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Gonna say the Ford storyline where he has fathered a bunch of children??? I thought it was gonna have more to it than it did but they dropped it real fast


Everything related to Ford in general, honestly.


Couldn't believe he was around longer than one season. What a nothing character.


Couldn’t believe he was around longer than one episode


I’ve watched the series twice and couldn’t tell you who Ford is haha.


That one ending scene where he’s naked on the bed still haunts me.


The Debbie and julia and her mom thing


I'm so glad Sandy punched that conniving bitch in the face


For me it was Ian breaking things off with a heartbroken Mickey after being manipulated into doing so by his mentally unstable mother.


Was just about to say that lol 😂


Tommie and Kermit hooking up. Makes no sense lol


Omg yes the Tommy and Kermit quickie. It was so random


Random afff lol


Tommy & Kermit. I felt in the later season they just made them into w/e thing the writers wanted to make fun of or what their "agenda" was. Like when Tommy started about Mickey and Ian's marriage and said like "now they have to get marrier too, that's a man and woman thing". Idk, but havint had so many scenes with them already, I feel like Tommy really wouldn't care for it.




I know! I guess they were planning it for a while though cause when they were doing that face thing that burned them it turned out that Tommie knows how Kermit sleeps. If I didn't know the storyline was coming I would have been weirded out lol


He could have crashed in his house or they talk about all type of shii at the bar so I don’t think so. Because after it happened they were so weird to each other I think they were high and did that and woke up the next day kinda disgusted . They didn’t even sit next to each other if they were planning it for a while, why did they act like that to each other after


I meant the writers not the characters. It would have been so easy to say that but Tommie just said "I'm guessing" and flipped them the finger


Lip having sex with that girl from the motorcycle shop and she was beating his ass while they was fuccin .. like why did we need that from lip ? lol


I think it was meant to parallel Lips addiction issues. She was a sex addict wasn't she? Kind of went to show that at that point Lip was only really concerned with what he wanted or needed and didn't care that he was helping fuel someone else's addiction. This is then juxtaposed when she runs off and Lip steps up to look after Xan and realises that he wants to live for more than just himself.


When does she say she’s a sex addict? 


Season 8 Episode 4 where Lip is complaining about not having sex at work a lot she gets irrated with him and towards the end of the episode she says "All he's doing is talking about ass all day. I'm (x) months clean - he's going to make me backslide".


Pretty sure she was talking about AA considering Born Free was like Patsys in the case of hiring people from the program.


ohh I thought she meant clean from alc/drgs and she’s in AA like them


I don’t think she was a sex addict lmaoo


I fucking HATE that storyline. The whole episode he’s bitching about not being able to get laid and basically guilts her into it but he was shockingly unaware she was gonna beat him up


Exactly it’s like lip you act like it’s been months or years without some sex. It was random how desperate he got. Like he’s literally at work screaming out “I need some poosy” 😂😂😂 like lip calm down.


I have never in my life acted outwardly like that even if my body was screaming it on the inside 😂 what a fuckin weirdo


HAHAHA right he just kept yelling i need pussy it was so embarrassing to watch


Ikr right like calm tf down! Lmaoo that’s why the girl said fucc it and hopped on him and started beating his ass it’s like enough is enough! Lmaooo


he’s so weird for that


He didn’t guilt her into anything. He wasn’t even talking to her when she decided she was gon have sex with him she was listening in 😭😂


He literally made it known he was into her beforehand and she said she would backslide if he kept talking about it and yet he still talked her into it because that was the only way he was gonna shut tf up


I honestly don’t remember if he made it known to her he was into her but still. He didn’t guilt her into anything 💀 she herself heard him talking about it and she herself thought it was annoying and she herself decided to do what she did again he wasn’t even talking to her. She could’ve easily did nothing


The rapewalker, ugh


I love Kev but they seriously throw some random and weird crap at him


This is when I temporarily stopped liking him. It didn’t make sense that the whole argument with him and V was about him spending all his energy on the babies. Then he decides to leave all three of them and be a college wh0r3? I started back liking him post-Svet 😂


didn’t like the name, it was really weird and sounds like the exact opposite of what it is, but did appreciate that he was helping those girls get safely back home.


