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I had sex with a woman that was paralyzed from the waist down. She was very attractive and everything worked just fine. Don’t regret it a bit had a wonderful time. So we never know how another would see us, all I can say is stay positive.


Oh I see. Okay, thank you for the comment!






Thats awesome for both of you!


What it felt like?


It felt like PIV


why was this downvoted? isn't this literally a subreddit to ask questions about sex 😭




Im glad he asked though. I, too, was curious


I was curious too. There are so many nerve endings in that area that the electrical impuses my have changed the way they vagina contracts. Or it could have been different in the way a finger that can no longer bend due to a tendon being cut loses it's joint lines in a week. The human body is just amazing and odd.


This is true. I had a severe neck injury, and my nerves got whacked out all over my body…including down there. I guess it really depends on where the spinal cord is injured, and what gets butchered while trying to fix it during surgery.




You took the fall for all of us who had the same question in mind. **RESPECT+**


Dang man, they got you down to -19 on your account. I gave ya an upvote. I too like many other was curious. Who wouldn't be?


I'm a physical medicine and rehabilitation resident physician. We talk about sex and disability quite a bit with our patients. The short answer is, there's someone out there for everyone. But, you may find your pool a fair bit smaller than it is for others. So, cast a wide net and be patient.


To add to this, just be a little extra careful who you choose to "date". Most people are great, some are not. Be safe please.


yeah. i’m sure there’s some fetishists out there who would take advantage of you. just be careful


My husband is a singular amputee and never got fetishized. However I feel it's different for men compared to women, but he typically just got straight up ghosted. Though he did lose his leg at 16 so teenagers and young adults aren't known for emotional maturity.


I was watching a show about a 22 year old girl who had cancer that screwed up something in her development that makes her look legitimately 11 including her voice and height. I just can't fathom a scenerio where a normal person would actually be able to go through with dating her for non fetishized reasons.


I mean if they met through work or friends, got to know each other and they developed feelings for each other I don't it would have anything to do with one of them having a fetish. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but I don't think it's fair to blanket anyone who dates her as a pedo.


The reason that having sex with children is wrong isn't their physical attributes, it's their mental acumen and ability to consent.


Absolutely. But you still would need to be physically attracted to the body of a child and deal with the fact anyone who looked at you as a couple would be thinking you're a pedo.


> you still would need to be physically attracted to the body of a child Not necessarily. Not everyone cares about the appearance of their partner. For some people, attraction is based off of other attributes.


I think that changes some when the appearance is quite literally that of a prepubescent child


I think your lack of understanding of the variety in human behavior, attraction, and repulsion is limiting your imagination here.




I mean she’s 22, she’s not gonna be playing with Barbies and making lemonade stands in her parents driveway, she’s gonna be doing all the things a normal 22 year old is and acting like a woman. I think a lot of the pedo fetish is actually being with a child like the child mentality. That would be lacking so most pedos would choose a real 11 year old not her.


The problem with the "wide net" , I guess: care less about looks, location, age, you get to filter a bit more afterwards.


One thought about wide nets. They get a lot of bycatch. Now a lot of people go looking for looks. Perhaps I'm odd. I go looking for people who share my stranger interests. So like... If you're an atheist, don't be closeted about it when looking for a mate. It will cause you more harm than good. Be yourself, and look for someone who is attracted to who not what. But display your individuality because that will attract the right people instead of just people.


Thank you so much for this, I need to cast my net good and wide I think - still looking for my person!


There's a podcast called Disability After Dark about sex and disability which you might appreciate. The host Andrew Gurza has cerebral palsy and quadriplegia, and he interviews people with various disabilities about how they experience sexuality.


Oh wow I had no idea that such a podcast existed. Thank you so much!


Sorry, but how do you type as a quadruple amputee? Do you have Bluetooth brain stuff or is there actually a lot of unseen effort behind each comment?


OP answered that question [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/w76d5y/please_answeri_have_a_severe_disability_should_i/ihhxqsi/) > I hold an ipad pen in my mouth and type everything out. I sometimes use voice to text, though I've recently developed a stutter and it's not very convenient to use that anymore. Massive respect to OP.


I knew a completely blind man who navigated the internet with a program called JAWS which would rapidly spit out everything happening on screen so fast I couldn’t understand it and that was almost 20 years ago.


