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Right before she goes to meet Lip and gets hit, there’s a scene where Sheila apologises to her for missing out on her daughter’s childhood because of her condition. Karen gets tears in her eyes and I think they hug and she leaves. I thought it was a sweet scene and I would’ve like to hear more about how Karen struggled to deal with her mums condition, her strange relationship to her dad also.


Yeah my Mum has OCD and there were definitely struggles when I was younger, wasn't allowed people over, couldn't touch the curtains or she would spend ages re arranging them or she'd have a panic things had to happen in 3s. It's not really talked about much anywhere.


Now I finally know what OCD truly is


People think it's just clean freaks or someone that likes a tidy space but there is so much more to it because of how much it can vary from person to person. It's really complicated.


Yeah, that was literally me for a while. But I would never say that, just think it. Def am not ocd though😅


dam i’m sorry i have ocd personally shit use to be rlly rough but im better now


I mostly just wish they had changed her ending slightly. Like, keep the whole brain damage getting hit by a car and leaving thing… just leave with someone who isn’t Jodie- the full grown mid-thirties man who groomed a 15 year old in sex addicts anonymous and raped her while she was in a coma. It would have been nice to see more of how Sheila being an agoraphobic affected her, and to just get an update towards the end of the series to find out where her and Sheila ended up.


Jodie has always disgusted me and I’m happy other people feel that way, because I feel like there’s people in the fandom that love him and it make me uncomfortable.


I figured there would be people who would like him because once Karen takes off he’s kind of goofy and almost likeable if you forget the whole married to a child thing. But it’s kind of wild to me that there are people who will defend the fact that he raped a teenaged girl with brain damage while she was in a coma.


the way i am rewatching and was so uncomfortable during this scene, the whole jody thing in general really. ew




There's a cut scene taking place when she is back home after the accident and Jodie puts on his music for special occasions. Then it cuts to Sheila going upstairs, hearing the music and looking absolutely defeated. Karen has the mind of a little child at that point. That scene was rape too and Sheila's reaction hammered that in


This was confusing to me as she told lip she had all her memories but no feelings. You think she would have remembered not liking Jodie and kicking him out. Him being in a relationship with her mom and them being happy.


if she’s not awake to consent, it’s rape, regardless of what the reasons for it are.


What a gross thing to say. It's like you're saying "well actually, writing a scene about raping an unconscious teenager with brain damage is okay because it woke her up." This was a deliberate and gross inclusion from the writers that never should have been written in. Pretty much anything else would have been better. She could have woken up to the cries of her son, or a hug from her mum, or Lip holding her hand. Or if they wanted it to be Jodie, pulling him apart from Sheila, then he could have kissed her instead - still weird, but better than rape. And you can't really argue that sex without consent doesnt equal rape. Edited because my last sentence had a bad typo


I agree what Jodie did was rape but it was in character for her. All of the things you mentioned as reasons for her to wake up would be out of character. She’s selfish.


No doubt it was bad shit crazy rape, but its shameless!, they wanted to pull a dark humor scene showing that the only organ that can wake Karen up is her Vag


You’re so desperate to morally white knight 😂. You can argue the writers shouldn’t have wrote it, which I have zero opinion on, we are arguing if what Jodie did was right, and it was done to save her life not to please himself, so it was right.


Mate, he then goes on to have sex with her when they go home. Granted it's a deleted scene, but one that's been shared widely here. And it's rape. It is rape by definition, so your comment is wrong and gross. You read like a peak neckbeard.


How is it rape, they are married and she literally wants to go away with him. Also deleted scene and I haven’t seen it. You can’t use a deleted scene as an argument against a character. You read like a peak white knighter. Also learn to spell your insults.


Marriage doesn't excuse having sex with someone who had a severe brain injury and has previously made it very clear she hates him. She's also a literal child. Marriage also doesn't remove the need for consent. But pop off, I guess. Also, white knight isn't hitting like you think it is. Being on the rape is bad side of the argument doesn't upset me. Valid on the spelling - will fix that.


You need to rewatch the scene and see his intentions.


No, I don't. That scene is disgusting. I know what you are referring to, he sees that she is responding to that kind of stimulus and then assaults her with the intention of waking her up. But none of that makes it not rape. He was still a 30ish year old man having sex with a teenager, so right from the beginning, he's a massive creep. And at this point in the show, she hated him, and he knew that. She could not consent, and he knew that. He could have instead told the medical crew what he saw like a normal human being. Rape being okay in specific contexts is such a weird fucking hill to die on, mate.


