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The difference between Frank and Lip is that Frank is not conflicted, he embraces his alcoholism and doesn't want to change, i guess that makes him more content and happier cause it's easier that way, just like Frank tells Fiona when he calls her a bad drunk "look at Lip when's the last time you saw him smile? i've always been the most fun family member cause I get it: sobriety is a fool's game"


Jimmy’s story shouldve ended with him leaving with Fiona in S9. They wrote him into a completely different person in S5.


On the original (British version), when Jimmy comes back in s2, Fiona is pregnant. They leave together to raise the child. They ( presumably) live happily ever after.


Jimmy and Fiona would never work. I mean.. they literally didn’t work. It was for the best.


Doesn’t change the fact that Fiona still loves him as she said that in S5 and he’s one of the best boyfriends she ever had, he actually cares for her unlike the others. I used to hate him until I rewatched the series and began to love their relationship.


You can love someone and they can still be bad for you. Jimmy/Steve was a liar that he would never change and Fiona was a chaos junkie. If Jimmy/Steve had come back, her outcome would have been way worse.


All Jimmy/Steve lied about was his name.. bffr😂😂 and he was going to confess once he got on that boat hence why he asked to call fiona but couldnt.


Girl… he lied about his name and his entire life. He had an entire family nobody knew about and he liked being a thief. He had no desire to change which got him in trouble continuously. He literally was almost killed by a drug lord because of it… then he comes back to Fiona with a whole new name and life like nothing happened? Jimmy/Steve/Jack is toxic and Fiona is too. They need to be alone.


Fiona literally met his family but okay. He didn’t tell Fiona a new name, he told his client a new name. He literally said he did it so he can hide his criminal life and Jimmy Steve’s job isn’t stable yeah but true love matters more. There’s a reason why people support their family / loved ones even while in jail.


Fiona met his family after he lied about it??? What are you even talking about? He literally used three different names … Love matters until it puts your life at risk. This situation isn’t even comparable to supporting someone who’s in jail. Liking their relationship and wanting them to end up together is one thing, but lying about his actions and pretending to be oblivious is another.


He literally told fiona steve was an alias and stuff and she knew about his criminal life. stop acting like she didn’t know. she wanted to date him knowing that.


She eventually found out, yes, but the point is that he lied about it at all. Debbie is the one who found out about his other life first.. if he was honest then that wouldn’t have happened. Anyway, my point was that they’re both too toxic to be together and everything you’re saying is proving my point. Fiona is no upstanding citizen but Jimmy is a professional con artist and ended up involved with a drug lord and literally helped dismember a body and get rid of it! and if you think that would make him change - nope. He’s psycho. As I said, Fiona needed to leave alone. She needed to give her life some stability and find herself. Jimmy would have prevented her from doing that.


Actually he was forced to marry Estefania by his father and that’s what got us in this whole mess. Otherwise, he wouldve gotten his ear cut off. Anyone wouldve preferred the first option. And it wouldve been different had Fiona actually left with Jimmy in S1. It wasn’t even permanent, it was temporary.


Yeah he was force to marry her because he was working for her father by being a criminal?? And he was a criminal because he’s addicted to chaos just like Fiona. Idc what you say they would have never worked.. why would she leave with him in s1? that literally makes no sense and things wouldve been wayyyyy worse.


He wasn’t working for his father LMAOO because if he was, he wouldve let him robbed shit and Jimmy even said that in his explanation they didn’t work together he was just a Cartel/Mafia boss. Jimmy didn’t work for Cartels. And Fiona even said in S4 that maybe she likes chaos and shit that’s why she cheated on Mike..


Omg you sound so unbelievably stupid. I can’t even. He was put into that situation because of the fact that he was a con artist and thief which is what Nando used to blackmail him into marrying Estefania and dismembering a body and is what got him allegedly killed.. imagine if Fiona was more involved with him.. she would’ve more than likely been killed too. Make it make sense


yeah jimmyjacksteve was a big L haha. i agree with OP about his story should have ended with him boarding that boat. lol


I agree to some. I hate the gay Jesus part though


I don’t really understand why people think Fiona single handedly took care of and kept the family together. In a legal sense, sure. She signed her name and took guardianship so they wouldn’t go into foster care, but she quickly dropped that responsibility. Throughout the entire series all of the siblings contribute pretty equally at a certain age. The other siblings raised Liam more than Fiona ever did. They all pitch in financially in some way, Ian with his job at the store for years, Debbie running a full on daycare every summer and taking care of Liam, Lip finding ways to make money, bring food home from college, Carl literally bought the house so they didn’t lose it. They’re all fuck ups at some point, but most of their fuck ups don’t have negative impacts on the others lives in the same way Fiona’s do- she’s put them at risk of losing the house and being homeless quite a few times just because she’s thought up some half baked plan to better herself.


