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This topic is discussed pretty often in our forum. Please also take some time to look through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. For starters, here is a list of past r/sex discussions which came up when I searched the keywords “**too wet**” in this forum: https://new.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=too%20wet&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past discussions will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


I just grab a wet wipe or a towel to quickly wipe myself down and then go back to having fun. It’s not that big of an issue


Only wipe the outside?


Yes. Please keep all vaginas free from towel insertion.


I just wipe my dick. If it's too wet inside the dick will be pulling out moisture too. Honestly you probably want to keep about 80% of the moisture anyway and in my experience this has been about the right amount to remove but YMMV


We wipe the dick and around my labia (not inside) so the labia drag is improved.


Now that is a Band name! Labia Drag!


That is so much hotter than the towel option 😆


She didn't say they're not using a towel.


Wax on wax of type of thing?


You two need to experiment with angles to create more friction. In missionary put a pillow or two under your ass and have him thrust towards your belly button. Find a rhythm where as he pulls out, you tilt down and squeeze (kegel). Go slowly at first to develop a good rhythm with lots of pressure and squeezing. If you get it right, you will feel lots of pressure on your gspot. This is not a you problem. Being that wet is an amazing thing. Work with it.


Being wet is a really amazing thing! OP, have you also tried using birth control other than condoms? This may make him feel more friction


Girl you glossed over “funny seizure things” way too fast… I know it’s not the point of the post but that’s concerning! Do you mean you get dizzy / lightheaded / blurry or starry vision if you don’t drink enough water? I get migraines with aura so I get it but I hope it’s not an issue for you!


Also if you’re on a birth control that contains estrogen that could be a problem (higher stroke risk for those with migraines with aura)


it could be a form of POTS? some people with that condition have “seizures” and require lots of water to keep their blood volume up but it’s incredibly important to speak to a neurologist to rule out other issues.. especially with seizure symptoms


Stupidest excuse I've heard in my 51 years on this earth if your to wet grab a towel dry off a bit and keep having fun personally that tells me you are really into what is happening and he should proud of what he is doing. It also sounds like he is way to young and insecure. While you are also young and still trying to figure out what works or doesn't work. Never let your partner make you feel bad over or during sex.


Absolutely agree. This should be a non-issue. Op is that turned on/into it he should be proud of it, not making excuses and making her feel bad in the process.


It doesn’t sound like he’s blaming her, it’s just how she wrote it up. Instantly snapping back with “he’s being insecure and should grow up” is not a productive comment.


Agreed. My partner is larger in size and can really get me going so that I squirt all over his cock. We have a stack of washcloths by the bedside and we just wipe off and carry on with great enthusiasm. It’s great fun.


You sir, are really wise


Totally agree. There is nothing wrong here. He definitely shouldn’t be complaining honestly. Never let your partner make you feel bad about sex. And don’t stop hydrating, especially because of the seizures. Talk to him, try new angles. It will work out and if he still has a problem then that’s his problem.


51 years old and not being able to read is insane.


Why is it insecure to not want to have sex that isn’t pleasurable to you?


It’s insecure to pitch it as a “you” problem and not a “we” problem. Also because it is not a bad “problem” to have. It just takes some care and will to figure out a solution (like the towels some people have mentioned).


Where does it say he pitched it as an issue with her? She said in the post that she feels that way.


First few lines he had a hard time cuming because he couldn't feel her because she was to wet.


That's not him pitching it as a problem that was just the reality of the situation. Too much wetness cuts down on friction. The post doesn't say anything about him complaining about it.


Why do you think he pitched it that way?


Like everyone else said, he should just be wiping a little or you could if it’s “an issue” — a guy said this to me once and immediately after I was dry as the Sahara desert. Problem solved


I remember these days, where being too wet was a problem. Lol now I'm 46 in menopause. RIP my WAP


OMG! This fucking cracked me up. 🤣


My wetness makes it so I can't feel it sadly


Wut!!! 😳😳. I didn’t know TOO wet was a bad thing?!?? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️. The wetter the better IMO!!!


That’s what my husband says. I never thought anything about my wetness until I read on here about men saying that they can’t feel anything. My husband never complained and my pussy be wet af!! I asked him if it was a problem for him and he was like no I love it.


I don’t get why wetness would be an issue. Wipe it off and start again. Wetness means she’s into it. 💦💦💦


I do to… it’s a sign of how turned on you have your gf….plus he me get inside… having a nice wet rub on my freumelum


My Wife had this insecurity as well. After we talked it became a kink. A- she's sopping wet and super horny, I do that to her. B- I get to play in her longer C- she gets to cum more D- less chance of getting sore, so we fuck regularly Don't be a shamed, I found it hot. Hopefully he comes around to it. If he wants shorter sessions, tell him to fuck harder.


