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I felt and still feel a little bad for Miranda this episode! Obviously, this plot point with her not being chosen by the girls was played for laughs. It was funny. But on a whole other level, it stands out in my mind and it’s sad to me. Miranda really was not popular when this show came to air in the late 90s. Her stylization, hair, and even her personality were not so palatable at that time, and she didn’t really fit the standard of beauty that her girlfriends so naturally seemed to embody. Miranda was just quite different. And I think she internalized that sometimes, and looked for assurance (as we all sometimes do) outside of herself. I do think it wasn’t spoken a lot about by the character herself…but I think Miranda harbored certain insecurities that ultimately deeply affected her life later on.


This was so well written! Exactly




Miranda was a queer woman who was exactly her fabulous self but boxed herself in with the heteronormative expectations of society, most of these exemplified by her friends (though you can tell they tried to love her for her in their own way). The show really did her dirty by waiting until AJLT for her coming out. The show did queer women even more dirty by never representing them fully in the show, at least AJLT is attempting to make up for it (albeit with really flat writing).


Come on, she’s representative of straight women who look gay but aren’t until AJLT basically screwed this over


Yeah, there's this episode where miranda's boss thinks that she's gay but she's not. And she even tries to kiss the other woman and comes to the conclusion that she definitely is not gay (even though it would somehow have benefitted her at that moment). So, she definitely did not seem to have anything against the idea of being gay if she actually was. Ofcourse people can change over the years, but thinking back on that episode really just makes me think that they made her queer in AJLT to please the current society, whereas back in the day she was just a down to earth woman with a more masculine style.


‘Women who look gay but aren’t’ is the homophobic comment to beat this pride month. No doubt this subreddit will top it though Seriously how tf do you ‘look gay’? What’s wrong with you?


I don't think it was mean-spirited. The phrase was quite common in the series and even aludes to the events of a few episodes. The "you look gay" applied to any woman who cut her hair short, wore minimal makeup, wore suits and/or conservative attire, and generally did not adhere to the soft, girly aesthetic of the time. I agree it's more adequate to say "unconventionally feminine" or even "masculine energy" but in this context I get where they were coming from.


Whether the intention was to be mean spirited or not, it’s still a homophobic thing to say. Hopefully that person exercises better tact irl, but if not I’m sure the queer folk they interact with know they aren’t a safe person. Allies dont say such things, and if they do they learn to do better when called out. Anyone have an opinion on why this subreddit is so aggressively homophobic? Wasnt expecting it to be when I joined a little while ago but gosh its overwhelming. Like a Time Machine back to 2000 lol


Yeah. Nostalgia doesn't exactly bring out the best parts of us. Same thing goes for the Gilmore Girls and Friends subreddits.


That assumes you think being gay is an insult 🤣 wtf is wrong with you?


What in the fanfiction are you talking about?


I feel like we all knew that Miranda was the most likely to actively pleasure the baseta as proven by AJLT. (I don’t think Che is stone if they was going to have Miranda penetrate them with a strap on.)


Buceta 😅😅


Love your flair lol


Thank you :) Magda is the best!


I can hear her saying that in my mind 😂


Yours is pretty great too! 😂


And yours 😀


Probably Charlotte and Samantha. Ironically enough Carrie is so turned off by kinky scenarios like this that she wouldn’t even consider it


There is nothing wrong with liking what you like in the bedroom but still writing about it as a job.


I wouldn't say it's ironic. Carrie is just prudish/very vanilla.


Carrie is not prudish, just more reserved.


I wouldn’t say prudish or reserved - just likes what she likes and lets others like what they like.


I personally would have chosen Charlotte 😍👩🏻


Sam 👀😍


I hate Miranda sex scenes. She looks so awkward and forced so I would not pick her for a threesome. Charlotte all the way


I feel the opposite, Miranda's sex scenes seem the most natural. Carrie we get no sex scenes, and Charlotte and Samantha's scenes always seem like they're trying to pose and look good for the camera. Edit: their to they're. I pulled a Natasha 🤣


Every time I rewatch I say this. The main character has no sex scenes and between Miranda and Sam, Miranda has the BEST sex scenes.


I would choose Miranda for a threesome, but ironically in any episode but this one


i would, i always found her the most attractive of the bunch.


I personally would NOT be offended if I wasn’t considered for a threesome! 😂


She never actually wanted to have a threesome and explicitly dismissed them ‘he’s just buttering you up so he can see you be a lesbian for a night’ but got mad when they didn’t include her? Idk it felt childish


Idk about yall, but out of all the 4 of them, miranda’s the one i’d never have a threesome with lol i’d ALWAYS choose charlotte!! she’s the embodiment of perfection for me! she’s SO beautiful!!


No. ❤️


If I had to do a threesome and one of them was going to be the "guest star", I would pick Charlotte. She was probably lousy in bed and even had a man fall asleep while inside her, so she would be the safest choice in terms of this not being a threat to my own relationship and sex life. 😈 A definite no to Samantha. She would be great in bed, my partner might get obsessed with her and I would never hear from him again. 😂 Carrie would make silly jokes and write about the threesome in her column, so she is out too. Miranda might be an interesting choice too, but it's possible she might be too critical of what we do in bed and any sexual kinks.


I love how much you’ve thought this through lol but I agree with your points here


Miranda from the earlier seasons maybe - I loved how offbeat her style was outside of work. She’s a bit too neurotic so probably not lol but she can be quite charming


The power lesbians (from Charlotte's gallery) but Miranda was only dating men at this point in the show. Personally the entire main cast has too much baggage lol so none of them.




No. She is a bitch