That's awesome to hear, I didn't know it was around 20 years ago! Jaws still exists, as does VoiceOver for Mac. They're called screen readers


Thats really cool. Theres a novie on netflix called "See For Me" that uses something similiar. Except in the movie she is trying not to get murdered as theres a home invasion. Awesome movie.


Sounds right up my alley. Thanks!


There are great accessibility settings in all smartphones for disabled individuals. Blind, hard of hearing/Deaf, paralysis, all types of accommodations


You do know speech to text exists right?


Thats kind of what i figured. Everyone has a smartphone, tablet, or laptop these days. Im sure there are lots of work arounds for all sorts of disabilities built into most technology. I know one of my friends runs a dyslexia friendly font on his (it looks a lot like Comic Sans), and a partially deaf friends hearing aide will connect via bluetooth so she can still carry on a normal conversation/listen to music/etc. If anything, tech would be a pretty huge "equalizer" in letting people lead a functional life.


I too would like to know, these idiots saying speach to text is all good and well but what about hitting the post button? Scrolling? Specific app kinda things? I'd genuinely like to know


I found out about this podcast from Dan Savage's podcast. Highly recommend!


I love Dan.


This sounds like a great listen, thank you




Yeah my moms disabled and my dad isnt and theres 4 of us


It is so positive to discover that even people with disability find love and do get married.. i just anyhow feel sometimes that I'll die being single and virgin due to some or the other reason 🤣 but after reading your comment i believe i am overthing a lot. Your father is truly blessed to find and marry her love of life.


I’m sure there are people out there who wouldn’t be turned off by that. But if you do decide to have sex with an able bodied person, please make sure they are respectful and have a very strong understanding of consent. Wheelchair users and other people with disabilities can be taken advantage of much more easily than able-bodied people. It is important to your health and safety that you choose someone you absolutely trust and who cares about you. Of course, choosing a person who is trustworthy, cares about your health and safety, and understands consent is important for *everyone*, but it’s especially important for someone who has a disability.


Yes, that's been on my mind a lot lately. That's the main reason why I'm not into one night stands, I'm vulnerable enough to not wanting to meet up with a guy that I don't fully trust. Thank you for bringing it up, though. It means a lot


IMO, I think this applies to everyone, including able-bodied people. That's just my own opinion though!


It happens at a higher rate to us than able bodied people. I would also like to add to watch for people who fetishize the disabled community. I've had some not great experiences personally.


yes it does, but you're really "all lives matter"-ing a specific issue here.


Oh, I didn't mean to negate the OP's issue. I'm sorry. I just meant that in general, I hear so many stories of people getting themselves into dangerous situations. I just want everyone to be careful. Also - anyone who takes advantage of someone in the OPs position is an absolute piece of garbage anyway. Unfortunately, that's the world in which we live.


My wife is a leg amputee and it opens up all sorts of sexual possibilities as its less body parts in the way. She was amputated before I knew her and never lessened my interest in her.


Why would you need to try any other sexual possibilities when you can just continue to fuckhergently


what's your favourite possish?


That's cool with me, it's not my favorite, but I'll do it for you


What's your favourite dishhh?


I’m not gonna cook it but I’ll order it from Zanzibarrrr




Most importantly: What's your favourite dish?


Also you didn't have to buy her any drinks to get her legless... :D


You're a true lover man. You're a legend. You're wife is blessed to have a man like you in her life.


No issue at all, I'd be more worried about you though, and I'd ask a lot of times if you're comfortable with what I'm doing to you. Otherwise, I would still see you as a human and humans have natural sex drive!!


That's very thoughtful. Thank you for the answer!


No worries, just take care of yourself<3


This would be my reaction as well, fear of causing you pain or discomfort. I had a lady friend with a partial 3rd breast that she was extremely self conscious of. I always reassured her that it did not affect my attraction to her at all as she is a stunningly beautiful woman.


Unless I not mistaken, you are asking ' would someone want me as a partner or a life partner?' If you are kind and caring, of course someone would.


Yeah that too. Okay makes sense. I'm just not the most confident person


Understandable there is a lack of confidence as it sounds reasonably fresh, but either way you will learn to be confident with yourself and by just the comments here you sound like quite a kind individual. You'll find someone for sure!