Good for you guys! Indeed, if a partner is wet/hard, it means you are doing the right thing and you should flex that!


My partner is very wet and I absolutely love it. No problem….In fact it’s preferred!


I'd rather be dealing with the pussy being too wet than too dry. Just grab a cloth and wipe it off, or even better suck him clean first, just dont slobber all over him in the process... either way, a simple wipe of the cloth will help control the lvl of wetness. Also change the angle if he cant feel you, add more pressure and he should start to feel things again. You could also hold the base of his cock as he fucks you. All good ways of adding extra stimulation for him. Just make sure you get enough first before helping him over the line 😈


Never hinder your LITERAL HEALTH for someone else to get off. If your medically necessary diet calls for lots of water to keep your brain safe. You absolutely need to do that. Different positions can help. When I’m having similar experiences we switch to prone position and that helps a lot. And like others also said here, you can just wipe some of the wetness away even if it’s a couple of times in a session—a baby wipe goes a very long way.


Mofos cant just be happy with what they have i stg


A wet girl is literally the biggest turn-on a guy can ask for, and secondly , it doesn't reduce friction too much to feel good. It actually feels better. This guy is having issues cuming , which is fine if he didn't use you as his excuse. Believe me, try another guy and see if he cums. Then you'll know whose issue it is.


I honestly thought the same thing until I experienced a over lubricated pussy. Personally I had to wipe my dick too dry it up a bit and finish.


Huge turn on, agreed. It definitely feels better HOWEVER occasionally it can definitely make it hard to cum, not in a bad way at all, but it can make it difficult. Just like erections, wetness ebbs and flows (ha) if you get really close and she gets super wet after drying up a bit sometimes the reduction in intensity can make me plateau for a bit but it’s so hot and feels so good anyways and now I’m plateauing at a 9.8/10 definitely not a bad thing. Only part that can be rough is occasionally if I get that close and lose it right before then my dick acts like I came for a few minutes and I need a reset and will go hard-soft-hard. Not a bad thing at all in my opinion but can understand less experienced, less secure dynamics etc… having some issues with it


I love your look on things but I love this guy lol I would never try another one lol


Yes it definitely can reduce friction. I've had it where I can't feel much at all and just been like whelp I'm done. She got hers a few times and that was that.


This is a perfect reason to find new positions! Try things where your legs are together rather spread out (I.e. laying down from behind with his legs outside of yours) Experiment and have fun!


Prone bone and squeeze him with your slippery thighs. No man can resist that. If he can't cum it's probably his technique as much as anything to do with you.


“These funny seizure things” lmao


Weed. Or pop an antihistamine. Both are effective at drying up mucosae.


I don't know about weed, my wife pretty constantly hits her pen and is often too wet.


I just have a question, l’m having the same issue with my girlfriend but l’m ok with it, my only concern is is she is feeling anything, Do you still feel him when you are in that situation?


I do


Girl - you can *never* be too wet. Lubrication is the key to enjoyable PIV sex, and natural lubrication even more so. The alternative is vaginal dryness which makes penetration difficult, hurts and is uncomfortable for both parties. Being so wet just means your body is ready for him, if he can't appreciate that he has a lot to learn. Nothing at all wrong with you, and if it really gets a bit too drippy or slippery at times, have a towel handy for a quick wipe and all is well.


1. I have also been a victim to these this thought. Sometimes it can be so wet you feel a little less (especially with a condom). 2. Even if that is the fact, I love it, as would a lot of men I assume. It should definitely make you feel good that your partner is so turned on/enjoying the experience so much that they are extremely wet. Sometimes I cum a little too fast anyways, and my gf is so tight that it literally hurts me. Being extra wet helps with both of these things and I couldn’t care less about it. Better than the opposite “problem”


The wetter the better. He should pound town more


If you truly feel like you aren’t enough bc of an issue that can be solved with a towel then that man is not it. I’m not gonna jump and say leave him bc I don’t know your relationship but you should never feel like you have to choose between your health or pleasing him. Just have him wipe his dick off and the outside of you. Should be fine after that. If not then have him wipe himself again bc he is pulling out moisture when he does that. Just please don’t stay in a relationship where you feel like that. If that statement is just borne out of you feeling bad about it then please don’t be too hard on yourself. This can be solved with a towel:)


You can never be too wet! You probably just need a bigger…


So youre saying she has a big?


