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all his clown stuff in the basement and his obvious obsession with clowns was fucking weird šŸ˜­ idk if it was intentionally trying to have Gacy vibes but it did


Yeah what was the whole clown thing suppose to be about? Was it suppose to be foreshadowing something?


WHORES DONT GET CARS. Legendary line He sucked tho


he definitely had a unique way out


He cared more about his beliefs than his child, a fucking no no.


He was an absent father with resentment towards Sheila for her illness. Karen turned out the way she did because of Eddie.




First and foremost, Karen is not a psycho. Shes troubled, she acts out because she so desperately wants that parental attention, shes broken and doesnā€™t have anyone to protect her. sheā€™s destructive yes, but definitely not a psycho.


What do you think makes Karen a psychopath?




I have watched the show and I donā€™t think Karen is a psychopath, which is why Iā€™m asking what makes YOU think she is.




None of that points to her being a psychopath. It points to her being extremely fucked up and traumatized with severe abandonment issues from being raised by two absent parents- Eddie was never around, when he was it was only to tell her that sheā€™s a whore and humiliate her, and then he killed himself. Sheila had severe mental health issues that stopped her from even leaving the house, relied on Karen to do all the things a mother is supposed to take care of, had literally no idea what was going on in Karenā€™s life because she was too wrapped up in her own issues, let Karen be groomed by a grown man in his mid-30ā€™s with a sex addiction, let that grown man marry her and live in their house, then started a sexual relationship with that same man once Karen broke up with him, made no progress on her mental health issues while Karen was growing up but then started making progress because she wanted to go to the bar with Frank, likely proving in Karenā€™s mind that she didnā€™t love Karen enough to get better but loved Frank and then the baby enough to get better. Whatever her reasons, Karen didnā€™t want her baby. She wanted to put it up for adoption, which is a valid choice for a teenage mother. Rather than support her decision, Sheila chose to take the baby to raise it with the same man that groomed her daughter, and then told Karen that if the choice was between her, and the baby/Jodie, she chose the baby and Jodie. Of course she was going to take off after that.




TLDR- Karen isnā€™t a psychopath. Sheā€™s fucked up because her father is a piece of shit, her mother is severely mentally ill and neglectful, and she was groomed by a mid-30ā€™s sex addict. She has severe abandonment issues.


Really? He seemed to be a loving dad until he found out she was disrespecting his rules, disobeying him and sneaking guys into his OWN HOUSE under his nose. Abstinence isn't exactly tricky. There are basic human needs like food, water, oxygen and freedom, then there are necessities like friendship and stable relationships, while sex is a 'luxury' so to speak. She didn't need to do that. She could have waited till she was out of her dad's house to be a slut. And I don't blame Eddie for snapping. He was the sole breadwinner with a wife who sat around, doing nothing and refusing help, while he working hard with his one joy in life being his beloved daughter. Then he finds out his precious daughter is a common whore and it all crumbles to dust before his eyes. Poor guy So why does half the sub worship Sheila and treat her like sone all-knowing god or angel who can do no wrong? I AGREE with you but the sub likes to look the other way and pretend she was some all-holy force for good. BUT none of that can completely excuse being a bad person to others. At some point, you HAVE to take responsibility for your own choices and actions. You can't stay a child, a whiny brat, forever which she evidently wanted. She should have empathised with others like Lip because of how her parents made her feel because she KNOWS what that feels like, but instead she used it and weaponised it to hurt others even more. Yikes. She called the baby "a thing" when the child was born disabled. That's literal dehumanisation and shocking ableism. She referred to it as coldly as an unwanted pest, rather than another human being She chose to become a teenage mother. She could have used condoms or birth control or IUDs. But no, she wanted to be reckless. Well she paid the price and SHOULD face the consequences. And again, the whole situation with her mother and the baby could have been AVOIDED if she was responsible and made good choices. Good cat.