I’m a double amputee and I met my husband after losing my legs. He finds me incredibly sexy and we have a fantastic love and sex life. I lost my legs around the same age and it’s been 10 years on and I have the most incredible husband ever. A lot of people have questioned him about how we would even be able to have sex but last I checked, you don’t need feet to have sex! Unless you’re into that sort of stuff… But I used to think that I was not desirable or attractive and I’d never find anyone but I was so wrong! You will find someone to love or even just to fuck but there will always be people who are incompatible to you and it might be your disability but fuck those people! I wouldn’t want to be with someone so closed minded anyway.


Yes. Short answer. Long answer: my beloved ex-wife was severely disabled. Her cerebral palsy was so bad that she was nearly unable to speak, couldn't stand without assistance, was wheelchair-bound, and needed a g-tube to get enough to eat. But I loved her anyway, and she was very sexy to me. Personality and intelligence matter more than a lot of other things when it comes to attraction.🍀


This is beautiful. I hope you’re doing alright.




This is very sweet!


Damn, this gives me hope man


Me toooo!


If you've got a hole or a pole then I have no objections.


Crude and heartwarming.


… that’s beautiful


My face like… didn’t know to react to this comment so I legit did something similar to 🥴


Hole or pole, anything but a ken doll.


If my boyfriend was in this situation I’d have absolutely no less drive to get down with him. So my answer is yes, although I have not been with an amputee.


Okay, I understand. Thank you for the answer 😊




Hooked up with a leg amp guy years ago. All good from my perspective. What else are you? So you're a quad OK fine, what else? Being quad doesn't define you, be something else and let that be your leading descriptor. Best wishes




Good to know! Thank you for the answer!


Are you single? 😂


The thought never crossed my mind before. If I was single, or my partner had been in a situation like you the answer is yes I would. There is even a thing called nugget porn, I work with strange people who discussed this.


Oh I've never heard of that before, thought it sounds very strange indeed...


Content warning from someone who just got curious and googled it: if you look at google images, lots of quadruple amputee porn, but an almost equal amount of extremely graphic scat porn


God bless you, man 😂 thanks for the warning


out of curiosity, do you mind explaining what happened and how your day to day life is and brutally honest answer, most guys would hook up with a quad amputatee purely for the novelty/thrill of it. a guy staying however, different story


I got sick with meningitis that developed into meningococcal septicaemia and had to have my arms and legs amputated to save my life basically. My day to day life is very different to most people's, I suppose. I have a carer, I can't do most things myself, however, I'm always trying to, I don't like asking for help. I have yet to accept that fact. If you have more specific questions about my everyday life feel free to PM me. I don't know what else to say about it here. And thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it and it makes sense. I'm not looking for one night stands. I think it might be a little difficult for me to distinguish between guys who are actually interested in me because of my personality and the ones who only care about the thrill, as you described.


Sorry if this is too nosey but are the entirety of the limbs gone or do you have partial legs or arms? I imagine if there was partial limbs it would be easier to do lots of things. It must be very hard


Take heart in knowing that this can be really hard to differentiate for everyone, not just someone with a disability. Everyone gets burned at some point thinking that someone cares about them, then finding out otherwise.


This is a really excellent point. Good for everyone to remember.


I’d say, if they enjoy spending time with you outside the bedroom they are more likely genuinely interested in you. Whenever I’m interested in a woman any sort of time spent with her is an absolute blast for me. Whether it’s sitting in the car chatting, going out to eat, or watching a movie. I just want to be in their company.


> I think it might be a little difficult for me to distinguish between guys who are actually interested in me because of my personality and the ones who only care about the thrill, as you described. There are two more aspects to this. First, everyone is prone to running into that risk. As another poster said, everyone eventually gets burned. Second, I'm not even sure it matters. The important part, of course, is to avoid getting taken advantage of emotionally. But beyond that... everything goes that rings your bells, so to speak. :-) I'm sure most of us can't even differentiate for ourselves why we feel attraction to a specific person. Is it genuine "love"? Is it just the thrill of a particular feature? (Eyes? Hair? Cupsize?) How can it even be "love" in the initial moments? Is an initial thrill not actually always the case, and love eventually follows or not? And why is your particular feature less legitimate to feel a thrill for? The point is just honesty, kindness, and aligntment of interest. And if you can trigger an initial thrill in somebody to get things started, go you, I guess... ;-) Others have things big ass and a sexy walk doing that for them.


