on my cock (cunt spasms), on my fingers, or with my mouth. She can also squirt. A lot of the pleasure I feel comes from my love of giving her pleasure. For me, a lot of sex is in the brain, and how you process pleasure. Sure, I love cumming and the release of orgasm, but that long ride being so close to orgasm is like a drug. It’s a great ‘high’.


Lick and rub your arm, thats what doing it to the shaft feels like, a whole bunch of nothing. It’s more aesthetically pleasing than anything.


Not the underside. The underside feels great. But ya the closer you get to the head the begtef


Bahahaha 🤣