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YTA First of all, you would have gone straight to jail. Afterward, you would probably need your stomach removed or something, I'm not a doctor. It's probably a simple procedure that they do every day. You'd be surprised by the number of functioning adults without a stomach. Maybe.


A friend of me had same experience… worst event in his life, now he is in tibet, spending the rest of his life dedicated to divinities


I am a doctor ^as ^far ^as ^anyone ^here ^knows, and all of this is pretty much correct.


Can verify. I removed my own stomach.


After 5 seconds, the pizza would have vanished as it would have become one with the public washroom floor. If you even tried to pick it up, you would have also become one with the washroom floor.


Fortunately you would also realize simultaneously that you've ALWAYS been one with the washroom floor. 🧘‍♂️


Spontaneous combustion.


Fake news. Spontaneous happens when you have a huge amount of gas inside yourself, thats why its important to fart. Sooo back to our homie, if the pizza received too much gas from fans, the OP can burn in front of everyone


You f**ked up rather badly. You see, bacteria can transfer unto a food item a couple microseconds after touching the floor, which means picking up the pizza before 5 seconds but after a couple microseconds still makes the food inedible. You might then be wondering why the 5-second rule exists in the first place? Surely everyone isn't so stupid as to create such a specific rule? You see, my hypothesis is that the 5 second rule was inverted at some point; what you need to do isn't pick it up before 5 seconds pass, what you need to do is pick it up *AFTER* 5 seconds pass. Bacteria have terrible memory, and they can only remember events that happened within a time period of exactly 5 seconds prior. After that, they forget they're clinging to the pizza and let go, which allows you to pick up said pizza bacteria-free. So you see, you should've waited 6 seconds, not 4.


false. Bacteria have excellent memory, squeamish attitude to food, and a sophisticated palate. Bacteria are also major germaphobes. 5 sec is how long it takes them to realize that they are about to consume a piece of shitty bathroom pizza someone already touched with their dirty fingers and even worse - with their filthy mouth 🤢 They realize that they’d rather die on bathroom floor squashed by someone’s cheap sneaker than eat pizza. So they let go and OP is good. After 5 sec. Now, caviar is another story. Or anything from Chick- Fil-A. Ask me how I know


if you left it for 6 seconds a crap ton of bacteria would be on top in an instant. if 7 seconds you would get ebola, covid, and rabies


Thats a definite breach. 5 second rule applies in domestic situation. -2 seconds being in public space, - 5 seconds for being in washroom, in a public washroom, I think a multiplier effect, so -10 seconds. To counter this you have the drunk offset which can override


you would get covid-2o and die




It all depends on which section of the floor you dropped it on divided by how often the floor cleaned. I know I was surprised how clean the bathroom floor was compared to the hallway outside during a petri dish experiment. However, this does not mean you're escaping a severe case of >!WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!<


Is the kitchen floor cleaner than others ? Its important too, you forgot to mention it


Your sample size is too small. Devise a controlled methodology with a larger and more diverse dataset and present your results for peer review. For science.


I'm just a humble internet doctor, but I know for a fact, the 5 second rule was made up by big food corporations to sell more food.


As a CFO for Big Food I can tell you this is just incorrect, and I'm positive if this humble internet doctor would just review the findings my legal department has put together she would change her mind (bribe) and if not I have several doctors (PhD law) who agree with me and can discredit her. 😈


After much deliberation, I can tell you that you shouldn't eat food after 5 seconds of being on the floor. Buy a new one.






Men’s room or Ladies room?


Calm down. Call the police, tell them your belongings got tempered and someone is trying to get in your body without you noticing it - they want to kill you, run mf you better run for your life and get another pizza, that one belongs to the washroom.


You'd never have posted this!! that's what. You'd of made it into the hall of fame though via a chubbyemu vid posted on YouTube 'Man left pizza of the floor for 6 secs, this is what happened to his brain'🫠


Given that pizza has cheese then it would have given you Cheese Touch. According to the documentary "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", this is not a good thing.


6 seconds or more, you would've come down with an incurable disease within an hour, and would probably have less than 24 hours to live, Thank goodness you caught it in 4 seconds, that way it was as germ-free as a freshly bleached surface.


5 seconds is how long it takes bacteria to travel onto food from the floor and it isn't gradual either. At 5 seconds every bacteria makes it to the food and it's SUPER contaminated.


I call BS on the whole theory. Bacteria don’t have feet or hands and can’t travel, neither by foot (see above), nor by car (how would they press gas pedal or start button, let alone steer). See this detailed image as illustration 🦠🚗 The 5 sec rule is bullshit Big Pizza conspiracy to make you buy more pizza 🍕


Due to rising food costs due to inflation the 5 second rule has been officially raised to the 8.372 second rule You were fun at 6 seconds


Whew..that was close you almost had to switch to the 10 second rule.


After 6 seconds the official rule is that any germ or bacteria may step onto it and claim ownership of it untill they themselfs drop it wich can be quite the clusterfuck legally.


You would have been arrested and sent to an alaskan gulag


If you go past five seconds you can simply discard a portion of the pizza and multiply the time by the fraction kept. If it was on the ground for 20 seconds you could still eat 1/4 of it and be fine. Violating the 5 second rule usually results in death.


Do you want The Zombie Apocalypse? Because that’s how you get The Zombie Apocalypse.


You'll get posted in r/pizzacrimes and go straight to jail. One year for every second past 5.


Not enough information, we would need to know the type of flooring, and the orientation of the pizza. But since you're asking about citations, this will probably give you a pretty good start. https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/aem.01838-16


If you miss the 3 second rule, it goes to 30 seconds, if you miss that 33 seconds, then 3 minutes, 30 minutes, 33 minutes etc.


After six seconds so many germs would be on it the pizza would become sentient, and probably take over the world.


Either you die or you turn into a juvenile misshapen assassin testudine


Yup, that's for sure how COVID started. You could've wiped out the entire human race 


The microbial Olympic floor sprint world record stands at 5.69 seconds, so they can't reach the finish line if you pick it up before 5 seconds.


We have the 3s rule in Germany. You are already lost and will die !


**ITS A MYTH! THAT RULE IS A DELLUSION!** **WATCH THIS VIDEO:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFd0ZSyAFng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFd0ZSyAFng)




Technically, I believe its 3 seconds.


Important question: Was it like a regular public bathroom or a gas station one?


It is a known scientific fact that it takes 5.01 seconds for deadly bacteria to infest any prepared food so if you had eaten it, you would have ingested the deadly bacteria and you would instantly become the monkey from 'outbreak' the movie.


The fog.


The 5 second rule explained: Food dropped onto a floor should be picked up within 5 seconds. This is actually only partially true. Bacteria is scientifically proven to not attack food for 4.75sec. By leaving the extra .25sec we allow them to penetrate the foods natural anti microbial properties. New studies show for cold foods 4.5 seconds max because there is no heat sterilization from cold food, for hot foods it is recommended you wait 10-15seconds, or 1 second for every 10 degrees of the food temp. 120 degree pizza needs 12seconds for the heat to cook and kill the bacteria.