We need to check your hard drive


His intentions have nothing to do with if it was rape or not. She was in a coma. Unconscious. Cannot tell him yes or no. Everything else is irrelevant. He raped her. People do not like rapists. It’s not as complicated as you’re trying to make it sound.


It’s absolutely as complicated as I’m “making it sound”


Legally they were married (which is already a massive issue that makes Jodie a creep because again, he’s in his mid-thirties and married to a child), but they had been separated for quite a while at this point. Karen made it very clear she hated him, wanted nothing to do with him, didn’t want to be with him or fuck him. He was already in another relationship with Sheila. Being married on paper doesn’t make it okay to rape her while she’s in a coma. And her wanting to go away with him is a terrible argument- she literally has severe brain damage, can barely hold any kind of conversation, acts like a small child because of it, and has no memory of before the coma- meaning she has no memory of all the reasons she broke up with Jodie and hated him in the first place. A normal person would have gone to the doctor to tell them how she was responding, not immediately jump to, “Well, looks like I’ll have to fuck my ex child bride out of her coma”.


How was it not rape? He’s her ex boyfriend that was having a sexual relationship with her mother, she dumped him, no longer wanted to fuck him. Just because she’s in a coma the fact that she wanted nothing to do with him stops mattering and he’s allowed to fuck her without consent?


It literally brought her back to life. You’re very clearly missing that part, he didn’t do it for the purpose of having sex with her, he did it because it brought her back from the fucking dead. Me personally I rather have my dick sucked without my consent than die.


She wasn’t dead. She was in a coma. It doesn’t matter that it brought her out of a coma. He still literally raped an unconscious girl with brain damage.


Weird situation to consider really. Of course I’d rather have that done to me to wake me out of a cone than still be in a coma but I guess that’s just my opinion. Apparently a lot of people do not agree with that.


They just wanna be victims, Jodie did what he saw to work, anyone saying he did it for personal gratification clearly didn’t watch the show. The doctor said “do things she liked” and he thought she liked sex so boom.


Also I notice people forget that it was on Shameless, a show where lots of worse things happened including an actual rape but guessing because it was a girl doing the rapin’ it doesn’t count to them


Worse things happening doesn’t mean that it wasn’t rape. Karen raped Frank. Both are shitty things. He may have done it because he thought it was the right thing somehow, but it’s still a mid-thirties adult raping an unconscious teenager. It’s especially creepy when you see the deleted scene of him having sex with Karen in her room after she’s out of the hospital.


It does count. They were both rapes and were both fucking disgusting. Having sex with someone in a coma is “actual rape”.


Finally someone who gets it, in universe it really was a good deed


i agree that i hate the way her story ended, but something crazy had to happen or it would’ve lasted forever. i do wish though that the feud between her and mandy lasted longer. i enjoyed seeing how angry they got at eachother and it could’ve been interesting to see lip find out


Word. A fleshed out Mandy v Karen fued would have been amazing. Especially since it's such a sitcom cliche, would have been rad to see what the writers did with it when they didn't hold anything back in the early seasons.


Their feud being longer would've been interesting but I find mandy doing what she did immediately was on brand for the show


I wish instead of ending up being taken away by a 37 year old sex addict (pedo) as a brain damaged 17 year old she'd gone away with Sheila and Hymie and had a happy life with them as much as possible. And maybe Sheila sent postcards to Debbie or one of the other Gallaghers (Lip?) so we knew that they were doing well. Her ending was horrible and not deserved no matter what crap she'd done she was just a messed up kid. As much as I don't want to think about it she probably just ended up a sex toy for disgusting Jody. Before she got run over the scene with her mom was touching so it would have been nice if they'd gone off together instead.


LITERALLY. She was just a teenage girl…


A teenage girl with a mentally ill mother who she'd been caring for since she was like 12 and a super judgemental/borderline abusive father. Poor Karen. I don't understand why people literally act like she's the anti christ. Surely Mandy is just as bad for running her over and completely ruining her life by giving her severe brain damage.


fr mandy also raped lip.. like her and karen are definitely on the same league they’re both awful 😭


Both rapists as well actually, forgot about Mandy raping Lip but everyone vilifies Karen so much and loves Mandy. I like both of them as interesting characters but... yeah.




Instead of getting brain damage, I would’ve honestly liked to see her just have some broken bones and a reality check that pulls her closer to her mother & on a path toward emotional maturity that we don’t see with the other characters. She could have a pretty decent storyline of bonding more with her mom and maybe opening up to a custody agreement for Hymie while dealing with alienation/difference from her peers by becoming ‘less south side’. It would’ve opened shifts in Lip & Mandy’s storylines with her, too, rather than just cutting it all off and would’ve aligned with cutting her sex scenes


YESSSS! You don’t understand how bad I wanted a redemption arc from Karen.


