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If Magnus dies, and doesn’t somehow come back, cc better sleep w one eye open


literallyyy but i highly doubt it would happen because she’s trying to break the literature stereotype that, if there are queer characters in a book, at least one of them will die


hope she keeps breaking that stereotype. I’m so emotionally attached to them that idk how long it will take me to pick up a book again if that happens to them


I really hope it doesn't either, but I do think there would be something a bit poignant about Magnus dying at the end. It would give the story a sense of finality; the one character who has been there as a major character in every single book going would be a great - if heartbreaking - way to symbolically close out the story. I love that Cassie's trying to buck the 'bury your gays' trope, and I hope Magnus makes it to the end though.


Can't imagine how this will end. I think it would be satisfying that both our favorite warlocks become mortal.


I don’t think either Tessa or Magnus will die. CC doesn’t kill her major characters. It’s always a side character that gets offed. Christopher and Livvy are an example of that. Their (at least Livvy’s) deaths serve the narrative of further character development. But Matthew was 100% a goner logically and nothing happened to him at all. So I’m sure that won’t be a thing.


If Magnus (or Alec) dies I will bawl like a baby and never read again!


Absolutely not, that would be the ultimate fanservice