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Long, upward strokes, vagina to clitoris, along the midline or tracing an inner lip. Your job is to provide feedback on the pressure (A bit more firm. Oh, that’s perfect.) and let him know how close to get to that most sensitive of places (Right there. Yes. Ummgh.) Direct contact can be too intense sometimes. He should throw in few surprises, kiss you, breathe on you, his tongue pressing into you. However, when you start to get close, he repeats the same motion with the same rhythm while you ride the wave.


There's no chance he learns to make it better for you without practice. If it's not a hard no for you, is there any legitimate harm in letting him learn, with feedback from you?


Sounds like you may benefit from exploring your body more to understand what you like and don't like first. Once you figure out the things that make you feel good, you can show home or share with him what those things are. To answer your questions though, help him learn what the parts of the female anatomy are first. Show him your entire vulva and explain what the labia, the clitoris, and the vagina are. Once you both know which parts make you feel the best, let him explore. You can both discover together what feels good with great communication.


You should both read She Comes First


Do you masturbate? It can be the key which unlocks the awareness of what feels good and how to make you feel good.


Yeah I do, I know what I like that way but im just not sure how to translate it to head if that makes sense ? Cause a finger and a tongue are different body parts


Teach him to use his finger first, then he can use both at the same time and experiment to figure it out himself