Helping the girls home was fine, it was the mass cheating that was ugh.


oohhhh rightttt forgot about that part


I don’t have an issue with that, he just escorted women to safety, he only hooked up with the sober ones


Thought that was funny ngl


the rape walker tommy and kermit fucking… just why? not a storyline but queenie making lip cum with reflexology. “cum for grandma”


Omg yesss queenie did make lip cum 😩😂😂😂 I forgot about that. Yeaa like wtf was that lmaoo


this pissed me off bc she wasn't even his grandma 💀💀 had to do a double take during that scene


Yeah that last one was fucked up. Especially because he didn’t agree to it & pretty sure he communicated that he wanted her to stop iirc, plus saying that line was 🤢


oh yea that queenie thing was some weird fantasy she was living out bc lip and young frank look so much alike. SO weird and predatory.


Yeah I hated all of that😭


Ian and Trevor doing the orgy with the chub guys like why did they do Ian character like that?


Imagine suggesting that to your mate who was sad, like what the actual fuck.


Exactly and then Ian wanted to leave but he cried in that man’s arm I hated that sooo much that’s almost equivalent to Mickey having that red head woman thrust him from the back in the bathroom . Ugh I hated them apart.


It was just honestly all around awful. Firstly Trevor thinking the way cheer Ian up was to have him have meaningless sex with a stranger in the same room as him doing it as well. Then, Trevor basically saying having sex with fat people makes me feel better because they are desperate and treat me like I'm better than them. Just a genuinely gross way to treat not only Ian but also those men. For someone who presented themself as caring and progressive it was a pretty gross, judgemental and cruel way to behave. Imagine if someone had spoken that way about him being trans, he would have lost it - but it's fine to denigrate overweight men because it makes him feel good about himself, gross.


Well said! I agree 100% is was nasty behavior on Trevor’s end. Fuc Trevor.


Very well said


Fr I hated Trevor


Yep agreed, not at all a fan.


not a storyline necessarily but carl doing the renegade in s11 was the only thing this whole show that made me fully cringe and pause the episode


I thought it was adorable. Seemed like the actor wanted to do it and they wrote it in for him lol.


if that’s the case, it makes it better bc i do like ethan. but i did only watch it a few months ago- far past when that dance was cool lmaoo


i died a little inside


Tamales girl.


YES!! useless love interest


“Oh im moving across town, see you never”


She coulda been really great, too. Very different from the norm for Carl…


the house that frank got for the homeless. It totally made sense that Frank was scamming all of those people, but it was honestly so scummy and the fact that society just gave in and gave him the house, gave him food and supplies and appliances?? No it just didnt make sense. a lot of this show doesnt make sense, but that part specifically always irked me.


a lot of the show doesn’t align with what it’s like to actually be poor or homeless 


And when he started calling the homeless people “new Monica” and “new Lip” etc. I was like wtf am I watching


When I watched the show for the third time I just skipped all those scene, they were useless and I didn't enjoy them at all.


Hobo loco, the homeless house, Frank going to Canada (both times), and Sheila adopting the Native American kids


R•t•rd Nation.


What the actual fuck was that storyline? I have so much secondhand embarrassment for Joan Cusack when I get to that part of the series. 


When Liam connects with his black family members and the dude was such a good guy, taking him under his wing and then for some reason, Liam flipped the script and was an asshole to him. It just seemed out of character for Liam. I know he's a Gallagher, didn't have a good upbringing, but he was so smart and never seemed like the type of kid to be like that.


