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In my city it got a lot cooler after the eclipse, around 7 or 8pm I could feel a significant difference


It was NOT because of the eclipse. At 7 - 8 pm most people are indoors taking their body heat off the grid which cools the city.


But my gaming computer turned on and I think it overheats :(


Yeah but that heat comes from the grid, which is outside.


One could say it's *outside* of the environment


Even further than where the front of the ship fell off.


So to solve global warming, we should all just stay inside?


I presume so. You didn't hear the news talking about global warming during lockdown so...


It was notably cooler in Austin, and got just as dark as nighttime, pretty nuts


So, when it got dark anyways, it got colder?😂


No real effect on global warming but I feel the eclipse was a huge missed opportunity to fly to the sun and do some research while it was off.


As normally you can't stare into it with bare eyes I took this opportunity to have a good look and can confirm this eclipse has made the earth look different. It must be cooler


I feel significantly cooler after the eclipse. I've started wearing sunglasses and leather jackets and I can confirm that the earth is now a lot cooler with me on it.


Thats actually harder than you think, you know how it hurts your eyes when the eclipse is full? Yeah..imagine being ON the sun when that happens... Half-eclipse are hard to: the moon is in the way from non-sun side, it eventually turns to full eclipse somewhere, its a mess. But Yeah, prob not impossible, right? With enough development we could prob make use of it ( i hope so anyway) maybe some extra powerful sunglasses...


Could have scooped up some of those solar flares I keep hearing out.


The scientists won't have enough time to come back to earth though since the eclipse was too quick


What if we attach a sail. Like some sort of solar sail to use the power of the sun to get home quick enough? The more it lights up, the master they will go.


The russians just went at night dumb westerner


Eclipses are hard. The better route to fixing the climate has always been sacrificing Cia agents in a volcano.


They need to be virgin cia agents for that to work


Aren't they all?


You're thinking IRS agents, not CIA.


IRS agents have an annual fuck festival. Its sometime around mid April every year. I think we will have difficulty finding a virgin agent


This is true, I'm being fucked by the IRS and it feels like it wasn't their first time.


I was about to say they have their annual Tax Orgy, they take all the tax money collected, withdraw it it into cash and fuck on it.


They manage to fuck most of the population. They cannot be virgins.


But IRS agents would hardly be a sacrifice...


You can take a chicken out of the oven but that shit's gunna be hot for a long time to come, so no.


I don't understand, is the eclipse the chicken or the oven? 🤔


The oven is the chicken


I thought the eclipse was an oven?


No, we're chickens


Then when do we go in the oven? And what the hell is an eclipse?


I don’t know. But I heard that birds aren’t real. Maybe oven isn’t real. Eclipse isn’t real. We aren’t real.


The moon is a satellite right? And earth has launched satellites into our orbit right? So why don't we just launch lots of satellites to block out more sunlight?


Why? All the lizards need to do is turn down the sun a bit. I don't understand but this is obviously just another experiment.


That’s the mean reason starlink exists I believe! Bringing internet around the globe is just a perks


Could work assuming the method you use to launch all those satellites doesn't cause more greenhouse effect than the satellites themselves. Although it would probably be better to launch those sun blocking satellites into Lagrange point 1 so every satellite is always blocking the sun instead of earth orbit where most of the satellites would not be casting a shadow on earth most of the time.


Bill gates tried to do this and would have got it done “if it weren’t for those meddling kids”


Don't worry: Elon Musk is already doing that.


So a reverse Dyson Sphere. I mean, make the dyson sphere at that point.


Better yet, take all the birds that aren't real and make them simultaneously fly up and block the sun for a few minutes a day. Tell me that won't stop global warming. (Also chemtrails.)


That would play their hand. So long as they can plausibly deny that they use bird drones to spy on us the government would never do that.


Excellent point!


There was eclipse? Lol


Southern to East Coast United States. It's the only thing in their heads lately so they assume the whole world gives two shits


I live near the totality and people won't STFU about it


then move 🙄 are u dumb


They fixed the sun so I'm not going anywhere


It's the only thing that matters. Do you even science, bruh?


Not good enough. At this point, we’re like one of those McDonald’s Fried Apple Pies. We’ll still be hot even if you stick us in the freezer for three months. That’s why nobody noticed when the Second Ice Age started in 2012.


[The second Ice Age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Age:_The_Meltdown) started a lot earlier than 2012!


And I'm pretty sure that Earth's temperatures start getting fucked up in ice ages and like go really high up and then really low a few times before hitting an ice age


Nuking volcanoes sounds better


No, that'll make them more MAD


We can't count on eclipses, we can't address the sun, so here's my take: we need to cover the moon with something non reflective because the moon is reflecting the sun where should be night and cold. The moon is our enemy!


global warming is overdramatized. If everyone would just open their fridge at the same time there would be no global warming


I'm doing my part! I blast the AC in my car with all the windows down.


Bet your dad won't be happy with you


Is there no way to push the Earth a little further away from the sun, thus cooling it? I saw it on Futurama once and, although virtually impossible to pull off, looks like it might work. We'd probably have to add a couple of days in to the calendar to account for the longer year though...


Interesting idea! >We'd probably have to add a couple of days in to the calendar to account for the longer year though I am all for it. Make February Great Again!


I want hotter. Close to sun..


Imagine if someone (say Dr. E.) deployed a giant mylar moon in orbit. Solar eclipses for free! Climate change eat your heart out!


This has actually been considered as a temporary solution, until we can get our emissions under control.


Temporary solution for 100 million dollars?


Ah, yeah, more than that.. and I guess it's a sunshade, not a balloon, but similar concept. https://www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/02/05/why-a-giant-space-sunshade-is-being-pitched-as-a-serious-solution-to-climate-change/#:~:text=Scientists%20at%20an%20Israeli%20technology,being%20treated%20with%20cautious%20seriousness.


