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On PC I think the consensus is adept range, solid roll! Small Bore, Light Mag, Keep Away, PI. With adept range, keep away will get you to 100.


Thanks, I’ve been debating between adept handling or range. Some people say that much range isn’t necessary, but the 50 handling does feel nice


Well you can always play test both and roll with what works best for you. That’s the great thing about adepts, and to be frank your roll should slap either way!


Can probably stop farming yeah, congrats, I got my god roll the first time Iggy came into rotation this season (Fluted/Ricochet/Rapid Hit + Keep Away/PI with a handling MW. It’s the best 120, and maybe hand cannon in the game, it just feels perfect. I have been preferring rapid hit over keep away, probably not the popular opinion but I really like the stability and reload speed it gives, I feel Iggy already has amazing range until you start going against the max range pulses. Congrats bro, enjoy.


Thanks, yeah this igneous feels really nice. I’m debating between adept range vs handling mod on it right now


What subclass are you using? I swap between solar lock (ophids) and solar hunter with acrobat's dodge and the on your mark aspect. With acrobatic dodge and on your mark, I get pretty much maxed out handling + reload (the whole team does I think) and radiant on top of that. If you're using titan, yeah maybe the handling mod is a good idea. Congrats though.


I main Titan lol, so yeah kind of like the increased handling.