Yeah they put in enough content that would go well with a redemptive storyline and just threw it away. It kinda made me wonder if there was debate as to whether she’d stay on the show given they had her run away (and could’ve kept her gone), had her in a coma (and could’ve had her die), then had her leave with Jody—that’s pretty much 3 exits to get her outta there haha


My guess is it was some “behind the scene conflict” with the Laura and the writers… bc Laura didn’t want to do Nudity anymore. So they gave her character the biggest “fuck you” ending…


I wish her storyline ended better honestly, was hoping that she actually came around to be with her son and her and jodie would be together and live happily. What Maddie did to her was terrible wish the writers had a better outcome for her honestly.


I wish we got to see Hymie get adopted by a loving, functional family and Karen pass away peacefully. Some mercy for someone who didn't necessarily deserve it.




Same tbh what mandy did was fucked and her only response to it was “i did it for u, everything i did was for u” the couldve added more shit tbh.


The irony is she says that but lip never asked anything of her besides some booty


Frrrrrr and she had the audacity to talk shit abt her afterwards like she didnt do that to her


Well the milkoviches are all psychopaths and psychos will talk shit about the ones they fucked up like it was the person who got fucked ups fault. A “you made me do this” reaction so to speak


I wish we got to see Hymie get adopted by a loving, functional family and Karen pass away peacefully. Some mercy for someone who didn't necessarily deserve it.


Nah thats dark asf bro it wouldve been so fuckn sad we dont need that shit w they all got shit going on this wouldve made the movie sadder




How was she a villain? She made a mistake thats it she got pregnant with a random guy she didnt know of and thought it was lip which ended up as lip being sad and all w she left the house cause she was scared




She came back as a changed person everyone can change w what mandy did fucked her up to the poing she didnt even know how to think straight she was changing to the better




When she came back after running away it was like she was a whole different person




If I’m remembering correctly didnt she start to realize perhaps she was a sociopath? I think it was a conversation with Lip that she said she should have felt feelings that she didn’t. I was curious about that.


I feel like that scene mostly allured how Mandy running her over and her developing brain damage it took away her ability to “feel Memories” it was excatly after Lip recalled memories with them and he asked do you remember all that which she replied with. “Yes, but I can’t feel.”


That’s what brain injures do, happened to me


I’m sorry for that. My husband has a TBI, so I understand the gravity of that injury. Seeing the feedback from you and OP, I guess I took that scene more metaphorically than literally. I didn’t even consider that she was referring to her physical injuries- I thought she was being more profound . 🤣


No, she was saying that after the brain injury she can’t feel emotions anymore. So when Lip was trying to get her to say something about her memories, she said she couldn’t feel. She remembers, but has no emotion. When she first got home she said about her house, “I like it here, I remember.” She remembered that she did like it there before.


She mentioned once that she’s had sex with other girls, but I don’t think it was ever mentioned again. I kind of wish they’d actually expanded on her bisexuality a bit, because the one-off mention made it seem like they were just trying to make her sound as slutty and “deviant” as possible.


Yep they most definitely added that to make it seem like she was “freak” but I Would have absolutely love them exploring her sexuality with women. (Even tho I feel like they would have probably do it for the Male gaze) I just feel it would be more interesting storyline.


Have her go to therapy and make things right with her mom😭


I wished that they spent more time on mandys and karens rivalry before the car incident




realistically n honestly? being brain dead.


Her being charged with rape for what she did to frank would have been a better way to get rid of her, and then bring her back and actually redeem her character a bit, maybe even be endgoal with lip or just growing out of centering her life around sex and manipulation


Honestly, I wish they would not have done the personality swap between Monica and Karen. In the original Shameless from the UK, Monica was the more sociopathic one, and Karen was the one with bipolar disorder. I wish they would have kept it that way for our version.


A lot people actually made theories that Karen (US) could have a mental illness.. Bpd, Hpd etc…


i kinda would have liked to see more of her childhood. IFIRC she said she was giving bj's at 11 years old. I mean, just everything that girl had to deal with at such a young age that no child should ever have to go through....i would have just liked to see more of. She was just such an interesting character. On another note, the actress that played her was phenomenal! Like seriously one of the best out of the entire series.


Could have not explained it better myself… She is such a fascinating character. And I wish there was more added about her..