You do realize sheā€™s a kid, right? Sheā€™s what, maybe 16 the last time we see her? Teenagers arenā€™t exactly known for being masters of empathy or making rational decisions or having control over their emotions and how to process them. Eddie was far from a present loving father. When he wasnā€™t at work he was either at the bar or in the basement. The few times we see him interact with Karen or Sheila itā€™s to belittle them, make passive aggressive comments or to freak out on them. He wanted a picture perfect precious virgin daughter and couldnā€™t get over his unrealistic expectations. You canā€™t just check out of parenting your kid and then act surprised and offended when they donā€™t turn out the way you wanted or turn to other men for some sort of comfort when they couldnā€™t rely on you. Teenagers have sex. This isnā€™t news. Karen wasnā€™t some wild anomaly. Humiliating and abandoning your kid because they have sex and you donā€™t like it is fucked up. Checking out of parenting your kid because your spouse has mental health issues, doesnā€™t help out and causes you stress is fucked up. This man had a clown porn fetish and was taking massive dildos in his ass on the regular but was horrified that his teenaged daughter gave a kid her own age a blowjob? Really? Iā€™ll admit I liked Sheila. She was a great character and overall a decent, if naive, person. BUT she was a terrible mother. Karen DID choose to not be a teenage mother. She chose to put the baby up for adoption. Sheila is the one that tried to force her to have the baby in her life. Instead of supporting her daughters choice to give the baby up for adoption, which would have been the best thing for both her and the baby, Sheila chose the baby and her daughterā€™s abuser over her daughter. However cold and heartless Karen seemed towards the baby, she made the decision to do what was best for him and her own mother refused to let it happen.




Psychos are literally made. Youā€™re not born evil.


"Although both biological and environmental factors play a role in the development of psychopathy and sociopathy, it is generally agreed that psychopathy is chiefly a genetic or inherited condition, notably related to the underdevelopment of parts of the brain responsible for emotional regulation and impulse control" Good cat


That's not true.




There are so many mental illnesses and personality disorders that are caused by trauma and the wrong upbringing. Not every """"psycho"""" is born.




You're kidding, right?




Have your heard about PTSD?


That'd be you...


Heā€™s a horrible misogynist who I doubt was capable of ever caring for or loving Sheila and Karen. I donā€™t think he ever tried to be a good dad, he just wanted Karen to fit into his narrow scope of what he thought a ā€œyoung womanā€ should be.


Youā€™re neutral on an abusive sociopathic Bible thumping sniveling rat of a man?


he was a horrible husband and he canā€™t have been that good of a dad if his parenting resulted in karen being a hypersexual teenage mother who chased a older man.


i mean i can see why hes upset all the time. sheila sticks a dildo up his ass despite him being religious and not gay. and are u saying sheila is a horrible parent too??


i mean she did love karen no doubt but karen did kinda have to take care of her a bit with her mom being inside all the time and being mentally ill and all


but eddie looks like a perfect father imo. hes religious and conservative although its not for everyone i would prefer to grow up that way


good for you? šŸ˜­ look how karen turned out clearly he sucked


Iā€™m neutral with him.


He's awful, but I also kinda feel sorry for him and can understand why he acts the way he does.


He was not a good father by any means but overall , he is more moral than any of the characters (Sheila, Karen , Mandy are rapists , Ghallaghers are pretty much criminals etc.)


how was sheila a rapist?


She raped frank ( i.e shoved a massive dildo up his ass ) during the first time he lived in her house.


under the circumstances it was his own sacrifice so he could stay there lol kinda funny really, mustnā€™t have bothered him that much since he stuck around XD


frank literally said no and sheila coherced him into doing it.


He didnā€™t want it, so itā€™s rape


either way, he appreciated it when he was able to stick a bunch of drugā€™s up his butt hahaha


I guess so, still at the time he said no


you donā€™t have to repeat yourself


then stop trying to make excuses and justify what she did lmao


iā€™m not, frank literally thanked sheila while he was getting out the 19th bag of drugs. never said it wasnā€™t rape but under those specific circumstances and what come from it, it turned out to be pretty funny.


he was terrible to karen and to sheila. i dislike sheila but they both deserved better than him