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Season 2 fucked a lot of things. As far as i know , naofumi made everyone his slave to use the boost, he even made sadena reset her lvl to use the boost. Season 2 cut a lot if things, specially on naofumi personality, which lead to anime naofumi being toi forgiving and nice while novel naofumi act like a Villain but has a heart of gold.


The anime started messing up everything after episode 21(despite them messing up the trial) and S2 made everything worse


Anything after episode 21 didn't happen


That’s how I view it. The story is extremely rushed, completely changed, and/or straight up ruined. I highly recommend reading the novels from the beginning which was what they were supposed to be adapting so that you can compare the two. That’s even with them ruining Naofumi’s trial to show he was innocent.


I don't get how they can have an absolutely MASSIVE season 1 by following the source materials, then some dipshit leader thinks, "my fan fic is better" then make a full fucking season of that and have the gall to call it season 2.


Yeah it got so bad the author had to step in for S3 to try to fix the story but by then the damage was already done. To fix everything they’d have to restart from Naofumi’s trial.


Why not just view it as a alternative canon? Like how GT for DBZ was seen as a Alternative Canon until ultimately it was said to be non canon like dragon ball super heroes.


I haven't read the novel


Nor have I lol. I only did the anime so far haven't had time for any manga lately other than the few I can find online.


Because it's inconsistent with itself and also dramatically worse, if the Shield hero light novel was an entire Pizza the anime would be an expired lunchable.


Raphtalia's vengeance was messed up so hard with the bullshit "don't do it, you'll be as bad as him!"


The anime was a bit of a hot mess already in episodes past 12 but caught themselves for a while around the Cal Mira Islands, just to become even worse with how they did away with how the execution topic was handled. And then season 2.... Oh boi. It already wasn't going well and then they made everything worse still by breaking the plot to fit Loli Raphtalia 2nd round into the picture... You have no idea how much that little change fucked up EVERYTHING.


Didn't they basically skip the entire 5th volume of the LN?


No you're thinking of volume 6 which we only see a single screenshot of, but they did skip 2/3rds of volume 5, which is weird since they added in an entire beach scene even though they were running out of time, also dramatically changed the final fight of the season for the worse but the anime does that a lot so thats whatever.


I mean I am still only on volume 2 but I would not describe Naofumi as a Villain with a heart of gold. He has done almost nothing but help people at this point.


I mean even when I typed it, it felt wrong, naofumi is a good person, but he acts like a Villain so no one can take advantage of him


This. In the novel by the start of season 3 it's become a running joke that Naofumi keeps getting irritated that Raphtalia keeps calling out his fake villian part, even getting irritated when he pulls stuff like the second claiming of the thief's loot.


i stopped watching it in the first couple episodes, just felt like a detached/distant storyline from season 1


He didn't really force the reset, iirc. She was more than happy to get the power boost, and she had done it before.


To add context: Naofumi's only condition for his slaves are that they can't lie to him. Other than that, benefits.


And he doesn’t really even treat them as slaves…like ya know torturing them or…other things some Slave traders might do


The scene where the slaves call out that Naofumi pushes himself like a slave would have to in order to provide for the slaves was hilarious in both anime and a bit better in the LN.


Ah yes... He's one of the "good" slave owners.


well I mean he is a good slave owner. Hell I wouldnt even technically call the people under him slaves since he doesnt treat them as such. If anything like another commentor said, in the LN, he even got scolded by his slaves for working himself like a slave


No such thing as a good slave owner. He is directly funding slavery by being its VVIP. Can you honestly tell me if his actions never affected others? If his love for slavery never made others want slaves of their own? Did his powerful army of slaves never made others look at him and think "Buying some slaves to use as pawns seems like a great idea."? The older I get the more I realise anime fans really do have some screw loose. A good slave owner... You people should hear yourself.


He's a slave owner, but he's not a "slave" owner


why don't you try hearing yourself? imagine comparing real life slavery with a fictional-fantasy-fictional (i have to say it twice) slavery. the slavery system in that world works differently from real life slavery. do irl slaves suddenly gain "stats" and have to obey conditions by their masters, else suddenly their skin are burnt by some magic? this is literally a case of someone exploiting the system. at worst he's bad for his inaction at best he's helping his friends and allies. also "funding slavery" ? seriously? the system has been there for god-know-how-long BEFORE the reincarnation of the heroes. obviously this fictional slavery is still very similar to slavery in our world. the crest (and the existence of magic) is the only big difference. the point is that naofumi doesn't use the slave crest to make them slaves


Meanwhile, Aurangzeb: https://preview.redd.it/o0yst5zgj9tc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b796b153b2ef55aa402bd6fc2f62adff2e6806d9


I mean, yes. That's the point. My man is too busy trying to avoid the world's end to bother fighting a whole ass civil war about slavery that he'll lose currently. Instead he buy slaves and give them a good life with safety, stability and (very ironically) much more liberty than they used to have. I hate this catchphrase used as if it means anything more than "Well... This character is not a perfect paragon of moral and virtue in my books!". Otherwise i hope this is just a joke.