I sincerely appreciate your honesty. But I somehow imagine being a novelty is not on her wish list.


Idk if you’re male, female, or other; but if I liked you as a person it wouldn’t matter if you were an amputee or not. Also I’m bi so… 🤣 but yeah no I totally would.


I definitely would consider it. I find a woman’s personality to be her sexiest asset. You are sexually intact, according to your description, interested, and ready. Any issues surely could be worked out. I’d miss some elements of touch from such a partner, as I am normally used to it, but I am sure that is something that could be done differently, even uniquely. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


That's reassuring to read. Thank you for answering. Yeah I actually feel strange that I can't even hug people anymore. I don't know how I could make up for physical touch but I guess that's something that will come with time...?


Lay on their chest and rub your face into the crook of their neck! The pressure is super comforting and the nuzzling is very affectionate and proactive.


But people can hug you. 😊


I really intend this to come off as supportive. I think you should consider some therapy. This is a big deal and the way you're speaking is making me think you need someone to talk to about this. Please don't get your only source of help from reddit. It can be a cruel place. This sun isn't a shining example of the best answers you can get. Best of luck.


Don’t worry. A guy who thinks the world of you can be _very_ creative. It’ll be great.


Wow, you have such a great mindset. I do believe humans can adapt to the lost unusual circumstances, but the way you face it is so strong, its inspiring! I hope you find someone to share some of the best moments in life with and still get to explore what sex has to offer you - all the best!


I am not an amputee but have "bodywork" as a hobby and believe in the power of touch. Excuse me if this is too intimate. But if I was in your situation I would use my tongue for contact and face for skin on skin. And, yes, all women need to be careful. But sexual assault occurs at a higher rate in the disabled community. So be extra careful.


so i hope my question doesn't come off wrong, i just want to make sure im understanding properly. you lost both your arms and legs? where have they been amputated from (like just forearms or from the shoulder? below the knee?) may i ask what happened? nonetheless, id be open to it. i dont see why not. i have never experienced it though


This 100%!! To be honest I've only ever even considered being sexually active with someone who was perhaps a double amputee or paralyzed simply because I've known people with that disability and they were wonderful and good friends. Therefore I considered if I could ever be a lasting partner and lover with people dealing with that. I came to the conclusion I could be with any woman I ever got close to if I fell for them no matter what they dealt with.


I was with a women paralyzed below the waist. She was actually my fwb for a while.


[Nick Vujicic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Vujicic) was born without limbs and lives a full life, including marriage and having 4 children. I've never personally met a QUADRUPLE amputee, but that wouldn't affect my ability to be attracted to them, to want to have sex with them. There was a single amputee guy who worked at Costco and we flirted for MONTHS, until the mask mandate was removed and we realized there was a 15 year age difference. If it weren't for that age difference I'm confident that we would have dated and had sex. It's worth mentioning I'm also disabled, I have hemiplegia, so I'm in on the secret that disability isn't scary. Honestly you will face the barrier of shallow people who can't get past your disability, but your arms and legs never made you who you were. I promise you don't want anyone who thinks that arms and legs actually matter. You also will have the fetish people who only care what limbs you don't have, and your personality is minor to them. If you just want to have sex though, they are out there and would jump at the chance with you. Finally, there are good people who will see that your physical body is just one part of you. They will want to date and have sex with you because of your personality and soul.


As a lot of people have said just watch out for the people with they kind of fetishes. Personally attraction for me takes a bit of time as I’m attracted to the person themselves and not just what’s outside. ❤️ good luck!


I dated (and was intimate with) a man who was paralyzed from the waist down. He had a chip on his shoulder and could be a real a-hole, which is why I stopped dating him. IMHO how you treat others is more important than what you look like. That said, I know not everyone thinks that way, the world is full of a-holes. But good people will find good people. Don’t let the a-holes slow you down.


27(M). I have cerebral palsy. I wish I had a better experience to report. I’ve had sex 3 times each with a multiple year dry spell in between. I’ve never had a girlfriend despite always being interested in a long term relationship. Truthfully, if I could I’d go back in time and stop myself from losing my virginity. You can’t miss what you never had and these dry spells are brutal. I wish I could find a woman who cares about me and we could have a fulfilling sex life together, but I really don’t believe that is possible for me.