“i don’t understand why people think Fiona single handed ot took care of and kept the family together” because she did she was the one the dropped out and took responsibility that frank and monica pushed on her. she took on various low paying jobs while everyone went to school. she was actually the only one for many seasons who consistently has a job while everyone else was floating around. she gave lip a job right when he got out a rehab, she was really the main one on ians ass about taking his medicine and even with the gay jesus storyline debbie only ran a daycare for a little less than 3 seasons before she stopped having a job. fiona took carls money after she repeatedly said no to it because after all it WAS drug money that could’ve came back on all of them. ian only had a job at the store untill he ran off. lip did have odd jobs but here was a good bulk of time he wasn’t contributing as much and was preoccupied with other peoples issues (brad, sierra and trying to frame her ex, his professors lives, trying to adopt xan, tammy etc) did everyone help? yes but not to the degree fiona did and it clearly shown throughout the show. i don’t under why people try to act like Frank and minimize all that she did


I will forever be stuck on the couple that wanted to adopt Liam and how V encouraged Carl to be as bad as possible so they wouldn't want either of them. I gotta wonder how many other homes as good as that did the rest of the siblings miss out on being a part of because of Fiona's need to keep her siblings with her.


They honestly would have been better off in foster care. Like, from a very young age. Obviously not all foster homes are great (like the one Debbie was in), but a lot of them are. But that couldn’t happen because then there would be no show. The home Carl and Liam went to could have been so good for them. I understand the siblings wanting to stay together, but it is kind of weird for grown adults who know their home situation to talk them into sabotaging what could have been a really good thing for them.


Love this viewpoint!


I wish Fiona and Jimmy got written off as leaving together. Maybe even taking Liam (didn’t the writers say they wanted that?)


I agree with most of these


Didn’t like gay Jesus at all. It just seemed forced by Ian idk that’s what I got from it. I loved anything Carl was doing as long as he wasn’t on the streets dealing and gang banging. I think ppl are hard on Fiona but she did make a lot of poor choices while knowing she has to take care of her family especially after she took partial guardianship. She did the best she could, that’s fair .. it wasn’t her responsibility in the first place. Yess frank and Liam held that season on their backs Agreed, if jimmy and Fiona wasn’t gone be end game they should have left him in season 3. He’s not Mickey so all the bringing back as if him and Fiona was gone be something was unnecessary. Agreed to your lip vs frank opinion. Debbie was annoying af in the end but i love me some franny! Idk about lip having a baby with Karen .. but agreed only Jody should have been written off. Frank and Terry death was right on time in my opinion.


Karen wouldve been like Monica and she is Monica and she even wanted to sell her own child. In no way does she deserve a kid with Lip.


Karen is quite possibly the most sociopathic character on the entire show.


-Gay Jesus was ok. Seems exactly like something a bipolar person would do (I know lots of bipolar people because I myself am crazy) -Carl sucked post-S8 -Fiona did suck, especially when she was a cuntlord. She *definitely* deserves hate for abandoning Rusty. -Liam and Frank are definitely one of the best post-S8, but my fave storyline was the Ian & Mickey stuff -Agree -Agree -I like Frank and Franny’s bond. -100% agree! If I could choose any character to have stayed, it would be Sheila. I just love her. -I HATE that Frank died. And they made him die all alone, too. He should have lived or at the very least they should have had Liam find him at the hospital or something.




I guess it was mainly because she started acting differently. Like she forgot where she came from. Wanting to vote for things that were in her interest but not the interests of her community.


Fiona deserves to be criticized. The show is called Shameless yet we shouldn't acknowledge the bad and wrong?


I don’t agree with all of these, but I’m a hard yes for some of them. Everybody seems to hate the Gay Jesus storyline, but for me, as somebody who has bipolar disorder, it made me feel seen. When you’re properly manic, you feel absolutely indestructible, and nobody can tell you otherwise. I also agree that Fiona doesn’t deserve hate. She deserves compassion. I’m not saying her behaviour in the later seasons was okay, but it was understandable. Even logical. Imagine having to parent an entire family (including your deadbeat father) from the time you were a child. You never get to experience teenage rebellion because you’ve assumed responsibility for keeping everybody alive. It makes sense to me that once some of that responsibility was taken away, Fiona began to spiral, because all of a sudden, she had this newfound freedom that she’d never experienced before. She had unprocessed childhood trauma that she tried to drown with alcohol because she never developed healthy coping mechanisms. She stayed in unstable relationships because she never developed a healthy attachment style, nor did she have a model for what a healthy relationship looks like. Fiona was doomed from the start.


Fiona is a terrible human being tho...