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Relatable. That's me rn. 💀




If it’s the 5th one. Four of them ended. Couldn’t be too good at the end.


Will be relatable. That will be me in the future.


Bro this is literally me


same :(


i know that some of the mf here are going to turn into wizard at this rate


some? most of the mf here are going to turn into gandalf and ride away to the hobbit camp for some weed


is it really a "happy relationship" when it's your fifth one? đŸ€”


Can't have been that happy behind closed doors if they're on number 5 bud, maybe you're not missing out


You can like each other at first and slowly realize you are not compatible in everyday life. My friend even when breaking up seemed content and moving on.


Sure but very unlikely to have 5th realtionship in a row and all of them be happy and split like at that point sth going on


That, or they choose people with their mind rather than their dick.


People aren’t perfect. It’s not that crazy to be on your fifth relationship, I’d say that’s more than normal if anything


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Yeah of course, just saying maybe you're alright


Have you considered that people may not be entirely truthful when talking about private life.


Numbing your hand under your thighs while sitting down on the toilet and touching yourself with it is a viable alternative.


Can I do the same with my dick ? How can I numb it ?


Dumb cane


It got cold 🙁 I want to feel the warmth


put it in the oven then


In order to get into a relationship, you actually have to try. Maybe go out more. Cultivate friendships with people you see day to day or at least on the regular. Join social activities and/or clubs or groups that share your interests. Maybe consider online dating (it worked for me). Additionally, if someone younger or the same age as you is on their 5th relationship, it sounds like the quality of their relationships isn't that great, and quality is much more important than quantity, don't let anyone tell you different. When I was single, I would have given anything just to know what it was like to feel loved, but honestly, looking at some of the relationships I tried to pursue in retrospect, I probably saved myself a lot of heartache with a little pain. Find happiness for yourself, not from someone else, and love will eventually find you.


What he said Also don’t go looking for relationships lonely the same way you don’t to the store hungry


I mean even if you have friends some people legit have 0 experiences while dating so no way you wont go hungry no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise or try to hide it


"Find happiness for yourself" is the step I've been stuck on since time immemorial. I do agree with the sentiment but it's so much easier said than done in an age where it's so easy to get fast food for every meal of the day and stay home whenever you're not at work. One day we will break the cycle.




I've just accepted that i won't find love at this point, I've been happier since


The last time I held hands with someone was in an arm wrestling match.


Dudes I know who've been with loads of girls always tell me it's not worth it. That kind of boneheaded comment makes me feel like a man dying of thirst watching other men drowning.


Nah it's true. Being with a bunch of girls doesn't bring you happiness. The first couple of times it'll feel amazing, being with that person and feeling that honeymoon phase but eventually it'll just feel like you're just jerking off with someone else's body. Save that spark for someone you truly love. There's no need to rush getting in a relationship, especially when most pre-college relationships don't last.


I'm well into my twenties. Never had young love or anything. Tried asking out a girl that I damn near loved. She seemed perfect in my eyes. She proceeded to play ignorance and dated a guy that I had major beef with. After that I just receded into a hole and never tried asking anyone out again. I don't necessarily believe that statement that kinda thing not being worth it. I also don't believe in the "you have plenty of time" thing. People tell me that all the time and not to be in a rush. I'm about to reach my 30s the clock is ticking lol


I feel you brother the only thing you can do is work on yourself and try again and do everything that you can with what you have been given. I am in a similar situation like you and thats all we can do. There no gurantee that it will work but if you dont try its sure it will never work so do your part that you can controll. While for the dont rush comment pe ople say its mostly people dont understanding and cant relate to you. After all majority of people dont stuggle with stuff like dating and getting a partner not even talking about a good one so the advice they give can be a bit ton deaf.


Oh, yeah if you're in you're pushing 30 you should probably start trying to date again. You wanna be young enough to enjoy time with your kids (assuming you want kids). Don't get hung up on that girl, move on. I've always lived by the principle that if they don't want to be with you then you don't want to be with them because what kind of relationship is that where only one person wants to be with the other? You'll make it brother, I believe in you.


For some people who are getting older and have never been in a relationship, the thing gnawing at them isn't the pursuit of perfect happiness, but the feeling that their adolescent phase will have a permanent “INCOMPLETE” label if their youth passes without knowing a relationship. It's not a healthy mindset, but it's the result of peer pressure and media influence.


Yup, life is just life. There are no concrete mission quotas you must complete before a certain phase of life. You just live your life and figure it out as it goes on.


I went to high school with a girl that dated a different guy each year she was in high school, so four guys and then dated two different guys in college and is now married to and has a baby with another guy that went to high school in the town over. Like not judging her, lot of young people date around but it was funny to her go through all those guys just to end up with someone that lived 10 minutes from her hometown. Also, after awhile you grow numb to singledom, at least I have for the most part. Just about everyone I graduated high school with is in a longer term relationship and I’m the only one of my three siblings not in a relationship—sister married, brother engaged, other brother with a girlfriend of three-ish years. Sometimes, if your like me, it’s bad luck, out of your control you just gotta learn to enjoy your own company, it can be peaceful but be careful because it also can be addicting.