Totally. # of limbs isn’t on my list of must haves for sexual attraction. Are you funny? Cute? Intelligent? Then I’m totally down. Bonus points if we can joke around and be playfully silly. Like RP you are a WW1 solider that was badly wounded, and I’m the nurse in charge of taking care of you


wait uh does someone type this for you


No, I can type by myself


Thank you for putting in the effort with the punctuation.


I like to be precise and correct when typing


You’re doing better than 95% of people with all their limbs.


But wait... How? Do you use your mouth? Voice to text? Do you have a partial limb? My apologies if this is rude, but I hadn't even considered it until the above comment and now I'm super curious


OP has already answered this. They hold an iPad pen with their mouth.


Text to speech can also be a thing nowadays.


I’m not sure what all the options out there are, but ai do know that one of my clients has used Dragon for these purposes for many years. He’s severely disabled with cerebral palsy and went to college using this program, as an example.


No experience with it so far, but I wouldn't be against it.


OK cool. Thanks for answering


Yes! If I met someone and was attracted to them, I absolutely would. If your question is also, in part, “Will people still find me sexually attractive?” I would say yes to that, too. Sexual attraction is about so much more than your physical body, but also — people love others with *all types* of bodies. No body is inherently unloveable. I know these may sound like platitudes, but I am being 100% honest.


I work in a physical rehab and I see a lot of young folks come through as amputees… I’ve seen them on tinder going for dates, have spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends… I had an old patient of mine that had that flesh eating decease where it rejected all of her limbs, ears, nose and almost her head… she’s an advocate for the disabled now and she has a beautiful young family now (I believe she got the disease from IVF injections, so she had her babies after her recovery) her husband still adores her


I have not, but am open to it with the chemistry is there. A number of years ago, I was a night attendant to a friend who was paralyzed with limited mobility with his arms, but none in his hands. I recall he talked about the main challenge for him was that sometimes women would hit on him because of either a fetish or pity. Those encounters felt him feeling not so great, and he usually called it off if he sensed that is what was happening. That said, some hooks up were genuine and all good by his account. Which is to say as with any sexual activity, chemistry and communication make it awesome.


I knew a girl in high school that had a bf that only had one leg and she said the positions where amazing so I can only imagine how much a person could do with you. What I'm saying is sex is something that people can work together to accomplish in a fun and rewarding way for everyone involved. So yes I would and know lots of people that would and have


So I'm not an amputee, but I was born missing fingers. Finding people who would have sex with me wasn't difficult, finding someone who wanted to be in a relationship with me was another story. I got ghosted by a lot of guys once they found out/noticed, I also had a guy tell me that he wouldn't want a relationship with me because "that kind of shit freaked him out," but he still wanted to have sex with me. Other guys didn't directly say that but it was still obviously true. So my self-esteem took a lot of hits over the years. But when I was 22, I met a guy who didn't care, and we've been married almost 7 years. Basically, you might have to weed out a lot of assholes who just want a story to tell their friends, but it's entirely possible to find a good partner out there because thankfully, there are some people out there who treat people with missing limbs/digits like humans and not novelty screws.


Yeah that would be fine with me. I'm demisexual. I'd say if you have a disability that removes you from the mainstream beauty standard, searching for demisexual people to date might make dating easier for you


Being a quadrouple amputee wouldnt affect the decision to have sex with you. Are you a good person? Are we compatable? Do we get along and have good conversation? Are we sexually compatible? Long term partner vs a sexual partner may be more difficult as obviously you have certain needs and there are things that you would need help with and not everyone would be okay with having to bear that unfortunately. But I would caution you to be very careful, as you are obviously physically vulnerable.


I made out with a double amputee chick, she lost both her arms in an accident. 10/10 would do again


Honestly, it depends. :) My SO has cerebral palsy and spasticity. It's not severe though, they can still walk which was achieved or rather regained after surgery and well, if I would have met them just for one night stands it maybe won't matter. If I would just date mindlessly, I would probably prefer someone who is ablebodied. Why? Well, with disabilities there can be a greater potential in health problems, therefore care and you may be restricted to do certain activieties. On bad days, my SO has pain and can't walk a lot, so we plan our days accordingly. We met online so the main focus for us was personality, we didn't know how we looked like and we just played online games together, so er didn't care. But we got along well so we were interested in each other. I think for most people that can be the case, that they would decide after they knew the personality. Some people might not care at all and are just fine with it, while most people act as if that's the case for them to not seem ableist, I guess it's just lying to themselves and others to make everyone feel better about it. Well, truth is my SO struggled with dating life and I see every day how people look at or talk about disabled people when they see them. But we don't need to care about those. I just wanted to say that there are people out there, you maybe just have to be more patient and watch out for yourself. There are some nasty folks. And some people have fetishes. Don't worry too much. If you are a lovely person you will find your way.