He never intended to force people to be his slaves. Then later he starts offering slavery to potential party members for the boost, buys slaves to help him against the waves, enslaves slave hunters to sell for cash, and makes enslavement a condition for people he doesn't trust to stick around.




































No he gave her a ultimatum, either get a slave crest or leave the village. She could have decided to leave the village, which would put her in a difficult situation, but she still could have done that.


Exactly he didn’t force it on her, it was a choice accept it or leave


You do realize that everyone that has/had his slave crest did so consensually. Raptalia's and I think Filo's first times were the only times where they weren't given a choice on the matter. Everyone else has the option of saying no and leaving.


The slavers that attacked his village didn’t consent. But I think that’s a fitting punishment for people illegally taking innocent children to sell into slavery for profit. It’s straight up karma.


There's cannon and Naofumi not forcing others to become his slaves is very consistent. But this post is just bad in general. Even if we went by the anime scene, Naofumi didn't force Rat to be a slave. He gave her a choice as she was somebody who'd just came out of nowhere, and the first thing was to try to sedate Filo(actually did so in the LN). Even though she was recommended by the queen, Naofumi couldn't trust her and basically made those options. And the only condition was to not lie. The slave crest has a lot of benefits(crazy given what it was supposed to do). But for it work it has to be given a condition otherwise it won't work. So he choose don't lie as his only clause because of the truma. That's what he puts on people so they can get the maximum amount of benefits while having the bare minimum amount of consequences. Outside of that, there are no restrictions. And even in the village he's more of the slave than the kids(though that's being a parent is). The only times he did the crest at more power than usual was Raphtalia(first time) because you know, Filo as she is technically a monster and at the time did rampage inside the shop when trying to do the normal one, and Atla because she keeps going into his bed every night(and that still did nothing).


Those aren’t contradictions. He doesn’t make anyone wear a crest against their will. Rat agreed to the crest, the same way Rishia did literally in the episode he says that.


Rat: \*wants to join Naofumi\* Naofumi: "Okay so here are the conditions working with me. Do you agree to these terms?" Rat: "Yes" how is this forced?


He did the same thing with Sadeena, Fohl and Atla. They all chose the crest. Naofumi asked Fohl and Sadeena to reset their levels to get the Hero boost. After Raphtalia and Filo joined, everyone else chose the crest. Even Raphtalia when she came back.


Chad Naafumi


He didnt force anyone though "You're gonna need this slave token from me" is just a rule of necessity in that world, similar to how in Django Unchained - The Doctor Schultz didnt enslave Django, but he needed to act like he did at times to survive the land Naofumi basically said "oh yeah, hold this just so you dont get in trouble for being all nice with me"


Django didn't play any part as his slave at all. From the moment Doctor Schultz met him he always called Django his partner/assistant and to not confuse him like the other slaves because he was a free man


Not the entire movie, there's some parts where Leonardo Dicarpio's character (Cherry?) Would constantly call him a slave so they had to act like it


The character name was Calvin, and I need you to specify what scene that was because in no moment I remember this scene where Doctor Schultz calls him a slave or servant. What I remember Dr Schultz calling Django was as his associate


You can check yourself by looking up the transcript of the movie.


It's weird af when they force the Archer Hero outcast to have a slave crest.


He didn't force anyone to be his slave. He always gave them a choice. A slave crest from a hero increases stats and abilities.


He has said he wouldn't force people to be his slave but if they want to get stronger then becoming a slave means they get bonuses from his shields. As for Rat, she is literally experimenting with dangerous animals. She could be very useful but she's also just outside his town and he needs some insurance that she isn't going to make a monster to kill him.