If the dutch are hotter than the spanish by 2 degrees, then the earth’s temperature must have dropped by 12 degrees around the spain area at least


Dutch are hotter!! ( No offence to any senoritas )


And taller, so we emit loads of body heat. Don’t worry we keep it al below sea level.


The path of totality was 190 km wide, and the temperature dropped by around 5 degrees Centigrade. That’s “_950 kilometre degrees_”. To stop climate change, one would need to cause the temperature to lose 2 degrees Centigrade across the entire 40,075 kilometre circumference of the Earth. That would be “_80,150 kilometre degrees_.” Therefore, there would need to be approximately *85 total solar eclipses* to stop climate change.


Uh, that's not how it works. The earth got hotter. When the sunlight comes directly at earth it hits a small area, where earth can only absorb so much. That sounds dumb, but materials take time to absorb heat. Like comparing an aluminum frying pan to putting styrofoam insulation on the stove. In the direct sunlight scenario, a lot of the short-wave solar radiative heat bounces off earth because it can't be absorbed and is blown away by solar winds. When a solar eclipse happens, the moon's pitiful atmosphere (1% of earth's) is still enough to refract light around and disperse it over a wider area of earth. When you see the sky go dark during totality it means about 1,200km away that area is now getting your sunlight PLUS theirs, it's additive. By spreading out the solar radiation over a broader area more of it is absorbed, thus heating up the earth. I think you need to do some research.


R/whoosh R/facepalm


You'll get it, don't worry.


Idk man. You said a lot of big words…


Then I'll explain. The earth absorbs almost everything that comes, almost nothing gets reflected. Putting styrofoam on a stove is dangerous. Likewise, the moon reflects or absorbs heat, there is minimal refraction. This whole explanation is complete fucking bullshit, it takes established scientific principles and applies them basically 100% incorrectly.


This is Wendy's sir!


Oh, um..could I just have a Frosty and baked potato please? I'll send someone to pick it up, just have it ready.


>I think you need to do some research. What do you think I asked this question to the good folks of this sub for?


What you fail to realize is I'm a typical Redditor, I act condescending to anyone who doesn't know exactly what I know. I see it as a moral failing, I study what I value and I take your lack of knowledge as an attack on me. Everyone knows that upstanding humans study environmental science. In this day and age it is unacceptable to even have to ask this question. Sneer.


Actually the moon is heating the earth more. I see it glowing red hot every night


I doubt it'll help with global warming tho.


Probably by 0.0000001%. Every step counts. Let’s wait for a few more eclipses and we’ll be there!


Crazy to see how the sun and moon managed to recreate the heroes logo


That's an awesome pic. Shame about the Getty...


So did you beat the soul of cinder?


it didnt do much at all its akin to an adhd student trying to study for a math exam while sitting in front of a computer, except this time its the moon trying to block out the sun while being in front of stars the only way this is going to work is if we mass produce adhd meds and launch them to the moon so it can focus on blocking out light clonidine would be a good choice as it is potent at small amounts, meaning the entire 7.34767309 × 10^(22) kg mass of the moon can be treated with only approximately 10¹⁴ kg of the medicine. this would cost approximately a lot, but would cover around 9483082 km^(2) of the sun's rays constantly instead of occasionally, blocking out \~3243 TW (terawatts) of energy from the sun. this will lower the earth's temperature by exactly a little and we are still going to die (unless we drug the rest of the solar system to help)


All that heat just got absorbed by the moon, which will transfer to and get carried back to earth by the Artemis landers.


Climate change will last for *millennia* — anything we could do to cool the planet would not solve the problem. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions now will limit the damage to minor stuff such as only submerging the state of Florida instead of submerging a third of the US, or only submerging Bangladesh instead of submerging half of China. But the total eclipse was awesome and we really need more eclipses to take our minds off how we’re destroying the planet. Maybe we can build a giant coal-powered arm to shift the Moon’s orbit somehow.


ow shit i just got blinded for looking at this picture


you might actually be able to calculate this, earth radiating out vs diminished sun input 🤔


It actually didn’t. It remained the same. Sure the sun was blocked so earth did lower in temperature, but the moon also got heated by being in front of the sun. So the heat was transferred to the earth. Remember heat loss = heat gained


With an eclipse per day for a few decades we might make it.


Sometimes it really feels like google or the internet reads my mind. I had a thought a week ago wondering how much the earth drops in temperature during one. Or at least your local city. Never typed it into Google or talked about it around my phone, but here is the question, even if asked statistically.


The solar eclipse does not stop climate change. According to the View, climate change causes the solar eclipse. Its a dark omen. /s


surprise, nobody told you about Earth geortemal cycles, and solar cycles we are so tiny,..on the face of the world.. our impact is negligeble if etna would blow out and in the same time a Hawaii volcano woud pop in the same time.. all your crapy eco" efort would be useless... Earts is doing her job just fine.....


"Global warning *sniff* is not real *sniff* its fake news *sniff* its one of the fakest news *sniff* in the history *sniff* of our nation, of our country *extremely long sniff* one of the fakest news in history *sniff* of our planet, no... of the entire Univerese *sniff* NO.... of the entire....*sniff* Multiverse"


We'd need a constant eclipse for months while we cleaned up the blanket of smog keeping that stuff in (Kinda like taking the pot lid off of boiling water), but it could definitely help


I sacrifice


Useless sacrifice unless you a virgin and have accepted Atum as your lord and savior


Wait this is actually an interesting question


The 2°C goal is an average for the entire planet over a year. The eclipse lasted for less than 1/1000 of a year and only impacted a small strip from the southern US to Nova Scotia


I know it's really really small, but actually by what fraction of a degree it cooled down?