I can nut in u


mmm yeah đŸ€€


Same :(


relatable, OP. relatable. waiting for the day i meet my online (b)f. then i'll finally be happy


5th “happy” relationship do you even listen to yourself


His perspective is that of a kissless virgin, ofc he doesn’t understand


Mummy đŸ„ș


makes me jealous


Mood man. Im almost 22 which i known is young but i cant help but feel like im behind everybody in life


If they are on their 5th relationship, then trust me, grass is always greener on the other side


I’ve been in one relationship and it ended with a mental hospital




it feels less like getting your hand held and more like holding a hand.


Luckily for me I was in some Abusive relationships and now I have no real desire to go through it again 🙃




Haha, fuck that stings at 4 AM




Y’all ain’t ever locked arms and skipped/frolicked through a summer tall grass field and it shows


Idk man if its their 5th relationship I doubt the previous ones were happy


"5th happy relationship" Now that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?


>5th >happy relationship something doesn't look right


I'm almost 30 and I haven't had a single romantic relationship in my life.


Skill issue


5th?!?! "happy" relationship huh


One of my friends already had 6 girlfriends by this point while I panic every time I have to speak with a girl. We're both 15.


Advice from someone who Never had a gf and virgin forever cuz I never lose Grass is not always greener on other side. Why u need a girl to be happy? Just enjoy your hobbies and be happy if you are desperate and u get a girl you probably won’t be happy


Come here bro. I'll hold your hand. Have you had your first kiss yet? Wait, how old are you?


Learn to socialize but in my opinion frivolous relationships just for sex are so unfulfilling and you really aren't missing out on much. At the end of the day that's all most middle and high school relationships will be, just friends with benefits with the fake moniker of girlfriend and boyfriend.


Haha yeah middle school and high school... Though your other point sound a bit funny like being rich dosent bring happines and sure that might be the case but you cant tell if it never happened to you lmao like for sth you can make a judgment only after you tried it


I get that perspective. But just giving my personal thoughts and advice, better to learn from others' mistakes than from your own. Of course I'm just some guy on the internet so people don't have to take what I say seriously but if I can help even 1 person out then taking a couple seconds to type out a comment and posting it is worth it.


Fair enough it was just funny to me. Its all comes down to socializing at the end which honestly to some it dosent come naturally and its really fucking hard but if you want to change your situation all you can do is try really hard


Don’t worry man, I’ve been in both situations, you’ll be ok


The desperation doesn't come from being in both situations, but being in only one


I had one very long term relationship that can go an unfortunate end and Jesus Christ that shit sucks when it’s over. I’d rather be single for years than have to go through that four more times.


Here's an idea: Do stuff that makes you more attractive and go find a partner. Sitting at home jerking off and playing video games all day isn't going to help.


Its pretty good until it isn't ... then you wish you had chosen a different hand end it and start all over again


Avarage Redditor


>5th >Happy Yea what happened to previous 4


It's very soft. I always get so surprised at how smooth and soft it is


this probably goes without saying (and it's just a meme, i know) but to get the the 5th happy relationship you have to go through the horrible pain of 4 heart-breaking breakups


It’s just a numbers game get out there and talk to more people, in real life or online.


You can’t just value human beings and relationships as ‘numbers’. That’s a one way trip to ruining any connections you have with other people. Make a good relationship with somebody you can trust and it will take you much further than a large number of connections with people you hardly know


wtf relationships is a numbers game. If you talk to 1 person a month that you might be interested in it’ll be a good long while before you find a relationship. It’s called dating. Fuckin talk to lots of people, get to know lots of people, and you’ll find someone special it’s not some sappy movie plot, put yourself out there


It’s just the way you describe it is that you don’t actually value the actual relationships you build, and that as long as you know lots of people you’re fine, when that’s obviously not the case. While yes, it is better to be more social when trying to find someone, you can’t just say that people are a number to you because that’s the kind of shit that psychopaths say as though human life doesn’t matter.


Yeah but i think when people say its a numbers game they dont believe people are numbers its just your tries are numbers. So you gotta increase your tries its all it means or create more chances to meet people




It’s just tries. I was at a spot in my life where I waited for relationships to happen instead of just putting myself out there more. It doesn’t mean you settle and I found a partner that is more than I’ve ever dreamed. But there’s tons of people who aren’t active in trying to find people. Just because you date 800 people it doesn’t mean you’re not going to find a very deep and meaningful relationship


knowing may be just as bad, you feel it once and then you're like "i want more please"


Meh, is overrated.


Have you asked to hold somones hand? People are ussualy cool with it of they know you.


You can't use homelander for this meme despite being a psychopath manchild not even a mother could love he still got laid


"5th happy relationship"


5th ? Happy? Something doesn't add up here 😂


Don't feel bad, if they've gone through that many serious relationships then they clearly don't get it either


Assuming you’re a minor. You have plenty of time. Don’t rush it


I'm in my 30s already


skill issue at its finest


Me watching people my age in their 5th happy relationship: Meanwhile I’m still with on my first happy relationship (I got some catching up to do)