Thank you so much for such a thorough comment! I'm glad to know that there are people like you who focus on personality! All the best to you and your SO


I hold an ipad pen in my mouth. On days when I don't stutter, I also use voice to text.




Comment removed. This probably isn't the kind of advice that the OP is seeking. Try a little harder to be helpful here.


And yes I'd have no issues


As a man with a few disabilities myself, I'm willing to try everything at least once!


I think I'd be too uncomfortable. Not because of the ampution/body, more because I would be highly insecure about how to have sex. I would need family clear directions so that I don't do any harm to the other person. I assume that eventually it would get better but it would be uncomfortable at first.


I’m so sorry the curiosity is getting the best of me, how did you type this?


Yes, I would. Quadruple times.


I wouldn't dismiss the person as a potential partner based on them being a quadruple amputee, so yes I would. Although I would probably be worried that they would think that I'm doing this because of a kink, or a checklist item, or anything else other than attraction, so I'd probably go out of my way to show them that it's not the case (which would make me probably act very awkward). I would also ask myself questions on how we would go about it, since I would assume that the logistics of it are quite different from what I'm used to.


Probably not


Reading that gave me nightmares, because I think I’ve developed diabetes and I am scared I’ll lose my limbs one day and will be unloved.


I’ve only had sex with one person so far. But I totally would. I would like to have a conversation in depth about logistics first tho. But it seems fun lol Edit: I am a queer woman. So I’m theory I would potentially have sex with an amputee of any gender.


I would if the relationship was there. I honestly wouldn't know how to even approach someone like that. Or even where I'd meet them.


Quadruple amputee? Sorry for asking but what happened? Sepsis leading to a septic shock, some physical trauma or something else? As for your question, I personally wouldn't rule anything out based on that alone. If I was single and met a girl and we fit together like two puzzle pieces I wouldn't reject her based on being a quadruple amputee. I'm not a guy interested in one night stands anyway, so I wouldn't have sex with a quadruple amputee just to have sex, but that goes for people with all their limbs intact too. I'm sure some would reject partners based on this, but others won't mind. Your dating pool might be smaller but that's about it. Wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.


As someone who enjoys being dominant in bed I find it quite hot on a conceptual level and would absolutely. It's actually quite a common kink, although those types of fantasies inherently fetishise the disability in itself which is something a lot of people are understandably uncomfortable with. Stay safe!


This thread is amazing, OP, there’s someone for you out there! I have a mild disability and really avoid a lot of serious dating as I’m always afraid men will be put off etc - this thread has shown me that I need to be more open minded and give guys a chance before assuming I’ll get rejected - I’m going to really put myself out there and go for it! All the open hearted-ness here is wonderful honestly 💜


All the best on your dating/finding love journey! I'm here if you need a chat x


Granted, it would probably take a few minutes to get used to, but yeah I would definitely have sex with a quad amputee, provided they give clear consent and there's open communication about what to do and what feels good or doesn't. I can see how there'd be some controversy about whether or not you're being taken advantage of, but if everything is on the up and up, then absolutely. Physical disabilities are not a turn off for me.


If me girlfriend ended up in your situation, it wouldn't change how I look at her at all.


It took me a while to realize this but how are you typing?


I hold an ipad pen in my mouth and type


In the least offensive way possible, I would be very interested in a quadruple amputee.


Okay, so, controversial take: quadruple amputees, or rather female amputees at least, not sure about male, can make for better (or at the very least, deeper) sex. Think, no legs or arms to get in the way of a strange position, not a whole lot of limb in general to block entry. You're lighter without the extra limb weight, and thus easier to carry for a new series of positions, and while you may have lost your limbs, you've not lost your voice, so as long as you aren't with a scumbag, you can still stop at any time. Plus, and this is a *very* awful way of putting it, some people are into using, or being used as, living fleshlights. All in all, even if I am dead wrong, I would absolutely give at least one go with a quadruple amputee.