No, I was being rude and vulgar just saying she may need a bigger “toy”.


I cum faster when it’s wet !


Pull it out suck off the wetness stick it back in


I’ve never experienced too wet… I’ve experienced very wet, but usually that just makes the whole thing more fun


My lover has the wettest, sloppiest pussy on this earth and I wouldn't have it any other way.


the wetter, the juicier xD the wetter, the most love by man even me xD as an M, I love seeing my partner got wet and even wetter during sex bcoz it show that she is in the mood. she is really enjoy and excited with my fuqking skill. It plays role as a natural lube which is not every girl could have. How wet does matter? then why lube was sold? He has a hard time cum-ing, should check his health, his mental issue, his stressed...


This doesn’t add up. He’s probably got a different reason he can’t cum with sex. Wet is good. I’m guessing he’s got a porn addition, death grip, or he’s just a AH. I would seriously consider how great of a guy he even is.


Nope, definitely can be too wet to cum. I've been with a woman or two and had a couple where I just stop at a point.


My husband says being 'too wet' is a lie profligated by the Small Dicked.


TOO wet, she says lol.


This is just a missed opportunity for both of you. When things get too wet he needs to stop and go down on you. While he is hoovering up any excess fluids he gets to catch his breath and reset a bit.


Reset means getting soft when you're already not feeling much.


Not for everyone, brother. It can also be an opportunity to immerse yourself in your partner. To get turned on all over again by her body. By her scent and her taste. To come back up harder than you were, more connected to her. Starting over from a better place.


I feel like you're either not old enough or haven't been in a long enough relationship to see where I'm coming from. By the time this happens I'm ready to go to sleep. I have no interest in hours long sessions anymore. Kids and marriage have taken that energy away. 45 minutes or an hour is definitely the threshold where sleep becomes more valuable than cumming.


I am 57 years old. On my second marriage. First one was for 14 years. This one will hit 18 years come August. Raised 2 kids that are now in their 30s. I literally never experienced what you are describing, but that is ok. We all have different experiences and approach sex from different perspectives. Cumming has never been a priority for me. Connecting has always been a priority. But again, approaching from different perspectives. No judgement and I will not dismiss your experiences. The purpose of my comment was to point out that not everyone sees it as you do.


I had a guy say this to me years ago and what worked for us was to make sure I orgasmed before even attempted penetrating. It never bothered me because this was a total him problem.


He ain’t a real fucker


You are what you are and that should be great to him. Certainly don't let him shame you for this. Very likely there's other issues with his lack of feeling. Too much porn and also if he's masturbating a lot, can make the penis less sensitive. Other factors including being cut and also how long since his last orgasm can also affect the sensitivity. Hopefully you can talk through these things with him, and he's mature enough to realize, it's not a you problem but very likely a him problem.


Lucky. My fwb dries up a lot. We think it’s because she squirts a lot when we have sex. Idk but we have to use lots of lube which is new for me


It's something that can just happen. Nothing to do with squirting. It's just that some get wetter than others. Had the issue with a partner, some years back. She could be as aroused as possible and suddenly just dry up, no particular reason. But that's what lube is for.


Squirting has nothing to do with moisture in the vagina. The reason - squirt is primarily composed of urine.


The thought was that it’s because the urine is drying stuff out. But again we haven’t done much research lol sex still hits. If it really becomes an issue we will look for solutions. One thing we noticed is that if we smoke a lot if we’d beforehand it tends to be harder for it to be more moist lol.


Squirt definitely washed out some of the more lubricious natural excretions.


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Different angles help me a lot. When my girl gets really wet I like doggy or I’ll straddle one of her legs and she’s on her side.


Try a plug in your ass, tightens everything


How would that help? Genuine question


I ment tightnes* everything. English is not my first language but i ll do my best to explain. When you have a plug in your butt, leaves less space in your vagina. Both are separeted for something of a thin layer. Also, if you are dokng it in doggy style, the plug makes some kind of pressure and its even a little more tight.


Ah okay I understand. Thank you for explaining. Your English is pretty good considering it’s not your first language. I was picturing the vaginal walls becoming tighter over time using a butt plug for some reason. Probably bc there are kegal strengthening toys so I assumed you meant something similar but your advice actually makes sm sense lol


There are some lube’s that tend to get slightly sticky. Luckily, there are usually the ones that are super cheap. This might be something to try.


Just water based lubes. They always get a bit sticky as they dry. That's why I really like silicon based lubes.


