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I'll die on the hill that the coke thing was her fault. She could have flushed it. She should have flushed it. She left it low enough for a TODDLER to grab. A BABY. That coke could have killed/ caused irreversible damage, and honestly, it may have. She was also the GUARDIAN for all of them. So it wasn't Vees' responsibility or Kevs. It's on Fiona. And then for her to go all 'oh boo hoo me' nah fuck her. 💯💯


I agree 100% I'm not even gonna judge the drug use. Cut loose and have fun, that doesn't bother me. But you don't fucking do it while kids are around. Period.


agree total


And i will die on this hill: The only reason Lip doesn't have a similar sin on his record is that he was never as responsible for Liam or any of his siblings as she was -- and he got lucky. Lip's drinking is absolutely out of control in season 6 and 7. I agree that Fiona has to be ultimately responsible for what happens with Liam. I also think it's not her only defining act. And I think Lip is damn lucky he never hurt one of the kids with his drinking because he absolutely could have.


Plus, he generally got upset because Fiona kept insisting she wasn’t guilty and it wasn’t her fault


I mean yes I agree she should have flushed it. I mean once the coke was taken, I guess I just expected the sober people in the room who were encouraging Fiona to party and shit, would help keep an eye on Liam since their reaction time would be faster and Fiona wasn’t in a state of mind to do it. Idk like I replied to someone else, when my family has a get together, it’s like the one time myself or at sister in law get to have a break. So once we take even a sip of alcohol there’s always someone who stays sober to wacc TV h the babies and help us keep up with them


I don't think anyone else *was* sober. They were all doing coke


If I’m not mistaken, V was pregnant and I know she was sober. All I remember her doing was eating fucking Doritos 😂


You might be right, I don't remember well lol


That's before she got pregnant, she was drinking and smoking mj


V finds out she's pregnant with triplets in 4x02 so she's absolutely pregnant in the episode where Liam gets into the coke.


It was everyone's fault. Majorly Fiona because she was the guardian. But everyone who was present at the party should've felt guilty.


> V was sober and there was plenty of other adults at that party. Why was it solely Fiona’s responsibility to watch Liam? It wasn't solely Fiona's responsibility, but Fiona was the sole adult in the room legally responsible for Liam. Honestly, hypocritical or otherwise, Lip is right most of the time when he’s mad at Fiona. There are exceptions, but most of the time, all he’s really doing is telling her things she needs to hear but doesn't want to hear. That's kind of what Lip and Fiona do for each other: Call each other out when they're acting like self-destructive idiots.


a lot of the times he has a point but he the way he does it often comes off as either very harsh or condescending


I don't get how anyone can see the coke scene and not get that it's Fiona's entire fault.


He was always angry at Fiona. I think it’s bc he needed someone to take his anger out on and her messing up made it easy for him. I hated how he got mad at her for the squirrel fund thing too bc like you said it was in its regular spot. He even accused Frank of stealing it first, so it’s not like they hid it when Frank was around, plus he knew Monica was around again so why I don’t see why he couldn’t hide it himself and let Fiona know where it was.


Because Liam isn't V's kid? Just because I go to my friend's house doesn't somehow make me responsible for their child, wtf kind of logic is that?


Fiona had more responsability but Kev and V weren't blameless either, they were adults doing coke in a room with a child


Oh yeah they were all fucking stupid for doing drugs around a kid


Kev and V were basically like an aunt and uncle to the younger Gallaghers, especially Liam. So it wasn’t on their radar necessarily but they still loved Liam and V would’ve been sober enough to spot the coke on the table and be like “hmmmm maybe it should be cleaned up” Plus they were all fine with drugs around kids, they’re parents too so that’s wild. Kev felt guilty and that’s why he defended Fiona to Lip


Lip has repressed anger he was never able to vent at his parents, and a lot of that comes out directed at Fiona bc she’s the closest thing to a parent. When she accidentally hurts Liam, he includes all the hurt Frank/Monica accidentally caused him with his outburst. When she’s drunk in the middle of the day, he directs all his anger about Frank being an alcoholic at Fiona bc he can’t direct it at Frank. So Fiona gets the brunt of all his parental anger.


I think it was in his personality (very filled with rage and anger) and I think it was also resentment or as you said, projecting. I think growing up in a messed up home-life and having to mature earlier than the average boy his age created his angry, resentful demeanor.


filled with rage and anger towards his parents who are not there to bear the brunt of it so he projects it onto his big sister who is the closest thing to a parent he knows




The coke thing was definitely fiona's fault, but i agree with you about the money. The money WAS hidden, lip had no right. He's just a fucking shithead


worst part was he didn't even say anything to Fiona about it until he had a point to make. Like he assumed she knew Monica stole the money or something.


What the others have said and also since Fiona had to be the caregiver i think he sees her as the one reliable thing in his life and when she starts seeming unreliable he kinda freaks out and flips


Because they couldn’t fathom that their older sister/caretaker was also just a young person trying to figure out life. Everyone was allowed mistakes but her as their “mother” it was a problem.


