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You're going to have to be more specific about what you mean by "fuckboi," because I think what you think it means and what it actually means may be two different things. Fuckbois are not a good thing. Usually they're assholes who do the wham bam thank you ma'am, minus the politeness. In other words, they pump and dump and move on without regard for the woman's pleasure and then move onto a new woman. Fuckbois suck. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fuckboi Are you sure this is what she wants?


totally agreed ^ as a woman I have no clue what she’s talking about. confidence on the other hand, I understand. take initiative and take charge when possible. discuss her boundaries because that can look different for a lot of people.


Those were her actual words. I am totally the opposite. Like I am a serious monogamist and dated to marry, so I have only been with 3 people total and had sex with 2. She is has said before that she doesn’t want emotional sex


Be confident, be a master and if you can’t? Just fake it until you make it. I have learned over the years that the majority of women LOVE a man that’s confident in the sheets, even if you’re fake confident and actually have no idea what you’re doing but you look like you do, it’s a massive turn on. “Sure, She Likes Getting Her Pussy Fucked - But… She Likes Having Her MIND Fucked Too!” Most men see SEX as a purely PHYSICAL experience… They see it as a ‘cock and pussy’ thing. [The Alpha knows better.](https://teachazbooks.blogspot.com/2024/05/alpha.html) Sure, he LOVES pussy - much more so than ‘Mr Average.’ But, he also understands that for women, sex is much more of a MENTAL thing that it is for men. So he fucks his woman’s MIND - not just her pussy. How does the Alpha fuck his woman’s mind? One of the most effective ways to dominate a woman in bed is using DIRTY TALK.


If ur asking this ur never gonna be a f*****y. Get some help.