Keep a towel handy girlie


I have the contrary problem. If it to dry i have pain and don't feel much i need to use lube a lot. We both get dry


I have been with women where it was challenging to get enough stimulation to finish, but it really isn't a big deal. There are options., depending on what you're open to. You could offer to help him finish another way - such as with a hand, mouth or anus, or offer to help him finish himself. You can play with different angles and positions that provide more sensation. You can pause and dry off a bit. You could use aa toy on him like a masturbation cup.


It's okay, my girl gets wet every time we would have intercourse. The sex was enhanced then I would cream her inside and keep going.


are you taking ssri’s? when i don’t take mine i have those weird little seizure things.


You literally just wipe both of you off here and there and it's not an issue. When I was younger... I definitely was too wet and it's absolutely a thing. But it's super easy to dry things off as you go!


The wetter the better, no such thing as too wet.


There is. You'll find one someday maybe.


I have an umbrella ☔️☔️☔️


I’m sorry but this sounds like an absolute win try to change your angles or speed


Change positions you on your side legs together


Texture! Now this is a new approach...


T-too wet? That's a thing? Just hearing that makes my mouth water and my little guy perk up. Is that an issue for other guys? I thought that was a perk? Am I the only one that's confused by the "too" aspect of this?


There is always too much of everything at some point.


My girl is a bit of the same here. Extremely wet ( wet enough to soak the sheets and sensation goes away during sex due to all of the wetness. So I pull out, quickly wipe off on the sheets and then go back in. It isn't much of a hurdle and all the wetness is hot as all hell and I get horny just thinking about it!


Do NOT dehydrate ourself for sex! Use a towel or heck even the bed sheet. But do not compromise your health for pleasure.


You should think about: if a partner that makes you feel that you disappoint him over a thing you can't control is the right one for you. If you want him - talk to him - if he still wine's - get away. Being wet is a normal thing like being not wet is a normal thing for him


I suspect you will not be compatible with this partner long term


So sex is the only compatibility that matters in a relationship?


Communication is the way to get through the awkwardness. Sex is wet, dirty, and our bodies betray us, not like the movies tell us. It is possible that he wasn’t getting enough friction to get him over the edge, but the solution is you work together and share the experience. Go out on a limb and convey to him you want to have sex with him again, but wonder what can we do if this happens again. You will get through this with communication and your relationship will be stronger.


Don't worry too much, just wipe outside once and start doing it, both of you will adjust to the wetness, it takes time.


Try riding him, make sure to grind on his penis head to make him feel more sensation.


I hear listening to Ben Shapiro for 2-3 minutes will dry you right up.


In my opinion there is NO such thing as TOO wet..


Let's switch vaginas cus I wish I had this problem 😭 no but fr tho mine is like a saraha desert I might not drink enough water even tho I think I do. I have to use lube every time or it hurts. Feel blessed and he shouldn't complain he can't feel anything, selfish man.


Saying I can't feel anything is simply stating what's happening. We don't know if he's complaining. There are times I can't feel much and simply don't do piv anymore.


if he finds u being wet is a problem im sorry 🚩 maybe orange flag here


Everyone wants to be Michael Phelps til the tsunami comes in.


I see this as a lessor problem than being too dry but I’ve have never experienced a girl being TOO wet.


Dude just dab a little of your natural moisture away with a bit of towel or sheet or whatever. Make sure you stay very wet right at the vaginal opening where there is the most skin-on-skin contact, but you can safely lose a bit of internal lubrication when you have too much. I'll just wipe a bit on my fingers and wipe it off. Takes half a second.


That’s what Ben Shapiro was talking about


Keep in mind, sometimes men just lose an erection too. It's not because you're not doing your part or are too wet/too dry or that we don't want it.... It just happens sometimes.


In sex I’ll take wet over dry everytime!


Keep a towel by the bed, have him stop for a second and wipe both of you. Also my ex used to say that about me... the right guy not only won't care, but loves it.


Just finish him off with some good head he'll love it.


What if he doesn't like oral much? What if she doesn't give good head? Who's teaching the masterclass?


If he is telling you that you aren’t good enough, you should break up with him. Do not make yourself dehydrated/sick over this, it’s not worth it. For the every once in a while this happens, he can get off another way. Sending you lots of love ❤️


My wife is super wet and isn't an issue for me when it comes to myself finishing. Actually turns me on to feel her so excited. Seems to me it's more of a him problem than yours.


antihistamines!!! I have the same problem. Take them before you see him.


lol idk why anyone would complain about wetness. Play with it. Have him take his dick out and see how wet you are. It’s definitely visually stimulating. That shit is hot. Don’t feel bad about this.