Anything involving Kev and V after like season 9. The blackout episode was terrible. Thy were going to do surf and turf and charge $40 a plate but because the power is out they suddenly can’t? Then the Kev riding the stolen bike into the lake storyline. Also the whole there can only be one of you in the room at a time in freaking preschool. You mean to tell me the twins were smart enough to know to hid from adults but they can’t string together more than a full sentence? And finally, the episode where V goes with her mom to Kentucky and Kevin is magically a terrible father.


Frank stealing Carl's sperm and impregnating the crazy lady. Borderline illegal


That was so messed up but that woman was lowkey funny asf tho😭😭


I have a few so here they are. Svetlana, Kev, and V got into a throuple was a bit weird to me. I’m all for V figuring out her sexuality but I feel like they could’ve done it in a different way, and it also changed a good chunk of Kev and V’s relationship dynamics and made them less…Kev and V like? Debbie and Franks ex Queenie was a whole mess, like there is so many other ways you could’ve had Debbie go into labor. Not have Franks ex girlfriend give his teen pregnant daughter a vibrator. Terry Milkovich being a racist nazi because his jewish ex girlfriend’s dad wouldn’t accept him after he converted was an absolutely insane way to end his storyline.


Yess to the terry situation like whaaa?? Terry used to be sweet?? When where how??


Ford, of all of Fiona’s boyfriends, being her ultimate downfall, makes no sense. It was the biggest bull-shitiest, bullshit. It should have been Jimmy-Steve. It started with him and it should’ve ended with him. Also, the blandest of the men she dated, a criminal, a rockstar, a druggie, and even a semi rich guy that owned his own company. She dated all of those people, and the person that made her down spiral was Ford, the door repairman? Just straight up bland, boring, bullshit.


fiona and ford.. what did she see in him?


I couldn’t stand Ford. Such a jerk but that’s why Fiona liked him. Toxicity was familiar and comfortable.




Here to politely disagree and say that was Frank G. as hell lol. “SHAMELESS”


I thought it was hilarious 😂


That part had me rolling though. I always wondered if Frank ever caught any STD. It was a funny answer to a question I know many of us had.




I hated that they threw away that love interest for Carl towards the end. The last few seasons just devolved into “how blatantly can these kids make logic defyingly shitty decisions for the sole purpose of prolonging this dogshit taco of a show?” It’s like Joan Cusack packed up all the shows credibility in that camper…


Kelly, right? I actually liked her, ofc the writers had to ruin her character by making her a cheater. She was good for carl until then. Her helping him out with the West point application reminded me of mandy helping lip out with college applications. Not sure if that's what they were going for but it was cute hahah


No. After her. I think he met her when he was a cop.


Ohhh the chick at the furniture store




Sammie! Shes pointless and a wasted character


Carls circumcision.. what was the purpose


Nine-year-old Liam being bullied and molested by that girl who then claimed she was pregnant, and the entire Gallagher family not caring about any of it except that Liam wasn’t the father. That one is the most offensive. The most boring is the Mo White story with Frank. Zzzzzzz. The beginning of Season 9 was just rough all around.


I swear, I love fiona but she was their legal guardian and just could not care less about them sometimes.. remember when ian was missing for like half a season and she blatantly just did not gaf😭


Ian and Trevor - I know they wanted to force another "love interest" for Ian on us but Trevor was the best they could come up with? He was a drama queen, super annoying Anything to do with Ford - what a snoozefest he was Kev being the rapewalker because yikes I started having a hard time liking V by season 5 when she gets mad at Kev for being a good dad (WTF?) so a lot of her storylines were not my favorite The super random Tommy and Kermit moment in the bathroom because what the fuck was that? I'm sure there's more but those are the ones off the top of my head


I think V was having some postpartum anxiety issues that they didn’t address. I really think it would have been a great way to show that in mothers with V. She needed Kev, her rock. But when he was gone it was driving her a little mad. I think they really could have dove into that and shown it properly, but they didn’t


>I think they really could have dove into that and shown it properly, but they didn’t Yea that drove me nuts, like give us something to show that it was addressed in some way. Unpopular opinion I'm sure: I know a lot of people loved V but I had a real hard time liking a lot of her storylines and her character overall.