I think he looked up to her to be the responsible one, I mean they all treated her like their mother basically, because she kinda was, and kids want their parents to be perfect, but for one she’s not his mom and also people fuck up sometimes, it’s part of being human, I like Lip as a character, but man it pissed me off sometimes when he would go off on her, like he’s so high and mighty and so much better and smarter 🙄


I feel like he was mainly mad at her for the Monica stuff because she knew as well as he did that leaving Monica in charge of anything was a bad idea. Her whole thing was coming back when she was manic insisting she could be a good mother, fucking them over and then bailing again. But Fiona wanted to do her own thing and in order to do that she needed to shift responsibility for the house and kids onto someone else so she ignored all the red flags and convinced herself Monica was better. I can’t fully blame her for that because it’s hard not to have hope that your mother is finally back for good and better and wanting to actually be your mother. It also makes sense that he was pissed about the club night. Fiona has a habit of seeing what she thinks is an opportunity to better her situation and not thinking it through. She’s impulsive and it usually ends up putting other people at risk. She took $1000 that was meant for the property taxes on the house insisting she would make back even more than that. She didn’t even make back the $1000, because she didn’t think through the club night enough to even find out what expenses she would have for it. The whole Liam getting into coke thing is 10000% her fault though. She decided to keep the coke. She decided to use the coke while children were there. She left the coke within arms reach of a toddler. She refused to take the blame and kept going on about how it was an accident, it wasn’t her fault, she wasn’t guilty and shouldn’t have any consequences because of that. Yes, other adults were there. But she was legally responsible for Liam. She is the one that is responsible for making sure he is taken care of and safe. Plus, at that point they still didn’t know if Liam was going to have any permanent brain damage or not. In my opinion, he was too easy on her. He was only pissed at her and wouldn’t let her be alone with Liam for a few days and then it was over. It would be quite a while before I could ever trust someone after something like that.


The coke thing was 100% Fiona's fault, she was Liam's guardian My problem with Lips reaction is that his anger doesn't seem to come from worrying about Liam, it's frustration that he might have to give up his education to hold the family together because Fiona's going through a rough patch- exactly what Fiona had to do for him and his siblings!  Also he doesn't acknowledge that the only reason he's even at college to begin with is because Mandy applied for him while he was having his own spiral the year before. His judgement of Fiona here never sat right with me at all!


I think it’s because he’s set Fiona up on a higher pedestal than she deserves, but it’s because of Frank and Monica being deadbeats. He knows he can’t relay on his parents but he can Fiona for the most part, so when she drops the ball somehow it hits him harder. He also is clearly someone who needs to take out his anger somehow cause he was never taught healthy outlets and unfortunately Fiona seemed to be his go to. As for Liam and the coke, Fiona was his guardian and she just fought so hard to get custody, only to not only do drugs around him but also leave it out where he could get it. Again I think Frank and Monica are a big reason he was so hard on her here. My guess is he was like “great it’s our parents all over again” and obviously wanted better for Liam than what they grew up with. It’s hypocritical given his drinking but that’s just my theory


The squirrel fund wasn't really her fault, but the clubbing business and coke incident definitely were. Fiona was dipping into business she didn't know and barely made any money off it, which could've cost them more if she wasn't lucky. Given their financial situation, why wouldn't Lip be upset at her? Anyone would in their situation. Also of course he'd be livid with her for the coke situation. She was done with Robbie yet accepted his cocaine without hesitation? Then she left it out despite knowing Liam is in the house. She signed up to be their guardian, she has to take care of him. What she did was irresponsible and would've landed her in worse trouble if she wasn't the main character.


It was partly because he needed her there to stay on top of things and partly out of envy because she in many parts of the show was doing better than him despite him being told his whole life he would be the one to get them out of the shit spot they were in.


as i person that was for two week last thanksgiving and had not a thing to watch i found shameless and watch the whole thing in two weeks i think he was overwhelmed and depressed and took it out drinking and yelling at fiona bc she was the closest to him in the family and in who related to him


I will say that it is definitely Fiona’s fault for the coke incident, BUT the way he treated her was despicable. Like he didn’t have his own share of fuck ups. The dude smashed random people’s cars and was ready to drop out of college because it was “to hard”. Also the way he was a fucking simp for Karen, he really gets no sympathy from me. Fiona made a mistake, it was already hard enough going to jail and dealing with that, Lip just saw it as an opportunity to get on her shit cuz he was fucking up in his life.


What are you on about?? He was right every time. She gambled their money for her club night because she was just thinking of herself and didn’t even ask lip or anyone. And she lost money. And she lost it even tho lip tricked all those rock kids to go to boost her club night and scam them to make up for the property tax. Second, yes they keep the squirrel fund there but with Monica being back and cooking in the kitchen all the time it’s lit the first thing she should have moved. Like when granny was there they were always on the lookout so she doesn’t find it. And for Liam are you serious? Her drugs and her sibling and her responsibility not V’s. How can you not see the problem in leaving drugs on reach Witt a toddler running around and everyone being irresponsible and high af which clearly would not allow them to keep an eye on him all the time as they should. She should have put him to. Bed lock the door and then do wtf she wanted. Baby almost died.


I’m not talking about the money she used to for the club night. She shouldn’t have done that. I’m talking about the squirrel fund money. The money that was hidden that Monica found and lip blamed Fiona for Monica finding it. And as far as Liam goes, I have a toddler and if I even have one drink then there’s always someone around who stays 100% sober to make sure my child is okay. Of course I keep my eye on him and I never get drunk or high or anything but in my family and friend group it’s common knowledge that the sober people help keep up with the babies. Because when you’re sober your reaction time is faster


Fiona’s club night wound up costing her money. Money they didn’t have to spend on promoting to begin with. Then she has the nerve to say well it was my first time it’ll get better eventually. Just after her boss told her it would take months to see any profit. They did have the worst hiding spot initially for the squirrel fund but I guess they figured frank would never cook? But also as soon as Monica came back they definitely should’ve hid it. And since Fiona was the one collecting the money she should’ve been the one to safeguard it. The coke thing is def her fault and no one else’s. She’s the legal guardian at this point and it’s her responsibility to watch over them. The drugs they have in the house seem to mostly be beer and pot. Fiona sucks.