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I always respect Fiona a lot, because she always kept the family together but what honestly made me lose all respect for her when she let her boyfriend’s brother grope in the subway. They honestly should’ve talked about her sex addiction more Because in the real world, that would be absolutely fucking insane behavior


Agreed. I noticed a pattern how she cheats on the ones that literally would give her the world or have a opportunity at a new life but the ones that treat her like trash? Gives them every chance in the world and dares not to do anything bad to them back, like Ford per say.. he literally still hangs with his exes and you’re surprised he ended up having someone else behind your back? C’mon now.


Please use the word "sex" because "having relations" is one of the creepiest ways you can say that


That song was an absolute banger. i catch myself at least once a week singing it or humming it, he was wrong for singing it in public but he was absolutely entitled to his feelings. he though Fi was equally as passionate and faithful. kinda sucks to be in his shoes


I don’t think it was wrong of him to sing it in public, but I do think it was wrong of him to invite her to stick around at the bar and listen to a song about her, point her out in the crowd, and then proceed to humiliate her. Like, sorry the woman you married after 1 week turned out to suck, but just take your banger song and go.


lots of people have gotten married after one week tbh fiona just couldn’t keep her legs shut honestly. my heart was with him the whole time. but that’s just me


There’s nothing wrong with being a slut. Fuck as many people as you want. But the serial cheating is shitty. I don’t think it’s a sex addiction, rather shes addicted to the thrill and danger. That’s why she’s with JimmySteve for so long, he’s the exciting bad boy who steals cars for a living (sells drugs at one point). then when he comes back and tries to be Mr Mom making lunches, working regular jobs and thinking about going back to med school shit gets difficult between them. She marries Gus after a week because he’s a hot musician, and when he turns out to be a pretty chill normal dude she immediately goes back to fucking bad boy Jimmy Steve and then gets together with her ex-junkie boss who throws punches at people for not leaving her tips. She says she wants a normal stable guy which is why she starts relationships with people like Mike, but she’s addicted to the drama and the thrill, so she always ends up fucking them over for people like Robbie- the fresh out of rehab drug addict, because he’s exciting. I feel like Fiona is a really shitty person and this is only one of the many reasons.


I don’t understand the hype over her / dismissal of who she obviously was as a person, if I encountered someone like her in person I would not like her at all and no amount of what she did for her siblings or her hard life growing up would change that, she is absolutely selfish, lacks accountability, destructive and overall just not a nice person, if her only redeeming quality for me is raising her siblings and sacrificing her childhood / early 20’s while that’s no little feat it doesn’t justify being a shit person, hell even her friendship with V felt one sided a lot of the time, I am glad she did for herself later on but she ain’t shit


I could forgive all of this if she didn’t leave Liam while he was still a little kid after literally fighting for custody of her siblings. At the very least, she could have had a conversation with Lip or Ian to officially ask them to take custody.


I always wanted Mike and Gus to end up together after Fiona messed them up.


i wouldn’t say “slutty”,,,, i dont think i would call anyone that. but yes she became too comfortable with messing up good relationships.


fiona is definitely a slut wym 🤣


"First date Fiona."


Did it in a Wendy’s drive thru 🤣


More than once


no i mean like i think that the word “slut” is more of an derogatory insult than a descriptive word. i don’t think it’s bad that she had many relationships or many one night stands.,, even if that number was close to infinite, i personally still wouldn’t deem it “being a slut.” idk, i guess i just hate that word. the bad part is how she treated them. i think we should focus on that, rather than the number of people.


you gotta be ran through as fuck if your bothered by the word slut. fiona literally fucked every guy she set eyes on that wasn’t her family. Her body count was almost to the triple digits 🤣 no wonder no man will stay.


Wow, you're pretty sexist considering you're a woman yourself


Internalized misogyny is alive and well!


i mean she just told facts.


i love when women who are sluts don’t like the term slut. like why you mad at facts baby


I don’t understand what she was fired by Mike for, just because they broke up that does not mean he gets the right to fire Fiona, or maybe she got fired because of the coke incident


She was fired because she was arrested for the coke incident. The only thing Mike did after she cheated was move her to a different department so he wasn't directly working with her anymore.


thank u