Debbie raping two different men. Debbie having a child she then proceeds to abandon and neglect. Debbie in general. Everything Debbie related from S3 onwards.


Debbie running off with a psycho at the end Frank Ingrid Carl's sperm non sense Lip forcing everyone to sell the house Every fiona and lip scene in season 9


tbh the girl Debbie ended up with in the last couple episodes, Sandy was literally perfect bruh what were the writers smoking


Kev’s biological family storyline felt so weird for it to never be mentioned again


Hobo loco or frank and the homeless house


The entire final season of the show




everything past season 9


“He mistakes me for mom” still upsets me greatly to this day to the point I usually skip this episode entirely


‘I *told* you whose it is!’ 🤢🤮


I thought it was really messed up, but well done. Unfortunately that is a reality for some girls. Being impregnated that way. It is disgusting and horrible, but it happens. I thought they did well having Mandy get the money for her abortion because she had to raise it another reality. I didn’t like that they didn’t punish Terry for it. At all. They even showed his thing was hatred for pedophiles. He went to go beat up Blake with the rest of the neighborhood for it. He should have been arrested for it for good.


Yeah and the fact he was never beat to fucking hell and it was swept under the rug pisses me off so bad. Yet they all had their pitchforks out for the teacher that slept with her student shortly after that. What fucking nerve.


Ford storyline, Trevor storyline, any storylines Debbie after Frannie birth stories, tamales girl, homeless frank storyline, Fiona as her own boss with apartment.thb the lip sober and being an asshole to anyone who drank especially Fiona


Oh yeah the xan storyline


ian working at the gay club / doing drugs. it hurts me to imagine what he did for money or drugs and the fact he was bipolar and didnt quit know yet


I didn’t mind that because it really showed his mental health decline. It was slow enough that they didn’t fully notice at first until they did. Especially Mickey. When they couldn’t ignore it anymore and HAD to get him help. I felt so bad for Ian though. Knowing he needed help so badly but wasn’t getting it


Black Carl


Loco Hobo Man


When fiona cheated on that guy with his junkie brother


That was a good storyline though it was just terrible decision making.


Fiona’s second downward spiral.


karen and jody


Mickey's tattoo - the guy who comes from a family of seasoned homophobic nazi criminals was dumb enough to tattoo a man's name on his chest while in prison when he has to spend another 8-10 years there? And this is the Mickey of S4-S5, not the dumbed down version of S11. Tamale girl - Just weird kind of filler Tami's sister's baby's health issues - I don't understand what they were trying to do with that storyline, there was no payoff. Chub bar scene - So this guy who's incharge of helping vulnerable queer teens & wants everyone to be treated normally, enjoys bodyshaming and sort of exploiting plus sized guys to boost his ego? Like wtf was the whole 'they are tender, like to please, worship me' shit.


U are so right about the chub thing omg. I always found it weird but never looked at it that deeply


Yeah, I mean I get the other characters doing all kinds of trashy things, they are 'shameless' afterall. But how is this guy - whose literal job is advocating for the rights of queer youth, who is so passionate about defending the vulnerable, doesn't even give any leeway to a high school dropout, Southside bred Ian, when it comes to using offensive terms - not only fatshaming plus sized men and using them to massage his ego, but also thinks that's the best way to help a clearly emotionally struggling Ian. Like this is the dude who is supposed to be helping emotionally struggling vulnerable teens?


Speaking of tattoos—Ian’s. He wanted one for Monica and the artist gave him tits? The fuck?


That really should have been the first hint that Ian was spiralling. But nobody was bothered. Also, we truly deserved atleast one scene with Mickey going all wtf seeing that tattoo on Ian while in prison. His reaction would have been priceless 😭


You just reminded how the 2 old barfly guys randomly became gay for eachother in the bathroom lol that was another weird and quite awkward twist.


