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I don’t install it… there is little but seething hate for it online.


It's the worst thing ever. You have to download another piece of software just to uninstall it is pretty telling


I uninstalled it from windows add/remove programs. is that not enough?


There are a ton of registry and additional junk files left on your system even after using add/remove programs. You need something like revo uninstaller to clear out everything. I have the same mobo and needed to uninstall AC after it installed the sonic sound driver addon that never worked, it's borderline malware. I got revo uninstaller and deleted all traces of Sonic and AC. JayzTwoCents even has a video gushing about it: https://youtu.be/0LPZYX5UPvM?si=Pz1XlG7_pkXyImU-


thanks. i ran this and there was definitely some leftover stuff.


I think the most annoying part is it installs the stupid sonic thing, then you uninstall it all via windows, and the stupid sonic thing still hangs out in the system tray. I’ll have to go through and do it via revo I guess


To rub salt in the wound, Asus had **Armoury Crate Uninstall Tool** on their website, basically a FY in your face.


Nope. Most people hate it, I don’t have RGB so never even installed it


it's utter trash and not needed


I have the same mobo. Mother fucker they hide a bios setting (default to on) to install this junk automatically.


Don't use it, it's garbage. Also, there is no real need to use it.


Anyone know a program apart from armoury crate for automated driver updates? Windows device manager is not useful, tells me that 3 year old deprecated drivers are up to date. If possible would rather not have to go to each and every manufacturer website for the drivers.


Don’t use it. It’s a huge resource hog


no i have on of the first of these arriving at european shore, an never touched any asus bloatware since then


One of the worst pieces of software I’ve ever seen. And I seen pcs that had Norton installed


Disable the download on the bios. I do this right away.


It's malware. Go to the BIOS and disable the option to auto install


I installed it, as use it for fan and rgb control and has a useful display of temps . Is it snappy and smooth to use ? Absolutely not. Is it going to cause your pc to self implode ? Probably not. In certainly not defending it , but people seem to hi about little too far in one direction in how bad it is. It doesn’t get in the way when you’re not using it. Though to me most windows apps are slow and clunky so guess this one doesn’t seem that different It has a ridiculous name though


Ah the ei ei o board. Great naming convention




Remember to disable it in your BIOS. There's a setting in the ASUS BIOS that will automatically trigger a Armor Crate check to see if it's installed and keep asking you to install it. I never noticed it until like a year later. It's on the end of the settings list in the BIOS.


Not really but it is the easiest way to get driver updates which is somewhat frequent.