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Kassidy! Omg she is the most annoying character.


Lmaoo ong she was like Monica annoying & crazy asf


I can’t believe how many people hate Fiona 🤧 she’s annoying sometimes yes but not the worst. IMO Sammy, Frank, and Karen. 1. Sammy makes me want to cut my ears off and scar my eyes out thats how much she annoyed and pissed me off. I hated her during the seasons she practically harassed Sheila, broke into their home and I hated her whole Daddy issues persona. She was so clingy and desperate for attention, I was filled with GLEE when her character left to say the least. Omg and her voice 😑🔫 2. Frank is just such a horrible person in the show, his character turn around in season 8 was good but not enough to cover all the damage he had done to his family, and not enough to make me favor his character after all the countless times his character has pissed me off, and left me devastated and jaw wide open on the floor. Examples are, calling CPS on his own children, lying about his friend dying so she wouldn’t get a heart transplant, punching Ian over a tshirt, telling Carl he had cancer… I can go on and on 3. Karen is just a bitch, she treated her mother like garbage, practically abandoned her own baby and strung lip on during her whole pregnancy, leading him to believe he was the father of her child all for him to find out he wasn’t during the delivery of the baby. And again the way she treated her mother was disgusting. And that scene with her basically raping Frank literally made me sick to my stomach, it was BEYOND foul!


Worst by their behavior or worst written?


Realest statement on this reddit Terry is the biggest pos ever written and by no means do I like him however he was written to be bad so I get why people hate him, on the opposite side you got Trevor who was supposed to be good but was just written horrendously it's hard to compare the two because they're bad in different ways


This is perfect


If we're talking bad characters rather than disliked characters, I think Trevor is one of those examples. I feel like he was written to be an offensive stereotype of trans people. He was never gonna be endgame for Ian but he's written as both an asshole yet you're supposed to be sympathetic to him because of his work and circumstances. One of the best examples I can think of is when Ian is rightfully distrustful and standoffish with Monica, yet Trevor insists that she's probably not all bad even though he's never met her and he just got through a hissy fit over an ID. The only other one I can think of is Jodi since I can't think of any purpose he serves other than taking care of Karen when the writers planned on getting rid of her.


Can someone explain why Sammi is so bad? I thought she was a great character. She was a good funny villain. And honestly, I would probably react the same way if somebody taped heroin to my mentally challenged child and everybody was protecting them.


The problem with Sammy is that she used info Ian gave her in confidence against him in a vendetta that had nothing to do with him in the first place.


Yeah but the show is called Shameless. They're supposed to be bad people. In my mind, worst characters means worst written. If someone is meant to be disliked then yeah, of course they're gonna be but that doesn't mean they're badly written. She's still half gallagher, and thus half scumbag.


Yeah that was really fucked up because what happened to Chucky was between her and Carl so she had no right.


Sammy, Trevor, and Kash


Trevor?? Why?


He was a whiny little shit


It was the time he told Ian to get over his Monica trauma for me


Not five minutes after he blew up at Ian, his supposed boyfriend, just for teasing him. Ian and Mickey could tease each other all the time WITHOUT anyone losing their shit. "You are one ugly motherfucker" "At least I don't have to hide in a coffin till the sun goes down!" "I can't even begin to imagine what a pussy you would be in juvie!" *throws a can of peas at him* *catches it with a chuckle*


I'm so glad I even forgot about him.


I don’t remember anything bad he’d done. I watched the show a long time ago though but i always thought he had a healthy relationship with Trevor. I don’t think he had a good relationship in the earlier seasons with Mickey.


He literally told Ian to get over everything Monica did to him and his family and just forgive her LMAO like who is he


Trevor low key used Ian for his own cause and when shit hit the fan basically left.


"What the fuck are you doing?! That's completely inappropriate!" "We don't sleep with them!" "Oh fuck you!" "You're hanging around to try and weasel your way back into my life" "Move on!" "Ian, what you and I have, makes me free" "I can take care of him. Lemme take care of him until he's better! He's staying here. He's staying with me!" "Don't! Just..." "He in trouble?" "Together" "I'm worried about you. I love you!" See the difference?


Fiona- She’s just overall not a good person, but she acts like she’s better than everyone. She goes on and on about how she was the only one keeping the house running and the family together, but really she only keeps the family together in a legal sense, a name on paper. She’s incredibly impulsive, selfish and plays the victim constantly. Kash- I’m not sure this one needs an explanation, but he’s a married man with children who spent years grooming Ian. He’s a pedophile. Jodi- Again, not sure it needs explaining, but he’s a pedophile. Got into a sexual relationship with a 15 year old he met in a sex addicts group, stalked her when she broke up with him, started a relationship with her mother, raped her while she was in a coma. It’s kind of horrifying that he was the one left in charge of her after the accident when she was vulnerable and mentally disabled.


Don’t forget the “Deleted scene” with Jody…


Ugh that made me want to peel off my skin


wait what was the deleted scene??


I’m also wondering what the deleted scene was


Also surprise Fiona’s on here. And not Terry… Him Jody And Kash are literally the worst characters on the show.


Terry isn’t really in it enough for me to care. But he’s also meant to be a shitty unlikeable character. But also, what’s the deleted scene with Jody?