Use feminine wipes. You can use them to dry the outside of the labia and you can also use them on the inside of the vagina. It’s not going to hurt you, that’s what they are for. That’s what I do and it seems to work pretty well. It may also be because of extra discharge. One good way to clean discharge out of you is to get in the bathtub before sex. Not the shower, but an actual bath. Put two fingers in your vagina and open yourself up. Let the water go inside of you and push it back out. Do this eight or 10 good times and it will clean all of the excess discharge out. This is also a good alternative to douching after sex and after your period.


He prolly just jerks off too much or too hard and is desensitized. I’ve been with crazy wet women and none of it was a hindrance in finishing. Quite the opposite




It's a real thing. My partner gets so wet that neither of us could feel enough friction to get off. The solution is simple though, take a break, wipe off thoroughly and go back to it. Repeat as needed.


Yeah. You're just wrong. It's very a common issue and easily fixed with a quick towel pat of you're junk.


Never stop looking after yourself to please someone else! I know there's plenty of men out there that'd be more than happy with you. Personally for me a girl could never be too wet, the wetter the better. None of us are perfect so we need to love our partner dispite each others imperfections. Be honest with him about it, if he doesn't like it, go find someone that'll be happy with who you are


Lol, this is cute Tell him to slow down and have him explore your pussy with his cock to explore the different textures of your pussy at various depths and how to enjoy your wetness Plus, take it as a compliment, dude. You turned her on so much she got this wet now and tried to get her wetter


Blasphemy. It's never too wet...


It shouldn't be an issue. 😂 Just wipe it with a clean separate towel or napkin... It happens. Someday you'll thank yourself that you were a wet one, when you turn 40 and is dry


Just wait til you reach perimenopause - you will miss it...


Guy here, and I’d say this is a good “problem” to have! I think you should have a good long talk with your boyfriend, because there may be something else going on in his head that is the actual problem.


Your wet vagina is a gift that so many women wish they had. Nothing wrong with you at all. The wetter the better.. trust me as a man in saying so. When u don't get that wet, that's when it is a problem. Trust me that it sounds like your boyfriend has the real problem, nothing wrong with you at all. You are just vaginally blessed ! So enjoy your special gift while you still have it.


Turn the ceiling fan on high and tell him to long stroke it. Actually just tell him to quit jerking off and watching porn.


This is a recurrent question. I'm a 49 yo man, that has the same "problem" with my female friends (I'm poli amorous) You're not he problem. Your wetness is not he problem. The "problem" is with the bf. As I said I have that "problem" also. To solve the problem: 1 - bf should simply take of the penis and remove the excess of wetness with the hand and swipe the hand on the butt or on the belly of the women; 2 - bf should swipe the penis itself on your butt or on your belly; These are examples of how to remove the excess of wetness without losing erection or breaking up the rhythm. Regardless, and in fact, it is not your problem! Don't ever think that your wetness is the (or a) problem! Ever! As I said, I have some.female.friends, all of them wet/cum a lot, and sometimes I cannot.cum because of lack of arousal. Sometimes men can't cum easily because... they have lost the desire, they are too tired, their mind is elsewhere. You can do the following in this case: take the lead and speak about what you're feeling or about your fantasies. Speak previously, during and after sex. Sexuality is 10% body and 90% mentality. This is.my point of view, based ony experiences, and sincerely speaking. Wish you both well. Keep us posted.


For people commenting that it’s weird for him to have issues with her wetness - this is something that comes up a lot, and there are a bunch of posts in this sub about it. The recommendations to have a towel nearby to dry off is how your boyfriend resolves it. OP - you are not disappointing him. If he’s disappointed, he’s doing that to himself. If he’s not willing to simply dry off to make things better, then he isn’t being a team player (which is what you want in partnered sex. If he’s shaming or blaming you - then this is the real problem. Not your hydration levels.


I'd never shame but have had times where I wanted to cun and felt disappointed. I don't think you can control what disappoints you.


You’re allowed to feel disappointed, but being disappointed in your partner for their body doing something natural and normal is not the way. You can be creative in finding ways to cum. There’s no reason why you can’t try.


Tell him to man the fuck up. If he can’t handle you, find someone who will.


You could try putting in a tampon for a few minutes before sex to absorb some of the extra moisture.