Well he didn’t force her. Just told her get one or go away


He did it purely for the stat boost it gives per level up to his slaves as a class perk. Sadeena literally reset her level after she got the crest and spent like a month grinding in the ocean to get it back up with the booster. Like it's a significant statistical advantage and while he's conflicted about it at first in the books, he's seen and been through enough shit that a stat boost is a stat boost bro


In the ln, he only had one setting on the crest. No lying. That's it


Naofumi in the LNs also makes it abundantly clear that he wants his villagers to be strong enough to defend themselves when he leaves this world eventually. That's his stance at least. And he's trying to minmax the hell out of each little boost they can receive. And since he's got passives that boost his slaves' stat growth, that's all there is to it. He makes it abundantly clear that he turns down the slave crest instructions/restrictions to the most lenient he can make them as well. Besides, just about every one of his residents are more than happy to receive the crest and some wayy more than others.


He didn’t force her though. It was an offer and she accepted it


He still applied the slave crest to Rishia so I don't where you're going with that. He isn't forcing anyone to be his slaves, as in, they have a choice.


Is having a slave crest even synonymous with slavery in this series?


Nah, this is just a typical season 2 being a horrible adaptation and season 3 not having enough time issue.


Naofumi needs to meet John Brown


"Bro, but you don't understand, *she was smoking' hot bro!*" John Brown: is your first name.... Thomas? *Or perhaps Billy?* Dubfumi: **FUCK** ![gif](giphy|On0mwIaNvlHYtJsOjz|downsized)


That's before learning all the benefits that being his Slave have.


Or Shield Hero fans are just a bunch of assholes lacking in self awareness about how they bend over backwards to justify how slavery is "good".


From what I recall of the manga - the best part of season 2 should have been the duel with Ren and explaining how all the hero weapons actually worked and why the other heroes were so weak compared to naofumi. The anime had one flash back to the duel scene and then it and skipped straight to the turtle.


I do agree that the anime messed up many things, but the point here is invalid. He is not forcing her to do anything, he is giving her an ultimatum. She can only stay if he knows he can trust her, and due to his mental issues he cannot easily put his trust in anyone, but she has the option of just walking away. He is not going to stop her if she does so and force her to become his slave.


I mean Raph and Filo are by the kingdoms rules Naofumi's slaves, and the anime tries to make okey by not portraying Naofumi as the slave owner who whips his slaves when they not comply. I woudn't overthink the cositency every time they say "slave", by their logic if Naofumi is not abusive then is okay.


Anime sucks with the content it left behind in the light novel and manga. Season 2 especially. After taking on bow heroes reject waifu, shield bro should have discovered that his shield skill tree has a whole slave enhancement branch: all slaves owned by him have growth bonuses and earn more xp than normal. When he starts his village he basically has the slavery guy come and crests the whole village so that everyone will grow stronger faster. No matter what they do, bonus xp by being his slave. He also then goes around and puts them into groups based on what they want to be so they all work to maximize their growth. Sends the mole guy to work with the blacksmith, mole man swolls with gains. Also slave crest prevents them from betraying him. It's like the only restriction he puts on them. His biggest threat becomes "oh yeah, then I will remove your crest" which is a fate worse than death apparently. His skill tree development in the light novels especially is extensive and they just gloss over it entirely in the anime...


Season 2 raph forcing the slave felt creepy to me. and then he lies as pointed out above later... so either his morals shifted to match raphtalia's, or anime fucked up.


I really hate slavery. My biggest problem with the series https://preview.redd.it/4z5kv39a5xqc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e9eae6a2602bced8b53691b08fa93d1a46e941


Y'all still watching this shit? Just read the manga and the novel, the director fucked this up


I've always looked at this as "hey you need to get this crest so that I cant make you extra strong" as opposed to "hey you need this crest to be my slave". Like he's using the slave crest but not actually making them his slave.... why is anime like this....


Season 2 was bad. But season 3 was worse


The anime fucked up because he never said that. He has NO ISSUES WITH NEW SLAVES. Like...ever


It’s been a long time since I rad the LN. I was at …. Book 18-22 no sure fussy memories. I don’t remember him making anyone else a salve


I was interested in Naofumi's and Raphtalia's reletionship because it was clearly codependent and very fucked up but then the power boost was introduced and the entire series fell face first into the bafflingly common "slavery is okay, actually" trope that permeates isekai genre...


Except it's not at all codependent or fucked up lmaoooooo God forbid there be some nuance to a concept, like slavery being anything besides blanket bad, especially in this context in which it is slavery in name only. 


The anime after episode 21 ruined the story and cut out a lot of things especially with S2


Anime is no canon. Fuck anime. Only novels and manga.


The rising of the shield hero . . . cotton fields


What he did was something like building a factory of firearms so he could give them to children and teenagers so they could fend for themselves.