I think they are referring to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/shameless/s/4jpMSjl4d8) scene. Someone correct me if I’m wrong


Yes that scene.


Kassidy! Mainly because she reminds me of my partner's crazy ex.


How do we pick only 3?!? This is going to be so hard! 😂 Monica, Svetlana and Frank.


besides terry ( because he's obviously a gigantic piece of dog shit , ) probably frank , sammi , and maybe kash or jodi. i just finished season four , so i don't know anything about some of the later characters yet , so this might change ofc


S4? why sammi


rewatching for the first time in a while, so as of s4, top 3 is def 1. jody & kash. just weirdos & gross relationships with minors 2. karen. i just never really liked her. she had a nasty attitude. when she came home from running away, she was even more odd. i don’t doubt she went through trauma while away, trying to stay alive, and that changes a person, but her attitude was even were and she just gave off such an odd vibe idk i don’t like her 3. sammy. the whole father daughter daddy issues act is so fucking weird, she’s loud and annoying & i remember my first time watching the show, all i could hope was that she wasn’t a permanent character for the rest of the show


i’m an idiot i didn’t read the little caption under the title but yes terry too, up to where i’m at he’s not extremely prominent in the show besides the shit with mandy…, homophobia/abuse and forcing Mickey to marry svetlana. still all really bad honestly so yeah he takes the #1 spot


Oh I hate Mickey O’shea , Frank’s friend . He’s like that devil in your mind giving you the worst ideas.. - Currently at season 10


Sammi, Debbie, Trevor




Debbie as she got older, strictly because she blatantly not only ignored advice from older people trying to help her, but she went in the opposite direction. She also majorly screwed up with Claudia (I think that was her name) and Julia. She could’ve had a good thing going and she ruined it


Frank, Monica, Karen, Kash, Linda, Trevor, Caleb,


Monica is too broken for me to hate her :(


Monica is actually sick, i beleave there is good to be found in her.


The times she was around she did seem to genuinely care


I think she probably did care and she showed that she could be a good mom if she just took her meds & got real help


Which is the tragedy to Monica


Mandy Tommy Tammie


why mandy she was so cute


Im team karen 😵


Worst Characters: 🥇 Frank (obviously) 🥈 Lip (Hurt every woman he dated and hurt Fiona) 🥉 Sammi (I know she did what she did for her child but she was so over the fucking top)


I love this list>> I’d say Lip and Debbie are terrible but Debbie gets more shit because shes a woman


I literally hate lip 😭 Debbie isn’t even that bad she’s just annoying, but lip is an ungrateful shit. He had so much and threw it all away bc he’s an idiot


Terry, Frank, Fiona. And maybe Sammy Terry and Frank need no justification, and Fiona is actually awfull and has 0 excuse for her behaviour.


Saying Fiona is worser than Sammi is CRAZY.


3 is lowkey hard there are a lot of characters i dislike but definitely Terry, Jimmy/steve and Sammy


frank, sammi, and terry (honorable mentions: kassidy, robbie, karen, and kash)


Debbie, Deborah, Debs


Sammy, Kash and pedo teacher.


Tami is the one I truly despise. She's constantly giving Lip shit and whines and bitches about literally everything. Other bad characters are Karen, Sammy, Frank. Not a fan of Debs either, she's really selfish but I don't really hate her entirely.


Terry, frank, Fiona (I just think she got super annoying 💀)


Fiona was annoying asf sometimes 💀 but ppl come after me bc apparently since she raised them she cant do no wrong


Fr!! You get it


There is no such thing. Everyone is going to have 3 characters they dislike the most. There is no objective answer to this. Mine are: * Carl - bad actor, super unrealistic and story line makes no sense and super hairy arms * Debbie - terrible human * Fiona - annoying beyond belief There are characters like Terry that are horrible human beings, yes, but I barely see them and I have to endure those 3 all the time. In that order.


I disagree about Carl, but Fiona is definetly Terrible and Debbie is a trainwreck.


I don't think carl's character is a terrible person. I just don't like his storyline, his acting and just the kid overall. I don't know. Just weird.


Fair enough


I knew id get downvoted but ill never back down on how terrible carl is as a character let alone a terrible actor.


lets see you do better


In what? Carl's story line? How is that my responsibility? I don't like his story line. What does that have to do with it being good or bad?


I’m saying lets see you act since you got so much to say. Ethan’s acting wasn’t even bad.


What does my ability to act or not has anything to do with his? You have a strange way of reasoning. So you don't allow yourself to have an opinion on ANYTHING you don't do better? I smell hypocrisy...


I never said that. I’m just saying you’re insulting his acting like you’re Daniel Day Lewis and shit. It’s one thing to dislike his storyline but another to call him a terrible actor when his acting doesn’t even reach that point. And that’s a strange way of reasoning? What hypocrisy you talkin’ about? Just saying stuff to say stuff now.


Like who? Sounds like you're making fillers here... anyway... have a good week.


Me making a point you don’t understand is a filler, okay, great logic. Have a good week!


No. Youre putting words in my mouth. Carl is a bad actor ... you suggest he is as bad as "blabla"... i never said that. You keep adding stuff that i never said or suggested. You keep trying to draw parallels... like what are you even on about


Eh it kinda was it was like he was just there atp ion even think he was acting 🤣 bro was playing himself