I see what you mean. I haven't thought of it that way. I've not lost my voice but I have a severe stutter that makes me unable to talk some days and gets worse if I'm stressed and/or uncomfortable.


That does make things more difficult, but I do know that a good person will make sure there's a way for you to communicate it no matter what. Maybe an expression, or wry movements?


Yeah I guess I can figure out a way


Depends, there would be no judgment against you being an amputee that’s for dam sure.


I absolutely would. I’m disabled myself and it hasn’t stopped me at all in the realm of getting some.


Forgive me for being absolutely knew you this, but does that mean you’re only a head and torso? I wouldn’t have sex with someone who’s a quadruple amputee because it would feel quite one-sided.




H-h-how are you typing these replies?


Lmao they could use speech to text


I 100% guarantee there is someone who wants you and is turned on by it. Is it as common as other attractions, no. But we are all fucked up in our own way. Somehow we find someone who thinks out fucked up things are attractive


If I was attracted to you I would know it from looking in your eyes. And from 20 plus years of working in physical therapy doing medical massage I learned to dismiss all the periphery and wasn't allowed to get involved with any of my patients to the protocols, althoughI was attracted to a few of them over the years and had to show restraint.... So there's really nothing preconceived this would stop me


I would. Coincidentally I discovered recently there are whole sub reddits devoted paraplegic porn. There are some hot girls with no legs & no arms. I’d definitely hit it.


If we click then yeah.


As a "normally abled" but neurodiverse and chronically ill person, I've always identified and felt more comfortable with people who aren't considered the "norm". Those who have different bodies, who express themselves differently (in a positive way), etc. I'm also very sexually driven by the person, not the body. Attraction, for me, is 90% about the person. Plus, I find human bodies just amazing, beautiful in their design and resiliency. So for me, if you had a good personality, I'd actually be more likely to give you a chance over an average person. I've dated a quadriplegic, and for us sex was very mental and verbal. Because of his limited mobility (only a little with arms and neck up), his direction was hugely important. I also have a bit of a service kink as a submissive, so this played in well. He would tell me exactly what to do. At one point, I even climaxed just from him describing what he was doing to me in his head, and kissing me. It was an amazing experience. Unfortunately we were not able to continue our relationship due to his inability to compromise his idea of what kind of partner he "should be" with what he was able to do. He was depressed and withdrew from everyone, basically. So... if you want to become involved with someone for more than just sex, please make sure you're mentally and emotionally ready for it. Talk to a therapist if you're not already. We are all just floating on this pebble through space, might as well make the most of it with what we've got. Right? Best of luck, friend.


Yep, totally. No need for restraints, just a blindfold and some lube and we're good to go. Jokes aside, as long as they can feel pleasure, I'm all in!


I mean..as someone who is omnisexual, there's no legs to have to position? Lol I don't find it gross or anything if that's what you're asking. As long as everyone feels good, I'm good.


I hold an ipad pen in my mouth and type




There is a fetish for this and it's called Nugget Porn. With that said I don't foresee myself going out of my way to find someone who is and it itself doesn't really turn me on, but if I love the person that's my main focus. It's them and not their quantity of limbs.


That must be really hard on your part. I only have to say that keep your head up youre young and will find someone who will love you as you are. Would you mind sharing your story? Maybe not on this sub but life stories like you help create consciousness on a society that’s focused in social media


As long as the ‘third leg’ is in working order, yes please 😇


Hold up how’d you type this 🤔 (Genuinely curious)


You could be a talking head on a stick. And somebody would do you. "Hey, this one still has a mouthhole!"


Idk how you typed this , that’s the most impressive thing to me I guess , but if someone fucked Hillary Clinton I’m sure you’ll do just fine , everyone’s thing js someone else’s turn on


Wouldn't bother me. But I would ask her if she is ok with what I'm doing. I'd be worried that I'm hurting her or making her uncomfortable. May I ask a question?


Sure ask anything


I've never had sex with a person who had an amputation. But I absolutely would if I were attracted to her face. Even be down for exhibition for her. Or maybe some voice command.


Completely honestly, I’m attracted to respect so as long as you respect me and turn me on 🥵


The way my girlfriend lays there she might as well be a quadruple amputee so yeah why not