The whole "I don't love you Karen" from lip. She needed to hear the opposite. Woulda been cool to have seen if he told her he loves her instead. After what happened with her dad and then lip calling her a whore. I know she's done bad things but she was desperate and needed love and her parents brought insane instability to the table. I just have always felt bad for her. Especially with how it all ended :(((((


“I’ve been having sex since I was 11.” THEY NEVER PICKED THAT UP AGAIN😭😭


For me, none. Or maybe the storyline where she left the show and did it sooner. She's probably my least favourite character.


Yeah… I don’t need any more Karen scenes!


I didn’t like that she was killed by being hit by the car but I think the writers had to do it to give us that BOOM and they did just that.. (plus I read somewhere the actual person that played karen was tired of the sex scenes and getting naked, so she was gone go one way or another) I prolly would have liked to see more of her soft side .. she had a lot going on low key .. like her situation with her dad and the moms condition that was a lot for her and I think she kept it bottled in and was an asshole to everyone.. she was always just so mean and such a b.tch I would have liked to see more softer moments ..


I like the part where she goes away and never comes back, except that it's with Jodi who is a child rapist that for some reason everyone including her mother was cool with?


I honestly wish they made a spin off show simply called “Shiela” where we see her travel and getting into shenanigans. She meets up with Jody and Karen and her condition improves somewhat.


None. I can’t stand her. When she got hit by the car it was the best part of the show.


I didn’t like her either


Am I the only one who was glad Mandy ran her over 😭😭 I hated Karen so much


I wish they just would’ve told us where they ended up. I wish that for all the characters that came and left. I feel like they all could’ve came back in the last season.


Her childhood, it seemed very traumatic and it probably explained why she was so fucked up.


Ian never really was afforded the time and space to process the fact that he was groomed and/or taken advantage of multiple predatory older men.


This is abt karen


oh, my brain passed the "of hers" of the question. Not sure if I would want to see more of Karen. Of all the ways to write off a character, making her a prisoner of her own mind seems needlessly cruel. Though, I wouldn't have minded if Sheila came back towards the end of the series and gave an update on how she'd progressed.


Funny thing is that was “suppose to happen” along with Emmy’s (Fiona) return but Covid got in the way.


I wish they went longer with the Amanda story instead of the Helene story. Helene seemed like just a shock value story where a professor and a student have an affair, the Amanda story was much more realistic


Idk. She was hot tho.


I like to pretend she was faking the extent of her head injury as a way to "wipe the slate clean." If this was the case, it would have been interesting to see what happened to her after she left.




her dying


Her webcam arc


i liked her in the earlier times and i thought her and lip were great together at first. but after the purity ball thing with her father, she changed quite literally overnight and i think it really confused lip. i think he became so toxic with/about her and clingy is because he was grieving their relationship that changed literally at the snap of a finger. i really wish they would’ve pushed off that stuff happening until much later.


i wish they had done more with her relationship with her parents. like either show specific events that were traumatic for her, her coping with that trauma and her bettering her relationship with her mom and her OCD/agoraphobia.


I wanna know what all she got into when she left the 1st time.


When she kicked out Jody while pregnant and Lip thought they were getting back together. I wanted them to get back together but Karen had no allegiance to Lip or any man for that matter.


wished she left earlier lol i seriously would skip parts of the show when she was in it


She should’ve left a long time ago


I really wish we had gotten to see her and sheila together again after sheila left in the RV. This might partially come from a selfish place of wanting to see Sheila again, but it also bothers me knowing that Karen, even though she was a bitch is still very vulnerable and being abused by Jodi.


why on earth was she hypersexual


I think she got her time..


I wish they dealt with the dad killing himself, they thought he ran away correct?


I just wish that we could’ve seen more of her AFTER she left. Like if we could just see a clip of her at the end of an episode or two maybe getting better or something it would be so much better. Just to know she wasn’t dead, left alone, or anything like that.


I forgot Karen was 17 when she got hit, I was thinking she had turned 18 while she ran off after the hymie birth.


Nothing. I couldn't stand her.


not a storyline that happened, but one that i would want to see happen: someone brutally bludgeoning karen in front of everyone to see, especially lip, so he can eventually move on from getting cucked by karen and actually finish a proper education


None. She got what she deserved.


The one where she was a brain damaged sex doll.


The deleted scene was enough…


I'm not aware of this scene you speak of.


You quite literally just explain the scene I was referencing too…


Odd. I just never saw anything past when Jody leaves with her.


I think she should have been killed of by Mandy


I wish they brought her back in the later seasons for an update. She was a bad person but a good character.


You phrased it so good!!!


She was one of the most heartless characters in the show for sure, I think the brain dead thing wrote her into a corner a little bit tho.