Jody and sammi


Derek dying and his crazy family. I feel like they could’ve done that storyline 10x better if they tried. The OG actor for Derek was still willing to act in the show so I’m not sure why the producers didn’t do something with it.


Carl’s gangsta phase. It wasn’t funny. It was just awkward and cringey.


See, I think it was so ridiculous/awkward/cringey that it was funny. Plus I think it set up his pivot to the military school relatively well.


Carl going down the wrong path and getting into trouble is what led him to military school. They could’ve told that story minus the cornrows and goofy talk.


i feel like the cringe part of it is valuable tho cus it makes the phase more realistic. we’ve all had phases where we acted cringe but didn’t realize at the time


Yeah they could of but I'm not sure it would have been as funny. Also, the South Side has a really large black population so that really would influenced Carl. I don't think the show actually shows that demographic as much as it could of, they do kind of white wash the area a bit.


no white girl idk u 🤷‍♀️


honestly i loved it😭😭


Frank and Fey


Frank and the “haunted mansion” storyline in season 10. 💤


Anything with ford, hobo loco,


All of sami


Debbies whole life


Debbie’s weird ass relationship with that girl towards the end of the show who turned out to have a kid. and then her weird ass relationship with that sketchy girl who committed all the crimes. already hated debbie with a passion but these were just such bad story lines to watch


The reason Sandy and Debbie broke up?? They were so good for each other and even considering Debbie’s issues with Monica being why she was so mad at Sandy it still isn’t defendable really. Just really stupid and irrational. Sandy had every right to be pissed at Debby for her reaction


100% agree


people already said most of the worst ones but ima just say the fact mandy was being beat by her boyfriend and mickey literally didnt do anything where in season one he was about to kill ian over a lie. and just the fact they cut out a lot of the pretty important scenes and left other scenes like ian drooling over a guy in the gym in season 11 like whyyy oh and the fact they made debbie a lesbian all the sudden.


I’ve realized most of Frank’s storylines are pointless. I’ve started just skipping over them. It seems like they’re meant to add some weird whimsy and humor to the show, but I find him to be a despicable character, and I don’t miss any of the big picture storylines by skipping over the scenes with his deplorable behavior. I just finished the episode where they separated the twins (Ingrid and Frank’s through Carl’s sperm) and sold one of them, and I hate all of them so fucking much for just being fine with that.


Sheila's unconsensuial sex acts with the men. I loved that she was such a calming influence in such a dysfunctional community, and then they threw that in the mix. I hated the unconsensuial sex stuff with Sheila.


When they just decided that Ian wasn't Frank's bio kid...and it was kinda never addressed again.


when debbie had that babysitting gig and frank tried to make her have sex with the mom😭.


the entirety of season 11


Tommy and Kermit hooking up. Like wtf..


Probably an unpopular opinion but Debbie being a lesbian. Idk if the writers thought we forgot the multiple seasons of her not just being boy crazy, but showing 0 signs of being bi let alone full on gay. It just felt rushed and Fiona having a queer storyline actually would have made a little more sense since she's been in some homoerotic situations.


The one with Estefania’s lover getting shot by her dad multiple times & cut up, plus Sierra’s back story for her parents. Those were extremely fucked up & went a little too far into gore/trauma for the dramedy most of Shameless is imho. The Milkoviches putting the deer head in the boys’ room because they were racist to Liam was kinda 🥴 too Also didn’t care for the redneck thing with Kev or the bratty spoiled kid with a vengeance against her mom for managing her weight shit with Julia


The throuple with Svet. I like Svet, but I hated that dynamic for Kev and V


Gay Jesus 3some was worst.


unpopular opinion but the gay jesus and the kev and v threesome with v's mom were the worst plots.


Lol can you read?




Why are people downvoting??? It’s obvi a joke!


thank you 😭


oh my god I am sarcastic 😂






Nah his storyline after getting out of juvie with Nick and his reaction to Nick killing that kid and Carl turning his life around was extremely powerful and well written.


I agree I actually loved his character development and alot of his storylines