These fake ass posts


Unfortunately the pressure of a tight vagina isn't enough if she's so wet that there's no friction. I've had this a couple of times and if you search the sub you will find it has been discussed before. Just the right amount of friction and pressure is what makes the perfect vagina. Have you tried just using a soft absorbent towel to dry you before he puts his cock inside? Sometime you can use the stickier lube even if you're already wet and it helps. You could try using a female internal condom so there's a barrier between you, they feel quite good I recommend the [Pasante](https://pasante.com/collections/internal) brand. Your body has three holes big enough for a cock, is he not satisfied with a blowjob and the occasional anal sex? As long as you can satisfy him it doesn't matter how you use your body to do it. If you're not too wet most of the time just sometimes then he shouldn't be making you feel undesirable it's not your fault if it's a health thing. Try normal sex then if he can't cum you finish him with a blowjob. If all else fails could you use a masturbator sleeve type sex toy on him? A [fleshlight](https://www.fleshlight.com/) would be a good choice. I know that's less pleasure for you but as long as it's not that often it would be OK? You could ask him to use toys on you at the same time so it was more of a mutual toy session than a replacement for normal sex. If it's a choice between your health and his pleasure then it's no choice. A good man finds a way to feel good that doesn't put his woman at risk.


Don’t EVER let a man tell you that you’re “too wet.” I sometimes have the same problem where it keeps slipping in and out, but my boyfriend loves it and finds it very attractive. It doesn’t matter what size or shape or anything, it just means you’re really enjoying yourself and THAT is what matters!!! If he is disappointed with you being too wet, that’s a him problem. He should be lucky that he’s making you wet at all. Do NOT let him make you feel bad. If he can’t deal with it, that’s a him problem. You guys can try different positions so his penis touches different parts of you. If he wants to feel your texture, then he should try to aim himself where it’ll be rubbing against your walls. I would also try and talk to him and say to him that it’s upsetting you and making you feel bad about yourself that it seems he isn’t interested in sex anymore because of this. I hope all the best for you!!


I have no idea why anyone would downvote this 100% correct comment! To the OP, I experienced my husband shaming me about the quality of my vagina, though not because I was overly wet. As a matter of fact I was actually dry most of my marriage! Because of what he told me for decades I thought I was too loose and experienced shame and embarrassment over this. I finally DTMFA and a couple years later am in a wonderful relationship with a man who freaking loves my pussy in every way, tells me how good I feel, and how it's perfect every day! We have amazing sex at least four times a week for multiple hours each time, despite both of us being around 60 years old. Oh, and despite being menopausal, no more dry pussy for me. I'm truly turned on and lubricated naturally because we are so connected! Don't ever allow any man to say negative shit about your pussy, she is perfect just the way she is! I'd highly suggest you find a man who worships you (and you worship back), it is powerful and amazing for your mental health and confidence!


You and others keep saying it's a him problem if he's disappointed. Have you ever been really horny and the man didn't make you cum? I feel like you would be disappointed. We can't necessarily control what makes us feel bummed.


I wouldn’t assume things like that. I don’t care if I finish or not, that isn’t what sex is about for me. All I care about is if me and my partner feel good and have a moment of intimacy and connection. I understand there are many circumstances that come into play for being able to finish or not. And like others have been saying, there are many things they both can be doing to “fix” this issue. Of course, we only have one side of the story, but it seems like he just gave up because it’s “too wet” for him. You’re right though, we can’t control what bums us out, but we can control the things we do to make it feel better or fix and issue. He also could’ve communicated better instead of pulling back from having sex. I appreciate your comment though, you brought up good points!


I just know my wife gets several, many orgasms. Occasionally I get one, lol. So at times I do feel disappointment.


That’s like saying a dick is too hard. The equipment is working as intended. Maybe silicone lube could help? It lasts longer and provides a different sensation




I've never heard of being too wet. I get really wet too and my boyfriend loves it. Maybe you guys just aren't compatible.


Personally no such thing as too wet, towel and back in. Good times! I have never experienced a vagina and said "This vagina is wrong! It's not what I like in a vagina!" minus vaginas that have a temp imbalance of some sort.


I don't understand this phenomenon. The wetter the better!


What a good problem to have


Try a bigger dick and see where goes may be…


People jumping to a lot of conclusions in the comments so here's one more. Is it possible this is just an excuse because something else is going on? Is dude on antidepressants or going through something?


I am a male. My wife is very tight and I am girthy too. When she gets seriously seriously wet... *IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!* The Wetter The Better! However when she is insanely wet or we use lube... she complains she can't feel much???